Ok, to start of, the first chapter is not of my creation. I'd like to give
B. G. Pendragon the credit for it since it is her story. I much appreciate
her for opening up the opportunity to others to finish her fic. I hope you
enjoy what she has written and I hope you enjoy what I myself add to it.
Enjoy! ^_^
"You want us to do WHAT!?" Naruto said indignantly.
"Do you really not know what the words `Training Mission' mean? You really are as stupid as you look, Dead-last."
Naruto shot Sasuke a death-glare.
"I was talking to Master Kakashi, not you ...Uchiha." The last word was spat out of Naruto's mouth as if it were poison.
"Hn," Sasuke replied.
Kakashi sighed. 'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, but they need to work together (or at least not try to kill
eachother every time they're together.' To Naruto he said," I want you and Sasuke to come with me on a special training mission. Sakura will not be coming along."
" Are you INSANE!?" Naruto retorted. "Sakura's the only reason I don't kill Sasuke! If she won't be around..."
Naruto grinned maliciously. "Well, let's just say I can't be held accountable for my actions."
Sasuke's eyes widened for a second, but no one noticed. '"I can't be held accountable for my actions!?!"' That sounds so wrong!' Sasuke thought. 'As a matter of fact, it sounded like he was saying he'll... YUCK! I don't even wanna go there!' Aloud he said, "You couldn't hurt me if you tried, Dobe."
Naruto growled. 'What is with this guy? Always so stuck-up.'
"I have a name, ya' know!"
Naruto, unable to take Sasuke's arrogant attitude any longer, launched himself at his rival. However, Kakashi grabbed Naruto's collar just in time to prevent him from hurting Sasuke.
"There'll be none of that. You two will have plenty of opportunities to go at eachother once we head out. We leave at sunrise tomorrow. Pack for a three day trip." Kakashi dropped Naruto (who landed very painfully on his bum), and left.
"Owww..." Naruto groaned and rubbed his smarting rear.
Sasuke shook his head and started walking towards his house. 'Three days...'
*Sunrise, the next day*
Kakashi and Sasuke stood at the gates of the village, traveling gear on their backs.
'Where is Naruto?' Kakashi thought? 'He was supposed to be here five minutes ago.'
Just then a loud noise, sort of like the sound of a sugar high drummer banging their crash symbols together as loud as possible, drew their attention.
Naruto, with his back pack flung across one arm and his goggles at a rakish angle on his forehead, had in his haste, run into someone's trashcan.
As he watched the blonde haired shinobi get up and run, out of breath and panting, towards him Sasuke smiled. 'Dead-last, as always.' He thought, chuckling. Quickly, he realized that he had, for once, not been annoyed but actually happy.
This confused him very much. 'Maybe it's because he looks so cute pouting like that
while Kakashi scolds him. Huh!? What in the world am I thinking!? I think getting up this early has affected my thought process. Yeah...that's it.'
After a stern lecture from Kakashi to Naruto about the irresponsibility of sleeping in when you have an appointment, the three set off.
After an arduous day of training, they looked for a cave to sleep in. It took several tries, but they finally found an unoccupied one. As they laid out their bedrolls on its' cold stone floor, Naruto looked over at his rival, Sasuke, only to find that Sasuke wasn't where he had been a minute ago. 'That's weird. I could've sworn he was right there.'
"Hey, Master Kakashi..." Naruto stopped when he saw that his teacher was already asleep. 'Hmph! It figures. He doesn't do half the work we do and yet he's out like a light the second his head touches the pillow and he snores loud enough to wake up
the dead! There's no way I'm gonna get to sleep with that racket! I guess I'll go outside for a while.'
Naruto walked outside and sat down on the edge of a ledge that was just in front of the cave.
He looked down on the forest below him and watched the breeze ripple through the trees. Suddenly he felt very cold and alone. He shivered as he remembered his jacket, left inside, on his pillow.
"You knew it was cold, so why did you come outside without your jacket?"
Naruto whirled around to see who had said that. Sasuke was sitting on a moss covered rock on top of the cave's entrance; Leaning back and staring up at the stars.
Naruto sat, momentarily spell bound by the sight before him. Sasuke looked so different from the way he did during the day.
His hair seemed to blend with the night, and the wind gently brushed it across his face now and again. His eyes no longer looked like cold mirrors, but like a recreation of the starry sky above them. They glittered with intelligence and ... sadness. 'Why is he so beautiful at night, and so cold during the day?' Naruto asked himself. 'What!? Where did that come from!? I'm more tired than I thought.'
Realizing that he hadn't yet spoken, Naruto answered," I wasn't thinking I guess. I'm tired, I think I'll head back in." with that,
Naruto disappeared from sasuke's vision.
Sasuke sighed.The reason why he hadn't said anything when Naruto first came outside was because he enjoyed studying
Naruto and his wide variety of expressions. 'What is this? I thought I disliked him, or that we were at least rivals.' Sasuke sighed again. 'Why does everything have to be so confusing?'
Morning came, and with it, came a storm as well.
The three shinobi slogged through mud and rain till late afternoon, when the storm got so bad, traveling was nearly impossible.
"It's no use trying to go further," Kakashi shouted over the wind. "We passed a cave a little while back. We'll wait out the storm in there."
So the trio slogged back to the cave. Once they were at the cave, they set down their waterlogged packs.
"Ugh!" Naruto groaned. "Our clothes are soaked!"
'He's got a point.' Sasuke thought. 'Not that I'm complaining. The way those clothes cling to him... Ah! Where the hell did that come from!? I'm not gay! And even if I was, (which I'm not) why Naruto of all people!?'
"Well," Kakashi said, "That is a valid complaint. We can fix that easily tho'. Naruto. Get some firewood. Dry firewood this time please!" Naruto blushed while sasuke sniggered. "Sasuke. String this rope across the fire pit, high enough to hang things on, but too high."
Once all these tasks were accomplished, Kakashi got a roaring fire going. "OK boys, strip to your boxers." Kakashi ordered.
"WHAT!?!?" Both boys said at once.
"We'll hang our clothes over the fire. That's the fastest way to dry them," Kakashi explained.
"You've got to be kidding me," Naruto said under his breath as he removed his jacket.
Because of all his fussing and grumbling, by the time Naruto was done Sasuke was already hanging his clothes up. Naruto froze mid-motion.
'Man,I never realised just how hot Sasuke is... EEEWWWW!!! I did not just think that! Ugh!'
After hanging up his clothes Naruto joined Sasuke and Kakashi on the floor.
"Now then," Kakashi said." Let's play a game!"
Both boys stared at him incredulously.
"A game," Sasuke asked, raising an eyebrow.
"This is it!" Naruto exclaimed, standing up. "Master Kakashi has finally cracked!!"
"No I have not! We're going to be stuck here until the storm passes so we might as well do something to keep us occupied."
Naruto, however, wasn't listening. He was too busy ranting and raving.
"He has a point, Naruto," Sasuke said quietly.
Naruto stopped in mid-rant. 'Did Sasuke just call me Naruto?!?' He sat down, the idea of ranting lost in his amazement.
"Good," Kakashi said." Then the game we'll play is..."
"'Tell A Truth!'"
"Nani!?" Naruto and Sasuke both exclaimed at the same time.
"Oh come now," Kakashi said. "Surely you've heard of 'Tell A Truth!"
Both boys blinked in unison and stared blankly at their instructor.
'Sigh. There is a major generation gap here,' Kakashi thought.
"I can't believe you've never played 'Tell A Truth.' When I was a kid it was the most played game in the land."
Suddenly, a light a light of comprehension dawned on Naruto's face. "Ah," he exclaimed, "I see! It was in pre-historic times, so of course we wouldn't have heard of it!"
Sasuke shook with suppressed laughter as Kakashi chased Naruto around the room, threatening great bodily harm.
"I'm nowhere NEAR that old, you juvenile delinquent!"
"Hah! Then why's your hair grey, gramps?"
"If I was your grandfather, I would've disowned you years ago!"
"If you were my grandfather I'd have run away from home before you could even sign the papers!"
"Why you! Come here so I can beat the crap outta you!"
"What's the matter, old-timer? Can't keep up?"
Suddenly, Kakashi appeared right in front of Naruto. The blonde-haired shinobi swerved to avoid hitting his instructor... and ran straight into the wall of the cave.
Sasuke couldn't hold it in anymore. He laughed out loud.
Naruto peeled himself off of the wall and whipped around to face Sasuke, intent on making a snide remark. But he stopped, his mouth agape.
Sasuke's smile was bright and youthful. His laughter had an almost musical quality to it. And his eyes, usually so dark, shined bright with mirth.
'Whoa...' Naruto said to himself. 'He looks really, really gorgeous when he laughs. And the fact that he doesn't have a shirt on doesn't hurt his appearance either.'
At this point, Naruto was watching Sasuke's well-toned chest heave with laughter. He was entranced by every sleek muscle's movement. He wanted nothing more than to touch them, to feel the movements under his fingertips.
"Hellooo..." Kakashi called into Naruto's ear. "Naruto? This is earth. How are things up there on cloud nine?"
Naruto instantly snapped out of his daze. After quickly checking to make sure Sasuke hadn't heard Kakashi (which he hadn't), Naruto blushed a deep red and glared at his teacher. Kakashi just smiled knowingly.
Naruto walked over to the fire in a huff and sat down beside Sasuke, who was now sitting up and chuckling. The sound brought a shiver down Naruto's spine. 'Damn. Since when is an "innocent" chuckle so seductive?' Naruto shook his head furiously. 'No. No. No! Not again! Damn hormones! ... Yeah, that's what it is. Hormones.'
Naruto, afraid of what other "hormone" induced thoughts he might think if left unoccupied said, "So, how do we play 'Tell A Truth?'"
Sasuke sat up and stopped chuckling, although there was the ghost of a smile on his lips. He was eager to do something besides sitting there watching Naruto. 'Not that it's not fun...' Sasuke thought. 'He's really quite adorable (funny too). And there is a lot to look at...'
This time it was Sasuke's turn to shake his head furiously. 'No way. NO way. I was NOT just checking out Naruto! My RIVAL. Another GUY. And even if I was (which I wasn't) I was NOT enjoying it!'
Sasuke was drawn out of his thoughts by the sound of Kakashi's voice.
"Well," their instructor said as he took some strings from his pocket," We all take a string." He offered the strings to both boys, and each took one. Kakashi himself also took a string and then put the rest back in his pocket before continuing.
"Now then, we each take turns. On our turns we SLOWLY wrap the string around our finger as we talk about ourselves. If you stop to think, you stop winding thread. When all of your string is wound around your finger, you're done and it's the next person's turn. OH! And you can't make stuff up, although you can choose to omit certain things," He cast a meaning full glance at Naruto as he said that last bit of instruction.
Sasuke dangled the string in front of his face. In a disdainful tone, he said, "And the point of this is...?"
"To get to know eachother better," Kakashi stated with a grin.
"Alright Sasuke," Kakashi said, "Since you're obviously ssssooooooo excited about this, why don't you start?"
"ME!?" Sasuke yelped while Naruto snickered.
"Yes, you, Start!"
Sasuke resigned to his fate with a small sigh and sat up. "All right, here goes..."
There you have it peoples. A start to a new fic. I hope that this turns out good. For my and B.G. Pendragon's sake. ^_^
"You want us to do WHAT!?" Naruto said indignantly.
"Do you really not know what the words `Training Mission' mean? You really are as stupid as you look, Dead-last."
Naruto shot Sasuke a death-glare.
"I was talking to Master Kakashi, not you ...Uchiha." The last word was spat out of Naruto's mouth as if it were poison.
"Hn," Sasuke replied.
Kakashi sighed. 'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, but they need to work together (or at least not try to kill
eachother every time they're together.' To Naruto he said," I want you and Sasuke to come with me on a special training mission. Sakura will not be coming along."
" Are you INSANE!?" Naruto retorted. "Sakura's the only reason I don't kill Sasuke! If she won't be around..."
Naruto grinned maliciously. "Well, let's just say I can't be held accountable for my actions."
Sasuke's eyes widened for a second, but no one noticed. '"I can't be held accountable for my actions!?!"' That sounds so wrong!' Sasuke thought. 'As a matter of fact, it sounded like he was saying he'll... YUCK! I don't even wanna go there!' Aloud he said, "You couldn't hurt me if you tried, Dobe."
Naruto growled. 'What is with this guy? Always so stuck-up.'
"I have a name, ya' know!"
Naruto, unable to take Sasuke's arrogant attitude any longer, launched himself at his rival. However, Kakashi grabbed Naruto's collar just in time to prevent him from hurting Sasuke.
"There'll be none of that. You two will have plenty of opportunities to go at eachother once we head out. We leave at sunrise tomorrow. Pack for a three day trip." Kakashi dropped Naruto (who landed very painfully on his bum), and left.
"Owww..." Naruto groaned and rubbed his smarting rear.
Sasuke shook his head and started walking towards his house. 'Three days...'
*Sunrise, the next day*
Kakashi and Sasuke stood at the gates of the village, traveling gear on their backs.
'Where is Naruto?' Kakashi thought? 'He was supposed to be here five minutes ago.'
Just then a loud noise, sort of like the sound of a sugar high drummer banging their crash symbols together as loud as possible, drew their attention.
Naruto, with his back pack flung across one arm and his goggles at a rakish angle on his forehead, had in his haste, run into someone's trashcan.
As he watched the blonde haired shinobi get up and run, out of breath and panting, towards him Sasuke smiled. 'Dead-last, as always.' He thought, chuckling. Quickly, he realized that he had, for once, not been annoyed but actually happy.
This confused him very much. 'Maybe it's because he looks so cute pouting like that
while Kakashi scolds him. Huh!? What in the world am I thinking!? I think getting up this early has affected my thought process. Yeah...that's it.'
After a stern lecture from Kakashi to Naruto about the irresponsibility of sleeping in when you have an appointment, the three set off.
After an arduous day of training, they looked for a cave to sleep in. It took several tries, but they finally found an unoccupied one. As they laid out their bedrolls on its' cold stone floor, Naruto looked over at his rival, Sasuke, only to find that Sasuke wasn't where he had been a minute ago. 'That's weird. I could've sworn he was right there.'
"Hey, Master Kakashi..." Naruto stopped when he saw that his teacher was already asleep. 'Hmph! It figures. He doesn't do half the work we do and yet he's out like a light the second his head touches the pillow and he snores loud enough to wake up
the dead! There's no way I'm gonna get to sleep with that racket! I guess I'll go outside for a while.'
Naruto walked outside and sat down on the edge of a ledge that was just in front of the cave.
He looked down on the forest below him and watched the breeze ripple through the trees. Suddenly he felt very cold and alone. He shivered as he remembered his jacket, left inside, on his pillow.
"You knew it was cold, so why did you come outside without your jacket?"
Naruto whirled around to see who had said that. Sasuke was sitting on a moss covered rock on top of the cave's entrance; Leaning back and staring up at the stars.
Naruto sat, momentarily spell bound by the sight before him. Sasuke looked so different from the way he did during the day.
His hair seemed to blend with the night, and the wind gently brushed it across his face now and again. His eyes no longer looked like cold mirrors, but like a recreation of the starry sky above them. They glittered with intelligence and ... sadness. 'Why is he so beautiful at night, and so cold during the day?' Naruto asked himself. 'What!? Where did that come from!? I'm more tired than I thought.'
Realizing that he hadn't yet spoken, Naruto answered," I wasn't thinking I guess. I'm tired, I think I'll head back in." with that,
Naruto disappeared from sasuke's vision.
Sasuke sighed.The reason why he hadn't said anything when Naruto first came outside was because he enjoyed studying
Naruto and his wide variety of expressions. 'What is this? I thought I disliked him, or that we were at least rivals.' Sasuke sighed again. 'Why does everything have to be so confusing?'
Morning came, and with it, came a storm as well.
The three shinobi slogged through mud and rain till late afternoon, when the storm got so bad, traveling was nearly impossible.
"It's no use trying to go further," Kakashi shouted over the wind. "We passed a cave a little while back. We'll wait out the storm in there."
So the trio slogged back to the cave. Once they were at the cave, they set down their waterlogged packs.
"Ugh!" Naruto groaned. "Our clothes are soaked!"
'He's got a point.' Sasuke thought. 'Not that I'm complaining. The way those clothes cling to him... Ah! Where the hell did that come from!? I'm not gay! And even if I was, (which I'm not) why Naruto of all people!?'
"Well," Kakashi said, "That is a valid complaint. We can fix that easily tho'. Naruto. Get some firewood. Dry firewood this time please!" Naruto blushed while sasuke sniggered. "Sasuke. String this rope across the fire pit, high enough to hang things on, but too high."
Once all these tasks were accomplished, Kakashi got a roaring fire going. "OK boys, strip to your boxers." Kakashi ordered.
"WHAT!?!?" Both boys said at once.
"We'll hang our clothes over the fire. That's the fastest way to dry them," Kakashi explained.
"You've got to be kidding me," Naruto said under his breath as he removed his jacket.
Because of all his fussing and grumbling, by the time Naruto was done Sasuke was already hanging his clothes up. Naruto froze mid-motion.
'Man,I never realised just how hot Sasuke is... EEEWWWW!!! I did not just think that! Ugh!'
After hanging up his clothes Naruto joined Sasuke and Kakashi on the floor.
"Now then," Kakashi said." Let's play a game!"
Both boys stared at him incredulously.
"A game," Sasuke asked, raising an eyebrow.
"This is it!" Naruto exclaimed, standing up. "Master Kakashi has finally cracked!!"
"No I have not! We're going to be stuck here until the storm passes so we might as well do something to keep us occupied."
Naruto, however, wasn't listening. He was too busy ranting and raving.
"He has a point, Naruto," Sasuke said quietly.
Naruto stopped in mid-rant. 'Did Sasuke just call me Naruto?!?' He sat down, the idea of ranting lost in his amazement.
"Good," Kakashi said." Then the game we'll play is..."
"'Tell A Truth!'"
"Nani!?" Naruto and Sasuke both exclaimed at the same time.
"Oh come now," Kakashi said. "Surely you've heard of 'Tell A Truth!"
Both boys blinked in unison and stared blankly at their instructor.
'Sigh. There is a major generation gap here,' Kakashi thought.
"I can't believe you've never played 'Tell A Truth.' When I was a kid it was the most played game in the land."
Suddenly, a light a light of comprehension dawned on Naruto's face. "Ah," he exclaimed, "I see! It was in pre-historic times, so of course we wouldn't have heard of it!"
Sasuke shook with suppressed laughter as Kakashi chased Naruto around the room, threatening great bodily harm.
"I'm nowhere NEAR that old, you juvenile delinquent!"
"Hah! Then why's your hair grey, gramps?"
"If I was your grandfather, I would've disowned you years ago!"
"If you were my grandfather I'd have run away from home before you could even sign the papers!"
"Why you! Come here so I can beat the crap outta you!"
"What's the matter, old-timer? Can't keep up?"
Suddenly, Kakashi appeared right in front of Naruto. The blonde-haired shinobi swerved to avoid hitting his instructor... and ran straight into the wall of the cave.
Sasuke couldn't hold it in anymore. He laughed out loud.
Naruto peeled himself off of the wall and whipped around to face Sasuke, intent on making a snide remark. But he stopped, his mouth agape.
Sasuke's smile was bright and youthful. His laughter had an almost musical quality to it. And his eyes, usually so dark, shined bright with mirth.
'Whoa...' Naruto said to himself. 'He looks really, really gorgeous when he laughs. And the fact that he doesn't have a shirt on doesn't hurt his appearance either.'
At this point, Naruto was watching Sasuke's well-toned chest heave with laughter. He was entranced by every sleek muscle's movement. He wanted nothing more than to touch them, to feel the movements under his fingertips.
"Hellooo..." Kakashi called into Naruto's ear. "Naruto? This is earth. How are things up there on cloud nine?"
Naruto instantly snapped out of his daze. After quickly checking to make sure Sasuke hadn't heard Kakashi (which he hadn't), Naruto blushed a deep red and glared at his teacher. Kakashi just smiled knowingly.
Naruto walked over to the fire in a huff and sat down beside Sasuke, who was now sitting up and chuckling. The sound brought a shiver down Naruto's spine. 'Damn. Since when is an "innocent" chuckle so seductive?' Naruto shook his head furiously. 'No. No. No! Not again! Damn hormones! ... Yeah, that's what it is. Hormones.'
Naruto, afraid of what other "hormone" induced thoughts he might think if left unoccupied said, "So, how do we play 'Tell A Truth?'"
Sasuke sat up and stopped chuckling, although there was the ghost of a smile on his lips. He was eager to do something besides sitting there watching Naruto. 'Not that it's not fun...' Sasuke thought. 'He's really quite adorable (funny too). And there is a lot to look at...'
This time it was Sasuke's turn to shake his head furiously. 'No way. NO way. I was NOT just checking out Naruto! My RIVAL. Another GUY. And even if I was (which I wasn't) I was NOT enjoying it!'
Sasuke was drawn out of his thoughts by the sound of Kakashi's voice.
"Well," their instructor said as he took some strings from his pocket," We all take a string." He offered the strings to both boys, and each took one. Kakashi himself also took a string and then put the rest back in his pocket before continuing.
"Now then, we each take turns. On our turns we SLOWLY wrap the string around our finger as we talk about ourselves. If you stop to think, you stop winding thread. When all of your string is wound around your finger, you're done and it's the next person's turn. OH! And you can't make stuff up, although you can choose to omit certain things," He cast a meaning full glance at Naruto as he said that last bit of instruction.
Sasuke dangled the string in front of his face. In a disdainful tone, he said, "And the point of this is...?"
"To get to know eachother better," Kakashi stated with a grin.
"Alright Sasuke," Kakashi said, "Since you're obviously ssssooooooo excited about this, why don't you start?"
"ME!?" Sasuke yelped while Naruto snickered.
"Yes, you, Start!"
Sasuke resigned to his fate with a small sigh and sat up. "All right, here goes..."
There you have it peoples. A start to a new fic. I hope that this turns out good. For my and B.G. Pendragon's sake. ^_^