Hetty: Well, this is my first yaoi story and I hope it isn't pathetic,lol! ^-^

Age: As your yami, I have to tell the truth! It's pathetic!

Hetty: 0-0 Thanks..Age.

Age: No problemo!

Hetty: Ok.Yugi take it away!

Yugi: Hetty does not own me, Yami or Yugioh! Although I think she wishes,lol!

Hetty: Well, I hope you all like it and by the way, it's my first ficcy sooo try to be understanding, if I are not the best in the world.

Age: Because she isn't,hehe!

Hetty: Shut Up Age!!!!!!!!

Beyond Love, Beyond Time

By Heather.

Chapter One

My name is Yugi. I want to tell you of a person that is very close to me, so close it's on the verge of scary. This is my story, about the two of us. It started on a cold, rainy day and I was walking home from school. I was going to ride on the bus but it was packed and I don't like being around a lot of people. Why? I have no idea why. It's always been that way for me. Avoid people at all costs. I don't have a lot of friends,Tea, Joey and Tristan are my only friends and the closest one to me is Tea, we've been friends since I could remember, it comes naturally, to be friends with her. Maybe it was a gift from above, this being scared of being around people cuz if I hadn't had that fear, I wouldn't have met him, that fateful day. Well, I was walking home and I was a few blocks away from home when it happened. I was walking along, thinking back on what I had done that day. It had been a very uneventful day, school, school and more school. I upturned my face to the sky, feeling the sky caress me with it's teardrops and I was lost in the moment, that I didn't hear the approaching danger. I was startled as I was roughly grabbed around the shoulders, my arms were pinned to my sides and a cloaked figure grabbed ahold of my legs and I heard it growl, "He's so scared, he isn't fighting at all. This should be an easy one." I heard the one, holding my arms, snicker evily and that's when it hit me, they were gonna beat me and leave me for dead and probably steal me blind while they were at it and I did the only thing that I could do, I screamed. The guy who had ahold of my legs about dropped me as I screamed with all my might and the one holding my arms let go of one of my arms and hit me with something hard over the head. It hurt but I kept screaming with all I had. The guy holding my legs, yelled, "Shut him up, now! Before somebody hears him, now!" The guy who I've come to call Iron Hands, hit me again with whatever it was that he had in his hands and I felt my world swirling around me, I couldn't scream anymore and I felt my body go limp as I stared in shock above me as the rain fell in my eyes but I did not even blink. I felt them throw me to the ground and I heard the shadowed guy whisper, "That's a good job, Maren. I was afraid someone would hear him, the Shadowed Man roughly grabbed my face and sneered, I don't see no one running to your rescue, little boy,hehe!" I could feel fear fill my throat and threaten to choke me where I lay. I was defenseless as I felt them grab my backpack and search my pockets for money, I supposed and when they found none, Maren smiled, cruelly and that smile scared me more then anything in the world. I saw him whispering something to the Shadowed Man and he pulled out a switchblade and I began to quiver with fear as the Shadowed Man nodded and Maren smiled even wider and he grabbed my coat collar and pulled me towards his face, I mentally screamed as I felt the knife slide over my throat and I felt him pull my shirt open and slide the knife down my chest, I tried to move but I couldn't. Maren smiled, "This is going to be fun,hehe!" I closed my eyes as I saw him raise his arm above my head and I waited for the final blow to fall and end my life. I screamed as I felt a pain, like I'd never felt before rip through the side of my neck and shoulder but I didn't die. I fell to the ground and then that's when I heard it, Maren pleading for his life. I slowly, painfully turned over onto my back and I turned my head to see a boy, who looked like he was sixteen or seventeen standing over Maren and I looked to see if I could see the Shadowed Man but I couldn't, I guess he decided that it would be better to live then have a kick over killing a fifeteen year old boy. The boy looked at Maren and raised the knife over his head and slashed Maren down the neck and shoulder, just like Maren did to me. Maren shrieked with pain and fear as he jumped up and ran down the alleyway, clutching his bleeding shoulder, running for his life. I stared at the boy, who threw the bloody knife down to the ground and slowly turned around to face me. I was shocked as I looked into the same crimson colored eyes as mine! He looked just like me, except he was way taller then me and he was a lot better looking then me, actually.to tell the truth, he was a hottie! I blushed at my thoughts, quickly looked away and my neck reminded me that It was hurt, very badly. I whimpered as I felt the pain shoot from my shoulder blade, up my neck to the top of my head. I was surprised as I felt the boy grab ahold of my chin and turn my face towards him and in a deep voice, he whispered, "Are you okay? Do you think I would be able to carry you? Because I need to get you to a hospital." I nodded, dumbly as I felt him slide his hands under my back and I felt him lift me to his chest. I tried not to scream at the pain it was causing me. When he started to walk, I grabbed ahold of his shirt and squeezed my eyes shut, trying so hard not to cry but I felt a few tears slip through my shut eyelids anyway. I felt the boy hold me closer to his chest and he leaned his head down to whisper in my ear, "If you want, you can cry, I looked up at him, my eyes filled with tears, I understand and I won't say anything, you can just cry. Sometimes it's good to cry." I looked into his crimson eyes, leaned into his chest and whispered, "Thank you." And then I surrendered to the tears. I felt the boy hold me tight against him as I cried like I've never cried before, silently he was comforting me. As I felt myself lose concsiousness, I smiled as I laid my head against his chest. That was when I met him. It was the beginning of an adventure, an adventure like no other.

Chapter Two

I could feel the boy's rhythmic breathing against me as I reached the hospital. I knew that the boy was sound asleep and I was glad, that meant he wasn't in pain for now. I entered the front door and before I could say anything, they had taken the boy away from me and I was surrounded by a bunch of policemen and nurses, flooding me with questions. After the interrogation by the police and after I had given as much information to the nurses that I could they had left as suddenly as they had come. I was settling into a seat in the waiting room and thinking back on what had happened and I wondered why I had saved the boy. I smirked, I couldn't have left him there to die by the hands of those brutes, never. I had heard the boy's scream a block away and I ran as fast as I could towards the sound and when I had gotten there, the man with the knife had just slashed the poor boy down the side of his neck and my first reaction was to get the knife away and ask questions later. Well, I had risked my life for another boy in this world and I was getting tired of it. Really tired. I smiled a sad smile as I remembered the feel of the boy against me as he held onto me, as if his life depended on my existence, on my strength and.. on my love. I shook my head and closed my crimson eyes, I can't let it happen again, not again. I was shocked out of my reverie as I saw a short, grey headed man and a medium built girl with brown hair and the same colored eyes walk through the doors , slamming them as they went. The small gray haired man went to the desk, "Um, we're looking for Yugi Motou. Is he here?" The nurse smiled, "Yes, the doctor is seeing him right now and I suggest you wait in the waiting room, it shouldn't take too long." The small man nodded and smiled, "Thank you." They went over to the other side of the room and I could definetly tell that they were friends or relations to the boy, I mean the old man looks like a older replica of the boy. I sat there, debating on whether I should introduce myself but thought better of it, I don't want them thinking that they owe me. I suddenly looked up at the sound of doors swinging open and a nurse walking over to the old man and young girl, "He's gonna be alright. We're moving him to the third floor and the room number is 383. You can go see him, if you want." The old man nodded and they left, probably going to go see the boy. I sat there, I was frozen to the chair, in fear or was it uncertainty? I didn't know but I knew one thing, I wanted to see that boy one last time, I didn't know why and I didn't care why, I just knew I had to. I followed the old man and girl at a far enough distance so they wouldn't get suspicious and we finally made it to the boy's room. I watched as the old man and girl entered the room, slowly I crept towards the door and I heard the sounds of sobbing and a few whispered words here and there. I was going to take a little peek, to see if he was ok or not,that was all. I bent forward to peek around the corner of the door and I saw the old man, crying on the boy's shoulder, who I could see was fighting back the tears and the girl was standing against the wall, emotionless. I was about to pull my head back when I heard a whisper, "What's your name? Just let me know that." I jumped, I was caught. I slowly stepped into the room, my eyes lowered to the ground, "I'm sorry that I was spying on you, it won't happen again." I glanced up from the floor, my head still bowed and I saw the boy smiling, a beautiful angelic smile, "It's nothing and you can stop looking at the floor." I straightened up and almost fell backwards, "I-I'm sorry! I just am not used to talking to people." I grimaced, why did I say that? Like that boy would even care about my problems in life. He'll probably laugh at me but when the laughter did not come, I couldn't help but feel shocked. I just stared long and hard at this boy, he looked just like me, a little shorter but we looked a lot alike, it was almost uncanny. The boy squirmed under my scrutiny and began to blush, which made him look even more adorable, if that is possible. "Um, why are you staring at me?", he nervously asked. I smiled, "I have a tendency to do that, I'm sorry." When I smiled, the boy seemed to just stare at me, it was getting very uncomfortable. I looked at the girl who was glaring at me and then I looked at the old man, trying not to look at the boy, he was making me nervous. "Um, who are your friends?, I asked. The boy seemed to gasp as he said, "Oh, I'm sorry! This is my Grandpa, the old man nodded his head at me, I nodded in acknowledgement, and this is Tea, my friend." I smiled and bowed to the girl who was still glaring at me, what was her problem? I smiled and said, "Nice to meet you all, I turned toward the boy who seemed to perk up a little bit, I would like to have the honor of knowing your name. If you will honor me so?" The boy smiled. That smile it was so beautiful! Stop it, you're not supposed to do this, not again! "My name is Yugi Motou, he grinned, May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" I grinned nervously, "Um.Yami is my name." Yugi looked confused, "Do you not have any last names?" I sneered, "No!" This is was why I didn't talk to anybody, the questions, questions are so dangerous. I was surprised as Yugi said, "That's ok, I'm not trying to pry, I'm sorry if I did." I looked into Yugi's eyes, to see if he was lying but I couldn't see a trace of dishonesty in his eyes, actually the boy looked like he couldn't be capable of being dishonest. I smiled as I thought to myself, maybe me and Yugi might possibly get along. I was about to say something then I felt my defenses slam into place, I couldn't trust no one, not after what happened, I can't trust anybody or...love anybody ever again. I grimaced as my emotional pain was causing me to have physical pain, it felt like my whole body was in pain. I was being destroyed by my own suffering. I heard Yugi say, "Are you ok, Yami?" At my name, my head snapped up and I looked at the one who had said my name. I could feel myself trembling as I looked at Yugi's innocent and kind face and I pleaded with Yugi, in my eyes to set me free, please set me free, my little angel! I almost collapsed as I felt the last of my walls fall down as I mumbled, "I-I am.fine, Yugi, I looked at him with one last pleading look in my eyes as I started towards the door, I must go,I'll see you later." I ran down the hallway straight to the elevator, I had the elevator all to myself, I leaned against the wall and cried. I remembered that last look Yugi gave me when I had almost broke down, it wasn't of disgust, pity or hatred it was of...concern. I stopped trembling and I smiled, "Maybe he does care about me!" It felt like my heart was about to bust! Did somebody care? About me?

Hetty: Ok, I have no Idea why I put two chapters in one chapter! 0-0

Age: Well, look at it this way! They don't have to wait for the second chapter, they already have it! ^-^

Hetty: 0-0 For some reason that doesn't comfort me. Well, I hope you liked it and please review!!!! No Flammers, please!!!! And if anybody wants to chat or contact me, that would be awesome! ^-^ And I will update the story as soon as possible, that is if anybody likes it! Please let me know! Cya!