Dreams of the Past

(Author's note: This fic is about Toby who is now about 16 and how him being stuck in the Labyrinth has affected him. No like, No read. I do not
own these characters.blah.blah.blah.)

Toby sat up in his bed; sweat poring down his face. He stumbled out of bed and walked haphazardly down the stairs. He reached the phone and dialed blindly.

The phone rang about ten times before a groggy voice answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Sarah, it Toby," he said quietly so not to wake his parents.

"Hey Toby, why are you calling me so late?" Sarah asked sleepily.

"Well, you see," he laughed nervously, "I keep having this really weird dream and I had it again tonight.

"I was a baby and I was taken to The Castle Beyond the Goblin City to become a goblin. And it was all because you didn't want me around.

"The rest of the dream I watched you travel through the Labyrinth to find me. And you met a bunch of well.interesting creatures.

"Um. Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus and his valiant steed, I don't remember it's name, but it was a dog just like Merlin. Sarah, Sarah? Are you still there?" Toby finished.

"Yeah Toby I'm here. Listen that dream your having, its probably just because I used to read that story to you when you were little," Sarah replied soothingly.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I guess I just freaked myself out. 'Night Sarah and Thanks."

"No problem Toby. Goodnight," Sarah said and she hung up the phone.

Toby walked back up to his room and lay back down onto his bed. He pulled the blankets to his shoulders and rolled over; his eyes flitted toward the window where an off white owl sat perched.


Sarah hand up the phone and rolled over onto her side. She contemplated whether or not she should have told Toby the truth about what happened thirteen years ago. 'No,' she thought decisively, 'now is not the time.'

She fell asleep within about fifteen minutes, as she slept she began to talk:

"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my way here to The Castle Beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great. my kingdom is as great."

She woke up screaming, "You have no power over me!"