Disclaimer : I don't own a thing, for Gods sake, how many times. Lol.

BEANER : I broke my finger by pulling on a strap, you know them elastic things with the hooks on the end, I pulled on it and it snapped back into my index fingers knuckle, tell ya I dint feel too good after that lol, and typing takes forever with my finger strapped up lol. I know isn't Connie just a bitch in this story lol. Anyways this is the last chapter, and my next story will be my sequel to D4, WAYHEY!!! Lol. Thank you once again for your continual support and reviewing throughout this story, What would I do without you and Joc huh? *wipes tear away from eyes* lol. CHEERS MI DEARS!!!!!!!!

ANNE918 - I'm not meaning to brag but I personally think this story is really good, in fact I think it's my best so far. Thank you once again for your support and reviews. This is the last chapter of this story, but I'm hoping to get my new story, the sequel to D4 up soon. CHEERS MI DEARS!!!!!!

DUCKS-GO-QUACK-00 - Shall we just feel sorry for them all, it would probably work out best, well except for Scooter, because I don't like him lol. Arr thank you for the finger comment, I think I'll survive though lol. Anyways cheers for your reviews and support. tHis is the end of this story I'm afraid but my new story the sequal to D4 will hopefully be up soon. CHEERS MI DEARS!!!!!

NEBULA2 - I agree with you there, I think Connie's jealous, but she's more messed up than anything else. I never really did care for Connie either at first, but I think she's warming to me now. I absolutly HATE Scooter, but I guess you already guessed that lol. Right this is the last chapter of this story, but I'm hoping to update my new story, the sequel to D4 soon. Anyways thank you for all your reviews and support. CHEERS MI DEARS!!!!!

JOC - I'd have killed Scooter definitely, he has no excuse for kissing Connie, Connie however has an excuse, she's messed up inside lol - well she'd have to, to kiss that mong lol. Arr aren't you the sweetest saying Im' a phenominal writer. Arrr bless lol. Right as for my song, I'll sing you my new fave cos I watched the film for the first time yesterday and fell in love with it. WILD WOMEN DO, AND THEY DON'T REGRET IT, YOU TELL ME YOU WANT A WOMEN WHO'S, AS SIMPLE AS A FLOWER, WELL IF YOU WANT ME TO ACT LIKE THAT, YOU'VE GOT TO PAY ME BY THE HOUR, DON'T WANT TO TRAVEL IN THE DANGER ZONE, PICK ANOTHER NUMBER, DON'T WANT A LOVER WHO CAN HOLD HER OWN, BABY STEP A SIDE, IF YOU DON'T WANNA RIDE, BECAUSE, WILD WOMEN DO, AND THEY DON'T REGRET IT - Natalie Cole - Pretty women. Right this is the last chapter of this story, but I'm hoping to get my new story, the sequel to D4 up soon. Thank you once again for your continual support and reviews throughout this story. I would be lost without you and Beaner, but we'll not get into that cos I might start crying lol. CHEERS MI DEARS!!!!!


After collapsing in the changing rooms, the first thing I remember is coming round a little, feeling incredibly dizzy and very sick. I wasn't under control of my body just yet, so getting up to be sick was out of the question,. I finally managed to open my eyes, just enough to see the plain white wash walls and of course Charlie and Julie's heads hovering over my own. They were saying things to me, but I couldn't quite make out what they were. The room immediately began spinning around me, I could feel sick rising in my throat. I start panicking and throwing myself around in the bed, trying to get them to understand what I wanted. Charlie moved out of view and then one shrill word came through clear.

"NURSE". It had to be Charlie calling for someone, then Julie disappeared, I tried grabbing to get her back, but I could only grab the nurse who had appeared.

"Shh, Connie, it's ok, calm down. It's just the drugs making you a little disorientated". I couldn't understand what she was telling me, but her calm presence helped me calm down.

Eventually I was calm enough for her to let go of my shoulders and disappear from the room, again Charlie and Julie came back in and sat beside me. Julie took my hand tightly in her own, I could feel her shaking rapidly.

"How'd you feel"? Charlie spoke the first words I could actually understand.

"I'm gonna be sick". I sat bolt up right and grabbed for the small bowl that was next to me.

After being sick, the dizziness wore off and I was able to open my eyes fully and take in my surroundings more fully. The blinds on the window that showed the corridor were open and I could see vague outlines of the ducks and what I could only guess was Coach Orion. I took one look at Charlie and Julie and realised they were in there sweats from straight after the game.

"You gave us quite a fright there Miss Moreau". Charlie began saying sternly but laughed a little.

"What happened"? I asked groggily pulling myself up into a slight sitting position.

"You collapsed right after the second period". Julie told me, her voice quivering. "You ok, you've gone pale again"? Julie looked at me intently.

I shook my head as another dizzy spell came back, but shaking my head didn't exactly help. the room began spinning quicker than it had before, I rubbed at my eyes violently and tried opening them, but the dizziness seized on. I began crying out of fright as now I couldn't make out any objects, my breathing became more rapid and my arms were thrashing around trying to find Charlie or Julie to hold onto, I didn't realise that all this thrashing about was doing me little good.

"MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP". I shrieked crying and petrified.

There was a sudden loud bang and someone telling Julie and Charlie to leave, I panicked even more then, I felt something cover my mouth and nose and began trying to yank it away. I was told to calm down as it was just some oxygen to help me breath easily. the next thing I knew I was heaving to be sick.

"No Connie, don't be sick, breathe in and out slowly". A voice told me.

Nope, that wasn't going to happen, I threw myself up and leant over what I could only guess was the side of the bed and threw up. I managed to open my eyes and I just saw a pool of blood, this made me scream even more out of pure fear. That was the last thing I remember as I blacked out again. The next time I woke up, I didn't feel dizzy anymore, but I still felt unbelievably sick, my mom and dad where sat at the side of my bed.

"Mommy, what's happening to me"? I whispered, I leant over and grasped at her and my dads hands.

"You're very ill sweetheart, but your going to be ok". My mom was almost in tears.

"What's wrong with me"? I was afraid to ask what was making me feel so ill, but I wanted to know.

"You're anorexic or bulimic, which ever it might be and you've broken you ankle, a few ribs and a mild concussion from the hockey game". My dad answered me calmly.

"I'm sorry". I began crying.

"It's ok baby". My dad squeezed my hand.

A few hours later, when I was feeling a little bit more with it, the doctor popped into see me and explained what exactly was going on. I was anorexic from all the binge eating and stuff I had been doing, I was very underweight, weighing in at a minuet 6 stone. I had broken 3 of my ribs, my ankle and had concussion from the game, I was going to have to stay in hospital for a number of weeks until my weight was back to what they classed as a safe weight and then I would have to take it easy, only going to classes that involved no extracurricular activities, and with all that my weight would need assessing every month or so. Then he explained that I would need to have counselling to help this from reoccurring, well I felt like telling him it definitely wouldn't, as I actually noticed for the first time how thin I looked, and had no idea how I managed to get away with it for so long. When he disappeared, my mom and dad left, allowing the ducks to come in and see me.

Julie stepped in slowly and her face was stained with tears, her body language spelt fear and I immediately began crying with guilt. She rushed over to me and I put my arms around her shoulders. We sat together crying for a while until I shuffled over the bed allowing her to sit at my side.

"I'm so, so sorry for everything Julie. I'm sorry for being a bitch to you, kissing Scooter, not listening to you when you were right to be worrying about me". I cried a little more.

"I'm sorry too, I never realised that you were so unhappy. As for Scooter, who needs him, you weren't the only one doing the kissing, I suppose I should be thanking you for showing me his true side early enough".

"None of this is your fault". I told her.

We talked a little longer, mainly apologising to each other continually and then I told her what the doctor said. After about an hour of talking, she left allowing someone else to come in. The ducks came and went mostly in two's or three's. Just as Fulton and Portman left the room, I realised that the only person that hadn't been in was Guy, not that I could blame him. I fell into a restless sleep, I dreamt of Guy, how we used to be and how we were now. When I woke up, I made a mental note to myself to apologise to Guy. I had no idea what time it was, but the ducks had gone back to the dorms and my parents were having a quick chat with the doctor before they left, the room made me feel lonely, scared and bored. I reached over for the magazine Julie had bought for me and began reading well actually looking at the pictures as the writing wasn't doing much good for my vision, when I heard the door opening, I carried on reading, expecting it to be a nurse coming to check on me.

"Hey". I heard that gruff voice that I had come to love and then hate.

"Hi". I stuttered as I looked up to see the last person I expected, holding some flowers in his hand.

"So how you feeling"? He asked, still stood in the doorway.

"Like I haven't eaten in a month". I laughed a little. "It's not contagious Guy, you can come in you know". I smiled at him.

"I didn't know whether you'd". He began.

"I know". I acknowledged what he was going to say.

"I thought you might like these, something to brighten up the place". He put the flowers down on the cabinet at my side.

"Thanks". I replied, the conversation so far had been strained, probably due to how awful I had been the past 2 months. "Guy, I know this probably won't mean much, but I'm sorry for everything". I felt tears welling up, remembering the awful words, nasty looks and everything else I had said or done to him.

"It means the world Con. I'm sorry too, I". I cut him off again.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm the one who broke us up, the one who ruined our friendship, the one who put myself in this bed. I was out of control and never realised who I was hurting on the way". A stray tear emerged, something Guy had never witnessed more than once before.

"Why"? He looked at me deeply, taking the seat by my bed.

"I don't know why, I suppose it started when I first went out with CJ, I did purposely drink the beer, and the next morning when I went to be sick, CJ was already there being sick, she said it was because when you partied like she did, you put a little weight on. Then I started going out with CJ regularly and I don't know, I found myself throwing up after every meal. I thought I was fat because Scooter fancied Julie, no guy had looked at me and you had girls hanging from your arms and I wanted to make you jealous". I admitted.

"You didn't need to make me jealous". He began, again I cut him short.

"I know I didn't, but I felt like I did".

"Con let me finish, you didn't need to make me jealous, because I already was".

"Huh". I looked at him intently.

"Chris, who I sit beside in Math, he likes you, and when he said that he thought you were hot in gym, I kind of started a fight with him". He admitted.

"How come I never knew about this"? I laughed a little.

"I was with Charlie, Adam and Fulton, I made them all promise not to tell a soul". He laughed a little.

"Can we be friends again? I've missed not being able to talk to you, to have fun with you and the guys, like we used to".

"You better believe it, when you get outta this place, I'm gonna make sure you have a smile plastered on your face". He told me, smiling his trademark smile that always made me weak in the knees, I realised then how much I still loved him.

"Thanks Guy".

"What for I haven't done anything YET". He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

"You've done more than you know already". I smiled at him. "You always were the one for me". I whispered under my breath, not wanting him to hear, but wanting myself to hear.

"You're still the one". He mumbled back.

"What"? I shot my head up and looked into his deep, sea green eyes.

"You're still the one, I love"!

Ha I'm finishing the story right HERE!!! Please R&R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!