Decisions of a Lifetime Title: Decisions of a Lifetime Author: SerenaD Rating: R Pairing: Sands/El Disclaimer: Not mine, but I am asking for them for my birthday! Feedback: Yes please! Warnings: Graphic m/m sex Notes: Love feedback Summary: What's next in the life of El and Sands

Chapter 3 Sands' mouth twitched into a nervous smile, "Okay, okay, since you started it on the couch, I guess its mine turn to start it now. What the hell were you doing?" El jerked his hands in an agitated way, but Sands tighten his hold on them and quickly continued. "Fuck, El, what now? What are we supposed to do now? I'm not sure if you noticed, but I really liked what we just did. And judging from what I could feel, laying there under you, I can only assume that you did too, am I right?"

El moved his hands until he was holding Sands, "Yes, but damnit, Sands, I don't know if we should be feeling anything."

Sands laugh, "I really like it when you are unsure. I very seldom get to see this side of you. I could get use to it." He stopped and thought for a minute, trying to decided how much to reveal. Then with his heart on his sleeve he forged ahead. "I know that for me, this has been a long time coming. I didn't know how you felt and I really didn't want to get shot trying to find out. I wanted to do that sometime ago." He chuckled apprehensively.

El squeezed Sands hand encouraging him to continue. He wasn't sure he trusted him self to speak just yet. Sands took this signal for what it was and with a deep breath went on. "I've never had feelings for a man before. But a year without a woman and with the way I look, the years ahead don't look to promising either, I wasn't sure if I was really feeling this for you or if it was just a symptom of my lost sex life. You, well you're able to go after what you want, you don't have to look to me to help your libido along. If you want to leave, or you want me to, I'll understand, but I guess I should tell you that I'm sure about what I'm feeling and I'm definitely feeling it for you, but there has to be mutual collusion between us." He pulled in a shuddering breath and held it, waiting for El to speak or leave.

El sat in a stunned silence. He knew Sands was waiting for him, and he knew he had to say something. He admitted to himself that yes, he had been having feeling for Sands, he was just so bewildered to find out that all the time Sands had been having the same emotions for him. He knew he'd better say something meaningful and say it soon, but unlike Sands he could never babble and make it sound profound. El tightened his grip on Sands' hand and decided to try.

"I'm glad you liked it, I can do better." Okay, so not profound. He pulled himself together and persisted. "I'm not as good as you at talking, but I think I can tell you how I feel." and with a swift motion he was around the table and had Sands folded in a death grip, kissing his mouth so hard that he tasted the tinny taste of blood. He fought to control his passion wanting to make this moment last. His lips soften on Sands'. Their tongues swiping at the insides of each other's mouths, reevaluating the tastes they found there.

El started down the ridged cords of Sands' neck; nipping and sucking, leaving teeth marks. Sands took a deep breath, "Damn El, you really do know how to communicate!" He giggled as El bit his collarbone. "Hey, that tickles!" El moved on down to his chest, but was blocked by the apron, he turned Sands around and untied the belt and pulling it over his head. He sucked on the back of Sands' neck, moving slowly along, leaving a trail of red spots. Never taking his mouth from Sand's shoulders, he put his hands on Sands' cut glass hipbones, pulled him to his chest. El could feel the heat surging off Sand's back. He felt his way to the front to of his jeans, unbuckled the belt then proceeded to unfasten the jeans. He slipped them down and off.

Sands stepped out of his jeans and turned around in El's arms, "My turn." He pulled El's t-shirt over his head and raised arms, biting on El's neck, shoulders and chest. He undid his belt and jeans; as he pushed them towards the floor he started to kneel down. He kissed his way down El's body, paying careful attention to the neck, and nipples. Down to El's thighs and then Sands ran his tongue along his legs, tasting the salt, and skin there. He ran his hands back up El's legs headed for his large, rigid, purple cock. He swallowed El's cock in one movement, causing him to cry out. Sands backed off sucking as he went. He played for a few minutes, running his tongue along the sensitive underside of the cock. Tonguing the slit at the head and sliding all of it back into his scorching, welcoming mouth. El put his hands in Sand's silky hair all the while making keening noises, as Sands established a steady rhythm. Sands kneaded his sac and soon was happy to feel them draw up. He readied his mouth and throat. It didn't take long. El came hard, roaring at the sensation, snapping into Sands' willing mouth. He saw a bright radiance and brilliant colors; he was sure he could see at last. Sands licked him clean and stood up.

El was the first to speak, "It's hard to believe, but I guess there are some things that you can do better with that mouth than talking." Sands snorted as he nuzzled into El's neck. Sands mumbled something but it was lost in the folds of El's neck. El grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, "What did you say?" Sands gasped, "I said, maybe next time you can do all the talking!"

El started maneuvering them backwards towards the couch, "I want more of you, do you think we are ready for this?" he asked with a low throaty voice. "It will change everything you know." "Yes, no, I'm not sure." croaked Sands indecisively. Sands waited until he felt El's legs stop at the edge of the couch, he shoved El down and said, "Don't move, I'll be right back." He turned and headed off to the kitchen, he returned with a bottle of cooking oil and a towel. He took the lid off, poured some of the oil into his hand; he proceeded to coat his fingers, and then placed them at the opening of El's body, all the while nipping quick bites at El's thighs. "I'm ready now, how about you?" Sands grinned wickedly, pushing against the opening. El groaned and tried again to think of something profound to say, coming up with nothing, he pushed towards the fingers and answered, "Get on with it."

Sands pressed slowly and carefully in; one finger, waiting for El to adjust, two, scissoring around to stretch, three, finding that hidden spot that would make El scream for mercy. And scream he did. Lights flashed and became a luminous heat as Sands' fingers danced inside of him.

"" El begged. Sands pulled his fingers out, making El whimper and bear down in need. Sands laughed evilly, he moved up to kiss his mouth, sucking all of the air from El's lungs, his tongue plunging deep into El's mouth. He moved down his neck, leaving teeth marks. He laved at the taut nipples, biting hard on each one in turn, listening to El curse his family line. Taking his time, he moved slowly downward. He jabbed his tongue into El's bellybutton, watching El hip thrust into thin air. He tongued the head of his powerful, conspicuous cock and blew air on his balls after licking them. One hand never stopped moving as the other reached for the oil and poured some over El's crack then Sands coated his cock and finally positioning himself at El's entrance. El tensed, but Sands' hands roved over his body kneading and rubbing until he relaxed. Sands push into the tight hole a very slowly, stopping every few minutes to let El adjust to the size filling him.

El drug a shatter breath into his lungs as Sands started to enter him. He tried to relax, but he discovered it difficult. Sands took his time and pressed gently, slowly in. El found the burn painful, he felt filled beyond capacity, but he had an urge to push back and take more of the large cock.

Reading each other with hands, mouths, tongues and teeth, they each knew when the other was at a threshold of release. Sands' strokes became faster, harder, caressing El's prostate with every advance. El opened up to him, spreading his legs more, enjoying the blinding touch. As Sands neared orgasm he reached down and grasped El's already firming cock, running his hand up and down the organ, making El mewl in delight of the dual stimulation.

They orgasmed together, shouting their liberation. Sands knees buckled, El caught him and pulled him to rest on top of him. They lay there in a post- orgasmic high, waiting to be able to breathe and see and hear again.

"El, old boy, I like the way you communicate." Sands grinned. "Anything else to say?" Sands' hands never stopped fondling and petting El face and upper body. El knew it was useless to talk, he just purred in response to Sands attentions. He pulled Sands closer and held him as his cum sealed them together, like sealing the wordless deal they were making for the rest of their lives.

Yes, they knew the time had come for them to decide what kind of a life they wanted to live. It had been a much easier decision than they had imagined. Their life, outside of these walls, would be violent, wild, never boring; but on the inside it would be kind, loving and most of all never lonely.