Author's Note: Consider this a very late Christmas present. =P Now, about this story. As you guys can tell, the rating's been upped. There's going to be some very mature and kinda controversial content in the coming chapters and, to be on the safe side, I thought it would be best to give the fic an R rating. As for this chapter, it's a lot less action-packed than the last few have been. I apologize to the Action fans. I hope you guys enjoy it. =)
And, oh, before I forget -- everyone, please participate in the SOG Awards. ( for more info) I'd need more nominees, please! And, for everyone who's interested, I've opened up a Threads of Fate mailing list/Yahoo! Group. Look for it in Yahoo! Under the name tof_fans, if you want.

Please read Threads of Fate: Chronicle One before you read this.

Disclaimer: Almost half a year later and I still don't own Animorphs. Sucks, doesn't it?

Threads of Fate
Chronicle Two

Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real." - Iris Murdoch (1919 - 1999)

Chapter One

Rise and shine, sleepyhead.
"Yeerky, I don't wanna go to school." I moaned.
Me either. He said as he rolled my body to the other side of the bed.
Then he made my arm throw the covers off my half-naked body. But we have to.
The Yeerk fumbled around my room trying to find the clothes it had picked out for me last night. Somehow, they'd fallen on the floor.
Why is it you dress me better than I dress me? I asked the Yeerk.
Because, Tommy-boy, He picked up my hairbrush. You have no style.
I still know better than to wear boxers in December. I muttered back.

Well, thought-muttered, or something like that. I haven't used my voice in two years. That's 24 months, 6 weeks, 730 days, and 17,520 hours, give or take a little, since I've done a damn thing.
On the other hand, my Yeerk, Temrash 131, has been doing tons of stuff.
It had been three months since he and another Yeerk, Iniss 666, had been promoted and ordered to start building a new pool for the grand Yeerk Empire. Joy. Rapture.
The construction of the pool was almost finished. Woo-freaking-hoo.

Yes, I'm well aware that I'm bitter.

Anyway, this was a big day for Temrash, which was why he insisted on getting my body out of bed at some godforsaken hour. I suppose he wanted to look nice.
So would I if I had to stand in front of Vissers One and Three.
But I also suspected that Temrash had his own personal reasons for wanting to look good. Reasons he would never share with me.

Not that I ever wanted him to.




After that, Temrash's co-worker, Iniss 666, spun her host body to me.
It still depresses me to see her. Iniss' Host, I mean.
I used to know her a little bit before she became a Controller. She was my cousin Rachel's best bud, so I ran into her at Rach's birthday parties and sometimes when I had to baby-sit my little bro and the mini warrior princess. She was a nice kid. Happy.
A little naive, too. I remember her asking one of the guys in Geometry was a BJ was. The look on her face after she found out was hilarious.
"Aren't you excited about tonight?" Iniss 666 asked my Yeerk.
"More like terrified." He muttered.
"Terrified? We're gonna be hanging with some very cool people, what's terrifying about that?" Iniss asked. She was speaking in code, of course.
The Yeerks don't want to let anything slip about their plans.
Funny, I can't imagine why.
"Those 'cool people' might serve our heads on a platter." Hissed Temrash.
"No, they won't." Iniss said. Then she leaned in close.
"We're proper, dedicated Yeerks. We're ready to give up anything for the cause. They know that." Iniss whispered in my ear.
For a moment, I felt a flicker of emotion from Temrash. Doubt.

What's wrong? I asked him, not really caring so much as wanting to get on his nerves. Is she not the loyal, dedicated Yeerk she says she is?
No, of course not. So shut up. Temrash sniped back.
Or do you think the Vissers'll have your head for lunch? I wondered.
I told you to shut up! I don't want to discuss this any further.
You're the one who opened up to me. I said.
That wasn't intentional. Temrash said, a lot less angry than before.
I didn't know what to say to that so I let it slip for now.

"You're right, Iniss." Said Temrash.
She twisted Melissa's face into a wickedly proud grin. "I always am."

The bell rang fifty minutes later. Temrash walked my body into the boys' locker room for Athletics, Homeroom. Yet another fine point of the day.
See, all the guys hated me now. The same guys I'd been playing b-ball with for years all despised my guts. Can't say that I blamed them.
I'd think I was an idiot, too, for doing what Temrash made me do.

You know I tried to reason with them. Temrash said to me.
Not that I care much about your future, to be honest, but I don't see the point in throwing away a host's natural talent. He added.
Wow. I think you just complimented me. I said, heavy on the sarcasm.
You do have talent. Temrash said.
Had, Temrash. Now that you've killed my chances for a scholarship...
I can devote more time to serving The Great Cause. Temrash ended.
But I am going to miss this. We don't have anything like your "sports" on the Yeerk Homeworld. It's--fun. An interesting way to amuse myself.
You never mentioned that before. I said as Temrash laced up my sneakers.
Never thought I'd miss it. He admitted.
Well, if it's worth anything, I miss it too. I mean, that feeling after you sink a ball into the net. It makes everything worthwhile, all that sweat and working your ass of 'til you're about to die--I like that part, too, though. Pushing my body to its limits. It's amazing. I said. I felt like a fool.
Temrash didn't care. At least, not as much as I did. He never could.
I didn't realize you missed it that much. Temrash said to me.
He sounded sad. It freaked me out. I'd never heard him be sad before.
Well, there's a lot of things I miss. I snapped. Like my freedom.

Temrash said nothing.


Temrash spent most of the day worrying about his encounter-to-be with the Vissers, but you never would've guessed it. As much as I hate him, he's a good actor. All Yeerks are, duh, but there are times when I'm awed by Temrash.
Now was one of those times.
"He shoots, he scores!" Temrash cried. "Tom the Fantastic, 20. Jake the Loser? Zero!"
Jake threw the ball at "my" head. Temrash caught it, laughing his ass off.
Without warning I felt a surge of emotion from my Yeerk, but what it was, I didn't know.
"What? Does "Jake the Conqueror" wants to get obliterated again?" He asked.
Jake leapt up and snatched the ball from my arms. "Again? Yeah right!"
For an hour, I could just watch as Temrash played basketball with my brother.
Every move he made was just how I'd have done it. Every duck, weave, and throw.
Every joke. Every smile. Every curse word when Jake scored.
I think, watching my Yeerk and my brother go one-on-one, that was when I knew.
This wasn't my life anymore.

Hours later, it was eleven at night and everyone in the house was asleep.
Minus me and Temrash, of course.
I didn't really wake up until I heard the hinges on my window squeaking.
Careful, I muttered. You might wake someone.
No I won't. Your brother and mother are both asleep. Temrash told me.
Then he threw the window open and leapt out. He ran out into the yard.
Waiting for Temrash was a little gray two-door with a blonde at the wheel.
Iniss 666, in Melissa Chapman's car, here to offer my Yeerk a ride to work.


"Still nervous?" Iniss asked Temrash as she sped on.
"Well," Temrash began, "You can borrow some of the dracons in the trunk."
Temrash turned to look at her. "You carry weapons in your host's vehicle?"
Iniss seemed surprised. "Don't you?"
Temrash didn't reply. It was a rhetorical question. Every Yeerk kept what weapons they could. I knew for a fact that Temrash had two dracons, set at full power, stashed in my trunk and a shredder in the glove compartment.
Iniss turned on the CD Player. Out blasted the words "I'm you."
She started laughing. "My host hates this music. It hurts her ears."
Temrash shifted in his seat and said nothing. He just leaned my head back.
In mere moments he, and I, fell asleep.
We were awakened by Iniss shaking my shoulders. And the feel of cool metal as she let her dracon beam drop onto my neck. "C'mon, 131, open your eyes."
Temrash opened my eyes in a heartbeat. "Good boy." Iniss laughed.
Then she opened the car door and both the Yeerks walked out.
The place where we were at wasn't new to me. I knew of it well.

It was the Offices of Dapsen Co.

We took a short elevator ride to the top floor and were led by two groups of Hork-Bajir, one donned in gold-and-black, the other in red-and-black.
Members of Visser One and Three's armies.
They took us down the hallway and showed us through the door.
In unison both Vissers turned their chairs around to face us.
"Halafash girzen kalano." Visser One said. Leave. Growled Visser Three.
Both Temrash and Iniss got on their toes but it was the Horks who departed.
"Sit." Visser One ordered.
They did. Visser Three did the talking. Do you know why you're here?
"For whatever purpose you called us for, Commander." Temrash said.
I wasn't the one who called you here. Visser Three spat.
Visser One wishes to propose a deal with both of you, though she has no authority whatsoever over my troops. Visser Three said.
Visser One smiled at him, every tooth a lie. "You sound like a child, Esplin."
Then she laid her manicured hands on the desk. "You've both shown exceptional work here on Earth, work that you may have noticed my companion here is all too happy to disregard. I want to rectify that for each of you."
"Rectify?" Iniss asked.
She wishes to make you Sub-Vissers under her command. Visser Three said.
Temrash looked at Iniss, her face as full of shock as mine.
Visser One was offering them a golden opportunity. But...
"We'd be traitors if we agreed, Visser One." Temrash said. "How are you protecting us?"
By offering me two of her best troops. Visser Three said.
"You'd trade us off like stupid humans?" Iniss demanded.
"Not all humans are stupid, Iniss." Visser One said with a smirk.
"But, of course, there would be some problems to deal with. First, for security reasons, Temrash 131 would need to bring in his host family for infestation..."

No. I moaned in the back of my head. No, no, no, no.

"Of course, I'm giving you time to think about my offer." Visser One said.
You are to report back here in two weeks. Visser Three said. Go.
Temrash and Iniss got up and bowed their good-byes to the Vissers.
The Hork-Bajir, again, led them through the hallway.
I should've seized control then. Forced Temrash to impale himself on the Hork's blades, or something, anything. I didn't. I couldn't.
Because I'd just lost the battle. Sure, I could step in and stop my brother from getting involved with The Sharing. That I would do 'til I died.
But I knew there was no way I could save my family from Visser One's forces.

Iniss drove Temrash home.

It was only when he stepped out of Melissa's car that I realized he was shaking.
As soon as she was out of sight, he vomited all over the grass.

What's wrong, you Yeerk bastard? I asked him, feeling anger boil in me.
Too chicken to be the gutless slug you are? Afraid Visser Three's going to kill you for taking her offer? Afraid Visser One will kill you if you don't?
No! Temrash screamed. Then I felt like I'd been drowned under a tsunami.
All of Temrash's feelings rushed through me. Sadness. Anger. Regret.
It's you, it's all you! He screamed at me. You, with your happy life here on Earth, with the way you moaned and wailed in my head for weeks and weeks! You mutated ape, you made me feel sorry for you! Temrash shouted.
Tears flowed from my eyes. His.
But I admired you. I admired the way you kept fighting, it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. And as time passed, I began to see why. You had a cause worth fighting for, your family and freedom. All I'd ever fought for was a decent host, a decent position! And your family--I grew attached to them through your memories. I admired your brother, he reminded me so much of you. Your Mother was a joy, I'd never met a writer before. Your Father made me laugh. I've come to--I've come to love them. But first, I came to love you. Not in the romantic sense, but the more I came to live inside of you I realized how alive you were, more alive than I had ever been. Look at what you've made me! I'm sick! You've infested me!
I've put your mission over mine. I--Tom--I'm going to protect them.
My family. I murmured. Yes. Temrash whispered.
I promise.

Whee, Fanmail! (Reader's Response)

Loony Lovegood - **growls** How dare you leave the Animorphs fandom? Nah, I kid. Good to have you back, though. **hugs** And hey, it's always good when I floor someone. I like doing that. And give The First stripes and a whistle? Hmmm. Glad you liked the end of part one, though!

Korean Pearl - New reviewer, yay! **does the new reviewer happy dance** Anyway, yep, there's the explanation. And I know the summary is confusing, but that was the best way I could explain the situation. And I guess I took it for granted that Marco would apologize for being such a bad. I'm very happy that you liked the story, though.

Lavendarangel - Yay, you're back! **hugs** And, hey, I understand about being glued to Buffy sites. =) Glad you liked the R/T, too. Was it worth the wait? As for Tara...I love 'er, but I had plans to kill someone that Cassie would be close to since I put her in the fic. I did consider killing Chapman, though. But I promise I won't kill her again. **cradles Tara plusie** =P
And, well, now I've started the sequel. **feels sheepish**

Celestial Star1 - Glad you liked the prologue, and read some more, the invasion isn't JUST in Cassie's POV...

Neri - I'm sorry about Tara! Good to know that the R/T rocked your socks, though. Tara looks like a blonde to me. And I've been super lectured-on the difference between dark blondes and light brunettes, thanks to my hairdresser mom. **laughs** But you're right, there's an insane amount of blondes on Buffy. It's scary. Thank god Oz never died his hair blonde, though it was about every other color under the sun. And on Angel, Cordy's hair has gone blonde-ish! I'm scared! I like Angel and Buffy equally. Buffy's tons of fun, but Angel has kewl, quirky ideas and they both kick butt in the drama department. I'd love to see SMG on Angel, though. That'd be so cool. Too bad they couldn't have ressurrected Anya and put her on Angel, too...she'd be a lot of fun on that show. =( Viva la Anya/Xander! And, gah, Willow...I'm torn between Willow/Oz and Willow/Tara. I thought Willow/Kennedy was cute, too...but no, Tara wasn't shot by Warren in this fic. She was shot by Melissa's Yeerk, Iniss. And, okay, I'll ramble a lot. Ms. Calendar is great, too! I love her! And, eh, no The First in this fic isn't the same as the one from Buffy. The names are just concidence. I haven't decided if he's incorporeal or not, though. I think he will be. And, yep, Tobias is still with Miss Smith.

DH L'Orange - First of all, I'm really sorry about taking so long on this chapter! Forgive me! Please? With a cherry on top? =) And I'm glad you liked Cassie's POV, and I thought it was pretty cool of Tobias to kiss Rachel, too. And there's going to be plenty more of Marco's thoughts on his mom. Just you wait. And, no, I guess the Animorphs haven't thought about not saying "Yeerk" on the phone yet...whoops! =P

DJ Eagel - More The Fourth Reich? Really? I can't wait! Glad you liked the chapters, too.

someone - Chronicle Two is here! Enjoy.

LJstagflower4e/JCtigerwolf4e - I apologize, I know the last chapter was really confusing. But I will try my hardest to explain it--and I can give you one explanation. The "new ally" The First mentions is, as the chapter shows, Tom/Temrash.

freak show - Ms. McClay is Cassie's English teacher. She's in chapter seven, though not much. I'm glad the stuff with The First made sense! I think you're the first person to tell me that. =P And I'll just tell you right now that no-nothlitness for Tobias in this fic. I just can't write it. (But, oddly, I can write it for Ax. I made him a nothlit in another fic of mine.)

Patrick Blah - I thought the Barb Bush quote was pretty funny too. =P And Part Two is now here, so you can stop waiting. Yay! It makes me really happy to know that people think I wrote Cassie'd been so long since I'd written her, I was worried. And, no, The First isn't the power that kicked Crayak out. Actually, I didn't know there was a power that kicked Crayak out. Guess that's what I get for not reading all the series yet. And, hey, I specialize in evil cliffhangers!

Doctor Strangelove - I love/hate you, too. **hugs** Look on the bright side, you've stolen lots of my ideas. =) (Like the TV M/A fic. I had that plot bunny in my head for quite a while.) Plus, you're a much better writer than me. Which is why I can't wait to see what you're doing with your fic, which I'm sure'll spin off in a totally different direction than mine. And I'm saying which a lot, which is strange. And about what you said in your other review about starting a mailing inspired me! **MORE huggles** (Reviewing does pay off! =P)
And I'm very glad I was able to recreate Book #1 for you.