
By HamClover


Ugh. I'm sleepy, I stayed up past 3 at a sleepover last night...zu, zu, zu. Oowah. I'm gonna go to bed..here's the last chapter..have fun... *snores*


Chapter 4- Say Wha!?

Dexter and Howdy had no idea what was happening when they got to the Clubhouse. Everybody didn't seem the least bit surprised to see them. In fact, it seemed they had been expecting them. A lot of the ham-hams also looked like they were about to crack up laughing too.

"..what's going on??" Dexter asked, uneasy.

Celeste let out a giggle.

"Yeah! Why are ya' guys all jus' givin' us those freaky looks?? It's freakin' meh out!" Howdy whined.

Nobody answered, not even Pashmina or Penelope, who were standing right next to them.

"Can somebody PLEASE tell me what's going on!!!???"

Suddenly, Radar, the rabbit-eared hamster and his black-furred assistant towing the umbrella leapt out. (Don't know who the heck they are?? They're from the GBA game Ham-Ham Heartbreak.)


Radar was cracking up. "Congratulations!" He managed to shout over the laughter.

Dexter and Howdy blinked.

"You've just been another victim of April Fools! The reality show where YOU are the star of a prank!"

Radar's assistant pulled a string, letting out tons of confetti, and ham- ham camera crew members scrambled out of all kinds of nooks and crannies.

"Uh, what are you talking about??" Dexter asked.

That's when the Chicky-Chicky pranced out.

"It- it's ALIVE!" Howdy squealed. "We didn't kill it after all!"

Suddenly, the Chicky-Chicky took off it's head, revealing that it was no chicken, but Elder-Ham in a life-like chicken suit!

"Ha, ha! You should've seen your faces!" Elder-Ham shouted.

"So-so, you mean this was all a-" Dexter stuttered.

"Yes! It was all a joke!" Radar exclaimed. "Like I said, you were another victim of April Fools!"

"Oh shit." Howdy mumbled.

Radar paused for a moment and leaned over to Howdy.

"Hey mister, kids watch this show."

"I can't believe this whole thing was POINTLESS!" Dexter blew. "Why'd you trick us!?"

Pashmina shrugged gingerly. "I dunno, we thought It'd be funny."

Howdy began laughing suddenly. He laughed so much, he began to cry.

"Howdy!" Dexter shouted. "What's so funny about this!?"

"We are so gullible!" Howdy squealed. "I never realized it!!"

Dexter was not amused, but he managed to break a smile.

"I guess it WAS a little humorous, I mean, after all, everybody is going to see me in a Santa suit on TV!" He chuckled.

That's when another Chicky-Chicky walked in. Everyone but Dexter and Howdy gasped.

Dexter wasn't about to be fooled this time. "Oh, I'm not about to fall for this joke again!" He shouted with confidence.

Walking over to the Chicky-Chicky, Howdy said, "Uh, Dex, I wouldn't-"


Dexter had tried to pull of the mask, but it was a REAL chicken, a really pissed off chicken!

"BAGOK! BAGOK!" The PO'd Chicky-Chicky shouted. It began to chase Dexter and Howdy around the room.

Radar shrugged.

"That's showbiz!"


THE END!!!!!!!

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