
Chapter 14

I like to thank all of you for reviewing. As I stated in many chapters before, I don't own Dragon Ball Z.

Shenlong growled; slightly annoyed that a warrior out of nowhere came to defy him when he was so close to victory. The merger between the third-class warrior and the prince of an almost completely extinct race stood before the God-like beast. It was as though he was about to risk his very life against this demon created by the Gods before he was turned into a tool of hatred.

"Gogeta, hm?" Shenlong mused; his tail twitching in annoyance at the thought that this warrior had a chance against him. Gogeta, sight never wavering, walked away from the purple-haired half-breed that was gawking at him in a mixture of shock and horror. The shock was how this being came to be while the horror was the very thought of losing his father in case Shenlong managed to defeat him. "How do you plan to defeat me when the others have fallen?"

"I can," Gogeta said calmly before the sparkling golden aura roared up around him; dying the raven hair completely blonde and making the black eyes bleed teal in moments. It was like staring into the heart of a hurricane before it comes closer to the shore to tear everything up in its path. The invisible tension could give any normal human a heart attack, but the warriors knew that Gogeta wasn't bluffing and was serious about his claim; for if he lost, then the Earth would be at Shenlong's mercy.

"Really? And how can you stop me?" taunted the God-like beast.

"You'll see," countered Gogeta before he slipped into a fighting stance. Shenlong did likewise; deciding to meet the fused warrior's challenge head-on.

Neither one made a move at first; both warriors were staring intensely at one another seeing if they could find a weakness in one another's stance. Shenlong grinned and lunged towards Gogeta with his fist extended as he gasped before getting slammed into the ground.

"No!" cried Shin.

"Dad!" cried a worried Goten.

"Hmph," said Gogeta; getting up and brushing away the blood that trickled from a cut in his lip. "That was a cheap shot. I'd like to see you try that again."

"Gladly and I'll add some broken bones while I'm at it," Shenlong boasted before he swung his fist at Gogeta, but it went straight through. Falling for the after-image, Shenlong searched for the warrior's chi before he was slammed into a cliff from behind by a spinning kick. Gogeta smiled innocently at Shenlong.

"I thought you were going to break some of my bones," teased Gogeta; acting cocky towards the dragon-like beast. "Then again, you were probably bluffing."

"I am not!" roared Shenlong. "I will not be humiliated by an evolved monkey! I will kill you!"

The God-like being charged at Gogeta again, but the fusion met his blows with blocks or dodged them altogether. Shenlong was far from playing and Gogeta knew that since he fought the humanoid dragon as both Goku and Vegeta prior to fusing. With less than a half an hour to defeat the God-like beast, Gogeta countered after Shenlong threw an upper cut that severely missed. Gogeta attacked Shenlong from behind with several fast jabs as he was sent flying. Sliding against the ground, Shenlong roared before firing a blast at Gogeta, but the warrior countered with a blast of his own as it deflected Shenlong's harmlessly.

"Give up," said Gogeta. "You'll lose anyway and it's no longer you that has the upper hand."

"I won't surrender to a freak like you!" Shenlong yelled as he prepared to fire a blast in his hands towards Gogeta.

"Stop being so arrogant and beat him!" yelled Piccolo angrily at Gogeta.

"I will," Gogeta said as he smiled at Piccolo before cupping his hands. "Final Ka... me... ha... me..."

"Now die!" the God-like beast yelled firing the blast at Gogeta.

"HA!" yelled Gogeta; unleashing his blast towards Shenlong as the blasts met in the middle. On one end, Gogeta was fighting for Earth and all of her people. While on the other end, Shenlong was carrying out the order to kill all humans in the name of Sin. The battle would not end the same way it would have if Goku would have been there for his son and not survive the battle. Gogeta smirked before unleashing more of his power to completely overtake Shenlong's blast, destroying the dragon cell by cell before the blast stopped altogether.

"He did it," said Piccolo. Seven cement stone rocks fell to the ground with a thud before turning into dust as Gogeta fell to his hands and knees panting hard. The sweat ran down his face as the others ran to his side.

"Dad! Are you alright?" said Goten concerned about his half-father's life.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Gogeta. Suddenly, he felt a jerk and where there was one was now two warriors. Goku felt Vegeta on his back as the Prince of all Saiya-jins smirked.

"I could get used to seeing you beneath me, Kakarot," Vegeta taunted at Goku.

"Just get off my back, Vegeta," Goku growled uncomfortably.


With the battle over, the warriors returned home. For the Son family, there was joy and sorrow. Though they won the war against Sin, they didn't come out of the final round of fighting without a casuality. The minute both Goten and Goku entered the house, they saw Chi-chi standing there with a frying pan in hand ready to beat the bejesus out of Gohan, but noticed that he wasn't there.

"Goku?" an emotional Chi-chi exclaimed. "Is this a dream?"

"No, I'm here," said Goku, pulling his wife into his arms. "I'm sorry for leaving you for seven years and..."

"Where's Gohan?" Chi-chi said; hoping against hope that her son wasn't dead.

"Chi-chi, I'm sorry, but he died saving my life," Goku said blantly. Wailing, she passed out. About an hour later, Chi-chi woke up and noticed that Goku and Goten were still at the table alone. "We'll wish Gohan back to life, Chi-chi. Just give us some time."

"What do you mean my son's dead?!" yelled Chi-chi angrily. "And where in the hell were you for seven years, Goku?" Goku flinched at the word 'hell' as Goten defended his father.

"Mommy, daddy was in hell for seven years!" cried Goten. "A guy named Sin kidnapped him and brainwashed him to destroy Earth, but he didn't do it!"

"Well if he was kidnapped by Sin, why was he wearing all of those nice clothes at the tourament, hm?" eyed Chi-chi.

"Can you give me some time to explain everything?" said Goku.

"No! Get out right now!" yelled Chi-chi.


Months passed before Namek's Dragon Balls were ready. When they were ready once more, Goku's first wish was that all of the people killed by Shenlong to be brought back to life. His second wish was for that Dende to have been purified and no longer under the influence of Sin. And the third wish was that the Lookout was replaced. Bidding Porunga farewell, Goku returned to Earth.


"Gohan," said Goku as Gohan opened his eyes.

"Huh? I'm alive..." said Gohan; seeing his body wasn't torn or bloody anymore.

"Yeah, we wished you back to life," said Goku.

"How did mom take the news I was dead?" Gohan said before Goku seemed to grow pale. "No, she didn't..."

"Yeah," said Goku. "We got divorced after that and I've been living on my own."

"Dad, did you tell her what happened?" said Gohan.

"I tried, but she said that she didn't want to hear it, so I guess it's for the best," Goku said sadly.

"No way! I won't accept this!" cried Gohan angrily before flying off towards home.

"Gohan, wait!" cried Goku, trying to catch up to his eldest son, but he was faster than he remembered.

"No! I won't believe it! I won't!" Gohan yelled before he heard evil laughter and saw Sin smiling down at him.

"Believe it," Sin said evilly before firing a blast towards his father.

‡‡‡‡End Dream Sequence‡‡‡‡

Gohan woke up in a cold sweat and noticed that he was in his room at home. It was nighttime and though he was wished back hours earlier, he was fast asleep when the whole event happened. Stretching, he sensed for his father's chi to feel it outside. Pitter pattering down the hallway and outside, Gohan saw Goku in front of Kinto-Un as though he was going to get onto the cloud and fly around on it.

"Dad?" called Gohan. "Are you going to take a ride on it?"

"I'm not sure," said Goku. "What if I fall right through?"

"You'll never know unless you try it, dad," said Gohan. Almost like he was contimplating a moment longer, he leaped into the air and closed his eyes. With a gentle 'bon' sound, he opened his eyes and saw that he was on Kinto-Un.

"Then I'm still pure?" questioned Goku towards the cotton-candy cloud known as Kinto-Un. With a yipe, the cloud took him into the skies. At first, Goku was freaked out by the cloud's movements, but laughed joyfully. It felt like he was a child again; yet, it felt like it was surreal at the same time. "Okay, let's go home, Kinto-Un..."

The cloud didn't respond to his master's command and continued to fly Goku towards an unknown location.

"Where are we going?" said Goku confused before he noticed that Kinto-Un was flying Goku towards a cave. Screeching to a halt, Goku landed and noticed that Vegeta was in the cave by himself.

"Why are you here, Kakarot?" said Vegeta coldly.

"I don't know," Goku said honestly. "Kinto-Un flew me here."

"Kinto-Un?" questioned Vegeta before he saw the cloud behind Goku. "Oh yeah. Your eldest brat was on that cloud the day we met 13 years ago."

"Anyway, since I'm here, do you want to go ahead and finish the duel we never got a chance to finish then?" said Goku. Vegeta smiled.

"Guess we're bound by fate, aren't we, Kakarot?" said Vegeta before he slid into a battle stance. "This time, I won't lose."

"Neither will I," smirked Goku as he did likewise. With a start, both lunged at each other to settle the score against one another. Unlike the first battle, this would not be to the death. Instead, it will be a battle to test one another and whoever won, well, one would gloat about it at the next gathering.


Well, that's the story! Thanks for staying with me through these tough times! Now onto the final reviews:

DBZ Chick1: I hope this ending wraps up all of the drama.

Gokusgirl: I updated. Go me!

Gokusgirl001: Thanks.

Lilgohangal: I hear ya!

Gohanismylvr: Congrats on being the 60th reviewer.

Gokugirl9: And Gogeta did and won a close battle. Thanks for reviewing.

And I'd like to thank all of those out there for reviewing. gives reviewers some cookies There will be more adventures coming soon, so stick around! You never know what's going to happen next!