Author Notes: Many thanks to my reviewers Frosty-freeze, MissM, Jessica, Romy, Alex, and Riska. Your reviews are very much appreciated!

Chapter 5, Surprises:

Now Geunevere is the one whose face turns white and her mouth is hanging open.

"What?" Geunevere and I say at the same time.

The children, who had been off playing, were now all gathered around us. They

obviously must have heard Maria's exclamation. They all look confused, and Brigitta

looks as if she wants to ask a question, but they all keep quiet, waiting for Maria to

go on.

At this point, little Johannes starts to cry. Maria picks him up, and begins telling her

story as she rocks Johannes back to sleep.

Maria explains, "when I was little, my aunt and uncle used to tell me that I had a

sister. They told me told me that perhaps someday I would be able to find her and

meet her. I was told one way I could be sure it was my sister was from a special

necklace she had. It was her mothers and left to her when my father gave her to

some of my other relatives. My father had one made exactly like it for him, and it

was left to me in his will. " Maria said, taking a deep breath. She took off the

necklace she was wearing and showed it to Geunevere. "When I saw that you had

the exactly same necklace on that I have, I knew that you were my sister!"

By now, tears were running down both Maria and Genevieve's cheeks, and they were

hugging each other.

Kurt asks "can we eat now?"

At this, everyone laughs.

Liesl suggests, "why don't we all go to the lake first and then eat?"

We decided to do just that.

One by one, everyone grabs their bathing suit and heads for somewhere to change.

Liesl and Rolfe decided to stay behind and watching the little ones. Geunievere and

Maria also decided to stay behind so they could get caught up with all that had

happened these many years. After changing, I give Geunevere a goodbye kiss on the

lips, and head over to the lake with everyone else.

As I get into the water, I am surprised to find that it is warm. I ask Brigitta, who

always seems to know the answer to everything, "why do you think the water is so

warm today?

She replies, "It must have been so warm today that the sun has warmed up the


Kurt, who had snuck up behind us, then splashes her with water. Brigitta, surprised

at first, quickly splashed Kurt back. A water fight is soon in full blast, everyone

splashing each other, laughing, and having an enormous amount of fun. Perhaps--

I am cut off by being dunked into the water from behind. I surface and see Georg

standing there with an impish grin on his face. I reply by dunking him in return. (I

dunno, I kind of see them as old pals, and them playing around. I like the idea of

Georg dunking Max, and Max getting revenge. Hehe = D )

Our fun is interrupted by Liesl saying, "Dinner is ready!"

Everyone exits the water slowly, reluctant to leave the cool water. The children lag

behind Georg and I, splashing each other as we get out of the water.

After dinner, we head home. I grab the dinner basket, much lighter now, and

everyone gets something to carry.

Maria and Geunevere lead our little procession, and Georg and I bring up the rear.

As we near the bottom, I suddenly dash forward to Geunevere's side. Her face has turned pale and she

looks as if she were about to faint. Maria is supporting her as I come to Geunevere's side.

"What is it, Geunevere?" I quickly ask, deeply concerned.

She smiles and replies, "oh, nothing. I just got a little dizzy there for a second."

Maria, smiling knowingly, is no longer supporting Geunevere and the color has returned to her cheeks.

I ask Maria, "is there something I should know?"

Her smile widens to a grin as she says, "oh, nothing," and whispers something in Geunevere's ear.

Whatever Maria said has obviously made Geunevere very happy, for now she is grinning too.

"What's the secret?" I reply.

The children, who have gathered around us quietly, are now all asking the same

question. (Oh, but they have to be if they want to be included in the story. = D lol!)

Maria looks at Geunevere to see if it is all right to tell them. Geunevere nods in


"Well, Max, you are going to be a father!"

* ~ * TSOM * ~ *

Author Notes: the 'real' Maria didn't have a sister, but she did have a brother. The brother was left with some other relatives and never made contact with Maria. If you have any more questions, let me know!