Hi, this is chapter 4 if you can't tell. I'm being a little weird today so this chapter will be too. The site I built, I meant to put the URL but I got sidetracked and forgot so you can click on my ID because I have it there. Hope you like. Please R&R.

They just stood there looking at the place. They watched as the bus drove away, and then a short, dorky looking man walked up to them. "Hello, you must be Pax and Maura. I'm Dr. Pendanski your councilor. You guys will be in D-Tent but first we need to go get your uniforms. Follow me." The dorky man said. They followed him into a small cabin that had shelves full of orange jumpsuits, boots and a pile of jugs in the corner of the cramped cabin. They each got two jumpsuits, a pair of boots and a water jug, and then were taken to tent D. After they walked into the tent, which smelled like sweat and something that they could not guess what it was they went to the 2 cots that didn't have anything on them and put their stuff down. Pendanski left so that they were now in the tent alone still confused and not knowing what to do. They walked around and looked at what little stuff there was. Then a short guy with black curly hair walked in and looked at them like they were aliens or something like that. He went to his cot and laid down and watched them out of the corner of his eye. Pax's cot was closest to the tent "door" and Maura has on the other side in the back corner. They started to unpack their stuff and put it in their crates. Pax, like the idiot she was, dropped a box of gobstoppers that she had brought. They scattered all over the tent, and then two more guys came in. They both didn't look where they were walking so the stepped on the gobstoppers and went flying across the tent. The tall blond one was stopped by a wood column in the middle of the tent and the other one kept going till he ran into the back wall. Pax sat on the floor with a confused look on her face. She looked like she had no clue as to what had just happened. Maura looked at the two guys and asked if they were ok. The one with brown hair got up on his own and Maura help the tall blond one up. The guys looked at Pax figuring that she was the one to drop all the gobstoppers on the floor. Then Pax made a funny face and apologized. "What are you guys doing here?" the boy with brown hair asked Maura. "We're here because we did something bad and we have to suffer for our wrong doing." she replied. "Well I'm Squid and he's Zigzag." pointing to the tall one. "I'm Maura and that's my friend Pax. She's a little weird so just ignore her." Maura said as she started picking up the scattered gobstoppers. Zigzag and Squid helped her while Pax was sitting there dazed and confused. "Pax stop dreaming and help us clean up your mess." Maura said annoyed my Pax's stupidity. Pax got up and started helping them. Right when they finished four more guys walked into the tent. As soon as they walked in they stopped and stared at Maura and Pax. "Who are you?" asked a Hispanic boy.
"I'm Maura and she's Pax." Maura said. "Well I'm X-ray that's Magnet, Armpit, Caveman and that over there is Zero. So what are you doing here at Camp Green Lake?" X-ray asked. "We're here because of my stupid parents hating me and me hating them back." Maura said cringing at the thought of her parents. "We totaled one of their cars and severely damaged the other." She said sounding very proud of what they did not smile. They kept on talking until a bell sounded. All the guys took Maura and Pax to a building with a sign hanging uneven on the door saying "Mess Hall".

OK I hope you liked it. I'm writing another story that should be a lot better then this one because Aaron isn't giving me any ideas. I don't know if I'm going to let her know about this one. Oh well she'll find out anyways ok please R&R. If any of you think of ANY kind of idea please e- mail it to me because I really need them. Thanks for reading.