Ch. The Prophecy

A/N- Ok slowly but surely I'll get this written.. Please have patience with me. An hour is so little time.

The woman in front of Kagome was not the image of the person holding such power. The woman looked much like a common gypsy. Shrouded in cloth, she could not even see her face. With out warning Kagome felt a familiar pulse come from the woman. Letting out a startled gasp, Kagome braced herself for what was to come.

From experience Kagome knew that these pulses would often bring both disastrous and wondrous occurrences. Kagome watched in wonder as a wind began to wrap around the woman causing the cloths that shielded her face to lift up granting the viewer a sight to behold. The woman who she once suspected to be an old woman was anything but, her face was smooth and pale.

The winds which were once ordinary suddenly began turning into vibrant and beautiful colors. A few strayed and circled her legs, Kagome gave a small smile. Seeing the Aura about the woman was in no way threatening she waited to see what would become of all these displays.

The winds suddenly changed directions blowing strait upwards as if colored fire surrounded her. As the fire started a mummer of words of which were not in her language were uttered but in her head she heard another voice. One she could understand.

You have been through much young one

Do not tire though, Much is about to happen

A door shall be reopened, and a new journey will begin

Two of the originals, one of the rest

A guardian you'll have and a long road awaiting you

Make them remember what once was

The fate of the Past depends on you.

The woman's eyes opened. Kagome was amazed at her eyes. Her eyes were metallic lavender but it almost seemed as if she bared your own soul to you. When she resumed speaking again it was almost as if it was added. A more personal message than intended.

Kagome, You future is in the past

You and the others that will fallow you will find this true

When the time comes...

You must shoot the arrow.

The woman smiled and began to fade. She murmured one last thing before she was gone.

I am proud of you.........My daughter.

The words left Kagome stunned. Her daughter? How could that be, Perhaps more was in store for her than she once thought. Looking up into the sky she noted now was not the time to think on it. It was time to go home.

As Kagome walked to her car she couldn't help but wonder why the fates had chosen her.

YuYu Group

Sitting in class we come across your typical science lecture. In the back corner Yusuke is nodding off and Kuwabara like wise next to him. Kurama was paying attention and taking notes. Hiei was sitting in the tree outside class.

Feeling the pulses of power emanating from the center of the city startled all four into attentiveness.

The teacher noticing that Yusuke and Kuwabara had practically fallen out of there seats, she choose this time to question them.

"Kuwabara, Yusuke perhaps you could answer the question on the board."

"Hm, Like I care old woman." Needless to say Yusuke was sent to detention.

As the day passed by the four's thoughts were not with them; but in the City and on Kagome, some how they knew that she was a part of it.

A/N-Short but it's all I can really manage. I'll try and have the next chaps longer.