HI people!!! iz me eggroll ^ ^

This is just a little fic that I started up. Now I'm gonna give you the first chapter and tell me if I should drop it or continue kk? Hope you like it!! And remember!! All these people are real. My friends, my teachers all of them are real!! Except harry and draco O.O ^ ^;;;;;;;

Title: Junior high sweetheart

summary: Harry and Draco are sent to the muggle world for an assignment. No its not Voldemort.....its muggle studies class!! This fic includes my friends and the people I meet in everyday life!! ^ ^ won't this be fun?

Rating: R (NC-17 for people who want it to be _)

Warning: fluffy moments, language, and.......Katie(Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough)

(also, hopefully i got the right Proffesor _ i couldn't remember if it was Vector that did muggle studies)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER ONE: THE ASSIGMENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ok class, today I'm going to assign you guys a partner, and then I'll tell you the assignment." Said Professor Vector to the class.

Everyone groaned and waited to see who they got stuck with. Professor Vector got out a piece of parchment and began to read:Granger, Parkinson

Weasley, Zambini

Potter, Malfoy……

Both stood up at the same time and screamed "WHAT?!"

Professor Vector looked up and looked at the angry red faces of Harry and Draco. Draco was the first to speak, "Professor! I can't do this! You can't make me do this! Don't make me do this!" he groaned.

"Professor! Please! Me and Malfoy hate each other!"

Professor Vector smiled and said, "This is exactly why I have put you two together on this project. Hopefully this project will make you friends."

Harry and Draco's eyes bulged but then Vector silenced them with a spell and once again began to call of the pairs. After Vector paired everyone and had taken the silencing spell off of Draco and Harry, he began to tell them the assignment.

"Ok then, the assignment. Is that you guys have to spend six months in the muggle world."

Everyone stared.

"Yes, the muggle world. One of yours partners will be acting like a thirteen-fourteen year old and going to what muggles call "middle school." The other will go in every other day and observe and take notes. You guys can end up all over the world!"

Everyone gaped and a few people were whispering to each other. Harry shook his head then heard the tiny 'ouch' from behind him. Harry turned and Draco was sucking on his arm. Draco looked up and said "What?I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming."

Harry sighed and looked back at Vector, then….

Ding dong ding dong

The bell rung, signaling the end to class.

Everyone was talking about the project as they walked out of the classroom and Harry was also thinking about it when he felt a sharp tap on his shoulder. He stopped and turned around. Draco was standing behind him. Harry's eyes narrowed. "What do you want?"

Draco sighed and said, "Alright Potter. Here's the deal. Since I know nothing about the muggle world and you lived in it for years then I think it would be a good idea that you would be the one to go to school."

Harry thought for a moment. He nodded, "Good point. You'd make a fool of yourself, actually maybe you SHOULD be the one to go to school!"

"Nice try Potter, it's not gonna work."

"Can you blame me for trying?"

Draco grumbled as he walked away...



Natalie looked up from the history book. Mrs. Dunlevy was giving her 'the bad look!'

Natalie looked at the board.

"Why were Americans barbarians?"

Natalie thought for a moment and said, "Because we picked up the slave trade?"

Mrs. Dunlevy nodded and went to pick Zosimo, the boy behind her.

Katie and Alexandria smiled at her.Natalie,Katie, and Alexandria (or 'Alex' for short) were the 'three muskets!' They were always together. They were the best of friends. They all had names that they went by.

Katie – Her nickname was "Tiptoe". She got her name because she only walked on her tiptoes. She was ridiculously skinny and had shoulder length brown hair with the tips dyed turquoise. She wore pink capris that showed her knee high rainbow socks with dyed green shoes with yellow laces and a light green tank top, which I might add, was a little loose around the chest...

Alex – She was known as "Shorty", but to Natalie she would forever be "Chika". (Meaning 'little' in Spanish, because she was the youngest of them all) She had curly brown hair that was always in a pony tail or pigtails. She had a freckly face and wore a pink tank top saying "Hooked on fonix dun goood four mee!" and jean capris. On her right leg was a knee-high sock with cherries and on the other, a knee-high rainbow sock like Katie's. She had a nice figure and good personality.

Natalie – She was forever known as Eggroll (That's me!) because one day her brother called her that and she liked it so it stuck.*shrugs* She had shoulder length black hair that was a little messy. It was very rare to see it down She wore black pants, a black turtle neck, and a denim vest. She wasn't all that weird so she had no crazy socks but she did have "Property of Brendan." Written on her hand as well as "I'm an Eggroll." On her other. She wasn't a size five either, but she wasn't all that bad.*shrugs again*

So after 2nd period History they had 3rd period math so the trio walked to Mrs. Argends Algebra class along with more of the group, Mick and Maily. Mick was a friendly girl with shoulder length curly brown hair, some really cool army pants with monkey socks and red Chucks. She wore a red soccer monkey shirt with an "M" on the back. Maily was the sweet Vietnamese (hopefully i spelled that right) girl with long long long black hair that was streaked orange. She had a tank top on that read "If found please return this princess to the nearest shopping mall." and a sweatshirt with an angel tiger on the front and a devil one the back. She had nice hip hugger jeans and a pair of Adidas.

They waited at the door of room 13 for Mrs. Argend to show up from her P.E. period.(she teaches both math and P.E.) She came, unlocked the door, and they all walked in and took a seat. Mrs. Argend pulled out a marker and began to write down the schedule for the day. "Okay class, get out your chapter two lesson five homework and we'll correct it, take a couple of notes, and I'll hand out tonight's homework so we can start and see if you have an questions." She said.

Natalie groaned and said "This is gonna be long day."


yyyyyyyyyyyeah _ so how did you like it? Reviews are always helpfull. Tell me! keep going? or drop it? Tell me now before i get to into it! er...even MORE into it 'cause i kinda already have 14 chapters written down ^ ^;;;; So tell me so if its bad i can burn the three notebooks i've already taken up so noone will ever see them _ (Katie is bugging me to put her doing something idiotic and random) @_@...

By the way, to see a picture of us and have a good laugh go to our site and join...The idIot Klub!!!


the gallery is the third link on the left when you enter ^_^ its scary _ but cool! You get to see some wierd pictures of our amazingness...and to know more about the gang (you'll see more of these people, trust me) the FOURTH link will take you to some profiles ^_^ and feel free to look around the site and its prettyness ^_^ (Katie: go to the forum! go to the forum!! *waves for attention and points to the 'talk' link*) _ (Alex:no!! *pushes Katie out of the way* go to the projects!!! read our silliness!!read how crazy and scary we can be!! ) _ (Mick and Maily together: Guys just shut up!!!) _...

Anyway ^_^ have fun!
