(A/N: I (Katie) wrote this story on my own. I know this first chapter is
short but PLEASE Review and tell me if I should continue!)

Chapter One

Jo stood on the steps of Degrassi High, looking around at all the other teens all chatting away, huddled up in tight little groups. After moving from California, and Transferring out of a home schooling program, she was a little more then jittery about walking up those steps. But she keeping her head held high, she made herself march up and through the glass door.

Inside she made her way through the crowded hallways. There was still fifteen minutes till the first bell so everyone was walking around, surrounding their lockers and catching up on the latest gossip. But she managed to get past the herd and found her way to the office, to get her schedule.

"Hmm." Jo looked over her schedule while waiting for her "tour guide". "Homeroom, Mr. Simpson.English, Miss Kwan."

"Who is going to be your worst nightmare!" a voice spoke up. Jo looked up to see a blonde boy looking down at her from the office doorway. Jo stood and walked up to him "And, why, may I ask, is that?" The boy rolled his eyes "Believe me" he said "She will be. So you must be the new girl that I'm supposed to show around?"

"That's me. Josephine Calvert, call me Jo." She smiled.

"Gavin Mason, call me Spinner." He grinned as he looked her up and down. Jo was about 5'8" with long auburn hair that she wore a backwards red Angels cap over. She was slender but not real skinny; she wore a black shirt and baggy green pants that hugged her hips nicely. Spinner thought her style a bit tomboyish but he approved, she was good looking.

In the few minutes they had left before class, Spinner gave a quick tour off the halls. As they walked she started checking out the peers. She saw a Blonde walk up to them; she looked her up quickly, Nice she thought to her self. But when the blonde plastered herself to Spinner, Jo's smile faded a bit, Well damn! she thought. But she quickly replaced her smile with another when Spinner turned to her. "Jo" he said "This is Paige" he referred to the blonde in his arms "Paige this is Jo." "Ah, your girlfriend." Jo looked at the two.

"That's right Hun." Paige smiled "Sorry but he's taken." She hugged Spinner again.

"Oh I have no problem about him being taken" Jo said to her self. The bell rang and the students started lining up and walking to their homerooms. Paige took the liberty of showing Jo, to theirs. As they walked in, Paige took her seat right away, leaving Jo to look around, at all the faces of her class mates.

"You must be Josephine." She turned around to see a tall bald man smiling at her "I am Mr. Simpson. We're glad you could join us. Class," he turned to the students in their seats. "We have a new one here. This is Josephine Calvert."

The students looked on curiously. "Why don't you tell us about yourself Josephine?" Simpson smiled.

"Um.it's Jo." She corrected. Few boys in the back snickered. Jo rolled her eyes; apparently they found her name a bit odd. "I just moved her from California. I was home schooled there. My hobbies are acting and singing and dancing on the stage. I also play piano and just learning a bit of guitar. And that's about it I think."

As she finished a few students raised their hands, for questions. Simpson picked a girl in the front row "You were home schooled? Why was that?" she asked. That would be a difficult question to answer. "Well.truthfully, I didn't like school. I didn't get a long with my peers and after.well a.incident, my parents took me out and I started learning at home." Simpson called on another girl further back "So, how are the boys in California?" The girls giggled at the question. Jo rolled her eyes "No different from the boys here I'm pretty sure." Jo hated it when she was asked these kind of questions. She walked to the back of the classroom, even though she wasn't asked to sit. Jo didn't care; she was ready to sit down.

(A/N: You like it so far?? Tell me!!!)