Disclaimer: I own none of the Harry Potter character J.K Rowling does, and all of her associates. I in no way intend to infringe on them or the contracts etc. I do not own Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie does. As well as Disney and whoever else has legal contract and use of Peter Pan. I am just borrowing him.

---The Dancing Stars---

Hermione Granger sixth year Gryffindor Prefect of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was finally starting to feel the strain of responsibility come crashing around her. And why shouldn't she? After all she had been most grown up for her age, and had experienced more responsibility then anyone should have to. From the age of about five, it seems, Hermione took over almost every adult worry she could, so that her mother could come home and rest after a long day at work. Then at the age of 10 when she was accepted to Hogwarts, she took over the rest of the responsibilities her parents should have had so that her parents could work to pay of her tuition.

As she looked across the table in the Prefects meeting room, her eyes landed on Draco Malfoy, her 'enemy' for the longest time. He was a major part of her childhood, as she hardly ever seemed to act infantile except around him. However, even that was in the past as Draco had finally just stopped gracing her with his snide comments, and idle threats, leaving only the few adventures she had with her best friends Harry and Ron to make her feel carefree.

It was Hermione's deepest secret, one that she would rather die then admit to Harry and Ron, but she was sick of being a grown up. In fact she longed to stay right like she was, a few days shy of 16, still young enough to use her imagination and play, and act like a child, but still old enough that if need be she could conduct herself like a lady, get a job to pay the bills, and of course flirt around- though she hardly had anytime to do that with her many responsibilities.-

"Hermione?" Her eyes widened as she realized she was still staring at Malfoy (as she was fond of calling him) and turned toward Ron, who was also a Prefect.

"Oh, yes Ron? I'm sorry, I must have got lost in my thoughts on," her pause was hardly noticeable as she quickly thought of something other then 'staying a child' "S.P.E.W" This caused Ron to snort and roll his eyes.

"But you gave that up last year, you know after Sirius's house-elf!"

"Yes, Ron. That's what everyone thought. But it isn't true." Hermione smiled at Ron when she saw he was about to argue, and though he glared back at her he said nothing. The head girl walked into the room followed by the head boy who looked quite angry and was glaring daggers in her back. Hermione sighed, that is why a Gryffindor and a Slytherin should never share a common room.

*** *** ***

The boy, who everyone thought would never grow up, was indeed growing up. Perhaps he always was growing up, but the changes in Peter Pan were always just too small to notice until recently. Though Peter pan ages at four time less the rate of any normal boy-in both maturity and in body- it stands to reason that eventually he would reach a point where he was all but an adult. And thus is was that Peter Pan not but a month ago reached the age of 17.

He had new ambitions to accompany his age, those that he did not have at the age of 13 when he had met up with Wendy Darling. True he still needed a mother, and so did the newest batch of lost boys. Especially since both Tinker Bell and Tiger Lilly refused, for some odd reason not to be his and the lost boys mother. That was just fine to Peter anyway, as he didn't need some simpering woman who would suck up there fun- he meant no offence to Tiger Lilly- and they most certainly didn't need a mother who was so flighty and hard to understand -and he truly didn't mean this badly, he did after all love his little fairy companion, she was a great friend- No Peter Pan needed someone who was responsible enough to be a mother, but could have fun. Oh, he had one more specification, no one like Wendy! The last thing he needed was for another mother to abandon him and take a whole group of lost boys with her!

Oh yes, his other ambitions, strange but he wasn't sure what it was. He just knew he needed a female to be around him, from there, well he'd figure it out. He was a smart boy. But of course that would come next to fighting pirates, playing games, exploring, playing games, visiting mermaids, playing games, raiding the Indian village, and playing games.

"Peter! Peter!" Nobbs, not to be confused with Nibbs, was jumping in front of Peter trying to get his attention. "I thought you said you were going to get us a new mother." Nobbs looked around, "Did you change your mind?" The heartbroken look on Nobbs face was enough to cause Peter to give a cocky grin to his lost boy.

"No, I am going, don't worry. I am just trying to figure out the perfect place to look. Not so far away, but far away from London." He looked up thoughtfully allowing a mischievous grin to over run his face. "No matter, I will let the stars guide me. And they surly will to if I promise not to sneak up and try to blow them out for a whole week!" He looked at Nobbs to see if he agreed with him, and much to his delight Nobbs nodded.

"Aye, Peter!" It would be so simple; all he had to do was find the perfect female to be his mother.

*** *** ***

Hermione sighed as she climbed up the astronomy tower stairs. It was ridiculous, in her opinion to check up there for anyone out of bed. After figuring out that it was the easiest place to get caught if all you wanted was private time with your lover, then kids started going else where. However, as she reached to top of the stairs and saw the stars out of the high vaulted windows and through the transparent roof, she had to concede that it was likely some couples still risked being caught to see a view such as this. The stars seemed to be twinkling high above in a very peculiar way that she had never seen them do before. If she didn't know better she would actually say some of the stars were laughing.

Smiling she walked briskly across the room to the centermost window, her duties momentarily forgotten. She closed her eyes for a moment imagining her fingers reaching out to tickle a star until it laughed so much it flew away into the night air. Or maybe sneaking up on a star and scaring it so much it grew twice as bright for three whole days. If she had time, maybe she could teach the stars to dance the minuet, and maybe they in turn would teach her a star dance. It would be so much fun. Alas, it as only childlike notions and she mentally berated herself for having them when she should be looking for curfew stragglers.

When she opened her eyes however, the sight before her caused her to scream before going extremely pale. Luckily she already had her wand out and only had to lift it at the boy, no not boy, young man flying outside the window sill she was leaning on. Stepping back, so as to give the boy enough room to enter she commanded, "Get in here before you fall down! Then you will tell me exactly what house you're from, and you and I will march down there and you will explain why you are out of bed and how you are fly- flying without a broom!"

Instead of listening to her the boy only grinned at her in the cocky way of his that always annoyed Caption Hook. Hermione knew that he couldn't be a muggle, but he couldn't be a wizard either, as he didn't seem to understand what she had in her hand.

"So you wish to stick fight, perfect. We have time before we leave." The boy- young man- replied.

"Leave! Absolutely not, it is against the rules to go gallivanting off campus without the headmaster's permission. Besides this is a wand not a stick!" The boy crossed his legs under him, still refusing to enter the room. Tapping his nose on its tip with his right finger he took the time to assess her.

Her hair was a bushy brown with curls intermixed under all that frizz. She had pretty teeth, and a nice, elegant heart shaped face. Her chin was strong and defiant, and her eyes were a beautiful brown that drew him to her, and her lips were luscious and full. Her arm that was holding out the stick looked firm and steady, though he could see she was nervous at facing a flying boy. It hurt him somewhat that she did not know instantly that he was Peter Pan. Her nails were somewhat long, but clean. As for the rest of her, he couldn't really tell as she was wearing some sort of cloak.

Finally giving in Peter flew into the window and landed before her. Getting a brilliant idea he slowly circled her, causing her to suck in an annoyed breath as she had to turn with him in order to keep her in his sights at all times.

"Who in the bloody hell are you?" Hermione was not one given to cursing; as a matter of fact it appalled her. However, she was beyond nervous, and confused, not to mention angry that this cocky man could think he could fly right into her school and take over. And some of it of course some of her frustration was due to the way he kept looking at her was making her blush and feel uncomfortable. She had never before been looked at in such a way. Or so she thought.

Peter stopped and bowed in the most elegant way catching Hermione off guard. "Peter Pan and you would be?" Peter asked and watched in satisfaction as the becoming blush she had on her face drained away leaving her chalky white. Dropping her wand to the ground she quickly pinched herself.


"What a strange name." Peter mocked grinning lopsidedly as he watched to strange girls strange actions.

"No, no, my name is Hermione-" The girl was cut off by a sneer

"Granger what on earth are you doing? Meeting a boy in the astronomy tower? Tsk. Tsk. I would have expected better of you." Draco Malfoy it seemed had come into the astronomy tower just as she was pinching herself. And so stunned was he by the picture before him, he quickly forgot his silent vow of not tormenting Granger. And well, was beginning the infantile practice again.

Hermione, however didn't have the time to pay to Draco Malfoy, for as soon as she had heard the boys name, an old child's tale she had heard was rushing back to her and her intelligent mind, after confirming this to be reality instead of a dream- formed a quick plan. And true to Gryffindor, it was brave and overly hasty.

"Peter, will you take me with you to Neverland?" Peter Pan smiled brightly his lopsided smile, while his blue eyes twinkled merrily. Behind her Draco Malfoy gasped and pulled out his wand.


A.N. Thank you for reading, I would just like to say that I actually plan on finishing this story and that I hope its better then my failed attempts before. Also characterization is always opened to both the authors and the readers interpretation. There for it is logical to say that there is no way one is more wrong then the other. Suggestions, and flames, as well as happy comments are welcome. If you would like me to read your story just let me know. Even if you don't continue to read my story, I would be glad to. I am always looking for good fanfiction.