Chapter One: Freedom??

AN: Hi I warn you all now, that this is my first ever fanfiction story. So I hope that you will all read and review with that in mind. I will add a disclaimer at the end of this. First off I will tell you that my schedule is very loaded and that I will not have a set time to update. So be prepared, it could take a while. Also I love cliffhangers so there will be a lot of them. If you have any questions leave them in your reviews and I will be glad to answer them in the next chapter.

(Disclaimer: I do not own anything here but some of my cornball ideas, all names, date and, original ideas belong to JK Rowling, Warner Bros. And in my case also squareenix. Also some ideas I have asked to borrow from Wolfmoon, when I use them I will put another disclaimer.) Also this disclaimer is for all chapters so I don't have to keep putting one up. Hope you enjoy the story now on to it.

"Good evening. I'm Rick Thomas and our top story tonight is about the deaths of over 20 people earlier today. These people were all killed within just a few minutes of each other, however, when the victims were examined they could not find anything wrong with them except for the fact that they were dead. We go to Dave out in the field Dave, what do you have for us?"

"Well Rick it isn't good news. The local police had two suspects in custody, they were knocked out when they were brought in, anyway they woke up, laughed at the police in charge, and then the just disappeared. It was like magic. We did however get very detailed descriptions of them, which we will show to you now.

One of the suspects had a rat like look with a silver hand and a long dark robe with a skull tattoo on his arm. They did not get his name before he disappeared. The other man was known to the British political world and we were stunned to find out he was involved. He was dressed in the same clothes as the other one with the same tattoo which gives us reason to believe that they are part of some kind of cult." replied Dave.

"And that's all we have at this time Rick,"

"Thanks Dave, just a quick question. Do you have a name for the last suspect?" asked Rick.

"Of course; glad you asked, his name is Cornelious Fudge," replied Dave.

At that name the TV was shut off rather quickly in disgust. To the average person it would seem that all this was; was some sort of cult trying to get attention. However, the boy who happened to be watching was no ordinary boy. He knew what had happened to the two men; in fact, he knew the two men well enough to hate everything about them. The boy who was watching was the same kind of person (so to speak) he was a wizard; and not just any ordinary wizard, he was Harry Potter, "the boy who lived". While he didn't see himself in that manner, the fact remained that it was his destiny to rid the world of Voldemort and nothing was going to stand in his way.

But in the mean time he turned off the TV and ran upstairs. The Dursleys were not home yet but there was no reason to take any chances.

Harry decided that he would have to do some thinking tonight on the fact that the Minister of Magic was a death eater, and decided to borrow his cousin Dudely's racing bike like he had done so many times before. It wasn't like Dudley used it, ever. Harry always had to go out at night when everyone was asleep but he didn't mind. It usually meant that the Order would not be tailing him as they were asleep as well or just didn't see him.

Harry was on his way home (if you could call the Dursley's home). He had a very relaxing ride and decided to write Professor Dumbledore tomorrow to get his thoughts on Fudge. He sneaked back inside and upstairs to his room with thoughts about his birthday that was a week away. He was in contact with his best friends but they still hadn't told him when he might be able to come and visit. That was another question he would have to ask Professor Dumbledore. Harry went inside to his room and what he saw made him shout out in utter surprise. Standing in his room was none other than Professor Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Madeye Moody, and Tonks.

"Good evening, Harry."

"Good evening Professor Dumbledore," replied Harry

"Sorry to have startled you. We were hoping to have a word with you."

"Of course Professor, I was wondering what you were doing here," Harry replied with a look of curiosity.

"Well Harry, it is very simple", Dumbledore replied. "You see your birthday is in about a week and we wanted to surprise you."

"Really, with what?" questioned an all too enthusiastic Harry; the thought of leaving the Dursleys was always a good idea.

"Well, we thought that you shouldn't have to be with your "family" as you turn 16 so we have come to get you to see if you would like to spend the rest of your holidays at Hogwarts and the Weasleys," came an all too happy Professor. "However there is one stipulation."

"What?" asked Harry

"You must stay at the castle while you are sleeping for you protection, we have not been able to get the necessary wards up at the Weasleys as of yet and we do not want to take any unnecessary risks," Dumbledore replied in his usual soft manner.

Harry thought about this for about a millisecond before replying with an excited

"Yeah that would be awesome! When do we leave?"

"Almost immediately," Lupin said.

"I have a portkey set up to go in about three minutes, so while we wait I suggest you double check your chest to make sure that Tonks did not forget anything while she packed for you," Dumbledore said with his usual calming manner.

"Probably not a bad idea," Harry said with a smile.

"Hey I heard that," said Tonks "I maybe clumsy but I am not forgetful."

As she said this she was walking forwards and tripped over the loose floorboard that Harry used to store his magic items and food that he hid from the Dursleys.

"Ah it seems you missed a bit there Tonks," Lupin said with a laugh.

Harry double checked his trunk and found that everything was there except what was hidden which he packed rather fast so not to leave anything behind. Professor Dumbledore then spoke up to tell Harry that they would be leaving in about one minute. It was at this time Harry first noticed that the usual twinkle in the Professor's eyes was missing and he looked quite grim. However Harry put this out of his mind and he went over to take the rope that the Professor was holding.

"All ready to go Harry?" asked Professor Dumbledore.

"Yes sir, everything is packed and accounted for."

"Good. Just touch this rope and we will be leaving in thirty seconds."

As Harry reached for the rope to take him into freedom and back to his real home, he heard the all too familiar sound "Crack;" the sound of someone apperating in his bedroom. Harry turned to look at who just appeared in his bedroom and was stunned by what he saw. Looking back at him was none other than Remus Lupin, Madeye Moody, Tonks, and Professor Dumbledore.