Disclaimer: I don't own any of the FFX-2 characters. If I did there would have been A LOT more Rikku and Gippal scenes. I do own the other characters though.

New Dressphere

Chapter 5

Notes: albhed . netfirms . com

('words...') - Translated Albhed.

On top of the Celsius...
"Did it work?"

"Yes and no."

Callisto turned to Natalie. "Huh? Did they or didn't they?"

"Well, Gippal and Rikku got started , but..." Natalie trailed off.

Callisto sighed. "Brother told Cid?"

"Yes." Natalie replied. "I think we should get Brother out of the way first, so we can get back on track."

"I know. We don't have much time."

"Who in this world has patience enough for Brother and likes him like that?"

"Callie. I think that is her name." Callisto said after a bit. "The girl who likes Chocobos. I remember her saying that she thought Brother was cute and his hair makes him look like a Chocobo sort of."

"What's she been smokin' ?" Natalie said with a dumfounded look on her face.

"I thought the same thing." The kitsune said with a laugh and motioned for the other to follow her back inside. "But, she does like him. Maybe he won't be as annoying if he has a girlfriend to keep him occupied."

"Yeah." Natalie giggled. "I do know that Gippal is cursing his luck and Brother right now. Rikku, probably is too."

Djose Temple
At Djose Temple, the Machine Faction Leader was cursing his luck and Brother.

'Where the hell does he get his information?!' Gippal thought furiously while taking apart a machina. 'And so fast too!'

After the mall incident, Rikku and Gippal went to her apartment, since it was a place where not many people knew them well enough to go running off and tell her father and blab their business. So they thought. They were in her bed fooling around, since they figured they could take their time. Especially since he had thrown her mini-commsphere out the window, with promises of another one. A few moments later, his started to beep. They both ignored it. When it kept getting louder with signs it wasn't going to stop, Gippal sighed. Rikku let out a low growl of annoyance as she slid behind his back to hide herself from view. He was surprised to find it was Yuna and Tidus on the hologram that materialized.

"I know, I know, but I thought I should warn you before Uncle Cid and Brother get there." The blushing ex-summoner said. "They somehow heard about the mall."

Rikku came up from behind Gippal's back.

"How long?" Rikku and Gippal said in unison.

"About 5 minutes maybe. Would have been longer, but I had to find your number when Rikku wouldn't pick up."

"I suggest you get out of there quick, Gippal." Tidus said then crossed his arms over his chest. "The old man is pretty ticked off. Especially when he caught Yuna and I."

Gippal stopped in the middle of putting his pants on while Rikku's jaw dropped. "He caught you and Yunie? At least Paine and Baralai..."

"He burst in on them first. He thought all of us were there in Bevelle. And that was the only place Cid knew to look to find out where to go." Yuna said. "He was half right."

"I didn't get yelled at too much by Cid, since he knows about Yuna and I. Brother on the other hand..."

Tidus shook his head. "Your brother does know that Yuna and he are cousin's, right?"

"I don't know what he thinks." Rikku said, with the sheet wrapped around her, as she grabbed a shirt to put on. "I'm not even going to start to try either."

"Maybe, he needs a girlfriend." Yuna said thoughtfully.

Gippal snorted. "He needs to get laid." He looked around the floor for his shirt, then noticed Rikku had it. He was about to say something to her when a loud knock came at the door. Actually it was a loud banging noise accompanied with yelling.

Everyone in the room had a scared look on their face.

"Gotta go, See ya, tomorrow....hopefully." Tidus said as he disconnected the commsphere on his end.

Rikku motioned for Gippal to go out the window, when he started to look for an exit, since the front door was definitely out of the question. She made sure he was out and safe before going to the front door and opening it, after making it look like she was sleeping.

"Fryd ec ed Vydran? E fyc cmaabehk." ('What is it, Father. I was sleeping.') Rikku said in her sleepiest voice.

"Frana ec ra?!" ('Where is he?!')

"Where is who?"

"You know who! Gippal!" Her father shouted.

She glared at him. "He is probably at the hotel sleeping. Like everyone else is sleeping at this time. Why would he be here?"

"You know why!" He yelled as he looked around her apartment.

Rikku just tilted her head to the side and continued to stare at him.

"To... to...so.... he... and you...." Cid stuttered. "I AM NOT GOING TO SAY IT."

Rikku chewed the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. "Are you going to leave anytime soon, so I can get some sleep. I have stuff to do later on."

Cid looked around once more and seemed satisfied that nothing was amiss. He started walking out the door when he noticed what Rikku was wearing.

"Where'd you get that shirt?" Cid asked.

"The mall." She lied.

"You should take it back and get a new one, there is a black stain on the cuff." He said as he walked out.

"Oh, Okay." She blanched. 'If he sees Gippal's initials on there. Father is going to kill him.'

"I'm going to go get your brother."

"Where is he?" She asked noticing for the first time he hadn't uttered a word because he wasn't there.

"I sent him to the hotel to look for Gippal, while I came here. Goodnight." Cid left and started toward the hotel. He didn't see Rikku's mouth drop open in horror.

While that whole thing was happening, Gippal had landed on the ground directly below the window. Just in time to be missed by Cid.

He made sure no one was around, then took off toward the hotel he was staying at. It was the same as last time. Luckily he had brought extra stuff there earlier.

He walked into the lobby, only to see Brother at the front desk. Gippal started to back out and find another way in. He heard whistling. He looked behind him to see Rikku's father coming toward the hotel. Cid happened to be looking up at the hotel so he didn't see Gippal. Gippal eased back inside through the revolving doors, just in time to see Brother start to walk in them. Gippal crouched onto the floor and duck walked his way through them as Brother turned them. He was thankful that the bottom part of the doors was solid and not see-through glass like the top. It was high enough where a person on the other side wouldn't see him unless the really looked hard enough. He rolled into the lobby and sprinted to the front desk to get his key. Since he left the other one in his shirt.

"Boss' daughter?" The receptionist asked with a slight smile on his aged face.

"Yeah, kind of." Gippal said. "How'd you know?"

The man laughed. "I've been there." He looked at the doors. "You'd better hurry, that guy looks like he is coming back in."

"Thanks." Gippal ran into the empty elevator and went to his floor. He ran into his room, stripped to his boxers, and messed up the bed enough to make it look like he was in it. He turned out his lights and lied down in the bed. He must have dozed off because the next thing he knew it was morning.

Chapter 6: Mission 1 - get Brother a girlfriend. Mission 2 - Help Yuna get Tidus to get a clue, Baralai also.

Author's Notes: I apologize that it took so long. It took me awhile to figure out how I wanted this to go. I don't know when my next update will be. I am now a Full time college student. Just put in your review if you want me to put you on my New Dressphere update list to receive emails. Please Review. Later – Reesechan