Chapter Twenty Eight- Closure

"And how are things at home now, Ellie?" Ms. Suave asked, as she sat across from her in the tiny office two weeks later.

Ellie looked Ms. Suave straight in the eye when she answered. "My mom hasn't missed a rehab session yet. Dad's decided to give mom another chance, but I know he's ready to walk. It's immature and selfish, not supporting people you love—especially family. It's hard talking to my mom about what's happened in the past months. I think we're both trying to forget about, which I know isn't always the answer."

Ms. Suave smiled at Ellie in admiration. "Very good. You're really coming along, Ellie. I'm glad to see such progress."

"The first step is admitting you need help," Ellie recited with a smile. "And I'm glad I'm here."

The smile on Ms. Suave's face didn't fade. "Well, I guess this ends our session for today. You can head on to class and I'll see you next week, correct?"

Ellie nodded. "Can't wait," she replied and walked out of the room.

She met Jimmy down the hall and they kissed their hellos. He took her hand in his and they headed to their next class together. Ellie spotted Paige hanging outside the door of the classroom, talking to Hazel, and Ellie told Jimmy she'd meet him in class and headed over to Paige. Hazel glared devilishly at Ellie and simply walked away.

"What was that about?" Ellie questioned.

Paige rolled her eyes dismissively. "Hazel being a jealous hag. Nothing new. So, tell me, how'd your meeting with Suave go?"

"It gets easier each time," Ellie answered honestly.

Paige smiled and wrapped her friend into a warm hug. "I knew you could do it, El."

"Yeah," Ellie replied, talking to herself mostly, "you always believed I could do it."

"Come on, we're going to be late for class," Paige commented, and made her way into the room, but Ellie stopped her.

"You've come through for me so much, Paige. Just…thanks for accepting me."

Paige looked touched. "Hon, if anything you helped me. You opened my eyes, mad me realize things I never would have otherwise."

Ellie looked at Paige, never in her lifetime expecting those words to come from her mouth.


Ellie came home hat afternoon feeling refreshed and better that she ever had when it came to school. She had one full day that didn't immediately think of taking a razor to her arm. She knew things were going to get better. Things were already better. She was still riding the rollercoaster of life, but she didn't feel like she was going to barf from all of the ups and downs. Not anymore.

A/N: The end. I really tired to pan this out and make it a usual chapter length, but I just couldn't. There was no JT/Liberty stuff, mainly just because there wasn't anything left to say. I'd love to continue this forever and ever but it was time for me to cut it off. Than you so much to all the reviewers! 200 reviews is awesome! I've already started working on a new fic. It's not titled yet, but it's Paige-centric and I'm really getting into it. Thanks again and I hope you all continue to read my writing!