Red String

A Red String

 Minas Tirith was in a bustle when the news of the marriage of the Ringbearer was spread. The King and Queen were surprised at first, but happy none the less. Even within four days of the news, the hobbits were still shocked. Frodo had just smiled at them, knowing that they would all be married soon as well. Lady Eowyn had insisted on helping with getting Miranda ready for her day.

 Rosie had smiled at Miranda. "You're lucky, Mira." She smiled, holding Elanor. "I had never gotten this much attention on my wedding day!"

 Miranda sighed and looked down at the dress she wore. It was of similar fashion to what Queen Arwen wore, but had the colors of the Shire. She looked out the window, over the balcony at the White City. It glowed in the sunlight, radiating the happiness that was in the City.  Miranda turned as Lady Eowyn entered, closing the door behind her. She seemed ecstatic. She quickly came over and sat on the bed before Miranda. Miranda smiled down at the dress then at her.

 "You are very lucky, Lady Miranda." Lady Eowyn smiled, watching as Miranda came and sat in the chair by the bed. "Master Baggins is a good man, even though he rarely likes to admit or show it. I do hope you plan on returning to the White City when you two have small babes to show us all."

 Miranda blushed, covering her face to try and hide it. Lady Eowyn giggled softly. "Well….excuse me, milady, but isn't it a bit early to think of children?"

 Lady Eowyn smiled and stood. "Come now, Lady Miranda, you do not mean to tell me you haven't thought of bearing children?" Miranda's face grew redder as she looked down. Lady Eowyn giggled again and helped her stand. "Let us finish getting you ready, Lady Miranda. We still must do your hair and the finishing touches on your gown."


 Merry gave a stoutly laugh as Frodo nearly chocked on his ale. Pippin nearly fell over with laughter, and Samwise merely smiled. Merry regained his composure, waiting for his cousin to do so. "Ah, come now, cousin. How can you think about getting wedded and not think about children?" he asked. Frodo seemed to have difficulty with his ale and Merry chuckled again. Pippin smiled and raised his ale mug, continuing to drink. "You two have not talked this over, and you are going to get wedded?"

 "It hadn't crossed our minds, Merry." Frodo mumbled. He put his ale mug down, looking at all his friends and family. Lord Faramir said not to far away, chuckling at them all. "But I am sure that when the time comes, we will both be rather happy about it."

 "You'll be like most hobbit families." Pippin chimed up. "Having ten little ones running around the home all at once." Frodo's eyes became larger at this, and they all began to laugh. "Ah, do not worry, cousin, I doubt that you'd have that many. I cannot believe the families that do!"

 Faramir stood and everyone turned to him. "We must go and be ready now, even though it will not take us long to change, we should anyways." He headed off. Pippin and Merry followed him and Frodo stood, but Sam put his hand on his arm. Frodo looked at Sam.

 "I'm happy for you, Mr. Frodo." Sam smiled. Frodo smiled softly at him. "Just to let you know….if you ever need anything, Rosie and I will be there for you."

 "You have already done enough for me, Sam. Some things I can never repay you for." Frodo said softly.

 "You aren't meant to repay me back, Mr. Frodo." Sam nodded and patted his back. "We should get going, before we have the Knights of Gondor and Rohan on our tails."


 Miranda looked down sadly. Pippin looked at her worriedly. It would be just moments before he was to give her away. He smiled for a moment, didn't that seem appropriate? He and Merry had started this whole friendship between the two, who would have guessed it would have turned into this? He did feel like a father to the relationship. Pippin turned his attention back at Miranda. "Is something wrong, Miranda?"

 "I had always thought my father would be the one." She said softly, and looked up at him. Pippin frowned but she smiled. "Do not worry Pippin, I am honored. It is not your fault; my father had passed away even before the thought of befriending Frodo came into mind."

 "Well, Merry and I fathered your relationship, so it might as well be one of us!" Pippin smiled. Miranda smiled back, nodding. Pippin held his arm out and Miranda took it, and they both began to ascend the stairs into the courtyard of the Citadel. People filled the courtyard, surprising her. Miranda had always thought of a small wedding…then again marrying the Ringbearer wasn't all that small of a matter.

 King Elessar and Queen Arwen stood underneath the White Tree, or at least by how much of it had grown since Elessar had planted it.  Frodo stood on Elessar's left, seeming very nervous. Sam was beside Frodo, residing as his best man. Merry stood on Sam's left, near Lady Eowyn and Lord Faramir. Pippin smiled and kissed Miranda on the cheek as they entered the small area around the White Tree, taking his place by Merry. Frodo held his hand out to Miranda who took it, and helped her stand beside him. Elessar smiled at the two, and looked at Arwen who nodded.

 As King Elessar gave the wedding, Miranda and Frodo held each others hands tightly. King Elessar then smiled, stepping aside as Queen Arwen brought forth a long silk ribbon of soft golden color. She took their hands and wrapped it with this ribbon, tying them. She spoke in Elven to them, and Frodo smiled, glancing at Miranda who smiled back, unsure of what was said. King Elessar smiled again and took their hands in his.

 "May the blessing of Men, Elves, and all free folk of Adra be with you two as you embark on a new life." He squeezed their hands together and stood back. Frodo smiled and looked at Miranda. They kissed each other, ceiling the marriage.

 Pippin clapped as Merry nudged him, and looked to where he pointed. As Frodo and Miranda parted, he two holding hands, a small Red String was tied on each others smallest finger, connecting them. Merry and Pippin looked at one another, and then back again to see it is still there. Pippin looked at Merry, tilting his head. Merry nodded and smiled, clapping as Frodo and Miranda walked past. Pippin glanced at King Elessar and Queen Arwen as both smiled happily.


 Sam looked up from his writing as Rosie entered the study in Bag End, handing him a cup of tea. Sam smiled and took the cup and followed her out of the room and into the kitchen. Rosie gestured to the window in the kitchen happily. Sam placed the cup down and came over, looking out the window. Elanor played with Frodo in the front with, jumping around and singing happily. Frodo laughed and looked at his side where Miranda stood. Miranda smiled at him.

 "Any day now." Rosie said, referring to Miranda. Sam looked at Miranda's swollen stomach and smiled.

 "Mr. Frodo once told me that I couldn't be torn in two forever." Sam smiled, looking at Rosie who tilted her head. Sam picked up his cup of tea and gestured to Frodo. "And I believe it goes the same here for Mr. Frodo." Rosie smiled and nodded, looking out the window and watching the happy couple.

 Frodo smiled and kissed Miranda's cheek. She smiled back and looked as Elanor placed her hand and ear against her stomach. Elanor giggled and poked the feet that kicked. Miranda and Frodo laughed softly, before looking at one another happily.

There was always a tale that had come to the Shire. It was said to have come from the land and elder of the Elves before they had passed over the Sea with the Ring-bearers. The tale was always told by mothers to their children. The tale of a Red String that was nearly indestructible. The Red String strung two people together, biding them inside its woven thread and as the mothers put it "tied them into a bow". The Red String exists for every single being in the world, tying them to another being, even if one does not believe that it is there, it is always. And sometimes, that Red String is all that keeps us going.

The String may frail and breaks its strands, but there is always one thing holding it together. The bond between two people built upon trust, faith, and love.



That is all, folks. I am glad that you all enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it. If it were not for you all, the story never would have been finished. Please keep reading my other stories if you want to, I am working on a Stargate SG-1 story (check my bio!). Thanks again, everyone. Happy reviewing and reading!