Cho Chang hovered over the Quidditch field, watching over the fast paced game, watching as Roger Davies, Ravenclaw's Quidditch Coach, watched them from the audience, biting his lip enthusiastically. She saw Warrington, the Slytherin chaser catch the quaffle as he slams into a Ravenclaw seeker, blood dripping down his blue robe. Cho winced lightly, watching as Warrington zooms out to score. She bites her lip, then shakes her head to focus. She could hear Jordan screaming for another point for Slytherin.

She sighs, then glances around for the snitch. She sees Malfoy hovering around, looking just as clueless as she was. He was concentrating so hard, his brows had stiffened and merged. She smiled lightly, her head lightly tilting. He looked so clueless... She shook her head once again, realising what she was doing. Ew.., she reassured herself briefly as she looked again for the snitch. Suddenly, she hears Jordan scream once again.

"And there goes Pucey in pocession! Come on, Ravenclaw, beat him with a bludger! Oh- sorry Professor, I didn't mean it, really." says Jordan appolgetically, Professor McGonagall sending an ice cold glare at him, her lips pursed.

Cho Chang looks around, searching for the snitch once again. Malfoy starts flying towards her, smirking. She bites her lip, preparing herself for his hateful words. iHe's just a jerk, he's just a jerk.. I don't care what you say, Malfoy, you're just a snob.../i she thinks to herself encouragingly. She sighs, acting like she's still searching for the snitch.

"Well now, ready to eat some defeat, Chang? I'm sure if you stumble enough, you can fall off your broom so Slytherin can come up with another win for Slytherin." he says, smirking. He was implying to last year when Slytherin creamed Ravenclaw at the Quidditch Final. She concentrated so hard, trying to drown out his obnoxious voice by watching the game.

Then a sight caught her attention, so beautiful, she felt like socking him in the face before reacting, just to make him even angrier. She saw the snitch flying behind his head. She smirked, then instantly started flying behind him to get the snitch. She dove as it started zooming down, Malfoy going after her with a horrified look on his face. She rose her broom as it started to rise again, tracing the perimeter of the field.

Then, suddenly, Malfoy tugged on her ponytail, Cho slowing down, wincing in pain as she let out a scream at her stinging scalp. Bastard, she thought to herself bitterly. That was the last straw.

"He should get a penalty! That was skinning!" yells Jordan, but under technicalities, Madam Hooch could do nothing. She just shrugged.

Cho felt herself zooming down on her Nimbus as fast as she could, biting her lip. She could almost feel it, reaching her hand out to catch it, Malfoy right next to her. He looked at her fearfully, then muttered something under his breath.

"Don't wanna ruin your hair, do you?" he asks, as the snitch hovered over the grass. They both followed it with all of their might, then suddenly Cho got sick of it. She urged her broom to go a little faster, all the speed it had left. Her broom stalled, making her collide on to the grass painfully.

She laid down on the ground, feeling her head about to burst. She tried to breath, but it felt as if her lungs were closed. She let out some strange noise with the air she had left, screaming but not breathing in, each time spurting out the noise, her throat hurting. She felt herself fading, her surroundings becoming bleak even though the weather was fine... She felt less aware of what was going on, like she wasn't in her body. Madam Hooch hovered over her. She could see her showing her how to breath, taking huge breaths but with her mouth in an oval. She tried to breath that way, and felt herself becoming more consious, more aware.

She felt herself breathing again, sighing in relief. She thanked Madam Hooch, Madam Promfrey approaching her with a pillow and a cold rag for her forehead. She could see her friend Marietta hovering over her as well, a worried look on her face. She heard screaming from the crouds of grattitude. She looked in her hand, and saw the snitch. She smiled happily, her face still weary.
"Knocked the wind right out of you, your own fist did!" yelled an excited first year. She could feel her cheeks burn as she realised that wasn't a proud claim, beating herself up, litterally.

"Well, I didn't have to beat you up, you did that yourself. How did your fist taste?" spat Malfoy from a distance. She took her weary breath, just enough to reply.

"How does defeat taste, Malfoy?" she says quietly, and he just smirked, then laughed lightly as he scratched his neck. That was the first time she'd seen him smile.

"H- Hey Cho. Saw you at the game, you okay?" asks Harry quietly, Cho getting slightly annoyed, rolling her eyes lightly. Harry really needed to get over her, it was getting sickening. She shrugged awkwardly as she walked through the crouds of students to class, waving to Marietta to slow down. She had to distract herself some way.

"Well, good job. You did some awesome flying." says Harry a little louder, as if she didn't hear him, and she just gives him a weak, brief smile then continues walking to class impatiently, as if barely noticing him. He really needed to get over her, it was slightly pathetic. He slumped away quietly, a disappointed and hurted look on his face as he stalked off. It was about time he got the clue. He had been a real jerk, she wasn't about to be his buddy any time soon. He acted as if she were a drama queen when he had been some emotional freak.

In a distance, she saw Draco coming towards her, joking with his friends as he snickered dangerously. She suddenly tucked some hair behind her ear, trying to walk with confidence. She finally caught up to Marietta, linking arms with her while they started gossping, Cho acting as if she couldn't see him coming. She could feel his cool presence sweeping closer... She bumped into his shoulder, pretending it to be absentmindedly, then afterwards feeling him turn around as her and Marietta continued walking.

"Well now, if it isn't Miss Fist. Still choking from your own crappy broom?" asks Draco, smirking satisfyingly, a couple of Slytherin bystanders giggling giddily in the background, pointing at her. Miss Fist was fine, but to joke about her finances wasn't cool for her, so she had to say something back, even if it wasn't smart. She stopped slowly, turned around with Marietta, still linking arms. She frowned then looked at him from his head to his toes, then back up as if he were a disease. She gave him a long, prissy stare, then finally said something after a long, droning silence. She suddenly smirked, realising she had just the right thing to say.

"Still choking from your own crappy seeker talent, Malfoy? Or is that from being around so many snobs like yourself?" she replies cooly, crossing her arms while still having her arms linked to Marietta. He looks at her coldly, then walks away smoothly, the Slytherin girls giving an 'oooo' as if impressed. That was the first time Draco had given up on intimidation, which was very strange for his behavior. Normally, it was Draco who had the last word, not the person he was intimidating. He walks away, soon joined by his drones, Crabbe and Goyle, who were stuffing their faces with doughnuts, looking at him curiously. She turns around with Mariettea, then continues walking, smirking lightly. They look at eachother as if to say 'Hah!'

"That oughta teach that jerk. Girl, I've never seen you so catty!" says Marietta proudly, both of them giggling They walk into class slowly, continuing to gossip about couples and fights. A few friends joined up with them as they continued to walk to class, her friends joining in the conversation. But it was strange, Cho's min didn't come off of Draco Malfoy. For someone who she hated so much, she thought about him a lot, and not even in a hateful way. She seemed to be wondering a lot about why he was the way he was... She didn't know that in time, she'd slowly find out.