This is the last chapter so enjoy. There's more iformation at the bottom. Enjoy the last chapter!!!!! :-)

CHAPTER 27 The Beginning And The End- The Age of the Shadow King

The sun shone partially through the checked red curtains of the little café at the end of Diagon Alley where Ron now found himself waiting for Hermione. He looked about the small café, taking in its sights and sounds, raising an eyebrow at the amount of paintings and magical posters of house elves that were plastered across the walls. He of course had learnt enough from Hermione to keep his mouth shut and those thoughts to himself, that were plaguing him at that very moment. Why on earth did these nutters have pictures of house elves everywhere? Ron couldn't believe that there were other nutters out there believing that house elves should be paid and get holidays. If they said they were fine that was good enough for Ron! Though it was a very Hermione-like thing to do, to meet Ron in the only café in all of Britain whose owners are obsessed with house elves! Ron turned his attention back to the street, observing the wizards and witches that flitted past him going about their everyday lives as if there was nothing else to care about other than whether Flourish and Blotts had the latest copy of Flying for Beginners. Ron was starting to grow impatient and rather hungry waiting for Hermione, when the door of the café opened, causing a magical bell to go off somewhere and thereby announcing Hermione's entrance. She smiled at him, as she closed the door behind her and smoothed out her skirt, taking a seat opposite him on the table.

"Hello Ron", was her greeting as she smiled at him once more.

"Hermione", Ron grinned back taking a hold of her hand and squeezing it gently. "You look very pretty today!"

"Do I?" Hermione asked raising an eyebrow and unconsciously running her hand over her hair to make sure it had not escaped from its elastic again. "I look no different than I do every other day. I mean this is a new skirt, but its not like its anything fancy of completely different!"

Ron disregarded her last comments, adding, "You look happier and healthier and I do believe you have a glow about yourself. Whatever have you been doing lately?" Ron asked raising an eyebrow at her and smiling mischievously. Hermione just blushed slightly and took a menu to begin perusing the menu list.

"Maybe we should order, I'm sure your stomach must be complaining bitterly by now!" Hermione chuckled to which Ron could only reply with a wink and an "Amen!"

When the waitress had come and gone, taking with her both Ron's and Hermione's orders, Ron focused his attention on the woman sitting opposite him, with a slightly detached smile on her face as if whatever she was thinking about was something from a long time ago.

"So did you get much work done?" Ron asked bringing Hermione out of her reverie.

"Oh yes!" she smiled. "Emily and I think we have it all sorted with what happened with the explosion. You were right, it does seem to be love, as unlikely as it seems that is the only plausible explanation we could both come up with. But it worries me now", Hermione added her face growing serious as lines formed on her forehead.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked curious.

"Why did we not see Malfoy and if he ran off where did he go to? And also this whole explosion business is just too fishy. There is something seriously wrong here and I will get to the bottom of it!" Hermione frowned.

"Its always like you to get to the bottom of things. Well I'm sure you will figure it out in no time", Ron grinned. "What's exactly bothering you with this whole thing anyway?"

"I mean you and I have known Malfoy since first year. Does he really strike you as the smart type?" Hermione wondered aloud. "I mean to pull of something as difficult as changing the book, stealing it right from under our noses and leading a dark arts group. If this is the same Draco Malfoy that we knew, then I'm a flobberworm!"

"I see your point. Do you think he got help?"

"It's the only thing I can come up with", Hermione replied, as she began perusing the dessert menu once more. Then she looked up at Ron and smiled.

"So what were you doing all morning?" Hermione queried.

"Well I went back to bed, you really wore me out 'Mione!" Ron winked.

"Sorry", Hermione blushed hiding her face behind the dessert menu.

"I don't mind at all, in fact I think we should do that more often. God Hermione you were so tight", Ron growled as he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

"Ron!" Hermione cried scandalised. "Not here!" she whispered as she quickly darted out of Ron's reach and instead concentrated on the other people in the café. There was a couple sitting next to them, eating away contently with a copy of the Daily Prophet lying next to the man. Hermione read the heading that was in bold writing and yelped.

"Excuse me Sir, are you finished with that paper?" Hermione asked turning to the surprised man at the table next to her.

"Yes", he replied puzzled handing her the paper and then turning back to his partner.

"What is it Hermione?" Ron asked bewildered, but Hermione did not hear him as she began reading the front page. She quickly flicked open the paper and began reading more articles, giving Ron an ample view of the heading.

STRANGE GOINGS ON THROUGHOUT BRITAIN- EXPERTS BELIEVE THEY ARE LINKED WITH AN EXPLOSION OCCURING LATE LAST NIGHT Among with the many strange occurrences that occurred last night, there was the break-in at Hogwarts and the large gatherings of masked men at powerful magical sites throughout Britain.

The article continued in the same fashion in smaller writing beside a picture of one muggle shot of a group gathering at Stonehenge, the image was too blurry to make out much more.

Hermione appeared from behind the paper a few minutes later, her face very grave and a deep worry set in her eyes.

"What is it Hermione. What the hell is going on?" Ron cried worried as his hands quickly grabbed a hold of hers.

"I don't quite know, but this is too strange. Its as if the whole book explosion was a set-up or a trap. So all of this could happen", Hermione indicated to the picture on the cover of the Prophet. "They broke into Hogwarts, but why?"

"You mean all those Aurors, the whole lot of us fighting to stop the book was only something to keep us occupied while they done something else. But that means trouble!" Ron cried. Hermione nodded her head gravely.

"I have to go into work right now!" Hermione raised rising off her seat, but Ron still held onto her hands.

"At least eat something Hermione. I'm sure the Aurors can deal with this. Its probably nothing. I mean did they say anyone was hurt at Hogwarts or was something taken", Ron asked.

"No no-one was injured and nothing was taken as far as I know, but I need to help. I mean this has to mean something!" Hermione frowned sitting down.

"It could all be a coincidence, maybe its an important day for these groups, I mean we don't even know if they are this Blood Kindred. Just relax Hermione, its Sunday and you have the day off!"

"I don't know", Hermione frowned but said no more as they food came at that moment. Hermione silently tucked into her vegetable tagliatelle leaving Ron to look at her over his steak. He soon began eating too.

"You don't need to worry so much Hermione, I mean this is the kind of job for an Auror and not for you. How about I take your mind off things", Ron offered.

"How?" Hermione asked now curious.

"How about for today we concentrate only on me and you", Ron added smiling warmly at her.

"And what would we do?" Hermione smiled back at him, finishing off her tagliatelle.

"Well we could both do things we have never done before".

"And what about work?" Hermione asked.

"To hell with work, its Sunday 'Mione and you need a break like everyone else!"

"Ok", Hermione replied smiling at him and squeezing his hands.

"You will?" Ron asked thrown completely off guard.

"Yes!" Hermione replied laughing and kissing him lightly.

"Right then", Ron said springing off his chair and calling over the waitress. He quickly paid her the money, making sure to leave a galleon in change as he pulled Hermione out of the Café, Hermione laughing heartily at this. When they were outside and walking along Diagon Alley Ron took her hand and smiled at her.

"Alright then you had better start off", Hermione smiled at him. "What did you never do before?"

"I was never in one of those muggle cinemas and seen a film", Ron replied.

"Well that's easy to do", Hermione laughed and she led him out of Diagon Alley and towards the heart of London, stopping only when they got to Leicester Square.

"There's some of the biggest cinemas in London here", she said indicating to the three large cinemas that were on either side of them. "What kind of movie do you want to see, there's the usual romantic comedy, an action movie, a horror, a thriller and some children's movies", Hermione added smirking at the last part, but Ron was too engrossed reading the movie titles for the nearest cinema.

"I want to see an action movie as you put it", Ron said his eyes lighting up as he pointed out to a particular movie title that had caught his eye.

"Well come on", Hermione laughed taking his hand and walking towards the cinema, taking care of the small particulars like buying the tickets, getting the popcorn and showing him the best place to sit.

Two hours later they emerged from the cinema, Hermione having enjoyed the movie, but Ron's eyes were wide and by the fact that his mouth was still open, Hermione concluded that he was still processing it all. Hermione laughed lightly and closed his mouth for him, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Did you enjoy that?" Hermione asked a twinkle in her eye.

"Yeah, that was wicked!" Ron cried. "We should definitely have that in the wizarding world!"

"Its not so bad after all being a muggle!" Hermione laughed.

Ron then turned to her, and said, "So what did you never do before?"

"Well", Hermione said thinking for a few minutes then she added, "I've never seen a professional Quidditch match. I mean I've seen Quidditch match at Hogwarts but not a proper one like with a national team".

"Well that's no problem, Sundays are when the teams usually play. Let me see, the morning matches will be over by now, but at four thirty there's a match between the Wimbledon Wasps and the Glasgow Gofers so that gives us ten minutes to get there. How about we Apparate there?" Ron asked to which Hermione nodded her head and added.

"That would be great!"

"Well the stadium is in north London, in Harrow", Ron added taking out his wand and a second later both had Disapparated.

They both appeared in front of the stadium, which was still steadily filling with supporters, considering there was less than ten minutes left until kick-off.

"Ron?" Hermione asked turning to him. "We don't even have tickets!"

"Ah now don't worry about that one Hermione", Ron said chuckling and then he grabbed her hand and walked towards a side entrance that was guarded by two burly wizards in bright red cloaks.

"Afternoon", Ron said casually walking up to them, still holding onto Hermione's hand. "Ron Weasley, Canons' Keeper, I'm expected inside".

"Afternoon Mr Weasley, your coach isn't inside we weren't told you were coming", one of the men replied.

"Well its all unofficial you know, but old Herbert from the Wimbledon Wasps made me a good offer for a transfer. But I know that I can trust you two gentlemen to keep it all quiet, we don't want it leaking into the papers now", Ron added.

"Very well Mr Weasley, but what of her?" the other man asked pointing to Hermione.

"She's with me, you know I'm showing her around and all", Ron said winking at them and both men grinned and nodded their heads.

"Head on through Mr Weasley, Miss. By the way great keeping last Saturday!" they replied as Ron walked through with an astonished Hermione.

"Ron did you just lie to those security men?" Hermione asked frowning at him and rounding on him.

"Just a bit Hermione. I mean Herbert did make me an offer two years ago", Ron replied looking at her sheepishly.

"What if we get found out and thrown out?!" Hermione cried rounding angrily on him.

"Relax Hermione, they won't do that now come with me", Ron replied leading her towards the stadium and through some corridors.

"What did the security man mean when he grinned at you?" Hermione asked.

"Well some of the players sometimes take a new girl with them to a match, you know show them the sights and show off how good they are, then getting some private time in the changing rooms when a match is on", Ron winked at her mischievously.

"Ron!" Hermione cried. "I'm not doing anything of the kind!"

"Relax Hermione, I know you won't we're just going up to the top box to watch the match", he replied and led her up a flight of steps to the top box, where they found some seats at the front, just in time to watch the kick off.

Two and a half hours later they emerged from the stadium walking hand in hand.

"Who would have thought that watching a proper Quidditch match could be so exciting!" Hermione said flabbergasted. "Wow, I'm so impressed with you for playing Quidditch!"

"Thanks Hermione, that makes it all worthwhile", Ron smiled at her, took her hand and spun her towards him.

"Well now Miss Granger", Ron said wrapping his arms firmly around her waist. "I'm glad you like it so much". Ron leaned towards her and kissed her, to which Hermione could only reply by wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss.

"I love you Ron", Hermione whispered in his ear, to which Ron smiled.

"And I love you too!"

"Well what now?" Hermione asked, her fingers wreaking havoc on the sensitive skin at the back of his neck. "Its your turn".

"Well I've never seen all of London. I've lived here for over five years and I still haven't seen it all", Ron replied leaving feather light kisses down her neck between each word.

"Then I know just the place to go", Hermione replied smiling unwrapping her arms from around his neck and taking his hand. "It's a muggle attraction but maybe we can sort out that wish for you. Just Apparate to the Jubilee Gardens on the South Embankment and I'll show you what I mean". She smiled once more at him, taking out her wand while making sure there were no muggles around and Apparated away. Ron grinned to himself and Disapparated away himself with a swish of his wand.

"So what exactly is so great here?" Ron asked appearing next to her on the empty green.

"That!" Hermione replied pointing to the London Eye. Ron's eyes followed her hand and fixed themselves on the giant wheel.

"You mean go on it?" Ron asked sceptically.

"Yes you can see all of London and I'm sure you've never been on here", Hermione replied sweetly taking his hand and leading him towards it.

"And that thing won't break down or anything?" Ron asked sceptically.

"Of course not silly!" Hermione laughed turning around to look at him. "Its perfectly safe and thousands have already gone on it!"

"Its not that I'm afraid of heights or anything, I just don't know about muggles and buildings", Ron replied anxiously.

"Ron you lived in an apartment with me for two years that was on the third floor!" Hermione said half laughing at his scepticism.

"Well that was a secure building".

"You're not afraid are you Ron?" Hermione asked worried walking towards him and placing one of her scrutinising looks on him.

"No of course not!" Ron replied half offended. "Come on lets go!"

they waited in the short queue for their turn to come, Hermione paying their tickets as they waited for an empty booth for them. They both clambered in, taking one for themselves only and as the wheel started turning once more, they rose off the ground giving them their first view of London from the sky. What they saw was breathtaking and Ron stood there, impressed with the view. They saw as far as south London, noticing the principal muggle views like the Westminster, the house of parliament, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the Thames and Hyde Park in the distance.

"This is incredible Hermione. And look that's the area where my place is. I can spot my corner shop from here!" Ron exclaimed pointing to a far off point in the distance. "This is so amazing!"

"I'm glad you liked it!" Hermione laughed, holding his hand.

"And look we can even see Diagon Alley from here!" Ron exclaimed. "Who would have thought that muggles could do so well for themselves!"

"It is quite amazing, but then muggles aren't exactly stupid!" Hermione laughed. The wheel started moving once more and soon they found themselves at the bottom.

"Well that was amazing, so Hermione", Ron said turning to her. "What did you never do before?"

"You know what, I think that's about all", Hermione replied.

"Are you sure that's all?" Ron asked frowning at her.

"Yes I'm sure!" Hermione replied lightly then turned to walk back to the main road.

"What about flying?" Ron asked running after her and catching up with her.

"What about it?" Hermione asked unconcerned.

"Well if I remember Hogwarts correctly, you never flew properly because you were afraid of it!" Ron replied looking at her.

"Oh that", Hermione said dismissively.

"You still are aren't you?" Ron asked.

"Of course not!" Hermione scoffed laughing at him.

"Alright then, we're going back to my place!" Ron declared.


"You're going to fly", Ron replied simply taking her hand and walking towards the main road.

"What?" Hermione cried. "No, wait!"

Fifteen minutes later a very scared Hermione found herself on Ron's broom, holding on for dear life to Ron who was sitting in front of her. Her eyes were shut tightly and she was holding on so tightly to Ron, he was starting to feel slightly winded.

"Hermione could you ease up on your grip a bit, I can't breathe!" Ron choked to which Hermione loosened her grasp.

"Sorry Ron, I'm just a bit scared", Hermione cried from behind him.

"Why you're not afraid of heights", Ron asked inclining the broom slightly to the left.

"Well probably because I never understood how such a small piece of wood can stay afloat and not fall to the ground", Hermione replied.

"Well it's the same with all kinds of magic", Ron replied.

"I suppose", Hermione replied slowly, opening her eyes a little. Her feet were dangling off the broom and they were flying a few hundred feet of the ground.

"Ron what about the muggles?" Hermione asked nervously.

"I put a disillusionment charm on it while you were ranting and raving about the dangers of flying", Ron replied with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Oh", was all Hermione could say. "Sorry for shouting at you!"

"Believe me Hermione, I wouldn't have it any other way!" Ron replied turning around so he was looking at Hermione and without another word he kissed her fiercely. Hermione was literally blown away, as she kissed him back with as much fire as she could muster, sitting on a broom a few hundred feet above the ground and kissing Ron like there was no tomorrow. They finally pulled apart, though not far for they were still on a broom and Hermione grinned stupidly at him.

"That was nice", she smiled biting her lower lip, an action Ron always loved.

"Yeah really should do that more often", Ron grinned. "Say Hermione", Ron started blushing furiously as he stumbled on his words. "You don't have to say yes or anything I mean I understand if you don't..." Ron trailed off.

"What is it Ron?" Hermione asked quizzically.

"If you would be my girlfriend", Ron finished blushing furiously and turning his head around so he was facing the front of the broom.

"Come here Ron", Hermione said, gently turning his head so he would look at her. She kissed him on the lips and added smiling, "I would love to!"

"Great", Ron grinned smiling stupidly back at her, an action found so endearing she laughed.

"You are so cute when you grin like that!" Hermione laughed kissing his dimples.

"We had better be going, its getting late", Ron said still smiling as he gestured to the setting sun over the Thames. Hermione smiled at the setting sun then turned her attention back to Ron and wrapped her arms around his waist again, this time making sure he could breathe and leaned her head against his back, feeling very content. She sighed happily watching the sunset as they flew lower. They flew over the sky scrapers, making sure not to fly too low and when Hermione spotted Diagon Alley, she understood. Diagon Alley was the only place that they were sure of not getting seen by muggles. Ron lowered the broom expertly and they landed smoothly on the cobbled street of Diagon Alley that was surprisingly full with wizards and witches considering the shops were closed and the sun was setting.

"That was not so bad", Hermione smiled stepping off the broom.

"So knew you would like it!"

Hermione smiled back at him as she lifted the Disillusionment charm of them and the broom. Ron flung the broom over his shoulder and they walked hand in hand down Diagon Alley.

"So what do we do now?" Ron asked lightly.

"Well I could take you to this great library I know, that I'm sure you would find interesting", Hermione suggested.

"No, how about something proper like a wizarding club, now that is something I know you never went into!" Ron grinned cheekily.

"Ron!" Hermione cried hitting his arm playfully. "And as a matter of fact I did! Emily decided that for my twenty-first I should experience a proper magical night out. Needless to say I never repeated that experience", Hermione blushed at the memory.

"Hermione Granger caught behaving in a very inappropriate manner in a magical night club!" Ron asked astounded turning around to look at her properly. "whatever has the world come to!"

"Come on Ron!" Hermione interjected. "I'm not the stuck-up bookworm all the time. I do have a life outside work or studying!"

"Well I never!" Ron cried shaking his head. Hermione only laughed meaning to add a remark to Ron's last comment but the sound of running footsteps coming towards them stopped her and instead she turned around to see where the footsteps were coming from. Hermione saw a young man running towards her and Ron, his brown hair flying from the running, his glasses falling off the bridge of his nose and a file clutched in his right hand.

"Peter, what on earth are you doing here?" Hermione asked turning to walk towards him.

"Miss Granger", the young man panted stooping down low to catch his breath. "I've been looking for you all day! I sent numerous owls to your apartment but you never answered".

"Why what's wrong Peter?" Hermione asked concerned as Ron walked up behind her, studying the young man, his gaze intense.

"Its been a complete uproar in the department all day. My Whiting is going berserk, having sent everyone out to look for you", Peter replied leaning up, having caught his breath. "Did you read the Daily Prophet this morning?"

"Yes, do you mean there's some developments with the strange dark wizard activity?" Hermione asked.

"Yes", Peter replied handing her the file he had been carrying. "Maybe we should head to the Ministry so we can work on this in private", Peter added looking at Ron.. Ron only frowned at Peter, crossing his arms and showing he was in no mood to be left out of the conversation.

"Peter this is Ron Weasley and he was there during the book explosion. Whatever developments occur in the case he shall be included in the conversation because I trust him", Hermione replied indicating to Ron.

"This is highly unusual, but very well Miss Granger", Peter said nodding his head and adding, "Well you must be aware of the break-in at Hogwarts. What the papers have failed to report was that the Godric Gryffindor sword was stolen".

"What, whatever for?" Hermione asked perplexed. "The sword is powerful, but not overly powerful. In fact the only reason it is famous is because it was the sword Godric Gryffindor used to kill Salazar Slytherin along with the reigning Dark Lord of the time. It has no other power than that".

"They may wish to use it because it was Gryffindor's and Gryffindor stood for courage, bravery and the side of good. It could be their way of showing everyone how powerful they are, they who wield the sword of Godric Gryffindor", Peter replied.

"No there is something not quite right about this, I remember reading something. The sword of Godric Gryffindor is just too strange a thing to take!" Hermione sighed shaking her head. "No its not coming to me right now. Alright what else have you to tell me?"

"This", Peter added taking the file of Hermione and pulling out a sheet of parchment from it, showing a complicated map of Britain. "This is where dark wizards or the Blood Kindred were grouped last night, during the time of the explosion or thereabouts", Peter said showing Ron and Hermione the red dots littered around the country. There were about two dozen sites where there was dark wizard activity.

"And what of these sites?" Hermione asked perplexed.

"All powerful magical sites, like Stonehenge or other ancient ringforts, burial places and places of natural magic. For example Stonehenge and Hogwarts were the most common ones", Peter replied.

"What else is there?" Hermione asked.

"Some ancient wizarding graveyards were ransacked and things taken from them".

"Such as what?" Hermione asked.


"Bones?" Ron asked confused, "Why the hell would anyone want ancient bones of some guys who have been dead for centuries?"

"We have no idea Mr Weasley", Peter replied shaking his head.

"Aurors also found the body of a dead Blood Kindred in Hogsmeade", Peter added.

"Did he betray his fellow members?" Ron asked.

"We don't think so, his heart was taken", Peter replied.

"Then why kill someone from your own group?" Ron asked.

"We believe he was a sacrifice of some sort. Ancient rituals needed a sacrifice of their servants", Peter added. "There are more details in the file". Peter pointed to the file Hermione was holding, but didn't say anymore, for Hermione's mouth was open and a look of astonishment was on her face.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son. Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master. Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe", Hermione whispered.

"What is it?" Ron asked worried turning to her.

"It's a resurrection ritual! They were trying to restore some person's body or spirit", Hermione gasped turning to Ron, with a look of fear in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Ron asked grasping her shoulders and gazing intently into her eyes.

"I think so. It makes sense, why else have that book as a distraction?" Hermione asked.

"Then we have to head back to the Ministry, they might not have succeeded in their task-"Peter replied, but he could not finish the sentence for there were loud cracks heard all around them as over thirty Blood Kindred Apparated into Diagon Alley. Ron instinctively grabbed a hold of Hermione's shoulders, holding on tightly to her. Hermione gasped fearfully as the sounds of screaming filled their ears. Wizards and witches were panicking all around them, running in all directions. A man fully robed in deep red robes with a mask on walked towards the crowd, who now stopped running for thirty wands were pointing at them. Everything was eerily silent now. The man took off his mask and Ron and Hermione saw it was Draco Malfoy wearing a malevolent smile on his face.

"Welcome everyone!" he cried out loud so all could hear. "Welcome to a new age! You few blessed people are lucky, for you are the first to witness this new age!"

"Malfoy!" Ron hissed in Hermione's ear, his wand now deposited in his other hand.

Malfoy raised his wand into the air and cried out loud, "Sarrena Mordre!" A dark grey cloud erupted out of the tip of his wand, and spread out as the grey cloud formed itself into shapes. What they saw suspended above their heads was a shadowy form of a person, his features vague and undefined but all could see his malicious grey eyes and cold smile on his face. Behind the man there formed itself thousands of other shadowy men most of them carrying large weapons.

"You are here to witness a new age, the age of the Shadow King and what you see above you is only a glimpse of the army that we possess. To fight us is stupid, so you are here to relay this message to your Minister of Magic. Surrender or you will all be destroyed for the age of the Shadow King has come!" Draco cried out loud and laughed. He raised his wand and disappeared with a loud crack. This crack was soon followed by others as the rest of the Blood Kindred disappeared and all that was left was the haunting image of the Shadow King and his soldiers in the sky.

"It looks like you found out who they resurrected", Ron said gazing at the image in the sky. He wrapped his arms tightly around Hermione, wishing to protect her with all he had and Hermione herself just gazed fearfully at the sky, unable to say a word.


Well thank you all for sticking with me and this story the whole way through, its been a great pleasure writing something you all enjoyed. The sequel will be coming up soon, but I need about a month or so for a break and work on other ideas. There's a great epic in my head I would like to put down on paper so I'll probably start on that first.

All the references to London are as true and accurate as I could make it. For those that know London, you will be familiar with the sights and those of you who aren't its definitely a city worth visiting. Even if its just for the Tower of London, the black cabs and pigeons. He he!

Well since there's nothing left to say I'll just add that I'll hope to see you all in the sequel, "The Age of The Shadow King; A Love That Can Overcome All.

Until then, tatta and enjoy these little puzzles I've left for you below.

Agrolass aka gryffindorheir16

Number one, there is quite a familiar quote in this chapter, I wonder who can figure out which it is and where its from and its reference to this chapter. First one who figures that out and why I used it will get a part in the sequel.

Number two, we are now left with some cliffhangers during the wait for the next part of this story. The main question is who on earth is this Shadow King and what is going to happen? Well the identity of the Shadow King is still a secret and if I tell you now, I'll spoil half of the next story. All that I can leave you with, is that he is not corporal or no body, hence why he's called the Shadow King. I've left a few clues about the place as to who it is and if you think you know it instead of telling everyone else and ruining email it to me and I'll tell you if you're right. The person who guesses it first, gets a major part in the next story, but remember no spoiling the fun!