When I started this story I was 15. I knew how I wanted it to go but I never completed it. 11 years later I'm back with a better handle on the English language so I will be fixing each chapter for an easier read. Hope you enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I'll only say it once. I don't own anything HP.

The End: How It Began

Ginny's POV:

" 4/12- Today my family and I have worked harder than ever. We had to construct this huge tower for the Dark Lord use. What he plans to do with it, I don't know. We at least have enough food today but I wouldn't consider 1 small loaf of bread and a piece of fish enough food to feed me and the 8 members of my family considering what I would have eaten before."

Though the food was scarce, I still needed to eat so I put my diary away and walked down the stairs. My house didn't look as happy as it was before the war with its cheery color and brightness. Instead, it looked dark, gloomy, almost as if it knew the outcome of the war.

The end had finally come. Harry was dead and Voldermort had won and everyone on the light side has been captured and put into hard labor serving the Dark Bastard. The world knew that either Harry or Voldermort had to die. Well, we never expected darkness to conquer light.

Everything was taken from us. My father lost his job, we stopped going to school for Voldermort destroyed Hogwarts and we were enslaved. The only thing we got to keep was our home. Food was hard to come by for Voldermort left us starving but out of some sort of ill-minded pity, he allowed us to work for our food.

I entered the grimy kitchen and sat down at my place when I noticed my family was already seated and quieter than usual. They were all looking at me with deep sorrow in their eyes. Even Fred and George weren't making jokes.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

My mother began to cry out of nowhere resting her face in her hands while father tried to console her.

"Did I do something wrong?" I said my voice shaking.

To answer my question my father handed me a piece of parchment with instructions written on it. As I read it, my tan face from all my labor paled to a sickly white color.

"No, NO!" I screamed which made my mother cry harder.

"You have to Ginerva... he'll kill us all." said Bill.

"Mom, Dad, please don't let them take me away." I pleaded tears streaming out of my eyes. I looked at my brothers for help but none would meet my gaze.

"I'm sorry," my father said softly "There's nothing I can do. The guards will be here tomorrow. Pack what little you can take and get ready."

I looked at my family pleading with each of them silently with my eyes to help me. My brothers said nothing and one by one, they disappeared to their rooms without a word to me. The ones who swore to always protect me, and yet here they were, defeated.

"Be careful sweetheart," said my father, a tortured look on his weathered face. Soon it was just me and my mother, alone.

I sat next to her and she held me in her arms. In the desolated house of ours, we cried and cried our eyes out til the late hours of the night. We both knew whoever went to the Dark Lord, never came back.

What does Ginny have to go and do anyways? If you want to find out, I need reviews and lots of them! So review, review and review some more.