To My Reviewers

(who will very soon hate me very much)

SperryDee, Purple-E, DemonRogue13 – I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for your reveiws!

Rika-or-ri – Glad you liked the Rogue/Remy flirtations. I didn't want to take it to far, because its such a common pairing, but I didn't want to leave them out either!

ASGT and Kat Maximoff – I love the new title too. Thanks for the review!

The Uncanny R-Man – Dude, I like your new pen name. That's nifty.

Flame31 – ^_^ Glad you didn't get into trouble. I completely understand, I do the same thing when I remember lines from Eddie Izzard or something. (cake or death?)

Taineyah – I wasn't too confused. As you will see, I kind of even used your idea!

Cannonballboy – Your review makes me giggle. I'm thinking about doing an offshoot of this fic where the older students sneak away for skinny dipping…

Qindarka – I'm sorry that this chapter doesn't contain much of anything, but I'm thankful for your review!

SickmindedSucker – Just a little bit on a sugar high huh? More than a little I think.

Silverblaise – The descriptions come from me usually being the one at the party that hasn't had anything to drink and watching the drunk people. Drunk people are hysterical. I love making fun of them.

Beaubier - *poke* You need to update Thicker Than Water soon *grin*. Aren't Alex and Ray pretty? *sigh* I plan on using them a lot more. Thanks for your review!!


It didn't take long for the teenage mutants to pass out from excessive alcohol and fun. The chairs around the pool and patio were used as makeshift beds for everyone. They had paired up together, keeping close to their partner for warmth in the crisp late night air. No one even noticed when the rain began to drench them all.

Logan and Ororo noticed the storm. They arrived downstairs to find their charges sprawled across the lawn furniture, sleeping off their buzzes. The two teachers knew immediately what the teens had done (the empty bottles of alcohol were a big clue).

Their reactions suited their characters. Logan merely grunted and stomped back inside. Ororo began to wake each student up and send them back to their rooms; a frustrating and lengthy process. With the gentleness of a mother, the weather witch tucked each teen snuggly into their beds and bade them all goodnight.

The morning dawned bright and clear. Each mutant awoke to a bucket of ice water over his or her head and instructions to get to the Danger Room immediately. Aspirin was withheld, along with breakfast, until a Level Two training simulation was completed.


Shaman Dani's Final Note

Hello to my wonderful readers. I know this chapter is a big disappointment and you're all going to hate me now. However, this story has fizzled into nothingness and probably should have ended last chapter. That doesn't necessarily mean this story is completely over. Keep your eyes peeled for a sequel by the end of the summer.

I hope you all enjoyed it. This was my first X-Men: Evolution fanfiction (though certainly not my last!) and I'm thrilled that it was popular. My next project will probably be an Evo/Spirited Away fusion or an Evo/Labyrinth fusion.

Thank you for reading!

Shaman Dani of the Flamingos