Hey out there, this is my second fic about ranma so be bare with me. This story is Ranma/ FF8 crossover.

First thing first, I don't own Ranma ½ and I don't own Final Fantasy 8.

The characters may become OOC.

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"Talking" 'Thinking' (Action)

Seed: Ranma

Chapter 1

Everyone is sitting around the table eating breakfast. Ranma and Genma are having their usual dual over the last pickle. Nabiki is reviewing for the test. Kasumi was cleaning up leftover breakfast.

Genma (after losing the pickle): "what are your plan for today, boy?"

Ranma glared at his father, never in his life did his father called him son, its was always boy.

Ranma (looking away and look at the outside): "I dunno, thought I might work out a little then maybe go over to Ucchans for lunch."

Akane: "Ranma, I was going to make lunch today."

Ranma: "That is why I am going to Ucchans"

Akane (getting angry): "Are you saying you don't like my cooking?"

Ranma (taunting): "I am just saying that I rather eat a decent food, not some nuclear waste"

Akane (blind rage): "RANMA NO BAKA"

Akane's mallet flashed into existence, impacted Ranma just under the chin, and sent him flying out the door into outside wall.

Ranma (while flying): 'damn that uncute tomboy, I wish that I had a new life where somebody needs me, a new start'

Just before the Ranma hit the wall, a silver blue hole appeared in his way and disappeared into it.

Everybody was silent from what happened for what happened, and then they began to panic. All have the same thought.

Everybody: "RANMA"

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Out in the open a silver blue portal suddenly appeared, then a body is thrown out. Landing roughly on the ground.

Ranma (getting up): "OW, why do you have to hit hard you uncute tomboy?"

Ranma waited for the usual reply, no come. Then Ranma opened his eyes. What he saw shocked him. He was on the sand behind him was shore. In front of him was a landscape which look like a beach in the far was a house; on his left was a lighthouse. After a few moments, Ranma shook himself and tried to call for someone.


Ranma then tried to stand only to surprised that he felt strange most like younger, he looked at him self and just stood there, not believing what happened to him, he become an 7 year old boy.

A wave had come at him making wet, he waited for the change but none came, he looked at himself he found he still a boy. At that moment he felt happy because he no longer change to a female. After a while, he came to his senses.

Ranma: ' ok, come down. First thing first, where am I?'

Then Ranma heard a sobbing, he followed the sound until he came to its source. A boy; whose age as him; wearing a white T-shirt and a dark black green jean.

Ranma: " Why are you crying?"

The boy looked at who asked him, he saw a boy like him wearing a red Chinese shirt, black pants, and his hear end it in ponytail.

Boy: "who are you?"

Ranma: " Ranma Saotome, and you?"

Squall (hesitated): "m.my name is Squall, Squall Leonhart"

Ranma (smiling): "nice name"

Squall (smiling): " thanks"

Ranma (curious): " why are crying"

Squall (looking down): " my sis is gone, I have no body. I don't want to be alone"

Squall began to sob. Ranma felt sorry for him, he too felt alone even during the training trip with his father. Ranma then decided he'll be there for Squall, may he will accept him as a friend. Then he notice Squall is crying.

Ranma: " Hey, stop crying. Men aint suppose to cry, do you want your sis to see crying?"

Squall (looking at Ranma): " no, but do I do?"

Ranma: " be strong, so when your sister come back you make her strong"

Squall: " how do I become strong?"

Ranma smiled, but before he about to answer, his stomach grumbled. He became embarrassed.

Ranma: " hee heh, sorry guess I am hungry. Do you know a place to eat, um better yet where am I?"

Squall (laughing): " you don't know where are we? We are at the orphanage, there are kids like us but I have no friends, no body even notice me except sis and Matron."

Ranma: " wanna to be friends"

Squall (surprised): " Huh?"

Ranma (smiling): " wanna be friends?"

Squall was surprised. Nobody ever wanted to be friends with him, he was the first person who wanted be with him.

Squall (nodded but began to cry): "yeah"

Ranma (smiling and reaching his hand to Squall): " we are friends, now and forever."

Squall smiled. He accepted his hand and got of the ground.

Ranma: " okay, now lets go"

Squall nodded and led Ranma toward the house.

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Author's Note: so how was it, I know that squall is a bet OOC, but I played the game I know that squall is loner, it is the same as the game but the difference is Ranma is the only friend he has.

Ok now I want to know from you should I continue as the game story goes or should I skip toward the ending and have flashback.

That is the first thing now I want to know whom I pair Ranma with and you vote and I will not change the pairing of the game so here are they: VOTE PLZ

Quistis Selphie Fujin