Haku: Lookie! It's back!

Y. Haku: The only reason why you like this story is it gets lots of reviews.

Haku: Shush! -looks up- OH CRAP!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!! -runs away from angry people throwing things at her for not updating-


Look, how could I own Yu-Gi-Oh this chapter, if I didn't own it any other chapter of this fic?


Living with Hikaris

Duelling and why one does such a stupid thing.


We have established that you must duel said Baddie who is coming after you, but we haven't really said why, have we?

- Well, see, there is merit behind the duelling, those cards that ((Haku: My god it's so hard to type this while singing along to Eminem Mixtape.)) you're holding. They give you amazing credentials, and if you are particularly lucky, you can create a multimillion dollar business out of the paper crap. See, people LOVE duellists, but instead of becoming one themselves, they will want to watch and cheer for you.

- Ahh well, all the more glory for you.

- And your Hikari has loved to duel since before he could even read. It's been his lifelong passion, and what better way to win their heart by showing them just how to duel properly?

- Oh yeah, and you can cheat. You can cheat so bad, and no one will know the difference. Even if you're the good guy, you can cheat. If your card says you can bring back a monster, why not bring back some life points instead? These holograms can do so much that just playing with the cards wouldn't be able to. Like your dark magician actually having a SOUL! He can jump in and save you at the last minute, even if you are loosing.

- You might want to keep a check on your Hikari however, they may not believe that there are merits behind world domination, and be what we call a 'goodie-goodie' If you ever transferr everyone's soul into decks of these cards, he may betray you and miraculously get the other player to win. (Some loyalty, huh?) Just take away from the match that if the brat hadn't cheated, you would have won.

- Wait, didn't you cheat anyways?

- If you're a good guy, with spiky red, gold and black hair however, you won't even have to try to win. You will anyway, because your faith in the heart of the cards (How much B.S. is that anyway?) will allow you to come through and win glory for you. Go team! However, there is one person you will loose against. See that sweet loveable Hikari that you share a body with? Yes, bingo. That one. That is the only being you'll ever loose to, unless you're not a certain spiky haired pharaoh, then you will loose to a spiky haired pharaoh and get sent to the shadow realm for being mean.

- ANYWAYS, back onto the point above about that small little loveable Hikari beating the crap out of you. It happens. Yeah, we were shocked when it happened too. You taught this little being everything you know and he just turns around and uses it against you. How evil.

- Truly evil.

- Who thought he had it in him? Certainly not the little adorable being of light who you've cared for and cherished, and bought vanilla popsicles for on a Sunday afternoon because he asked nicely? Yup, sorry, that little being of light you love so much is evil incarnate. Shit happens. And you found this out by DUELLING him! Isn't it grand?

One thing you should be happy about though, after your Hikari has beaten you in a sacrificial duel sending you through to the other world, Satan will leave him, and he'll pull a Judas. (Judas- Betrayer of the Christian lord. Hanged self after seeing error of ways. To 'Pull a Judas' To see the error of one's ways, and become so incredibly distressed one tries to kill one's self.) Don't worry, You'll come back in time to save the little being of light, and he might learn from the situation. More duelling against a bad guy that wants to take advantage of said Judas-Hikari's distress, and you're in the all clear. Hey, you're alive again, aren't you?

So anyways, duelling is incredibly important for many reasons. It reveals personalities like you wouldn't believe! It gets you a name amongst the rabid squealing fangirls of the internet, who will squabble over any paicture that has even a corner of your hair in it, and you get all the glory, fame and money that comes with being a world class duellist.

But can we be frank here? Why do you want all that? Rabid fangirls going for your groin every time they see you, just to see how big you are, that little being of light showing his true evil potential, and potential for betrayal, and money, the root of all evil. (No pun intended.)

Well, it would be fun while it lasted I guess.

So now you know the merits of duelling. Thinking back, it's kinda pointless, considering some duels are life threatening, and EVERYONE cheats in some way, shape or form. And there are so many bloody powershippers out there!

Have fun!


Haku: I'm sorry about the shortness of this chapter. I accidentally put a lot of what this one was going to have last chapter, when I got too much into it, so you're gonna have to put up with a short arse chapter this week.

Y. Haku: Hopefully it was funny enough to make up for that.

Haku: Anyways, there's going to be 2 more chapters instead of 1. I decided to put in a 'letters to the editor' at the very end, just for a bit more humour.

Haku: After that, I'll start Another Beyblade fic, and when I finish one of my others, I'll start living w/ Yamis. So now you know my schedule.

Y. Haku: Now, on to the review replies.


Paladin Dragoon (ch. 7)- Yush love that word I do! As for your question about Yami's '3rd eye,' Can I use that as an FAQ in the next one, please? I will give ya credit love!

Paladin Dragoon (Ch. 8) I'm glad you enjoyed that. And yes. -waves a little flag saying I heart fanfiction.

Flowacat (Ch. 7)- lol. Take care of the Baddie-b-gone. I don't have much left, and it takes a year to cure. -looks over at the vats curing at the moment- And I never knew you cared Yami Flowa.

Y. Haku: Rest assured Haku, I don't.

Haku: That's nice....

Flowacat (ch. 8) RSPCH might sound familiar because of the Royal Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals? (RSPCA?) But please, no avert displays of emotion in front of me...

Y. Haku: -glomps Haku-

Haku: Or to me. -shudder-

crazyrabidfangurl01 (Ch. 4) lol. Yes, as a sister, just like I love Y. Haku as that annoying pain in the arse that I couldn't live without.

Y. Haku: I... I... didn't know you cared! -bursts into hysterical tears-

Haku: Oh my.

crazyrabidfangurl01 (ch. 6) Shoot, I really should have done review replies last chapter, I'm like SWAMPED here... Anyways, as for the really evil brother baddie, I can answer that, my brother just turned 18 today... -shudders- he's rubbing it in like you wouldn't believe. So yeah, there is one.

crazyrabidfangurl01 (ch. 7) Yes, it's easier, and a lot more fun, but do it where no one can see. If there's no witnesses it's just word against word... -laughs evilly-

crazyrabidfangurl01 (Ch. 8) lol. I just found something out the other day, I'm the second shortest in my homeroom... scary thought seeing as last year I was in the second row. Damn the people who grow!

DinahS (Ch. 8) Yes, it is nessesary for the Yamis to be cruel and sadistic.... I'm just keeping to the cannon of the show...

Haku: Sort of...

Jia-BlackHoleSun (Ch. 7) I believe you! Just stop crying! -panics- Oh, I'm no good at calming people down!

Blaquerose (ch. 7) -stares- Oh my. That's one long review. But please release the bishies, I'm sure there are many rabid fangirls who'll have your arse for that. -blink- My best friend inclusive.

Padme (the best friend): -pops up out of nowhere- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BAKU????? GRARR! -goes rabid on your ass-

Haku: -holds Padme back- See?

Jkateel (ch. 7.) FINALLY! Someone who agrees me on the funky eye thing. You speak to me! It's a miracle!

Y. Haku: -pouts because Haku gets all the credit for the fanfics, even though he helps with spelling-

Jkateel (ch. 8) Sorry for the heaps long wiat... Swamped by schoolwork.

Burning-Yami-Rain (ch. 2) I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Burning-Yami-Rain (ch. 7) lol. Sorry if it's not up to your Yami's standard then... And who exactly are you keeping the fact you're reading this from?

Silver Dragon, Iron Claws (Ch. 7) Well, most Yamis are baddies anyways, just look at Baku and 'Riku. But yeah, I can see your point. Twould be hard to relate to that chapter if you weren't a goodie.

Silver Dragon, Iron Claws (Ch. 8) It's marked 65 to add to the humour. It was originally meant to be 6.5, but seeing as FF.net doesn't allow full stops, it's 65. I don't want to change it, because it adds to the fact that the fiction is constantly reinforcing it's crappyness.

Haku: And I started some stories with OCs, but I got rid of them, because it's hard to keep up one that doesn't turn into a mary sue, without killing the plotline. Male or female. Just tell your Hikari not to godship them, okay? Also, tell him not to take away the mill. Pencil from me!

Y. Haku: Yeah, it's what enables her to write half decent fanfics.

Haku: that was mean.

kiarah (ch.7) Yes, I'm an insane, loopy, schitzofrenic, sadistic bitch who has nothing better to do than write crappy fiction! I've been waiting for someone to figure that out!

Y. Haku: What she means, is yes, she is mad. She has completely and utterly lost it over the course of the last 6 years. We commend you for picking up on that fact. -gives cookies-

Princess Krystal01 (ch. 7) Thanks for the compliment, but what do you mean, 'as always?' they can't all be funny, can they?

Tati1 (ch. 7) Hell, I'm sorry I didn't update faster, hunny, I've just had a lot of stuff on, you wouldn't believe. (I had to stay up till 1 and then wake up at 5 just so I could get this one out to yas all.) I'll try to update faster, year 11 is killing me.

Silent Angel Dark Knight (ch. 7) Yeah, I managed to get the HP one updated last week, plus I have a new completely HP one up if you want to read it. -kicks it- It's not getting many reviews... grr...

Haku: And me? come up with something good? My god, what did they put in your coffee to make you say that?

Saiyan Jedi (Ch. 7) Whoo! I finally got to ya love! -looks up at all the other reviews- My god, this time I think there's more replies than there is fic. And as for RSPCH, it's Royal Society of the prevention of cruelty to Hikaris. Yami's the founding member. -points at him as he walks past, giving out flyers-

Haku: As for your question from the Extra Mile fic (Was it that one, or the other one? Hell, the one where I talked about FMA and Inuyasha.) FMA is Full Metal Alchemist. It's been around for about a year now.

Sayian Jedi (ch. 8) -looks about and upn seeing that no one is going to help Jedi, jumps in with 'guns blazing' (Figuratively) GRAAAAR! -Dragon Cild and Kageka stare as if Haku is insane- What do you expect from an eccentric author? Sanity? And yeah, about your question, it was also funny what I could plan for it, so that's also a reason.

Arkana's Dark Magician Girl (ch. 7) I kinda zone out when Yami's talking, I just get lost in that Sezzy voice of his... -sighs dreamily- Though Tea grates my nerves. I've been known to throw things at the TV when she starts speaking, but either they've been soft or I've missed. The melodrama in Yu-Gi-Oh really gets to you after awhile. And yami with his shirt off? -sighs dreamily again-

Teena M. (ch. 4) Oooch. Someone read the controversial chapter... I hate it when that happens and someone doesn't like it... But hey! If it's wrong, it's wrong. It's only a crappy self help guide anyways, right?

Ceribi Motou (ch. 8):

Y. Haku: Haku like Naseem? -Waves as BoB the blue eyes white dragon flies over head, leans down and pets Mittens and Experiment 28 on the head, greets Kosharahk, LiB and FLiB and then turns back.- And some of them are on Vacation today as well. Like Naserei, Hubbert and Darky... She's very much split personalitied...

Haku: Shut up Kohaku! Anyways, Looks like The pharaoh's lost his touch? What about Seto's "I went through this last time when your friend Bakura couldn't take it like a man." My god, close your eyes and listen to that show. Just listen, There's soooo much innuendo.

Tramontana Keeper (ch. 8) Yush. Original plotlines are good. But sometimes I don't think people realise they're writing Cliché fics... I mean, my first fic was as cliché as they come, and I'd never read fanfiction before in my life. (How sad IS that?)

YamiClara (ch. 8) -stares, then stares some more- Is there any way to get her to stop laughing?

Bunny Meatball/Odango Usagi (ch. 8) Acutally, I think they would. And that's really disturbing. (I reckon that they'd probably have the balls (no pun intended) to actually participate in the making of said porno...)

yokai the tiger demond (ch. 8) Hmmm, do I sense another Inuyasha fan nearby? I think I do...

Y. Haku: Oh crap.

Haku: SHUSH! -bonks him in traditional Haku style- Some people tend not to like script stories, because they have little to no description. I myself don't mind them. (Probably because my fics have so much script in the A/n...) But some people prefer things with descriptions so that they have more of an idea of what's going on.


Haku: Before we sign it off for today, I just want to give a HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who has reviewed so far.

THANKS FOR OVER 100 REVIEWS! -super, ultra, hyper, mega, flying-tackle-glomp of death™-

Haku: Now, helpo me add to that total, READ AND REVIEW!