A/N:WOW! I haven't written in so long! It's nice to finally get back in the game, hope you like this! I'm also editing rest of the story!

"Dra- Malfoy! Malfoy!! Malfoy- please will you slow down?!" Cho said as she tagged along behind Draco as he walked at a fast pace purposely. He rolled his eyes, then stopped suddenly, glaring at her for a few seconds, his eyes full of fury.

"Didn't I say the hell with you?" he asks forcingly, his eyes full of anger. She looked at him shocked, then frowned.
Sorry I care so damn much, MALFOY! Poor little you with your evil father, cry me a river, really!" she says, then stalks off, bumping him. "Oh, and you dropped your sob story letter! And by the way, Harry's had to live with Muggles his whole life, it's a lot worse then what YOU could say! THEY lock him up in a CLOSET!"

"Oh really? Who told you this?" he said in disbelief, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

"Ginny, for your information." she said, coldly.

"Like I'd believe a Weasly." Malfoy snickered sarcastically with a large smirk on his face.

"How dare you- you snob!"

She threw the letter at him, envelope and all, chucking it towards him randomly. As it hits his chest, she starts running off again, shaking her head.
Cho! Oy Cho! CHO!!" Yelled Malfoy, biting his lip afterwards, still watching her as he ran his fingers through his hair stressingly. "Girls..."

"Yeah, tell me about it." said Harry, who was lurking in the shadows of the outside corridor which was full of chilly snow.

"What, stalking me, Pot-face?" sneered Malfoy, who was still watching Cho until she was completely out of sight when she had turned a corner to go inside.

"Not so much you... Bet she's crying her eyes out. Did she tell you that? That she's a blubber-head?"

"And why would I care? It's just some Ravenclaw-scum..." Malfoy shrugged off.

"And that's why you were so desparately calling out for her..." Harry looked quite suspicious... "Cho! Oy Cho! I love you Cho!"

" I was calling out for her because she's being a real pill, so I figure I ought to pay her dues back..." Malfoy clenches his teeth.

"Sure, Draaaaco." said Harry, in a girly Cho-like voice.

"You're just jealous because you couldn't keep a girl hooked if your life depended on it." muttered Malfoy, walking towards Cho's direction.

"You wish, Draaaaco." said Harry, who was following after him.

"Shut up, pot-breath or I'll give you a reason to be scared of saying my name at all."

"What'll YOU do, Draaaaco?"


Potter was on the concrete ground with his lip already starting to bleed, his eyes wide in shock.

"Friggin' shut up, potty-mouth."

"That's Potter, Draco Malfoy. And don't you forget it."

"Careful, you might just loose your whole lip if you keep talking like that."

Malfoy stalks off, a large smile on his face.

GOD that felt good, thought Malfoy

Draco walked in the library on a Saturday, the snow slowly melting out the ancient castle outside window, which was breaching along the whole libary. He walked along the rows and aisles of books, which stood up so high, not even Hagrid could reach for some books.

"Madam Prince? I can't reach that book!" squeaked a first year.

"Oh bloody hell first years, the first thing they should teach students is accio, I swear. Accio Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry!" she bellows and it swoops down to her hand instantly. "Point your wand, flick it, say accio and the..."

But Draco didn't hear what to do next, for he was had already summoned a book and was searching for a table to sit at.
There she was, sitting, writing on some parchment contently, a pile of books near her and a a smiley gleam to her eye. How could she study and be all happy like that, Malfoy wondered. And her hair, the way it was in the pony tail all perfect, no fly aways whatsoever...

He collapsed next to her, opening his book and got out parchment and a quill. She glanced at him awkwadly, then looked back at her book, the happy gleam away from her face. She looked like she was trying really hard to just look at her book.

Draco went to start Snape's on writing an essay on the properties of exploding fluid, but words just stumbled along his quill, as if just coming out of no where.
Cho... you're upset at me...

He stared at it for a couple of seconds, sort of shocked he wrote it, but shrugged.He folded up the parchment, and pushed it towards her with his pinky, biting his lip. She looked at it, sighed and rolled her eyes as she continued to write.

"Honestly Malfoy, I don't have time..." she murmered as she put her hand on her cheek to brace her head.

"Please..." he whispered desperately.

She sighed once again, then took the parchment...

Draco took out some more parchment and started on his essay...


She passed it back, an annoyed smirk on her face.

You're observant...

He sighed, looked at her sympathetically, then continued writing to her.

Let me fix it... what can I do?

He passed it to her, then continues writing...


Cho slams her quill down.

"How can you fix what? The fact that you're a snob, rude and insensitve? Or the fact that you won't open up if your life depended on it? You know, I used to think that all of this what appealing, but you being mister mystery is just exhausting." she said, not coldly or mean, just as if she was worn out.

"I know, I know... It's... hard Cho... It really is." Draco stared at his shoes sourly.

"What's so hard? God, Draco, your family has nothing to do with you! I would report your dad if I didn't think you weren't worth having a regular life and you are! You don't have to be like-"

"What do you know! What do you honestly know, Chang! I have to be like that! I have to!"

"No... no you don't..." she said, a concerned look on her face. She reached over to his cheek and put her hand on it. He felt his breath seize, her hand warm, his skin tingling. His face was still stern, but she was so god damn beautiful...

"Miss Cho, Mister Malfoy, I assume that racket was you two?" Professor McGonagall was confronting them, her hands on her hips. "This is a library, Miss Cho, not a makeout room. Please act appropriately in the library, you two. Five points off each house." She stalked off afterwards.
Cho took off her hand awkwardly, then started writing again. Malfoy stood up, retrieving his things. He couldn't study there anymore, he couldn't focus...