Hey guys!!! Guess who's back, back again. GG's back, tell a friend. Guess who's back; guess who's back…I know that my Eminem impression is horrible, so I'll stop. I'm sorry I haven't updated earlier…I have been very busy on my other fics and have one that is growing quite fast…oh, and I had horrible writer's block. Well, I'm continuing!!!

PS: To the people, who thought my views on high school were inaccurate, realize I'm in Middle School (Jr. High) so I don't know a lot about the high school. Plus, Miranda's first period teacher is a bitch anyway.


Chapter 5

Lizzie woke up by the noise of the sick chicken alarm clock that she was forced to use now that Matt was out of the house (Matt served as an alarm clock). Lizzie slammed it down and went back to sleep.

Her mother, who wasn't far by, heard her slam it down and went to wake up Lizzie, "GET UP YOUNG LADY!!!" her mother screamed.

Lizzie cringed. "Andrea, please cook the fork.'' Lizzie groaned, pretending to be in a deep sleep. Luckily, she resisted giggling. Her mother shook her again. Pretending to give up, Mrs. McGuire left. Then she snuck into Matt's room and got his trumpet (in my story, he plays the trumpet in the school band), put it together, and started playing the trumpet extra horribly.

"Ok! I'm up!" Lizzie said, throwing the comforter clean off her bed. Her mother made her bed because Lizzie was running late. Lizzie put on a blue shirt and skort combo because it was quick and headed out the door without breakfast. Today, she made the bus easily, but her hair was a little knotty, in a cute way though.

"Hey, McGuire! How is your bro? Is he ok?'' Ethan Craft yelled.

"Please, he broke his back. Not severely though. He will be fine." Lizzie said as the whole bus gasped. Everyone frantically asked her about it for 5 minutes when the bus driver got sick of it and left the bus.

Everyone cheered!! "I was kidding, you gullibles. Now get in your seat, miss." The bus driver said angrily as she fastened her seat belt and started the bus.

"Yes, ma'am." Lizzie said, taking her seat next to Miranda.

'Well, that was unexpected." Miranda said, slightly surprised at the bus driver.

"You can say that again." Lizzie said, getting a compact from her backpack. "Crap! Miranda, do you have concealer? I have a huge zit right here." Lizzie said, alarmed as she pointed to her cheek.

"Omigod, Lizzie. You are so lucky I remembered it today. Here you go." Miranda said as she rummaged through her bag to get a concealer stick.

"You are a lifesaver, Miranda!" Lizzie said, dabbing some on her zit before giving it back to her best friend.

"Any time, girl." Miranda said, putting it back in her bag.

They went into school and had a normal day. Miranda didn't get any more detentions, and Lizzie didn't have to repeat the Matt story again. She was glad that people left her alone, as it gave her more time to think. A few things on her mind:






Well, after 8th period, Lizzie went to pack up to go home when she received two notes— one from Gordo and one from Miranda.

Dearest Lizzie,

I was going to a No Doubt concert with my cousin on Friday at 7, but he now has his sister's dance recital to go to and won't make it there. I have a spare ticket, and would you go with me?

Oh, and about our date yesterday, are we boyfriend and girlfriend yet? I think we are. Do you agree? I really like you Lizzie, so I hope so.




Heyy Lizzie,

What's up, girlfriend? I just scored tickets to The No Doubt Concert on Friday. It's going to be such a blast. I have a spare ticket, so lets go!

LYLAS (A/N Luv ya like a sis)


PS- If you can't make it, I could always take my mom, so don't worry if you can't make it.

"Oh, crap. Both of them are expecting me to come. What am I going to do?" Lizzie said miserably. A second later she thought of a solution—three way phone conversation.

Lizzie got picked up by her mother (to go to see her brother). She walked out of the ER for a second and dialed up Miranda and Gordo (I don't know how 3-way works!!).

"Heyy guys!" Lizzie said excitedly.

"Hi." Miranda and Gordo said at the same time.

"So, I got your notes. You both have invited me to the No Doubt Concert on Friday. That's kind of a problem!" Lizzie said, hoping they won't be disappointed.

"Miranda likes No Doubt…" Gordo said questioningly.

"Yeah, I do Gordo. And I had no idea Gordo listened to anything but Frank Sinatra." Miranda said in a very annoyed tone.

"Be quiet, you two. I don't know what we should do." Lizzie said hopefully.

"You go with Gordo. I'll go with my mom." Miranda said dully.

"No, that's not fair on your part, Miranda." Gordo noted.

"I know…matchmaker." Lizzie squealed.

"Not again…'' Gordo groaned.

"Well, it's a way to get use out of that ticket." Lizzie said, "Miranda, what numbers are you?"

"G5 and G6. Why?" Miranda replied.

"G7 and G8. We'll be right next to each other." Gordo said, smiling.

"I'll get my little black book when I get home." Lizzie said happily.

"Lizzie, are you seeing other guys?" Gordo said in a mock-serious tone.

"No, I was seeking guys for Miranda. It's kind of hard for you if your best friends to be dating each other."

"Lizzie, Miranda can boyscope herself." Gordo said boredly.

"I have a little black book too, but Lizzie is helping me. Any boys we both have are contenders." Miranda informed.

"What if you really like a guy Lizzie doesn't like?" Gordo was confused by this serious girl lingo.

"That's ok. It just helps to have another girl's opinion." Miranda explained.

"I still don't get it. But you guys can do whatever you want if you don't two-time me Liz." Gordo shrugged.

"Bye guys. I'm going to think up more guys." Miranda said eagerly, hanging up the phone.

"Bye Gordo. I'm not gonna two-time you, love. Oh, and I do think we're boyfriend and girlfriend. Mwah." Lizzie blew a kiss to the phone as she hung it up as well.

Gordo just stood there, ear pressed to the phone. Thousands of emotions floated his mind as the words "I do think we're boyfriend and girlfriend" echoed through his head. After what seemed like hours, Gordo whispered, " I love you Lizzie." But all he heard was the distant buzz of a hung-up phone.

Well, be happy that I updated. It's been…like ten months…kinda late but I really tried to update. I just couldn't think of anything to write. I've basically ran out of interest in this fic, and I'm more into Harry Potter and Final Fantasy 10 stories. But don't worry, I'll keep writing until I reach the last day of school. I will try my hardest to update. Just don't hold your breath that it will be soon; you'll die of suffocation.

I love my reviewers, and thank you for encouraging me to continue this fic, even when I thought I couldn't write anymore of it.
