Okay... First Ozzy fic... Hope you like it. Yes I know the main female character is useless for a while, but give her a break. She's in a bad state. I promise she gets better. Though it does kind of annoy me. I figure out how to change her later, this is mainly a rough draft... sorta... kinda. Let me know what you think. My thanks to Draco for her constructive critiques and suggestions. Expect a lot of spelling errors... I swear I'm 21 and I still can't spell to save my life... lol. Draco was kind enough to spell check and edit some of it for me. I can't spell some words to save my life... Unfortunately our word processor has no spell check. I know ff.net says that this is 'no excuse' but this is my mother's computer so I can't download any programs without her say so and she's not told me I could.


Blinding pain overwealmed her. Her entire body seized up and became tense. So intense was the pain that she didn't even see the flash of light that evaloped her. She fainted.

She woke up and groaned, holding her head. Instingtively one of her hands went to her abdomen, which had begun to become round. She was with child and it had been a very diffacult pregnancy. The child was half human and the frequant pains she suffered only farther complicated matters.

As she slowly stood up she took closer notice of her surroundings. To her horror she discovered that she was no longer in her liveing room., but a very strange place indeed. There was a snow-like substance on the ground and it looked as though she were standing in a large crater. She started to spread her colorful wings to fly out, but something held her back. She was out in the open here and felt it too dangerous to expose herself to attack like that, so she picked a direction and ran.

It felt like hours before she finally got somewhere that seemed remotely friendly. At this point she figured it was a good idea to wear her black cape and hood. Everyone looked weird, not as strange or nearly as frightening as some she'd seen earlier, but still... Until she learned what was going on it was best not to arouse the locals. She heard something behind her and she turned to look, but as she turned around she forgot to stop walking and her back hit something, tall black, and firm.

"Hey!" a deep voice growled, "Watch it!"

She turned around sharply and found herself face to face with another very strange creature. Obviously male; it had red skin, purple dreadlocks, yellow eyes and what looked like a dark grey turtleneck under his black trenchcoat.

"Ain't cha got nothin' to say baby?" He growled again and held up his left hand, whose forefinger sported a long, dangerous, glowing claw. She gasped and backed away. As a warrior she would normally have broken his arm, but her pregnancy got the better of her.

"Heh... bye bye baby..."

He struck at her with the claw. Now her fighting side kicked in. She grabbed his arm at the wrist and below the elbow and threw him over her shoulder.

A few other creatures, mostly ugly, began to close in on her. She drew a dagger and stood her ground. They began closeing in on her when the red one, obviously their leader, gestured for them to stop and move back.

"Interesting move for a chick." he said matter-of-factly. "Who are you?"

"I'm... Northstar." she had forgotten to use an alias.


Thrax circled her slowly, causeing her danger instingts to go into hyperdrive.

"Let's see what you look like under that hood." he growled again and to her own surprise she didn't resist when he pushed it back and let it fall behind her head.

What he saw shocked him and the crowd around her stepped back for a better look to make sure they were seeing what was plain before their eyes.

She was getting uncomfortable again.

They were all in shock, includeing Thrax. The girl looked like a... human? Once more she looked like a human who was starting to show signs of being pregnant.

"You're comein with us baby." Thrax, growled at last, grabbing her arm. "I'm very interested to hear what you have to say."

She resisted the arm, but concidered the fact that she was outnumbered and that Thrax's arm barely budged when she pulled, she decided to comply. He pushed her into the passenger side of a truck through the driver's side and got in, starting the engine.

She glared at him as she felt the vehicle accelerate. "Well baby you got some explaining to do and now's a perfact time to do it." On the steering wheel his left fore talon, which she noticed was the longest of both his hands, glowed dangerously.

"How the hell did you get here? You ain't a cell, and you ain't no germ?"

Her eyes widened. Germ?

"What do you mean? Where am I?"

"Inside somebody named Frank..."

"Inside some... I feel woozy..." She sat back and put her hand on her head. "So I'm... microscopic?"

"Yeah... Ya didn't notice...? Now how'd you do it? I ain't never heard of a human shrinking down to this size before!"

"Sorry... I was in too much pain to notice how I got here... By the way I'm not human... just in human form."


She sighed and removed her cape, letting her wings relax to a move comfortable position on her back. She had been holding them very close to keep them from being noticed and they had been starting to get sore.

"Oh.." was his only reply.

She rubbed her shoulder and explained that she was from another planet and that she was convinced that her enemy, Horde Prime, had done this to her in an attempt to get her out of the way. She also told him that there wasn't much she could do against him because she had to be very careful with the baby. (There was no sense denying it since he'd obviously seen it already anyway.) She did, however, conveniently leave out a few details; like the fact that Unarie, the name of her species, meant 'Unicorn' in English and the fact that she was a healer and that she was haveing a very very diffacult pregnancy. By the time she was done explaining herself they had passed the right Kidney.

"So... what are you?" she finally asked him.

"El Muerte Rojo."

"El Muer..? Wait.. masculine form of... Okay, the Red Death?"


"I see..." She condenced some water into ice and began toying with it.

"Can you shape that into anything?"

"Yeah." She condenced some more and formed it into a large dagger then back again until she was making some interesting geometrical shapes with the ice. "I'm a water element so I can pretty much control moisture."

"Hmmm... Interesting" This could work to his advantage "Look how's about I cut you a deal?"

"What kind of deal?"

"You help me take down this body and I'll help you take down this Horde guy, or at least protect you from him... fair enough?"

She paused for a moment, concidering. Helping to kill this man went against everything she believed in, but maybe there was a way to subtly undo whatever he did and ensure his victim survived without Thrax realizing it was her. After all she was a Unicorn.

"Hey baby it's either that or." He held the talons on his right hand to her throat, which didn't hold the same fire she sensed within his long one, but they were still, undoubtedly deadly.

"I understand." She tried not to shake. She was afraid of him and she knew a lot of it was the pregnancy screwing with her hormones. "I agree. You protect us and I'll... help you."


She patted her abdomen.

"Ah.. Good. Just don't forget that I'm in charge here and ain't no cop or chick gonna get in my way Kapesh?"


They pulled into some place called 'Big toe's garage' she assumed it was his hideout.

"Well baby here we are." he announced as he got out of the truck.

She slowly opened her door and got out, fighting another wave of pain.

"C'mon in baby... You're gonna help us overcome a minor setback..."

She stepped in and sat on the couch as Thrax breifed her on the situation. Apparently in a few hours they were going to this body's hypothalamus gland to steal a DNA bead.

"How are you at sneaking around?" he wanted to know.

"Fair... depends on the situation I guess..."


"If I have to I can be pretty elusive and if I'm found I'm hard to catch."

"Can you use those things or are they just for show." He ment her wings.

"I can fly, but not in tight places. I need plenty of room to spread my wings. Why, you need a 'lift' so to speak?"

"Oh no I have my own way to keep airborne."

She looked him over. He had no wings, no jetpack, no nothing that indicated he could fly. Maybe he had a glider hidden under that trenchcoat or something.

"How? Levitation?"

"No... You'll see baby."

He smirked. Just then one of the germs turned on the news and Thrax turned to listen.

"...Continueing cold symptoms, while annoying, will not derail plans for the upcomeing trip to the buff..."

Noone could hear what else the anchorman said because Thrax had burst into laughter. The germs looked at each other, and wondered amongst themselves what was so funny. Northstar looked at her hands, which were folded nervously in her lap. She thought it best to stay out of this.

"Hey boss... what's so funny?" A germ named Lenny asked.

"Th... They're makeing this too easy!" Thrax laughed manically, tears forming in the corners of his golden yellow eyes. He stopped laughing and gestured with his left hand.

"You know in all the bodies I've been in noone has ever gotten wise to me and now for the first time.." he smirked and pointed out the window at some invisable person,

"An immunity cell has figure out everything.. and they don't believe him!" he chuckled and the other germs snickered nervously, "Can you taste the irony in that?"

He glared at the two lackies, who obviously didn't get the joke.

"Shut up!" He snarled then turned to Northstar, "You know you're pretty quiet there baby... somethin wrong?" His smirk made her nervous.

"I'm just waiting to get this over with..."

"Heh... Just keep your nose clean and stay on my good side.." He lifted her chin with his left fore talon. She felt the fire within and a drop of sweat ran down her temple, "And you won't get turned to Unarie dust got it?"

The talon glowed and she nodded slowly. He growled and pulled a tarp off the back of the truck. "Alright we're back on schedule..."

He picked up a few pollen pods and pushed them into his trenchcoat.

"But boss..." a bacteria protested, "We're the only ones left. Maybe we should... incubate for a while?"

Thrax stopped what he was doing and stood up slowly. The germ clearly didn't sense the danger that was building, but Northstar did. Holding her left fist to her chest she backed toward the door slowly.

"You incubate!" she heard Thrax snarl, as he held his glowing talon to his forehead, "I said forty-eight hours and I'm gonna make my deadline."

He thrust it into his head and walked away as Northstar lept quickly away from the flames.

"Medical books aren't written about losers!" he snarled as he exited the inferno that was once the big toe garage.

The virus sensed something behind him and saw the girl standing back from the flames. She seemed frozen on the spot.

"How the hell did you survive?" he wanted to know, turning her by the shoulder to face him.

She was immediately pulled out of her terrified stupor and composed herself.

"I had the sense to get to a good distance when I felt danger mounting."

"I see..."

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."

"Oh no!" He grabbed her around the waist with his right arm as he held his most dangerous talon to her neck. "You ain't buggin' out on me now... You and I have a job to do and we made a deal." the talon began to glow.

She felt its flame and turned her face away from it. "You said you'd help me if I protected you and I always keep my word baby, besides... Where else do you have to go? This ain't your world."

On those words she stopped struggleing immediately. He was right. She didn't have much choice did she? She prayed that he really was a man of his word, even if he obviously seemed evil and she knew that if she broke her word, that would null their agreement and he would kill her. Her hand went to her abdomen. She would do the only thing she could do to protect her unborn.

"My appologies..." she murmured. "We'd better get going if you're gonna make your deadline..."

Thrax let her go.

"I'm keepin' my eye on you babe." he gestured with that same glowing claw. "Now let's go."

She nodded and took flight right behind him. As they arrived at the brain she began to feel even more uneasy about this whole thing and prayed that she would be able to reverse whatever it was Thrax was about to do, though she doubted it.


She watched from a distance as back up as he thrust his claw into the outer protection of the DNA strand. He chose his bead and then ran out again. When the alarm sounded and Thrax began looking for a way out thats when she lost track of him.

She decided that he was finding a way out and the logical thing to do would be to do the same and meet him there. Going to her natural form she exited the brain and galloped to the expressway, going for the best and nearest exit, the mouth. It was a really good thing she knew human anatomy.

It wasn't long before Frank began to become very, very hot with fever, she knew he wouldn't last much longer and if she was going to make a copy of that DNA bead to return to Frank's hypothalamus gland, she had to do it fast, because he wouldn't last much longer. In theory she could copy individual DNA properties, even whole beads, but no more. There would need to be a lot of magical aid for this, if it was even possable to pull it off.

She was begining to get very dizy and weak. Frank's fever was getting too high for her and she had a low tolerance for heat. She took flight. It took less energy and it might make her cool down. Below her she spotted a red, malicious-looking car speeding down the expressway, narrowly missing whatever other car it passed.

Feeling it save to assume it was him she kept her eyes on it and followed him toward the Uvula and snuck in, useing the beams on the celing to move around. She started to approch him as he got out of the car, but stopped short when she realized he had a hostage.

Below her she noticed two figures approaching them. One of them she assumed to be officer Jones, who the radio had announced was fired from the immunity force, she had no idea who the other robot-guy was. This was when she decided to step in. Spreading her wings to fly down to Thrax, she lept from the beam.

Just as she was halfway there, she doubled up in pain. Agonizing tension shot through her abdomen and she crashed to the ground, feeling her left wing get hurt. Whether it was broken or sprained she didn't know, but it would make flying a very difficult task, if she was able to at all.

She passed out from the heat and the increaseing pain in her middle.

When she came to Thrax was takeing off with Osmosis in hot pursuit. Letting out a neigh she galloped to the edge and took flight, forgetting about her hurt wing. The pain stabbed through her joints so she took on her anthropomorphic form since it was easier on her wings, and gained on them.

They landed on a little girl's eye. She didn't know who she was, but she could sense that the girl was really distressed. She decided that this time she would quit being so useless and actually attempt to keep her end of the bargen. She transformed into her true form again and knocked Thrax out of the way as Jones was about to land a punch.

"Are you still around?!?" Thrax blinked in surprise.

"Just keeping my end of the bargan."

"... For once..." He and Jones circled each other. Jones tried not to stare.

"Oh hush..."

"Normally I'd let you in on it, but just hang back baby... This jerk's mine..."

"Fine..." She had tried to get a hold of the chain as she'd knocked him over so that she could, hopefully, get a hold of the bead and get it back to Frank. All she needed was a combination of technology and magic to download the bead, or at least the code from it, to a special med-device, make a copy of it and fly like a bat out of hell back to Frank with it while Thrax and Jones duked it out here. Unfortunately she hadn't been able to touch it.

She did as she was told and eyed the scene going on before her, but when they were thrown onto the false eyelash by the girl's blink she had to get out of the way and landed on one of Shane's actual eyelashes. Despite the battle in front of her her thoughts drifted to home. That's where she wanted to be, especially in her present condition.

A loud scream jerked her from her thoughts. The eyelash was falling from the child's eye, Jones was surfing on a tear and Thrax, stuck to the falsie, was falling helplessly toward a beaker of alcohol.

Without a moment to spare she leapt from the eyelash, spreading her wings and hurling herself toward him. She grabbed him and tried to pull him off, but his left hand was stuck tight to the eyelash.

Thrax looked at her and his eyes widened in shock as her attire completely changed from blue jeans and a white t-shirt to armor. She drew a long dagger and cut the heavy side of the falsie then the lighter all the way through. Just as she began to pull him up again they smacked the alcohol. Thrax winced in pain as his entire body up to his throat was dunked into the alcohol. She heard a splash as the device plumited deep into the beaker. All hope of Frank being saved with that was gone...

Flapping her powerful wings she took to the air again and pulled him out of the beaker, laying him down gently on the table. The alcohol hadn't had a chance to disolve him, but he had been fately wounded.