Beyond Control
By lightningkitty
Summary: Hermione is just about to start her seventh year at Hogwarts. She has just come back from spending the summer with Harry. She is in love with him, or so she thinks, that is, until a certain Slytherin comes into the picture...
"Ooohhhh... do I have to?" said a pleading voice from somewhere around Harry's
"Yes. You have to get up. We have to go to Diagon Alley today to get our school supplies. Term starts tomorrow. You should know that. You're supposed to know everything, remember? You're the new head girl." Harry said as he watched Hermione slowly pull back the covers from the bed and attempt to get up before flopping back down. "Come on get up!" he said as he grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her up. "If you hurry, we can make it to the lodge in time for the breakfast buffet." he said.
"Alright, alright, I'm going." Hermione responded as she pulled off her pajamas and started getting dressed. Harry watched her as she finished buttoning up her shirt. The same shirt in fact, that he had just helped her unbutton last night. Hermione looked up and met Harry's eyes. She smiled as she walked over to him and planted a kiss on his lips. "Come on we wouldn't want to miss the breakfast buffet now would we?" she said playfully.
"Of course not, they have very good bacon." he replied.
"You are so annoying sometimes, you know that?" she asked him.
"Oh, but of course my sweet, why do you think you're so attracted to me?" Harry said wickedly as he swept her up in his arms and carried her out the door.
It was a beautiful day outside. The breeze blew gently across Hermione's face, as she closed her eyes and remembered the day when Harry had finally confessed to her. She remembered his exact words:
It was the last week of school. Harry had walked up to Hermione in the common room and asked if he could speak to her in private.
"Sure." she replied.
He had taken her outside, and as they walked around the lake, he had told her.
"I think I'm madly in love with you."
This was not what she expected. She had always thought she was in love with him, ever since she had first seen him. But then he had gone after Cho. She thought she would die. She had finally gotten over Harry about a month before. Now he was confessing. It was like a dream come true.
"I...I...I think I love you too." she finally said.
She felt his hand grab her shoulder and she slowly turned around. He looked deep into her eyes, then slowly, firmly, kissed her. She drew back in surprise. He looked hurt.
"Is something wrong?" he had asked.
"No... it's just... that I..."she stammered, looking into his eyes, before kissing him deeply.
They stood there for a long time in each others arms, not caring who might be watching. And someone was watching indeed.
"Damn..." the voice said before turning away from the window.
As they finally stopped kissing, Harry asked her.
"Hermione. Would you like to spend the summer with me? I have rented out a beach house in the Greek Isles for the entire summer.," he had inquired.
"I would love to." she replied.
"Great. Hermione? Hermione...?"
Hermione opened her eyes.
"Hey, we're at the lodge." Harry said.
"Oh! Right thank you!" she said as Harry put her down on the steps.
"What was that? Did you fall asleep?" Harry questioned.
"No, I was thinking about when you first told me you loved me." she replied.
"And I still do!" he said kissing her.
After breakfast, they headed overt to Diagon Alley. They had just finished getting all the money they would need for the school year. As they stepped out of Gringotts, they heard a voice.
"Harry, Hermione, over here!"
Hermione and Harry looked over and saw a tall gangly redhead with a short very pretty girl with long brown hair and smiling eyes attached to his arm.
Hermione and Harry walked over to them. He raised his eyebrow at Ron in question of the girl on his arm.
Ron's cheeks slightly flushed. "I think you all know Padma Patil," he said, indicating the stunningly pretty girl on his arm.
"Hello Padma," Hermione said.
"Hi." she replied.
"Had a good summer mate?" Harry asked Ron.
"Excellent," Ron said with a wicked gleam in his eye, "You?"
"Wonderful," Harry replied with the same wicked gleam in his eye.
Hermione watched this exchange. It was very clear that both of them had gotten laid. She rolled her eyes.
"Come on you guys. We need to get our school stuff," Hermione said
They all headed over to Madame Malkins.
"Why look! It's Potty and Company! It's so nice to see you all. Did you have fun on your little vacation with Potter in that shack they call a beach house, Mudblood? Draco sneered. They all whipped around at the unmistakable sound of Malfoy's voice.
"How did you know about that?" Hermione asked, her eyes glinting dangerously.
"Oh lets just say I have my sources, sweet." he replied
"You better back off Malfoy." Harry growled whipping out his wand. Ron stepped forward and pulled out his wand too.
"You think you could take me?"
"Ten of you!" said Harry.
"Twenty!" added Ron.
"Well I don't think that's necessary, when just one of me can whoop both your asses!"
"That's enough!" Hermione said angrily.
"Oh, you need your girlfriend, Granger, to defend you now Potter? Pathetic." Draco said.
"All right Mister Malfoy, here are your robes" Madame Malkin said handing him a bag.
"You should just be lucky that I'm leaving now Potter, or you'd be leaving here in about ten different pieces!" Malfoy growled. "Oh yes Granger, I'm sure the school probably failed to tell you this, but I'm the new head boy. We'll be sharing a common room."
A/N: So what do you guys think? Don't let the beginning fool you, this is a DM/HG fic. Please review and tell me what you think. This is my first story on my own, although I have helped my friend (pen name Summer Astin) with her fic. Reviews help me like you wouldn't believe. So come on go down to the corner of the screen and click. Type a review and click again! Thanx so much!