Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma 1/2, Rumiko Takahashi does. So don't sue.

A/N: YAY!!! Another fanfic. I've made 2 Ranma/Shampoo fanfics with still more to come, I've made a Inuyasha/Shampoo fanfic which still isn't complete. So now I will pair Shampoo up with every male anime character I can think of BWHAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding but this is a Ryouga/Shampoo pairing. And if you haven't read my other stories read them. Also before you start to read, in my one fanfic 'Is it worth it?' I made Shampoo have a older brother (Xian-Zane) who was 2 years older than Shampoo. And a older sister (Gar Lan-Garland) who was one year older than Shampoo. They are in this story as her brother and sister so read chapter 4 of 'Is it worth it?' to see there description, because I'm lazy right now. Also this takes place at the beginning of the manga when Shampoo finally settles in but hasn't seen Ryouga yet. ENJOY!!! Oh yes before I forget my friend just made her first fanfic and its call 'Restricted Zones'. Its an Inuyasha/Ranma Yaoi and I think everyone should Read and Review her story PLEASE. (It is not just a tasteless fanfic with them just making out so READ IT!)

Chapter 1-Reunited Friends



Ryouga was lost again of course. Where ever he was it was cold, dark, and smelly. And you know whose fault it was, Ranma. It was always Ranma's fault. For him taking Akane away, for him giving him that curse, and for every damn thing that happened to Ryouga was Ranma's fault. "DAMN YOU RANMA SAOTOME!!!"

Then someone opened the door to where ever he was. "Ryouga, what the hell are you doing in my closet?" Of course Ranma was the one to open the door. The one that Ryouga wanted to beat the most, and Ryouga probably could with all the Amazon techniques he learned, but everytime he would try one cold water would always hit him and he would be unable to fight due to his curse.

Ryouga took one look at Ranma and flipped out. "I WILL DEFEAT RANMA SAOTOME EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!!!" Ryouga took out his umbrella and started to swing it at him wildly. Ranma dodged all his attacks with ease and jumped out the window to take the fight outside. "DAMN YOU!!! WHY CAN'T YOU STAND STILL AND TAKE YOUR BEATING LIKE A MAN?!?"

"Maybe if you weren't so slow you could hit me." Ranma said now barely dodging Ryouga's umbrella.

Then out of no where Ranma heard a bike bell and knew what that meant. She came off one of the roofs and the poor lost boy had never seen it coming. Shampoo landed her bike right on top of Ryouga's head without even looking to see who she ran over. "Nihao Airen, I came to bring you some Ramen." Shampoo glomped onto Ranma and didn't even look back.

"Um... Shampoo can't you see I was in the middle of a fight?" Ranma said trying to squeeze out of her glomp.

"Yes, thats why I came to save you." Shampoo said without even looking to see who he was fighting.

"RANMA HOW DARE YOU THROW A BIKE ON ME WITH A GIRL ON TOP TO TRY TO STOP ME FROM........" Ryouga was caught off guard as Ryouga looked closely at the girl who was glomping him.

Shampoo had also stop to turn around to look at the person who had interrupted her and her Airen's intimate moment. When they caught each others eye it seemed like everything stopped. Slowly Shampoo began to recognize the face "Ryouga....."

The same went for Ryouga. "Shampoo....."

Ranma was completely confused. He knew he hadn't introduced Ryouga to Shampoo or the other way around. And know they were just looking at each other. Shampoo had just completely forgotten about Ranma and was just staring at Ryouga. Ranma couldn't help but to feel a little jealous. Or a lot because as they began to move closer Ranma got in the middle of them and started yelling "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?!"

Well that snapped them both back into reality. Shampoo was the first to speak. Well actually she ran over Ranma to go give Ryouga a hug. It wasn't like the ones she gave Ranma. Shampoo didn't press her cheast up against him and it looked more like a friendly which Ryouga returned without passing out, but there was a tiny nose bleed. "Ryouga I haven't seen you in such a long time. Even though its been 2 years sort of."

Ranma just looked up at them shocked. Shampoo had just ran over him to go give someone else a hug. This was really getting on his nerves. First he gets into a fight, then he gets glomped, then he's ignored. This is not his day.

"Ya, I haven't seen you in a long time either Shampoo. You've developed......a lot." Ryouga looked and sounded nervous but it looked like he was trying to act like he wasn't.

Shampoo looked up at Ryouga and blushed a bit. "Oops, hehe, sorry I forgot." She backed away a little. "You have to come see Great-Grandmother now. She would be so happy to see you."

Ranma just looked at the two walking off together. Ryouga just forgot about their fight, and Shampoo had forgot about him all together. "This can not be happening to me. Shampoo left me for.....for Ryouga. WHAT DOES HE GOT THAT I DON'T GOT?!? This just is not my day." With that out of his system Ranma sighed looked back at the laughing Ryouga and Shampoo and went back into the house.

Ryouga and Shampoo were laughing and reflecting on the time they spent together in the Amazon tribe.


*FLASHBACK 4 Years Back*

A 12yr. old Ryouga was walking along a trial again. "Ok, the map says that there should be a fork in the road right here." Ryouga looks around "WHERES THE FORK?!?"

*Excuse me but are you lost?* Ryouga turned around to see a purple haired girl with long wavvy hair. She was beautiful which made Ryouga really nervous. She was carrying a basket of herbs. She was wearing a blue Chinese dress that had chinese writing and dragons on it. It also had one big split going down one side which made him even more nervous.

*Um, y....ye..yes I am lost.* Ryouga was getting really nervous.

*Oh, well I'll take you back to my village and someone can give you directions there.* said the purple hair girl.

*Oh, ok my..my...my name is um Ryouga Hibiki and I'm from Japan.* Ryouga said nervously now sweating bullets.

*My name is Gar Lan (Garland) and I'm from the Amazon Tribe Joketsuzko.*

*Wait so i'm in China?*

*Yep, of course did you still think you were in Japan?*

*Um, hehe, sort of.* Ryouga was embarrased and blushed.

*Oh well thats ok, we all get lost some time in our lives.* Garland now took his hand and was about to lead him to the village when he passed out. She looked down and saw that his nose was bleeding badly. *Oh dear.* Quickly she picked him up and ran off to her village.


Ryouga woke up. 'I'm really gonna have to get over my fear of girls.' Too bad Ryouga wasn't prepared for another girl so close up. Actually this girl was so close up that when Ryouga woke up and leaned his head forward he kissed her.


*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* Ryouga passed out with his nose bleeding full force again.

The girl who screamed and got kissed also had purple hair but she wasn't the same girl. She looked younger than the other girl. Her hair had two buns on top and 2 tails in the front. Actually her and the other girl looked similar except the only thing that was different was their hair and the other girl was taller.

The girl backed away. The girl Garland from earlier came running with a handsome boy with short black hair tied up in the back and the same color eyes as the other two girls but darker, came from the other room. The boy was the first to speak *What happened? Whats wrong? Why are you so pale Shampoo?*

The girl who backed away whose name was Shampoo spoke up *The..the..the pervert kissed me Zane. EWWWWWW!!!*

*HE WHAT?!?* Zane her brother, was now set off. No one was going to violate his sister and get away with it. He ran up to the poor Ryouga who was still knocked out and started shaking him. *YOU GOT SOME NERVE LIL BOY!!! TO COME INTO OUR FAMILIES HOUSE AFTER WE HELP YOU AND YOU REPAY US BY VIOLATING MY SISTER AND STEALING HER FIRST KISS!!!* he stopped shaking the boy for a second and turned around to ask Shampoo something, *That was your first kiss right?*

Shampoo looked angry at her brother, *YES, IT WAS!!!*

*Oh, just making sure.* Zane said then turned back around to start shaking the boy some more until his other younger sister Garland interrupted him.

Garland took Zanes hands from off the boy and started talking to him, *Zane, don't you see that the boy is still knocked out. And that his nose is bleeding more than it was before. Apparently he's shy when it comes to girls, so how can he be a pervert.*

Zane and Shampoo took time to think about this. Zane spoke up, *Yea, I guess your right. So now we can say that Shampoo's a pervert.* Zane turned around to face Shampoo *Ya know, I always that you were a pervert, with you and that whole Mousse situation.* Zane smirked.


Garland started to walk off, *See, problem solved. Now let me go get him some towels to clean up the blood and stop his nose bleed before he bleeds to death.......Thanks to Shampoo.*

Shampoo was sick of being teased by her brother and sister. *SHUTUP!!! It was an accident*

*Sure Shampoo, whatever you say.* Zane said sarcasticlly before walking off and hitting Shampoo upside her head teasingly.

*Stupid Zane......stupid Garland.* Shampoo got up to walk over to the boy before she left the room. His nose stopped bleeding. But Shampoo didn't care, she was mad and angry and it was because of this outsider boy. She stood over him again but not close. *YOU KNOW ALL OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!*

*What is?* Shampoo looked down at the boy. He was waking up. Garland finally came back to give him some wet washcloths so he can wipe the blood off.

*Oh, I see your waking up.* Garland said.

*Yes, but what made me pass out the second time.* Ryouga asked.

Shampoo blushed and Garland giggled *I think you and my sister may have accidentally kissed you.*

Ryouga blushed even more. His face turned so red it look like it was about to pop. *I'm very sorry....I...I..didn't mean to.*

Shampoo was still a little angry, *DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOULD BE SORRY!!!*

Garland gave an evil glare towards her sister, *SHAMPOO....* she hissed.

Shampooo sunk low. When Shampoo's sister was nice she was very nice but when she was mad thats when you back away. Shampoo just peeped out *sorry.*

Garland turned around to leave the room but before she shut the door she said *Shampoo, for that outburst of yours, your going to show him around our village. And after dinner Great-Grandmother wanted to meet with him. As long as he stays here Shampoo he will be your responsibility.*

Shampoo just sighed. She knew that she couldn't just talk back to her older sister. If she did it would just be a losing battle. She might as well introduce herself. So she sighed once more and turned around to face the bandana wearing boy *My name is Shampoo and I am a warrior of this tribe. Whats your name?*

The boy just looked at Shampoo confused but then snapped back to reality. *My name is Ryouga, I guess I'm a warrior and a wanderer.*

Shampoo looked completely uninterested. She might as well get this tour over with and just hope he wasn't going to stay long. *Are you ready are do you still need time to rest?* Shampoo said getting an attitude.

Ryouga looked up at her. He still looked very nervous. So he just nodded his head yes. *Good beacause I don't want to wait all day for you. Now lets go.*

Shampoo grabbed his hand and started to drag him off. She turned to look at him. He was sweating and shaking a lot. She just rolled her eyes and said *Why are you so nervous around girls?*

Ryouga looked at her shocked. No one had ever asked him that before. *I don't know. I just get nervous.*

Shampoo was getting very irritated by this outsider. *Ok.....well your just gonna have to get over that, because I'm a girl and your going to be hanging around me for a long time. SO GET US TO IT!!!*

Shampoo then stomped off leaving him there to stand alone and think. 'Wow....she sure is bitchy, I don't think I'll like her much. And why is taking me on a tour a punishment?'

All the rest of his thoughts were cut off by Shampoo whacking him over the head. *Are you coming?*

*Hey ain't I supposed to be your guest?!? So that means you should treat me with respect.....or else!* Ryouga was sick of it. She had been a bitch ever since he got there.

Shampoo stood there shocked. No one but her family talked to her that way. And he threatend her. Shampoo was about to go off but got interuptted by Ryouga *NO, I WANT YOU TO APOLOGIZE FOR BEING SUCH A BITCH. I'VE DONE NOTHING TO YOU BUT YET YOU BOSS ME AROUND AND BITCH AND I'VE ONLY KNOWN YOU FOR ABOUT LIKE 15 MINUTES!!!*

Shampoo just gave him a sad look and turned around. Ryouga had just yelled at a girl. A cute one at that. Even though she was bitchy didn't mean she deserved....even though she did. This was against eveything Ryouga stood for. So Ryouga went after her.

He didn't confront her until they had gotten into a more private place. But as he walked through the village it seemed like no one in the village had seen a male before and just stared at him. He stayed close behind her so he wouldn't lose her and get lost but he also stayed far behind so she wouldn't notice him. But finally he noticed that they were in the woods. She walked up on to a bridge and looked down at the water below her sadly. Ryouga took one step and she spoke up. *Go away Mousse.*

Ryouga looked at her confused. He finally walked up to her and sat beside her. *Sorry but I'm no Mousse.*

Shampoo looked at him once then looked back down at that water. *Oh its just you, I thought you were done insulting me.*

Ryouga gave her a soft look. *I'm sorry......but you did deserve it. I didn't mean to hurt you.*

Shampoo just looked at him confused. * Why are you apologizing? I know I deserved it.* Ryouga gave her a confused look. *I know I was bitch, thats how I act and I can't help it. Thats why I don't have any friends, except Mousse but he wants to be more than friends which is worse. So I can understand if you don't want to be my friend. Now you can go away.*

Ryouga looked at her and gave her a small smile *Nope, I'm not going. I'm going to stay here and be your friend. Even if it kills me.*

Shampoo looked shock at his proclaimation. No one had ever done this for her except Mousse but he was proclaiming his love for her. Shampoo looked back down at the water again because she felt her face turning red. She smiled *Then do you want me to kill you now or later?*

Ryouga laughed. She then looked at him seriously *No.....I'm serious.*

Ryouga looked at her with wide eyes. Then she startted to crack up. Ryouga just looked at her angry at first but then got an idea. Ryouga started to get up and walk away. Shampoo just stared at him worried that she had messed things up again. But when he walked past her he pushed her in the water.

Now Ryouga started to crack up laughing. Shampoo just looked at him fiercly and pulled herself out the water. She walked up to Ryouga who was trying to calm down his laughter since she looked so angry. But it was too funny, she looked like swamp thing.

Shampoo just smiled sweetly at him which caught him off guard. Then she pushed him back right into the water. He just looked at her now she was laughing her butt off. Ryouga was about to go push her back but she slipped in herself. They both looked at each other and started to crack up.


After dinner and after they both got washed up (seperately) they went off to Shampoo's Great-Grandmothers house. When they got there they were greeted by an old troll. The troll hopped over to Ryouga and started to exmaine him. He felt uneasy under her gaze. Then she finally spoke up. *I see you and Shampoo have become great friends.* Ryouga and Shampoo just nodded. *Yes well let me just keep this visit short. I am Shampoo's Great- Grandmother Cologne. But you have to call me honored elder like everyone else. Also if you chose to stay here, you will learn Amazon techniques. Shampoo should explain our laws to you. Now if theres anything else you want to work on tell me now. Or are you not going to be staying with us?*

Ryouga looked sort of shocked. But he finally spoke up. *Yes, I will be staying.* He looked towards Shampoo who just smiled sweetly which made him nervous and sweat again. He looked back towards Cologne and started to speak again * But while I'm here I would like to work on my communication skills with girls, and I need help with my directional skills.*

Cologne gave Ryouga a toothy grin. *Ok, but you have to also teach Shampoo here Japenese. Even though it looks like you can already communicate well with girls, but if you say so. Also you will be staying with Shampoo's family. You'll be sharing a room with her brother Zane. So while you stay with them I expect you to follow the tribes laws, and their rules.*

*Ok, thats alright with me.* he looked over to Shampoo who looked dissapointed about learining Japenese.

*Ok, in 1 week you and Shampoo will start training each other. Also I will be joining you two to help.* they both nodded and went back to Shampoo's home.

As they were walking back Shampoo just stared at Ryouga. Ryouga noticed and started to get nervous. "Um....Sha..Shampoo is there something wrong?"

Shampoo just look down at the ground. "No.....well I just wanted to ask you something."

Ryouga looked at her confused, "Oh...what is it?"

Shampoo turned her face so he couldn't see her blush "Do you think I'm cute?"


Shampoo turned back to face Ryouga but she had to look down because he was down on the ground with his nose bleeding. Of course Shampoo took this the wrong way. "ALL YOU HAD TO SAY WAS NO!!!" and stomped away leaving him


As time passed Shampoo and Ryouga became best friends. But of course this didn't go unseen with Mousse. Well it sort of did so lets just say it didn't go unheard of with Mousse. Ryouga probably got attacked by Mousse 5 times a day. But of course Ryouga always won.

It took Ryouga a few months to get use to the tribe and its laws but with Shampoo and her families help he got use to it easily. With Shampoo and her family by his side it seemed like the tribe gave him more respect. Even though most of them would spread rumors about him and Shampoo being lovers, they still gave him the respect that he earned.

Ryouga ended up being ranked one of the top fighters in the village. Ryouga even ended beating Shampoo in a few battles but they just kept that to themselves because they knew what would happen if anyone found out. If anyone found out Shampoo would have to give him the Kiss of Life and marry him, but they were just friends so they kept on the downlow. But the one thing Ryouga couldn't do was beat Zane. For some reason Zane always seemed to catch him offguard. Maybe it was because Shampoo would always distract him by watching on the sidelines. But Ryouga always tried to put off his feelings for Shampoo because he always thought that she wouldn't feel the same way.

****** 2 1/2 years later *******

*Ryouga are you sure you want to leave?* said a concerned Garland.

*Ya, I think I've stayed here long enough. I've learned a lot things here and I thank you all.* said Ryouga.

Then Cologne spoke up, *Yes, I think you have learned much over the passed two years. You've learned many Amazon techniques, which I should remind you are secret, so you can not share them with anyone else. You've gotten over your fear of being near girls, well of course if their not really close, kissing you on the lips, or nude. But we still haven't figured out how to fix your directional skills.*

*Ya, I think your cursed Ryouga.* said Zane giving him a grin.

*Ya, I think I am too. But at least I improved a little. Anyways I pobably won't.....* Ryouga was cut off from someone trying to throw different sharp objects at him.


Mousse was cut off by Ryouga kicking him in the stomach and then booting him back towards the rest of the village. * I don't know when its going to get through to him that I'm not trying to get with Shampoo and that she doesn't want him or me. By the way where is Shampoo? I thought she would be here.*

At that time Shampoo started walking up to the hill they were at. She looked very sad. Cologne saw this and thought they would want some alone time, *Oh, well it looks like we should be leaving now Ryouga, I hope you have a safe journey. And if you ever want to come back to the village, ask somebody to guide you your way back. Come now Zane and Garland say your good-byes.*

Garland started to cry, *Awwww Ryouga...~sniff~... I'm going to miss you. Our mom and dad are sorry that they couldn't make it but they wish you the best of luck. ~sniff~ Good-bye.* With that said Garland ran off to catch up with Cologne.

Now it was Zanes turn. He looked sad but he still smiled at Ryouga * Ryouga, I hope you have a good time to where ever life leads you. So good- bye friend.* Zane gave Ryouga a hard pat on the back. By this time Shampoo had already reached to where they were. And while Zane was patting Ryouga on the back he made Ryouga lean in closer and whispered in his ear so Shampoo wouldn't hear, *And to tell you the truth I was hoping that you could take Shampoo off our hands for awhile. Since I know you two get along so well.* But of course Shampoo did hear this and slapped her brother hard upside his head until he ran off, *HEY I WAS JUST KIDDING!*

Finally it was just Shampoo and Ryouga. They just stared at each other until Shampoo interupted the silence. She was looking down towards the village. *The village looks beautiful from here, don't you think?*

Ryouga just looked at her confused and said *Ya*.

Shampoo looked back at Ryouga and started speaking again. "You don't mind if Shampoo......I speak in Japenese do you?"

"No I don't."

"Well ok. Ryouga why do you have to leave? Your the only friend I have here and now your just leaving. I don't want you to go and Sham.... and I'm not going to let you go."

Ryouga just looked shocked. He didn't know what to say. He saw that Shampoo had began to cry. "Shampoo......please don't cry. I'm going because....because the reason I left my first home was to explore and see how many techniques I can learn. I think I've spent enough time here. I mean I appreciate everything that your tribe has taught me but I really appreciate all the things that you've done for me. I know I probably wouldn't be the person I am today without you. And plus you probably wouldn't be the girl you are today without me so it isn't like we didn't get nothing out of it."

Shampoo just looked up at him with tears still coming down her face. "So, all you want to do is explore?"

"Well, I also have to get revenge on this guy who ran out on our fight."

"So, I'll go with. I like to explore, and plus with me you wouldn't get lost all the time."

The way she was acting was really surprising Ryouga. Shampoo was acting really desperate and emotional. Ryouga had never seen this side of Shampoo. "Well....um.....Shampoo...I can't let you leave your family. I know it would hurt you and your family very much. And I just can't let you. I'm sorry."

Shampoo just gave him a sad smile, and laughed a bit "It was worth a try."

Ryouga just returned her sad smile, "Ya, I guess."

"Ryouga, I'll miss you and I'll never forget you. You just better not forget me." Shampoo balled up her fist and waved it at Ryouga to show him what she meant.

They just both looked at each other and laughed. "I won't. No matter how hard I try I probably wouldn't forget you. But....I'll miss you too."

They just stared at each. A slight breeze passed both of them which made their hair move with the breeze. It was so silent and peaceful that Ryouga didn't even notice Shampoo move in closer. By the time he noticed her closing in their lips were already touching. It seemed to last forever for Ryouga but it also seemed like it ended too soon. When Shampoo ended the kiss Ryouga was still half dazed, shocked, and surprised. Shampoo just whisepered to him "good-bye Ryouga", and left him there.

That was the last time they saw each other....until now.



Ryouga and Shampoo were still laughing and chatting. Ryouga was about to ask Shampoo about the kiss but was interuptted by Shampoo. "Ryouga we're here now. Great-Grandmother is going to be so happy to see you again."



Ok, its 3 a.m. I'm tired and I stayed up all night writting. I know I probably have a lot of mistakes but please tell me in your reviews. There is more to come and I hope you like. PLEASE REVIEW!!! ~YAWN~

Oh yea in the flashback. Shampoo and Ryouga were 12, Garland was 13, and Zane was 14.