Kagome's Voice and Inuyasha's Love

By: Hekele

This is an InuKag and MirSan fic.to all you Kikyo lovers and supporters.sorry.hopefully if I get enough reviews on this story I will write more chapters and eventually get rid of that pathetic excuse of a clay pot.but even if I don't, I want you to know.I HATE HER GUTS!!! (Wait.do clay pots have guts? @_@?)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters in his show.I am just a crazed fan who found herself writing a fic.what else is new???

*Italics* = thoughts

" " = speech

Her Voice

Inuyasha was sitting in his favorite tree just outside of Kaede's village staring at the Bone Eater's Well. He wished Kagome would just come back already, he didn't want to lose any more of his demonic dignity by going after her through the well again. *Is that really why I won't go? Or do I just.maybe.miss her?* Inuyasha quickly shook off that last thought and mentally scolded himself for it. After all, he loved Kikyo, not Kagome, he loved Kikyo.didn't he?


Sango looked at him and shook her head. Inuyasha had been in that tree staring at the well all day. She thought it was cute at first but now found it a bit annoying.

*Why doesn't he just go after her already? Everyone knows he wants to.* she thought to herself. She walked back towards the village when Shippo ran up and jumped into her arms, she smiled at the little kitsune, until she saw an angry monk heading her way.

*Oh great.now you've done it Shippo.what happened this time???* she thought as the kitsune crawled onto her shoulder and tried to hide behind her long, brown ponytail. The monk, Miroku, looked fairly angry and kept coming, seemingly

ready to knock Shippo's little head off.

"Miroku? What's wrong? You seem a little.upset," Sango asked him politely, taking a step back as he kept coming after the kitsune.

Completely ignoring Sango, Miroku walked within three feet of her and the kitsune and glared at Shippo, "Shippo, you had better stop hiding behind Sango.it won't save you!"

"Miroku.what has happened to make you so angry? What has Shippo done?" Sango asked more firmly, a bit alarmed by Miroku's temper. He looked to her exasperatedly.

"He ruined a perfectly good conversation with a lovely young lady and-"

"I told him not to grope anyone when I was around because I think it's sick and that I didn't want to watch him be an idiot for once," Shippo interrupted him. Miroku froze as he saw Sango's hand twitch and reach for her boomerang, which as always was strapped to her back. He stepped away from her as she took a step towards him. Shippo got the hint and jumped off her shoulder and ran towards the well.

"HENTAI!!! How dare you chase after him for your stupidity!!! Wait until he tells Kagome!!! She's going to beat you worse than I am!!!" Sango yelled as she gave chase once again to the perverted monk.


Inuyasha half smiled to himself as his sensitive ears picked up the argument between his friends, he could picture Miroku's face as Sango gave chase to him, it served him right for being so perverted, and it served as great entertainment. Inuyasha was so caught up in the yelps of pain and the sounds of a bone boomerang hitting something hard, (probably Miroku's head,) that he didn't notice Shippo climb up the tree and onto his branch.

"So, wha'cha doing up here?" Shippo asked, nearly giving Inuyasha a heart attack. After regaining his balance he glared at the kitsune.

"Why the hell did you do that?!? What concern is it why I'm up here?!? Go away!" he yelled as he tossed the kitsune off the tree. Luckily, Shippo landed on his feet and wailed in anger.

"I'm gonna tell Kagome when she comes back and she's gonna 'sit' you to the

earth's core!" The kitsune ran off in the direction of the village, very upset with his only father figure for being so mean to him.

Inuyasha looked as the kitsune ran off towards the village, a bit of true sorrow hidden in his gruff face. *Oh great.I didn't mean to toss him.he just annoyed me and it's what popped into my head first. Damn it, Kagome's gonna break my back with all the 'sits' I'm bound to get.* Suddenly, Inuyasha caught the whiff of a familiar scent and his breath caught in his throat as it grew stronger. *She's here.* he couldn't help but smile, he hadn't had to drag her back this time, for some reason, he was glad when she returned on her own. It meant that she wanted to be here. Inuyasha forgot all about Shippo's threat for the moment and jumped from the tree towards the well. Upon landing, he saw her trying to climb out. Trying hard to fight a smile, he lifted her out with ease. When met with her smile and thanks he nearly blushed. Nearly.

"What took you so long wench? You said that you would be back yesterday! You are beyond late!" he yelled at her with false anger. Actually, he was quite happy that she had returned at all, he had been afraid that she was angry with him for some reason and had figured on giving her time to cool down before forcing her to come back yet again.

Kagome glared at him, "Sit!" she yelled. Inuyasha kissed the dirt much to his despair with a thud and an angered growl. Kagome hmph'ed and began walking away from him as the prayer beads began to wear off. When he could move again, Inuyasha bounded after her.

"What was that for?!? What did I do? You're the one who's late!" he yelled at her.

Kagome fought the urge to 'sit' him again and bit her tongue. She hadn't wanted to come back quite yet, but knew she had to or Inuyasha would have dragged her back as usual. She had wanted one more day to relax and catch up with her homework but settled for bringing it with her back to the Feudal Era. It was making her already heavy backpack much heavier and she was in a bad mood to begin with.

"Don't call me 'wench', I have a name, use it." she said calmly but coldly.

Inuyasha glared at her but kept quiet, not wanting to anger her further.

*Why is she so angry? I always call her wench but usually she just yells at me.what did I do to get her this mad?* He pondered over her mood for a moment, waiting for some indication that she had acknowledged his presence next to her, but was denied one. He began to feel a bit bad, he must have really done something this time.

Kagome walked on towards the village, forcing herself not to apologize to the hanyou walking silently next to her. She really didn't want to talk to him right then, only to greet her other friends and enjoy a bit of time with them before the slave-driving Inuyasha bound them to shard hunting the next morning. She knew that they had to get all the shards, but she wished she didn't have to make every visit to the Feudal Era a painful, bloody adventure.

Upon reaching the village, they were greeted by Kaede, who immediately noticed Kagome's mood and raised an eyebrow to Inuyasha, who shrugged. Kagome walked into Kaede's hut and greeted her friends. Shippo ran into her arms and gave her a huge hug as Miroku attempted to give her one as well but missed when she side-stepped out of his reach, knowing very well of his intentions. Sango smiled at her friend and was greeted with one back, seeing as Kagome's arms were full with Shippo. Inuyasha entered the hut and Shippo remembered about his revenge on Inuyasha for what he had done earlier.

"Kagome, Inuyasha tossed me out of the tree when I asked him what he was doing up there." he said with false tears. Inuyasha remembered too late what had happened and was 'sat' by Kagome 10 times in a row and had created quite a large dent in Kaede's home.it blended well with the other dents he had left from other 'sits'.

When he was able to stand up, Inuyasha saw Kagome cradling Shippo in her arms as he pretended to be in minor pain. Inuyasha wanted to toss him again until he noticed Kagome's expression, she looked as though she knew Shippo was faking it, but decided to hug him anyway. Somehow, this annoyed Inuyasha a bit less.


While everyone was sleeping, Kagome quietly got some of her homework out of her backpack and started to do some of her math problems. She was about half way through them when Shippo woke up and crawled into her lap.

"What are those?" he asked quietly.

"They are math problems, I'm doing some of my homework so that I won't have more later when I go back to my time." She replied just as quietly. Shippo yawned and she smiled. She put down her homework and cradled Shippo again.

"Hush now, my baby, be still love don't cry.

Sleep like you're rocked by the stream.

Sleep and remember, my lullaby, and I'll

be with you, when you dream." she sang to him soothingly.

Inuyasha's ears twitched as he faintly heard Kagome's voice. He opened his eyes a little and looked at her, she was cradling a sleepy Shippo who was visibly trying to fall back asleep. A smile tugged at Inuyasha's lips as he witnessed the scene. Shippo wasn't all that bad, he was just young. Inuyasha could see why Kagome cared about him so much, because Inuyasha himself did as well, though no one on Heaven, Hell, or Earth would ever hear him admit it. His ears perked as Kagome picked up the next verse of her song.

"Hush now, my baby, be still love don't cry.

Sleep as I'm singing to you.

I see you smiling, so peaceful and calm,

And holding you I'm smiling too."

Inuyasha's own eyes began to grow heavy as Kagome sang her song. *Her voice is so beautiful.* he thought to himself. Kagome went on as Inuyasha secretly listened.

"Sleep and remember, this river. lullaby.

and I'll be with you, when you dream.

And I'll be with you.when you dream."

She finished, allowing her voice to fade at the end. Kagome smiled as Shippo curled up into her as he fell back asleep. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and set him down next to her as she laid back down in her sleeping bag. She smiled to herself. *I always loved that song, ever since I saw that movie.it always calmed me down when I listened to it when I was stressed out, I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys it.* she thought as she watched Shippo sleep. Kagome closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep, unaware of a certain hanyou's gaze.

Inuyasha allowed himself to smile a bit when he saw her go back to sleep. He listened as her breathing became even, meaning she was deep in sleep. Inuyasha gazed at her for a moment, thinking over what he had just heard. It was a touching sight, even he had to admit to that. He also had no idea that Kagome could sing so beautifully, he felt calmer somehow after hearing her song, like he was the one safely in her embrace instead of Shippo. He closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep, but found that his heart was racing with thoughts of Kagome. He tried to shrug it off, but the thoughts of her kept coming, thought's of when they first met, thoughts of their first embrace.as Inuyasha fell asleep, he let his thoughts continue. *Kagome.*

*Me* So.what did y'all think???

*Lawyers* We think you forgot something.

*Me* What did I forget?

*Lawyers* What about the song???

*Me* +_+? Huh?

*Lawyers* Do you own the song??? It wasn't in your disclaimer.

*Me* 0_0; Oops!!!!!! NO, I DON'T OWN THE SONG, I'M SORRY I DIDN'T ADD IT IN THE DISCLAIMER.Hey, why are the cops here?

*Lawyers* Since you didn't add the song in the disclaimer.we called the cops.

*Cops* Yep.you're goin' downtown missy.

*Me* 0_o? But why?!? I just said that I didn't own the song!!!

*Cops & Lawyers * Too bad.so sad.may the power of the judge be with you.

*Me* But, but, but.....Judges hate me!!!!!!!!!!!! Fine.it had better be judge Judy then. *Cops & Lawyers * Sorry.it isn't.you're going to juvee.muahahahahaha!!!!

*Me* NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Lawyers* Kachie Runa.you're in charge of the story now.

*Kachie* (blinks eyes) I just got here.what's going on.why are you taking Hekele to juvee?

*Lawyers* She forgot to add a song in her disclaimer.so we are putting you in charge of the story.

*Kachie* Ummm...ok...help...

*Me* NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't give her my story!!!

*Lawyers* Well, if you can pay us $3,000,000,000 then you can go free.

*Me* (grabs check book and growls as she writes the check for $3,000,000,000) Here..don't spend it all in one place.

*Lawyers* Thank you. (Lawyers leave, followed by upset cops.)

*Kachie* Where the HELL did you get all that money?!?!

*Me* (plays with the collar of her turtleneck as if very warm) Umm, well, you see.I don't have to tell you.

*Kachie* (grins) you stole it from the school board didn't you? No wonder we have had less teachers and more fights and total mayhem at school.We salute you Hekele! (chuckles evilly) Now to implicate my plans to take over the school , then McDonalds.AND THEN THE WORLD!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

*Me* (grins) Let's go then, the world awaits.tell them what to do while we're gone if they want me to keep updating.

*Kachie* Oh yeah.R&R, or we will come after you!