Ok people you wanted this story so here it is! ^_^ R&R please! Oh and this takes place before Kai meet the BladeBreakers. So he is still in BioVolt, poor Kai.

Kindergarten Days Chapter One: Big Trouble!


Tala and the D-boys including Kai, are in class at BioVolt. Boris was giving a lecture about taking over the world. Ian was actually paying attention while everyone else was sleeping, except Spencer who was talking to the wall. Boris turned from the board he was writing on to see the usual the 3 who are in no way paying attention and the big idiot, and the brown- nosier.

"So in conclusion what would taking over the world do to benefit us?" Ian excitedly raised his hand and by now Spencer had named the wall "Bob". "Anyone besides Ian?" Ian looked around more and started to jump up and down. "How about, Kai." Upon hearing his name Kai woke up.


" *sigh* What would taking over do to benefit us?"

"My grandfather can finally go into rehab?" Kai said still half way asleep. Spencer slowly raised his hand.

"Ah Spencer tell me the answer."

"Bob says taking over the world is bad." Spencer said patting "Bob" on the back.

A/N: Have I gone insane! What am I writing!!!!! *Sigh* oh well.

"Ah the intelligent one speaks!" Boris sad sarcastically "All right.looks like no one knows!" Ian went frantic.




"Class dismissed." Ian slumped back in his chair and had the saddest look on his face. "Ian, why the long face?" Asked Boris.

"Oh nothing, just life in general." Kai woke up Tala and Bryan then they headed to lunch. When all the students where gone Boris went insane.

"Those brats are going to get it! All these years and they don't even listen to my lectures! I have it! What if I devise a concoction to kill them all!! WUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *cough*.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*At Lunch~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"What was Boris talking about anyway?" Tala asked.

"Do you even have to ask?!" Kai said with a sigh then added, "He was probably talking about taking over the world using special Bit Beast powers."

"Bob doesn't like purple haired Russian." Spencer said as he pulled something out of his pack back. "A lollypop yeah! I like lollypops! Lollypop adventure! Lollypop adventure!" Everyone pulled their chairs away from Spencer. Then he recited a show that he saw on TV "Hey lollypal Fred!" Then he held up a second lollypop "What lollypal Mitch!" "Do you know what time it is?" "Yeah bonk time!" they all gave Spencer a worried look and left to go to a deferent table.