Summary: Set a year after Homecoming, an old friend is back in Austria, and a few surprises as well.

Ding, dong! The chapel bell strike 7'o clock. I get out of bed very quietly, careful not to wake my sleeping

wife. I dress quickly and tip-tow out of the bedroom, and headed down the stairs. I go to the kitchen and

tell the cook to start breakfast at 8'o clock.

After that, I head to the front hall and my morning newspaper, then I head out to the terrace. I start to

read the paper, but I can not keep my thoughts on it this beautiful morning. I give up trying to read, and

toss the paper on to a nearby table. I lean back in my chair, enjoying the early morning air and the sounds

of the birds and the bees and the wind that moves through the trees like a restless sea. My wife and I were

only married a few months ago, but we came to Austria just three days ago, but it seems like we've been in

Austria forever. I feel a small, delicate hand on my shoulder, and I know it is my wife.

"Good morning, darling." She says

"Good morning, my love." I say, as I stand and give her a quick kiss on the lips.

I pull up another chair for her to sit in, as she comments,

"The air here is so restful, isn't it?"

I smile, remembering the time I said the same thing myself, and remembering yet again why I married her.

I gaze into the hill, wondering what has become of the wonderful family I had grown to love. It must

have been four years since I had seen them last.

"You're far away, where are you?" says my wife, breaking the silence.

I rest my gaze on her and smile.

"I was just thinking about the family that I told you all about, the."

I am cut off by the breakfast bell. Time sure flies when you are with ones you love! I stand and escort my

wife to the breakfast room, praying that wherever they are, that the von Trapp family is safe.

Author notes: This is from Max's POV, did I fool anyone into thinking it was someone else? = D Next chapter, found out who Max is married to!