He did not feel anything at all. But in his eyes were this eerie calm, with the words coming out of his mouth, "they...will...perish..."

MS Gundam Seed: Endless Conflict

Dawn of a New Era

He sprinted back toward Murekaze, stopping briefly at his parents' house to get the last memory of them, before taking off from the battle zone. He knew TARC would easily defeat ORB using nuclear weapons, but their sole purpose would be to take over the Caguya Mass Driver. Either way, TRAC would be able to get rid of ORB's threat on Earth early before the official conflict.

He flew back to Messiah which engines had already started.

"We are going to use the chaos to make our escape" said Phowert.

"This ship is hopelessly undermanned. TARC lunar base will intercept us even if we manage to exit the atmosphere" replied Kira.

"We will not engage in any battles whatsoever. Just watch" said Phowert, with pride, "start the engines together with Mirage Colloid!"

A side of the mountain opened just as the ship started to move. The bridge protection visor lowered when Messiah lifts-off.

"Activate Edenglory. Target range: L5" ordered Phowert to the bridge's crew of only 4 personnel, including himself, the purple-haired boy, a man, and Flona Kaiger, to Kira's surprise.

The ship's interior vibrated just as a zooming noise surfaced and the ship suddenly jerked back. Kira felt himself getting crushed into his seat for a second. About 10 minutes later, the protection visor disengaged, granting full view of the outside. Kira didn't except that right there, in front of him, is the cluster of PLANTs.

"Hyperdrive generator 'Edenglory'," said Phowert, "EA's experimental space-time engine. Impressive and dangerous."

"Interesting..." the younger boy replied.

"Dock 14 to Archangel-class Messiah. You are granted permission to enter dock. Please follow the procedure" transmitted a voice.

"Acknowledged. Following entry beacon," replied Phowert, "turn ship 180 degress, and decelerate to match the dock's rotation."

The purple-haired boy, who's the pilot of the ship, didn't say a word in reply like a subordinate should. In fact, Kira didn't hear him say a word ever since they met. After the ship was securely docked, the whole ship crew of only 12 people, including the 4 bridge staff, 5 maintenance guys, 1 medic, Kira and Flaga, were saluted by the ZAFT soldiers as they entered the sortie room.

An officer approached them and said, "Welcome to PLANT, sirs. I'm sure you are all tired. Council Chairman Reavode has specially arranged for your rest individually. Please follow our staff"

Flona was about to call Kira but he went away without saying a word to the rest of the crew.

Yakin Heatch, ORB Union...

"How many casualties?" asked Cagalli.

"Most of the citizens have been accounted for due to our prior alert. Unfortunately, representatives Yamato are missing" informed Kisaka.

"!!!...they are missing?!" interrupted Athrun," are you positive?"

Kisaka didn't respond.

"Answer me, dammit!" Athrun grabbed his collar.

"Calm down, Athrun. I know Reavode entrusted them to you when he freed you, but it's still not confirmed" said Cagalli, calming him.

He let him go and punched the wall in anger.

"We are all frustrated right now as well. TARC's action is positively going to entice GAIS's declaration of war. That is not going to be great news" said Cagalli, slumping back down to her chair. "What am I supposed to do, Kira?" she thought. "Are conflicts within humans ever going to end for good?"

Aprilius One...

Reavode stood up and addressed the Council.

"The Archangel-class ship, the Messiah, which I believe the Council members are aware of, has docked under our protection, after using TARC's attack as an escape cover. The captain of the ship, who is an ally, has agreed to speak before the Council regarding the tension on Earth as he personally has been there, near the battle area"

(Door opens) Phowert walks in, accompanied by the purple-haired boy, with Kira trailing behind them.

"Council members...humans age and die. I'm an old man who is dying and cannot carry on this burden. The captainship of Messiah has I relinquished to Mr. Kira Yamato Hibiki, who will speak to the Council on this matter."

The members murmured among themselves the moment they heard Kira's name. Phowert backed away and sat down, allowing Kira to proceed.

He started off with the report and then followed by a long speech. He went through the whole thing with an aura of excellent demeanor in his being. He conveyed his messages about humanity, Naturals and Coordinators, their accomplishments, their downfall, the lusts of their flesh, their fragility, their jealously, their Sin, with such force that almost literally shook the conference room. All the female Council members broke to tears the more he spoke.

"I wish to bring about an era where children will never have to lift a weapon, where there will be no more bloodshed, where conflict will cease to exist among us humans. And so, I ask the Supreme Council to stand with me. United, we will realize and make that ideal world come true!" he finished.

All the Council members and Phowert stood up in esteem and clapped, with tears in their eyes. Even the moderates who disagree with violence were convinced, including Reavode. All of them recommended him the new position of ZAFT Supreme Commander which is created to counter the threat of TARC, replacing the empty Sextilis National Security member position. The whole Sextilis citizens then unanimously elected him as their representative.

War is not something that can be entered rashly. GAIS Council bided their time, as various industries prepared for war. The city which attracted most of Kira's attention is the one he's representing, which specialize in particle physics, a technology that could turn the odds greatly in the Coordinator's favor. Fortunately for Kira, Reavode had started on what Kira planned to do, guaranteeing the rapid completion of the project.

Sextilis One...

"Commander Hibiki." said Yzak as he saluted the newly appointed ZAFT 2nd Command, one level under the Supreme Council.

"Commander Joule" replied Kira returning the salute of the Special Forces Commander, "dispense with the formalities, Yzak. We are allies now. Have a seat."

"Thank you," he said, "why have you requested for me?"

"I'm sorry for the death of Ezalia Joule"

"Do not. It's all in the past. You have my utmost loyalty"

Kira smirked slightly at his words. "I'm glad. Anyway, please fill me in on your situation after New Year's Massacre."

The pilots and crew of both Ariel and Zechiel were disbanded after the failed assault on Yakin Heatch. CAF High Senate took possession of the ships and the MS units, and claimed the Institute's only weapons factory. All the pilots and both ships' personnel were arranged to court martial due to the Senate's bias point of view. Fortunately, most of them, thanks to the loyalty of some CAF troops, managed to escape. Waltfeld, Ramius, Kisaka, and most of the ship's crew joined Cagalli, but because of Ezalia Joule's 'assasination', Yzak joined Reavode, who promoted him commander due to his accomplishments. Sai, and Kuzzey didn't want anything to do with war and enrolled as students in Heliopolis. Miri, on the other hand, disappeared without a trace. Dearka's disappearance changed her somehow.

Then on PLANT, Yzak met Athrun, who at that time is a recently discharged officer after his memory was restored as Reavode didn't have any reason left to keep him in that state. He told Yzak about the situation at the chaotic PLANTs, and decided to help out a little, but mentioned about a promise to Cagalli, preventing him to stay in PLANT for a prolonged time. After completing his part of assisting in the defense plans, various weapons projects, and treaty proposals between GAIS and ORB, Reavode allowed him to go, taking Judgment with him.

A short while later as tensions mounted, Dearka returned and joined ZAFT due to his father's position in the Council. He survived because after he was ejected out of Countenance, the purple-haired boy who is the pilot of Murekaze, Stenly Rlaben Hibiki, son of Phowert, rescued him. Now, Dearka's been assigned under Yzak's command in the Special Forces.

"The twists of fate are so very interesting" said Kira.

"Indeed" agreed Yzak.

"Very well. Thanks for your enlightenment of the situation, you may be dismissed." said Kira.

"Yes, sir." saluted Yzak.

Before he turned for the door, Kira interrupted, "Yzak. May your mission be successful on earth. Godspeed"

"Thank you, sir" he replied.

"Thanks for being on my side, Coordinators. I assure you we will bring our ideals to life in no time" he thought, looking over the classified data of one of his assigned projects: code name Maim.

(comm) "What is it?" he asked.

"Commander, the personnel you assigned to Revolution encountered a problem and requested your assistance."

"I'll be right there."

He proceeded to armory of the colony where part of the MS unit undergoing experiments for a classified project is located.

"What seems to be the problem?" he asked.

"Commander" they saluted.

Flona and the team explained the anomaly in Revolution's MOS which denies modification no matter how hard they try. Kira knew what it meant. He can somehow feel it calling to him.

(twunnn) He started up the MS and activates its REVRO system.

"I knew you'll be back" said his voice.

"I have no time for you. Let's settle this quick" he replied.

His other self step forward from behind the shadows in front of him and said, "My, my. Such confident anger, or is it desperate hope?

Kira did not answer. A couple of swords then materialized in the middle of them.

"Remember, Kira. I'm you. Whatever you can do, I can also accomplish, but you don't know what I'm capable of. For starters, how about this?" (Kira's twin SEED)

They charge towards the sword, grabbed it, and swung at the other with such speed. They went at it as a matter of life and death. In a deadlock, Kira managed to land a low kick to his twin's right knee, but instead, he felt the pain of that blow. His twin then rammed his opponent away.

"Shocked?" he rushed as he taunted Kira, whose right leg is shaking, "you feel my pain as I feel your pain!" They kept up the clashes but Kira's twin seemed to overwhelm the original. Catching his right side unguarded, his twin delivered a roundhouse kick which sends Kira back a few meters, and caused him to double over.

"You are weak, ultimate Coordinator. You cannot survive on hatred alone. You don't have what it takes to accomplish your ideals. You threw away your only source of strength, love, which I don't have. You," he said, swinging his finishing move, "lose!"

"Wrong" he countered, grabbing that sharp blade using his left hand, and plunging his sword through his twin's torso.

"Urk! But how?" (Kira's twin End SEED)

Kira clenched the blade tightly, pulling it from the twin's grip, before sticking it into his enemy's throat, and then twisting his own sword before forcing it left, out the side of his torso. "My filial piety and desire for revenge is what you don't have" he said, as that agonizing pain coursed through his body.

His twin disappeared from his hold, only to appear again, unscathed, directly behind him. Kira didn't retaliate in anyway as he do not feel hostility from him.

"No. What I don't have is that pure heart and righteous determination. Allow me to aid you in your way" said he, as Kira felt him dissolving inside up..."

His eyes jerked open, looking straight into those grey eyes he recognized.

"Flona..." he said. (Kira End SEED)

"Commander, you are bleeding" she said, "hey! Get a medic here!"

He looked over at his numb right leg and left hand and realized that they are bleeding so bad, staining his lightblue/black uniform. He tried getting up, only to fall onto the girl in front of him and then passing out.

Yakin Heatch, ORB Union

"Are you going to fight Kira, Athrun?" asked Cagalli, approaching her office's sofa.

"I have to if I must. He left us, especially you to all this pressure from TARC and GAIS, and Lacus who lost most of her perseverance and confidence after that accident in the New Orleans coast. Luckily, you ordered a rescue team just in time," he said, "now Kira's the ZAFT Supreme Commander. If he is leading the Coordinators to the wrong goal, he must be stopped...It would not be easy, I know, but I will do all this to protect you, Cagalli"


They kissed for the first time they reunited.

May 21, CE 74

Debris Belt...

"All ships, assume position!" Kira ordered.

Aprilius One...

"For the past periods, Coordinators have been the victims of the ongoing conflict within mankind. From time to time again, we have been oppressed, and made use unreasonably. Today, we, the citizen of GAIS, wish to allege, of TARC, their utmost cooperation in fulfilling our demands," announced Reavode, "should they be refused, we will declare a state of war"


"Sir! The official papers from GAIS just came in regarding their demands!" said an officer, running into Jerusa Azrael's office.

"Gather all the members, I will meet them there" he replied.

(door opening)

"Their demands are ridiculous! Surrender all weapons and factories?" stated Jim McCain, an American TARC High Senate member.

"Don't bother reading them" replied Frances DuBois, a French member.

The Senate members continued to bicker among themselves.

"Senate members! Order!" interfered Azrael, "We will never give in to the likes of Coordinators. If they want war, we will give them war!"

"The Council grants you clearance, Commander. Godspeed" said Reavode, "and, Kira...don't die."

"Thank you, Chairman. I won't," he replied, "...at least not yet...all ships! Initiate phase 1!"

All the Laurasia-class frigates released their MS atmospheric entry pod. Kira watched as endless pour of pods containing 4 GedAons or GuAiz MS each rained down the thermosphere, creating an eerie red cloud.

"I hope we can finish this as soon as we start" said he, sadness evident in his eyes, as he directed his sight towards his right hand which is in his pocket, touching a sphere-like object. Worry crept up Ardvil's spine when he noticed Kira.

"My sentiments exactly" replied the acting captain of Belurius, putting the worry aside, "but will this part of operation Maim work successfully?"

"Have confidence in Commander Geory's abilities, Ardvil."

"Commander, communication interference detected. We have to word on GO!"

"Good. All ships advance!" Geory ordered, "deploy N-Diffusion Scanner!"

Naturally, TARC fired its nukes at the massive enemy Nazca-class destroyers, but their N-Negator Disperser technology proved useless against the product of Project Maim. Kira's plan of using the Sun's solar eruptions to disrupt communications between earth and space placed lunar Cleomedes, Pytheas, and Campanus bases in such a disadvantage that they could not inform the other TARC bases on Earth about ZAFT's new weapon or request reinforcements. SQI (Sextilis Quintilis Incorporated) N-Diffusion Scanner acts differently than its other 2 predecessors, in which it automatically tracks nuclear atoms within 10000 kilometers range and fuses those atoms with completely random negating elements, thereby terminating the effects of both nuclear fusion and fission. Also, unlike Jammer and Negator, Scanner eliminates any possibility of inventing a 'Cancelor' or 'Disperser' since the result of atom fusion is completely random and untraceable.

California base, North Atlantic...

Fierce fighting raged on between the two forces. Although the number of TARC units severely outnumbered ZAFT, the surprise assault and Special Forces reinforcements and logistic support from the newly acquired Honshu bases in Japan helped tilt the odds in ZAFT's favor.

"Dearka! Behind you!" Yzak said, destroying 2 of the attacking ENFORCERs using Riddance's Tactical Arms backpack cannons. Interdict, on the other hand, stayed motionless as beam shots streak towards it. The MS's armor turned slightly blur as it absorbed the energy from the shots.

"Whoo. Nice stuff, huh?" Dearka said, blasting the 3 enemy units using its 'Frebon' 250mm multiphase energy cannon.

"Stop fooling around. You know that Interdict has an absorption limit. Let's go!" ordered Yzak as Interdict, Riddance and a few GedAon-Rs, which is Special Forces standard suit, attempted to charge into the interior of California base's underground weapons manufacturing facility. Suddenly, 2 of the GedAons exploded just as an MS streaked past them.

"What the..." said Yzak, "that MS..."

"Axiom? No, it's different" Dearka continued, recognizing the familiarity of the MS to the Axiom he saw in the Messiah.

"I guess it's my turn" said the blond pilot who is wearing a masked helmet (like Zechs) as he fired at Interdict and Riddance.


"Pytheas base has fallen, sir"

"According to plans" said Kira, checking his watch, "well then, all ships, proceed to phase 2"

The Laurasia frigates released their support pods containing supplies to reinforce the ground forces. Then, after completing the drop, they started up their engines and retreated from the Debris Belt to assist the lunar assault, with Belurius and its 2 escort Nazca destroyers trailing behind.

"I have been wondering; why did you let that pilot go with the Gundam?" asked Ardvil, as they left the sector.

"...I owed him a lot during the past years. This is to even out that debt so that there will be no holding back if we ever fight. Besides, I know him and the MS's capabilities. If he chooses to oppose against us, then Operation StarFall will be his end," said Kira, "Also, from that mission on, this ship will be assigned to Geory"

"I understand," said Ardvil, knowing that he will be reassigned to Messiah once it has completed modification, "I'm glad he passed down the command of the ship to you."

"Hm. The venerable old man deserves his rest."

"Commander! Campanus base has surrendered" informed an officer.

Kira glanced back down at his watch to make sure it's on schedule. "Easier then expected. I don't think we would be of any help on the battle site. Both victories are ours. Let's just return to L4. I want the see the PLANT construction progress there. Tell the other ships to continue; Belurius will break off from here."

California base...

"Die!" Yzak roared as Riddance swung at the unknown MS, which parried that blow, causing them to be locked in a saber stalemate.

"Yzak!" warned Dearka, as he charged at the MS from behind to pincer it.

The MS then uses its wing sabers, to knock Riddance away as it flew up to evade Interdict's assault while firing its beam rifles at Interdict, which absorbed the energy and countered with its fully charged 'Fremon'. The MS then used its right wing to deflect that shot as Riddance came down on it with both sabers on. Interdict flew up, continuously firing the 'Fremon' as it activated its 'Trikeros' right arm system. Due to its superior agility, the enemy MS evaded destruction by a hair of an inch but lost the bottom part of its right wing. Riddance and Interdict, showing great tandem, launched themselves after the MS by using the deflecting force of their shields when they collide.

The pilot of the MS smirked at the approaching enemy units as the MS's wings suddenly 'shed its feathers'. Yzak and Dearka's attack were cancelled as the 'feathers', which are actually white-colored funnels, provided a firing cover as the MS retreated.

"Commander, Proto and Gerald teams here. We have successfully secured the targets. There are no nuclear weapons here and it seems that the enemy had no intention of blowing this place up; however, there's massive amount of supplies and weapons stored in" informed the leader pilot, who Yzak ordered to secure the base's Sacramento Mass Driver and the underground weapons factory which is formerly the Institute's factory

"Great job. Make sure the enemy doesn't take them back" praised Yzak, "now, let's wrap up this battle."

Riddance and Interdict rejoined the battle after being drawn away when they engaged the unknown MS.

L4 Armory One...

"It's an honor, Commander" said a young officer, leading Kira through the colony, which is filled with a familiar sweet melodious voice.

"How is the construction coming along?"

"Faster than calculated. Armory 7 and 8 are presently undergoing completion, thanks to the assistance of ORB. Would you like to see the other progress over at the hangar?"

The vehicle they are on changes direction, taking him to site of Project Suppress.

"By the way, a meeting requested by the ORB Princess to Chairman Reavode has been arranged in main conference room. Your presence would certainly be appreciated."

Kira was certainly surprised at those words. It's been only 3 days after the declaration of war, and ORB has already tried to step in. As the vehicle moves along, Kira finally managed to distinguish the singer of the melody when they drove past a civilian house by a beautiful lake. They inserted his right hand into his pocket again to touch the object.

"Her songs are certainly soothing, wouldn't you agree?" Kira said.

"Absolutely, sir. Anybody who does not fall in love with that voice is a fool, I personally would say" replied the excited officer.

ZAFT California Base, North Atlantic...

"Commander, orders from the Supreme Council just came"

Yzak read the papers which state the clearance for Operation StarFall. Yzak understood fully what it meant. To conclude Operation Maim, the first phase of StarFall must be carried out. However, unlike other operations, StarFall only requires 4 personnel, who will be led personally by Commander Hibiki. The success of the first phase will definitely devastate TARC forces.

"Kira's really bold, don't you think?" asked Dearka.

"Yeah...he's determined"

"Those Naturals' 'noble' reluctance to use their nukes on Earth will severely bust them"

"All for the best, I believe, to close this conflict quickly," Yzak replied, looking over some photographs of StarFall's targets, "how does this photographer able to capture all these?"

"...she's good, that girl" replied Dearka, suddenly looking depressed, "look at the note inside this envelope"

Yzak reached into the envelope Dearka handed him and found a note. Upon reading it, his eyes grew with in surprise.

"Are you going to go through that?" asked Yzak.

"Yes. I will not let her die."

"Go for it, my friend. You two are meant to be together."

Kira and Stenly arrived at the base at daybreak on a transport shuttle, bringing with them Revolution and Murekaze. The four volunteer personnel for the first StarFall mission, Dearka, Yzak, Stenly, and Kira, spend the next 10 hours going through the mission procedure. The 3 Gundams and Murekaze were stripped of most of their armaments and equipped with 2 nuclear launchers each. Revolution which initially possesses its buster rifle lost the ability to fire it as its REVRO system has been extracted for Project Suppress.

Yzak decided to hit the most dangerous area: JOSH-E and Europe, due to Riddance having Mirage Colloid. Stenly, with Murekaze, will start at Carpentaria and then join Yzak. Dearka picked the Atlantic West Coast as his target, so that he could fulfill a promise. Finally, Kira, just like Dearka, has something to settle for he picked the Pacific Region. In short, each pilot is assigned three major TARC bases; two using the launchers and self-destruction for the third.

"We will launch the first assault exactly at 0500 hours GMT. Match our times" said Kira as the four of them set their watches. "Don't worry about rescue. A number of Vosgulov-class submarines have been stationed near each of your mission area. When you bail out after initiating the countdown sequence, a fighter jet will collect you. Just make sure you get out of range in time," he continued, pointing at specific points on the projected world map, "Any questions?"

Yzak, Dearka, and Stenly motioned that they understood. Then the four of them kept silent for a moment, looking at each other at the map desk.

Stenly, who had been silent since Kira met him, finally speak out. "We will all come back alive, right?" he asked, taking off his glasses and looking down sadly at it.

Kira and Yzak, except Dearka (since he's been in Messiah for some time), were surprised at the likeness of his face to Kira's; even his voice is the same, maybe younger. Kira's eyes are purple while Stenly's brown. Kira's hair is brown while Stenly's purple. Kira wanted so much to ask who he is but now isn't the time. He is already heavy laden with pressure. They then prayed together before leaving to gear up.

1900 hrs. Orphanage, Pacific Ocean...

"Let's go" said Kira to few ZAFT soldier before walking along the beach towards the orphanage's lodge.

A bright crimson light emanated as he went in that direction. Then, a familiar song met his ears. He got nearer and found that Lacus, the children, and Markio were sitting on the beach in front of the lodge around a camp fire, singing the song 'Mizu no Akashi'. He spaced out for a while, looking at that beautiful woman in her white dress and listening to her song, until Birdy interrupted the whole thing by landing on his head. The kids and Lacus turned their heads to the sound "Birdy!" Some of the kids, upon seeing Kira, got up and ran towards him. Kira, for the first time, is able to really smile, as he picked up a girl. Then a young boy asked him why he's wearing a blue/black ZAFT uniform. He just smiled at him and ruffled his hair without saying a word.

Lacus stayed there looking at him as he walked towards the fire. Markio, sensing something serious, told the children to get inside the lodge. Kira, acting indifferent, introduced himself and explained his purpose of coming here: to get them out of this place due to the upcoming StarFall. Of course, Markio and Lacus couldn't believe their ears, but putting the safely of the children first, Markio went to tell the children to follow the ZAFT soldiers to the evac ship on the other side of the island.

"Why are you doing this, Kira?" Lacus asked, approaching him, when they are alone by the fireside.

Kira still kept up the cold act and said, "I just carrying out orders, ma'am. The people of GAIS personally do not want to see you fall victim in this operation"

"How about you? What are your feelings?"

"A commander cannot have feelings in war. It makes them weak. Now please follow me" Kira snapped back, before turning to leave.

By this time, Lacus's in tears by his hurtful, cold words. She blurted out, "I love you, Kira. No matter who you are"

Kira stopped in his tracks.

"I know the Kira I love is inside there. He desperately tried to save me during that waterfall...Our son died...I had a miscarriage but I do not blame him. I just want to be with him" she finished, turning away from him, sobbing.

Markio, who just came out of the lodge, senses Kira hugging the crying Lacus from the back.

"I'm sorry for everything, Lacus," he confessed into her ears, "I'm tired, just tired of all this. I want this to end. You are the only thing in this world who's been keeping me going since I found out that I'm just an experimental specimen. Everything I do is so that I could see your smile. I want to create a world free from conflict just for you. But unless this is done, that dream could never be realized. I weary of all this fighting, that's been taking away your happi-"

Lacus placed her hand on his lips as she turned around to face him. His heart seemed to melt seeing that smile of hers. "Say no more, Kira. I know all along your actions and accomplishments. You do it all for me. I love you" she said, burying her face into his chest.

Kira hugged her and said those three words too. Then, he remembered the ring in his pocket, which he's carrying around all this time.

"Marry me, Lacus. Now and here" he proposed, "although it's hardly adequate for a woman like you, I just want to bond us together"

There's no hesitation in her voice as she replied 'yes'.

Markio smiled at the two's words. Being a pastor, he agreed to oversee the tying of the knot, right there in front of the orphanage. Kira temporary gave her the ring until they could officially get married. The kiss was also exceptionally different this time round.

2000 hrs. TARC Washington D.C HQ.

Dearka, dressed in a TARC uniform, managed to infiltrate the White House. Using his high-security pass, he is able to gain access to many areas. Walking casually along the 2nd floor corridor, he approached a room.


"Who is it?" asked a voice from inside the room.

"The president's aide," he replied, "on official matters"

As soon as the door opens, he rushed inside and pinned the girl against the door as it banged to a close.

"D, Dearka?"

"I'm glad I found you, Milliaria" he said, looking at her in a nightgown.

He was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her forehead, causing her to blush.

"I'm sure you know about operation StarFall?"

She nodded and gave him a look of 'duh' as she was the one who sent ZAFT the photograph, and thus betraying TARC by helping the enemy.

"Get changed, cutie. We need to get out of here quick"

"This is serious, Dearka. Don't joke around" she pounds him on the chest, annoyed by his happy-go-lucky attitude but at the same time relieved and happy because he came for her.

0300 hrs. Vosgulov submarine, Pacific Ocean.

Kira changed into his blue/black pilot suit. As he was about to leave the changing room, Lacus came in and threw herself at him.

"Let me go with you, Kira" she said.

"You will be a lot safer here, Lacus."

"Being with you gave all the safely and protection I need" she said, resting her case.

Kira then handed her a spare pilot suit to wear. It's the first time he has seen her in a red space suit; so cute.

"Godspeed, commander" saluted the captain of the submarine, as Kira started up Revolution, with Lacus sitting on his lap.

"Thank you, captain. Please take care of the civilians" he said before launching.

(Kira SEED) Revolution launched and sped to its first target, TARC Onogoro Island. As they are approaching land over the horizon, Kira armed the first launcher while keeping his eyes on the timer.

"Close you eyes, Lacus" he said.

The moment the timer on all four machines reach zero, four distinct explosions can be heard and its vibrations felt across the planet. Onogoro, Carpentaria, Copenhagen, and Savannah disappeared from the face of the Earth, and the radioactive radiation contaminates the land within at least 250 km radius.

L4 Armory One.

Messiah launched according to plans for Operation Suppress. In its hangar lie Project Suppress units.

"Activate EdenGlory as soon as we completed liftdown" ordered Ardvil.

The bridge visor lowered before a hyperspace window appeared before them.

JOSH-E, England

"Savannah, Washington, Carpentaria, Copenhagen, Gibraltar, Onogoro, and Alaska! Damn them!" said McCain.

"So that's how they want to play it," said Azrael, "we will show them we are not ducks waiting to get shot down. Activate STONEHENGE system!"

Pacific Ocean.

Kira is currently on to Panama after destroying Onogoro and Alaska bases. His last armament, the 15 TRAGOON funnels, has mostly been shot down at Alaska; only 4 are left. Kira knows Lacus is extremely terrified by the 'massacre' of the mission.

"The targets are military bases, Lacus," he reassured, "not civilians"

"I know, but it's just doesn't feel right"

Kira didn't reply. Deep inside he knew it's wrong too. However, he could not spend time dwelling over it, as the Isthmus of Panama came into view. Naturally, the base sends out ENFORCERs and fired guns at Revolution; but nothing Kira couldn't handle. Instead of focusing on the battle ahead, he scanned his surroundings, looking for something. Lacus herself is amazed at how he operates the mobile suit as if it were his body. Suddenly, Revolution's radar flashed blue; something which relieved Kira. Another mobile suit, similar to Freedom, approached Revolution from the rear.

"Gundam?" he asked, surprised, "Ardvil..."

Kira then locked Revolution's targeting system, initiated the self-destruct sequence, and set the funnels to cover Revolution. He then opened the hatch, grabbed Lacus and jumped out. The unknown MS slid in front of Revolution, with its empty cockpit open. The MS seemed to have a force field system that protects it from heavy ground fire as Kira landed in its cockpit. As if able to recognize its pilot, the cockpit activated with the MS's designation 'ZGMF-XX9S Truth', and the hatch closed the moment Kira placed his hands on the control sticks. Its eyes flashed as Kira pushed the throttle lever to the max. Then, the MS, Truth, performed a somersault in mid-air and jumped off Revolution. The Panama Base is a goner as Revolution exploded. (Kira End SEED)

"Commander, welcome back" transmitted Ardvil, "Ms. Clyne, it's a pleasure"

"What's your position?" asked Kira.

"Presently within the thermosphere above Bermuda."

"Where are the three of them?"

"No word yet"

Suddenly, a garbled transmission interrupted them. "Zzzt...Brrzz...Kira...Bszzt...beam cannons...quest help."

"Can you clear that up?"

"Negative but it is sourcing from Europe" informed Ardvil.

"I'm going to them" he said, before a massive blast from the African continent pierced through the atmosphere into space, "what the..."

"All forces. TARC got us cornered with their new weapon. Request reinforcements!" transmitted Yzak.

"Commander, word just came in that the beam shot barely missed Armory 1-5 but has annihilated 6-8 and our ships at Mark32, Charlie 8, Alpha." said Ardvil.

Lacus gasped at the news, while Kira clenched the controls sticks in anger.

"Commander?!" asked Ardvil, seeing Truth, in the radar, blasting towards the source of the shot.

"Tell the all ships to deploy the Scanner," he ordered, after gaining composure of himself, "tell the three of them to abort mission. Send the guys out and warn Stenly to prepare for it!"

Messiah then sends out Ateale, Kenihi, Bluer, Yelster, and Trezze in the GedAon-Rs, followed by a fighter jet and its three components.

English Channel...

"Yzak! Let's go! We have the return order!" said Dearka, dodging various beam barrages like crazy, "Stenly's already retreating!"

"Damn it!" he whined, frustrated, as they attempted to leave the area.

Atlantic Ocean...

"Kira...there!" Lacus points out at the towering structures on the Sahara Desert.

Kira noticed one huge blaster-like contraption surrounded by various smaller alike versions of it. Truth magnified on one of the small blasters just in time for Kira to see it charge and then fire at him. Thanks to REVRO system, he managed to avoid the blast from such a long range. However, that's not all. After missing Truth, the beam then exploded, forcing the MS to activate its SQI 'Neoron' Particle Barrier to cover its rear.

"What the hell is this thing?" asked Kira, as he is bombarded by the beams of other blasters. (Lacus SEED)

"Go to a lower attitude, Kira" she advised, "Those blasters do not have 360 degrees angle of fire"

Truth dropped below 500 feet sea level, just as Lacus said, where the blasters have no range. She then broadcasted to the Messiah and the ZAFT forces on Earth how to evade the shots.

"Lacus..." Kira looks at her SEED, utilizing the REVRO system.

"We should retreat and regroup, Kira," said her, "Truth's power is getting low. Besides, those things might not be nuclear powered. It's dangerous."

North Atlantic Ocean

(Stenly SEED) Murekaze detected its replacement's arrival. Stenly then initiated Murekaze's self destruct sequence and locked its target at JOSH-E. The Core Operator flew alongside Murekaze as Stenly ejected. Murekaze's AI system then took control as the jet blasted towards London. Stenly's CO then merged with its chest flyer, leg flyer, and the Force Silhouette forming a MS. The designation 'ZGMF-XX8S Guidance' appeared as the MS Phase-Shifts and returned to the battle zone at a low attitude.

By now, the N-Diffusion Scanner has affected all nuclear engines, causing Riddance and Interdict to lose power in the middle of the enemy forces at St. George's Channel. Fortunately, Guidance went back to rescue the two pilots as they bail out from the battered Phase-Shift down machines. Murekaze was shot down over Bristol Channel but due to its inactive engine, the explosion is minor. At first, Guidance is surrounded by enemy barrage but luckily, the 5 GedAon-Rs and the MSs from ZAFT Vosgulov submarines stationed at the Altantic Ocean provided enough covering fire for their retreat.

South Atlantic Ocean

Truth met up with a patrolling ZAFT submarine fleet bound for California base.

"What's wrong Kira?" asked Lacus, as the MS descended into one of the submarine's hangar.

"Why...why must we live in this world?" asked Kira, "I'm very tired Lacus. So tired" (Lacus End SEED)

Lacus took off his and her helmet, and buried his face on her chest. Kira could not help but to break within her embrace.

"Hush...Kira. I'm here with you, always. I will never leave your side" assured her as she stroked his hair adoringly and kissed him.

Next of MS Gundam SEED: Endless Conflict.

The Unsung War

Both forces now have all the reason they need to escalate the war. STONEHENGE continues to threaten the skies of ZAFT forces. ZAFT are caught off guard when TARC does something they did not expect. ORB decided to ally themselves with GAIS due to STONEHENGE threat. The dying Reavode then confessed something which will stun Kira even more. Lacus may be the only one who can keep Kira's sanity from all the pressure.