*I'm a first time Fan Fiction Writer here, I was inspired by all the romance
stories and read most of them finding myself running out of them to read so I
decided to try it myself. Please be gentle criticizing ^_^
Punctuation Key:
:: :: = Narrator talking
" " = Character talking
Italics = Characters thoughts
::It was a tranquil morning at the Titans' Tower. The sun was shining, the
birds were singing their melodious tunes while the flowers had delicate water
droplets dripping down its stems from the evening showers. It was a beautiful
morning. It was already a few days after the Titans' encounter and victory over
Slade, when Robin became Slade's "apprentice" to save his friends
from the pains of his nano-technology and after the conflict between Cyborg and
his car. The day was just beginning and all of the members of the Teen Titans
were awake and ready to start the day ready to fight against the forces of evil
and "the last slice of pizza". Raven was in her room contemplating today's
activities always in her emotionless (if possible) and melancholy like mood.
Beast Boy and Cyborg were in the living room already, ready to top each other
on Gamecast playing their favorite space racing game. Starfire was in her room
trying to figure out why most people didn't like chugging down mustard from a
bottle and was preparing herself for another day of learning Earth's customs
and "hanging out" with her friends. Robin however was on the roof top
reflecting on their successful encounter against Slade. Though with the help of
his fellow colleagues in defeating Slade, he knew it wasn't the last time they
would meet, and though it was a victory, it was a minor victory.::
::Robin is on the rooftop sitting on the edge of the building.::
Robin: I should be happy… It's our first actual victory against Slade
himself. Should I be happy? I mean, we did kick his butt and by the look on his
face after I had kicked him, he looked like he regretted the fact that he even
messed with the Teen Titans. God, but I still have no idea who he is. ::Robin
puts position his hand to his chin looking like he's thinking:: Wow… I'm
becoming too obsessed with this whole Slade ordeal, I need to find someway to
relax. You know, its really peaceful up here on the roof, I see why Raven loves
coming up here to meditate. She always looks so harmonious and relaxed when
she's out here. By the look on her face it looks like she had forgotten all the
wrong in the world. The calm expression on her face really shows it. She would
close her eyes as if she was dreaming, her hood would be down showing her soft
velvet hair, her body would be positioned so that she could obtain optimal
focus and would be so slim and curved that it would be enough to make you
::Robin thoughts stop as he comes to the realization that he's been thinking
about Raven and her appearance, he blushes but then continues with a bewildered
Robin: Whaaa… did I just say… haha, am I thinking about Raven looks..
nah its just my insane obsession over this stupid Slade thing ,I've just gone
crazy that's all. Raven's my fellow teammate. Sure she's obviously hot. She
also has a petite yet strong body with , curves that makes you want to melt and
soft violet hair not to mention soft skin as well. Also when she smiles which
she rarely does, she has this extremely cute dimple that makes you wanna…
:Robin again acknowledges that has again thinking about Raven in a "more
than a friend" kind of way::
Robin: Ahhhh God, what is up with me today, how does thinking about
Slade turn into thinking about Raven. Do I have feelings for her, feelings that
I haven't noticed but haven't yet come to realize .::Robin chuckles:: Heh, NAH,
its probably cuz she looks hot, her personality is way to grim, besides, even
if I do have the slightest feeling for her, she wouldn't care, she would just
give me that "we are teammates and only friends" speech. I should
just forget it. Anyway this is only because of her looks that I'm having these
thoughts. …Gee it is beautiful out here, I should ask Raven to teach me how to
medidate, that would probably help me get this trivial obsession with Slade to
an end and I'd start to act normal hehehe. ::Robin finally decides to come
inside and see what the other Titans' were doing. He comes in just to find
Beast Boy and Cyborg in competition playing their Favorite Racing game::
Beast Boy: "Hahahhaha, Cyborg you wont pass me if you life depended
on it"
Cyborg: "Did you say something little man, I couldn't hear you because I
as too busy passing your ass hahahahahaa"
Beast Boy: "What THE--? No fair, I was busy making fun of your
metal butt. Forget this that is the last time you pass me! Er? Is it me or does
it feel like I've been in this situation before "
Cyborg "Hahha, so much confidence for a short green boy who's all
Beast Boy: "ALL TALK? That's it, lets make a bet tin man if your
not scared, 50 bucks say I'll win this with flying colors."
Cyborg hmm 50 bucks, I could use some more nos for my car hehehehe.(ehh
nos as in nitrogen that you put in your car to speed up, watch the fast and the
furious if you don't know)' "You're on shorty"
::As Beast Boy and Cyborg begin their race to win the bet, they both slap and
kick each other trying to distract one another so the other person can lose.
Beast boy continuously turns into all sorts of animals trying to block Cybrogs
view of the screen and Cyborg using his super strength to push him away.
Meanwhile Raven comes in.::
Raven: "Slapping each other and acting like immature dumbasses…
I've got to get some new friends"
::Raven crackles at her little comment knowing she's joking about getting new
friends but still is annoyed with their behavior. She notices Robin and sees
him come up to her::
Robin: Now's my chance to ask her for meditation help. "Hey
Rave, good morning, what you up to?
::Raven looks at Robin::
Raven: "Not sure yet. What's it to you huh?"
::Robin looks at her and becomes a little regretful that he asked and looks
down in discontent. Raven looks at him with pity knowing she answered a little
harshly and realizes this and tries to make amends.
Raven: "uh sorry. I just didn't have breakfast yet that's all. Actually
I'm not sure what I'll do today, probably go up to the roof and meditate. I don't
know after that."
::Robin positions his head up again acknowledging her apology::
Robin: "O, that's cool. Actually I was out in on the Roof today and
finally noticed how peaceful and quiet it is out there. And well you know my
crazy obsession thing with Slade. I was wondering if you can teach me to
medidate so I can relax. Who knows, maybe I can meditate with you now after I
learn hehe.." ::Robin blushes at the fact that he asks her a favor. Raven
arches her right eyebrow in confusion.::
Raven: Wow, he wants me to teach him how to meditate. That's… new.
Well not really. I've shown Starfire but that's because at first she had to
learn cuz she was well.. in me. But no one has ever wanted to just learn how
just like that. Also its Robin, I'd think he'd want to do something else like
train, play video games, or hang out with Starfire. Teaching him how to
meditate could be…nice.
::Raven momentarily blushes yet it cannot be seen because of her hood ::
Raven: "Uhh sure Robin, I guess, if you really want to learn. But I
must warn you, if you seriously want to learn you have to follow my
instructions and I will not tolerate any fooling around."
Robin: "Yeah of course. I'll do anything you say."
::Robin and Raven blushes a little bit but both does not notice that pink hue
in each others faces::
Raven: "Ok well, We can start today if you want. Meet me up in the
Roof in an hour and we'll just see what happens."
Robin: "all right."
::Raven glances at Robin momentarily with a small Smile in her expression not
noticed by Robin and she flies to her room.::
Robin: haha this is great. Getting taught to mediate by Raven. This
will sure be a worthwhile experience… Hope I don't get caught staring at her.
God, she did look so pretty today even with her hood on. Ahhh, I've got to stop
this kind of thinking, like I'd have a chance anyway.
::Robin heads of to the Training room to train before the meditation session.
Raven in her room then starts to do something she never thought she'd be
Raven: God, I hope he didn't see me blush. Why did I agree to do
this. I will be blushing during the while lesson. Why am I feeling like this.
Hes just Robin, the boy wonder. Who cares if he's sweet, caring, not to mention
good looking with his nicely tones muscles. AHH, what am I thinking. I am not
aloud to have emotions. I'm not prepared to risk the dangers that may become of
them. This is so unlike me..
::Raven continued to deny her feelings for Robin while thinking in her room.
What Robin didn't know is that she had been coming to the realization of her
feelings towards Robin. Feelings that were identical to Robins. It came to her
right after the conflict between Robin and Slade, right when they found out why
Robin had turned against them to become in service for Slade. It started when
the Titans' had figured out about the nano-technology that had been implanted
in their blood. When they discovered that reasons behinds Robin malicious
deeds; he did them plainly because he cared for the well being of his friends
and that he had went against his morals to saved them from the pain they had
That was when she had begun to discover her unconscious
feelings towards Robin and began to question the authenticity of her newfound affections.
She had questioned whether these feelings were natural or just an cataleptic
way of admiration towards her leader. But the questioning had stopped right at
the moment Robin had touched the laser beam which was capable of implanting the
metal parasites into his blood. The doubting stopped when she realized that he
was willing to share the pain that they all felt. That is when she realized all
the feelings she felt towards him unconsciously…Raven had begun to admire
Robin, more than a simple friend or
teammate would admire their leader. A feeling of so passionate that it could no
longer stay buried under her gloomy interior. She then also briefly thought
about the day when they almost lost Robin to the Gizmo, Jinx, and Mammoth, when
she held his precious yellow utility belt close to her unknowingly. When
everything seemed to come clear to her about the way she felt about Robin, she
began to flash back to when she had been controlled by her anger and almost
brought Dr. Light to utter misery. Then
she snapped out of her moment of thought and came to a conclusion. ::
Raven: Even though I may have developed these feelings for Boy
Wonder. I cant..I must not continue them. Not because he probably will not
return these fillings, not because he seems more comfortable will another…, but
because my emotional state will not be stable enough to withstand the results.
So I must TRY to forget these feelings of…
::Raven stopped her thinking and just paused for a few minutes only saying
quietly to her self::
Raven: "He probably doesn't like me in that way anyway…"
::Raven starts to cry softly feeling the pain that she could not pursue her
feelings towards the one person she just began to care about more. She could
not risk her emotions to go beyond a level which she could control..::
To be Continued---
!How will the meditation session between Robin and Raven go? Will these two
heroes continue to deny their growing feels for one another and accept that
belief that the other person doesn't have the same feelings? Will there be
tension during their meditation session? Will it go smoothly or will they have
a surprise which will change everything? WILL CYBORG WIN the BET OVER
BeASTBOY???? And where is Starfire??
Please Read and review, I Appreciate everyone's reviews,
trust me I read them all ^_^
Disclaimer: (sighs) I do not own the the show Teen Titans nor am I a writer or
representitive of cartoon networks show Teen Titans but only a fan