Hey there! Yeah, this is supposed to be my first FF on FF.net! Just to be said, I´m gonna call Yami Marik Malik. I guess that´s all.Oh, and I don´t own Yu-Gi-Oh (though it would be nice...*dreams*)

Well. Here we are, in Domino City, and the sun is about to rise every moment. Let´s have a look on the main character, Yugi Mutou!

Yugi: *snores*

Uh, well.seems like he´s still asleep. Okay. Let´s see if his Alter Ego is asleep, too. At the moment he´s lying on his air mattress in front of Yugi´s bed.

Yami: *snores too* Mmmbln.the ground.almighty pharaoh.not fair.*mumbles*

Okay.it really is very early in the morning. Alright with me. Let´s see if Yugi´s friends are asleep as well.

Joey: *snores**drools*

Tea: .and, friends are just cool, because.*mumbles* Seems like another of her infamous friendship speeches.

Tristan: Have to do.my hair.

Ryou: *slumbers* mhh.*sucks on his thumb*

Bakura: *kneels in front of Ryous bed* Nyahaha.I can use this for blackmail.*shots photos*

Wow, one of them is awake.but is it right to call Bakura a friend of Yugi´s ? Let´s just call him that - Yugi really does like everyone, doesn´t he? Let´s have a look on Kaiba Mansion.

Kaiba: *sits in front of his PC* nnn.*drools on his key pad*

Mokuba: *prepares breakfast* *whistles*

Hmph, you can´t say they haven´t got employees for this.*eyes Mokuba skeptically* Well, okay. Who´s left.ah! The Ishtar-siblings, and Serenity, and Mai.

Marik: *slumbers* Soon.I´m gonna destroy you.pharaoh.*mumbles*

Malik: Yeah, go on with it, little one *grins evilly* .uh-oh.

Isis: MAALIIK!! If I EVER see you coming near the kitchen again, you´re gonna be grounded!!

Malik: .aw nuts -_-

Whoa, that´s what I call perfect family life! Another experience for me.yay! Same time, different place. Serenity: *sits in front of TV with a can of beer and watches soap operas* Hn.seems like every good-looking guy looks like Joey, eh?

Um, no, Serenity, not really.*drop* Hm, we have to be finished by now.

Mai: Yes.yes, that´s good.continue.*sighs*

Eh? What´s going on?? Ah, yes. ^-^ She got a massage machine for Christmas. But somehow the machine has to be activated.

Duke: I hate losing to her T.T

*sniggers* Well, somehow he deserves it. Where did we stop? Ah. At the storyline, right? Oh come on, every story has to have a storyline.seems like little Mokuba-chan´s got an idea.

Mokuba: Pancakes are ready by now.I wonder if Seto´s awake? ^-^ I´m gonna wake him up, so I can ask him by the way! *runs off*

Ask him what? Seems like he´s got something great in mind, eh? Let´s see how Seto Kaiba works his little brother´s idea. Mokuba has found him by now and gently awoke him with a OH BIG BROTHER!

Kaiba: You. Want. WHAT?? *wipes away spittle from key pad*

Mokuba: Go camping! Well, I think it´s a great idea!

Kaiba: Oh no, it isn´t! You have to sleep in tiny tents *shivers* and...and there are.are.insects! O.O

Mokuba: Then.not? *saddest puppy eyes of the world*

Kaiba: NO!

Mokuba: Okay then. I´m gonna ask Yugi. And then I´m gonna move over to Yugi´s and Yami will be my new bestest friend and we gonna play Duel Monsters and have parties and I will forget about my mean big brother soon. *turns away*

Kaiba: O.O M.Mokuba, don´t say that.

Mokuba: We go camping then? ^-^

Kaiba: .alright with me. -_-

Mokuba: YAY! *hugs Seto* I´m gonna call Yugi and the others!

Kaiba: WHAT? You never said.

Mokuba: *runs off without listening* mwaaaahhahahaha..oops ^-^ *grabs phone*

Yay, good job, Mokuba! I wonder if everyone could convince Seto-chan with this tactic.*grins* Let´s see what our friends think of Mokubas idea.

Yugi: *fumbles for phone* Who on earth.Hello?

Mokuba: HI YUGI!!

Yugi:*flinches* Hi Mokuba.*holds the phone an arm-length away*

Mokuba: YUGI! Seto and I wanna go camping and.

Kaiba: *from behind* I never said I want to!

Mokuba:.and we wanted to ask if you all would come along!!

Yugi: Uh.sure.I´m gonna call the others as soon as I´m awake.

Mokuba: GREAT! See ya! Tomorrow morning we start! *hangs up*

He sure has got too much energy.let´s leave Mokuba and Seto a few minutes alone, so Seto-chan can calm down ^-^

Yami: Who was that..? *mumbles*

Yugi: Mokuba.asked if we wanna go camping with ´em.

Yami_ Ah. Okay. *goes back to sleep*

Yugi: *goes back to sleep as well*

Will there ever be a chance to go camping with them sleeping?? Review if you wanna know ^-^ Voice