Chapter 1 - Black Bikers
Authors note: All the characters have different outfits, Max and Ray are wearing their V Force outfit, Kai, Kenny and Tyson are wearing their G Rev outfits. This story takes place after the first Beyblade series.
Disclaimer: Beyblade doesn't belong to me. I'm not rich enough. (lol ^_^)
"Yummy!" yelled Tyson, "you can sure cook Ray! Must come in the family" He gobbled up the fried noodles, spareribs and vegetables. Kai felt sick just looking at him. 'How can he eat that much?' he thought. He kept his distance and slowly picked at his helping, not really tasting anything.
"The ribena's run out!" cried Max "where's the ribena! I'm mega thirsty after all of Kai's training".
"Uh oh" said Kenny "he's getting sugar-high!" Max was sometimes a little too happy-go-lucky which made him hyper but he was a nice kid.
"Ketchup!" said Tyson. "Here's some water Max" said Ray handing him a glass.
"Not water! Water tastes icky" complained Max.
Ray glanced at Kai. He hadn't eaten anything, he looked pale too. "Kai?" he asked gingerly "you alright?"
"Hmph" was all he got. Kai shoved back his chair and walked out. Looking back he said "we start training in 15 minutes" and left.
Tyson choked on his food "more training! We've already done 3 full hours!"
"I need more drink" said Max. "You must train though" said Chief, tapping away on his laptop as usual. "Dizzi has calculated your improvement in strength if you do at least 4 hours a day and it's gone up by almost 70 percent! This way you'll be able to channel more strength into your blades and fight better".
"Cor" said Tyson "Kai is such a stranger. He doesn't talk to us, doesn't even act like a team mate, goes over to the bad side a couple of times and makes us train 4 hours a day! Not everybody's like him. He's so inhuman, normal people can't do 40 press ups in 1 minute!"
"Don't be tight" said Ray "He only wants to give us the best training so we can win the next world cup".
"Give us the best! How do we even know which side he's working on I mean we're all Kai's friends and everything but he doesn't show anything that means that we're his friends" said Tyson.
Unknown to them Kai was standing in his usual pose against the wall in the hallway. It hurt him to hear that. 'How can i show you? I don't know how? I don't know anything about life, only death' he thought.
"Max's turn to wash up" announced Ray.
"Hey that's no fair. I vote Kenny does it."
"I really need to get this data uploaded, I vote Tyson"
"But I haven't finished eating yet, I vote Ray does it"
"Me? I cooked lunch in the first place"
"Exactly" said Tyson grinning.
"I'll do it" said Kai. The others just stared as he piled up the dishes and filled the sink. "Sure Kai!" said Tyson "go ahead!"
Kai scrubbed at the dishes, flecks of bubbles settling in his blue-grey bangs. Ray glared at Tyson. "Huh?" was all Tyson said. Kai stacked the plates up neatly to dry and without a word went to put on his gloves.
The Bladebreakers gathered down in the training hut that the BBA had acquired for them near the local park.
Kai stood eyes closed by the wall. When they entered he gave them the instructions. "First we're going to run 30 laps of the west side of the park. Then 50 sit ups in a maximum time of 3 minutes. Then we're going cross country bike riding for an hour." *silence* "What" said Tyson.
Kai ignored him and set off at a run. The others followed. Tyson at the rear, Kenny didn't have to train. Max was the first to get thirsty, his tongue almost lolling out like a dog every time they passed the Snack Shop.
Kai overlapped them 7 times "come on!" he yelled "stop slacking Tyson! Max you can have a drink afterwards. Ray your headband's coming off. 8 more laps left!"
Tyson was behind by 6 laps. Eventually they finished and collapsed onto the ground. Tyson followed suit until Kai told him to do the 5 laps he'd missed out.
Kai easily managed the 50 sit ups in 80 seconds. Tyson complained "oh heartless and cold captain take pity on a tired kid please?" he begged, the puppy eye look did not work.
"Kai?" asked Ray "where do we get the bikes from?"
"The BBA" said Kai as steadily as he could. The bikes were clearly personalized. The bright blue one with the white slashes on would have to be Tyson's, the green one with suspensions and an orange light instead of red was definitely Max's, and the swirl of red , black and white with claw marks on the handle bars was Ray's, even Kenny's was yellow and had a special holder attached to his handlebars that could clip onto his laptop and Kai's was---- ---stunning. The frames were black with yellow, orange and red coloured flames up the sides. There was a red back light and yellow front light with 18 gears. The spokes on the wheels were a shocking red and white. The handlebars had a grip pattern in the shape of Dranzer. "What's with Kai's bike?" said Max. They were all rather awed by it. "I paid extra" was the blunt answer. Tyson raised an eyebrow. Kai led them off the road and into the woods. It was just after 3 o'clock now. The woods were creepy and it suddenly started going dark. Kai pushed on ahead wondering if he should ease up the training a bit but he knew if they came up against the Demolition Boys they'd need all the training they could get. But the thing that bothered him was his memory. He badly wanted to discover his past but did he want to know what happened? What Biovault had done and put people through? The bits of memory he did have were not particularly nice but there was something.. He suddenly swerved to the side, narrowly missing a tree. A stabbing pain in his right chest as if someone had stuck a knife right through him. "KAI!?" "What's the matter buddy?" asked ray anxiously. "Good job you missed the tree" said Max. "What were you doing?" said Tyson "you went totally off." Kai didn't say anything. Ray sighed, he was more sensitive to people's feelings than the rest of the Bladebreakers and felt rather annoyed by Tyson's rough words.
They cycled for ages and Kenny became a little concerned as he didn't know whereabouts they were. Then they heard the sound of rushing water and the ground became extra bumpy and crisscrossed with roots. Max had no problemo with his suspensions but Tyson's backside was aching. 'Argh. Can't I just get that stupid scene out of my head!' Kai thought, he saw a cylinder tank filled with bubbling green liquid and a face inside, leering horribly at him, 'what on earth-no, no! NO!' Blood. 'crack!' Walls. 'crack!' A bottomless hole. 'Crack!' A skull. 'Crack!' "Guys!" screamed Max. Pistol shots rang through the forest. "Argh!" yelled Tyson. Kai skidded over "you hit? You okay?" Tyson just stared ahead. "Kai?" cried Ray, they all looked terrified. "It sounds like they're aiming for us". The rush of water suddenly sounded much louder. "Err-help!" said max, "it's a waterfall!" Kai swore and flicking his head around took everything in then yelled "follow me! Max just get going if you wanna live! Do exactly as I do!" He pedalled hard to the edge of the waterfall and a sharp right onto a wide ledge of rock that led down into the valley below. "What is this place?" asked Max looking terrified. Kai growled and set off along the ledge. The waterfall thundered away 300 metres below them, crashing onto the rocks and disguising any sound of a gunshot. The path was scattered with stones and whenever they rode over one the bike swayed to one side. "Did I ever tell you I was afraid of heights?" said Max unsteadily.
Thoughts dashed through Kai's head, his brains canning them until he found the right one, why did he have to a team captain? He was expected to look after the team, care for them and they all relied on him now. Nice to know that someone trusted him though.
The path ahead took a winding road around the waterfall going up and down. The cliff on one side shook. Gunshots ran out and as if in slow motion they saw a bullet hit the opposite side of the valley, blasting a hole in a tree, splinters flying everywhere.
The Bladebreakers panted. The shooters would be most behind them now. "Get over that ridge and take cover in the woods, but keep on going the way the ledge goes they can't shoot you as easily if you're moving the other way" yelled Kai.
"Bang!" "My cap!" yelled Tyson. Everyone apt from Kai gasped and looked at the fine hole in Tyson's cap. Kenny looked like he was going to faint.
They heard bullets smashing into the cliff; rocks tumbled down into the valley. Kai's blue-grey bangs hung down over his forehead, he narrowed his eyes, trying to ride and look at the same time. That bullet formation...The bullets that had smashed into the cliff had formed an arrow head with 2 bullets in the middle, deep score lines pointing to the edges of the shape.
Something wasn't right, Kai thought, I know that sound I know that thing!
"I'm going back" he yelled to the others and abruptly swerves his bike around and pedalled back as fast as possible. "KAI!" screamed Tyson and Ray. "Just get out of here! I'll take care of it!" "He thinks he can do everything" said Tyson. 'He has a fiery look in his eyes' though Ray. "What are we doing talking? HELLO!!!!!! We're gonna be dead meat!" screamed Tyson.
Kai felt as if he was on fire, his heart was jumping around inside him, his muscles tense, eyes alert, sensing danger. He was ready for action. 6 quad bikes reared up, bouncing over the rocks and boulders, they blocked his path. Kai was giving them a test.
The riders looked dark, unforgiving, their fingers curled around the triggers of Beretta sub-compact pistols , a machine gun strapped to the quad bike.
The lunged at him, the screech of brakes as they found the oath too narrow, one of them was thrown out of his seat into the water. But these guys played dirty, metal blades scratched at Kai's tyres. Kai made a sudden dart at the riders and pulling up the front of his bike rode up over the quad bikes and crashed down, a bullet rang out, clattering against the spokes of his wheels. The riders immediately followed him.
"Hmph" said Kai to himself "that shows they're after me."
He led them back up the ledge into the woods the way they'd come. Weaving between trees and swerving.
The machine guns chattered bullets at him and he leaped up into the air bullets harmlessly shooting under him he twirled his bike around bashing the head of the front rider, making him hesitate. Kai got out Dranzer and let it rip. Dranzer's fire arrow pierced the engine of the quad bike, spilling petrol and forming a wall of fire between them.
Bullets like miniature fireballs lit up the trees, setting the undergrowth ablaze.
"Oh no" said kai. He could see the shadow of 4 riders behind the fire. Then he did something he had never dared do before. He reared up on his bike, bounced on the tyre and shot right through the fire.
He expected the flames to burn him, scorch him to the skin until he turned into charcoal but they didn't do anything. "Phoenix" Kai murmured. The 4 riders were still after him though, his legs were aching. The quad bikes were gaining on him, he spotted a group of close growing trees and sped through them, thorns and branches whipping and scratching him. His t-shirt was slashed diagonally across the back. The quad bikes followed him but the gap was too narrow and they crashed.
1 left. The rider had bright green eyes, glinting evilly at him. The chain came off the bike and kai fell hard on his back. The rider charged towards him, Kai curled into a ball and rolled but he wasn't fast enough. The wheels ran over his left arm, tearing the flesh. Blood, glistening red poured over his arm, staining the ground. He willed himself not to scream.
The rider stepped off the bike; he towered over Kai at least 4 heads taller than him a machine gun pointed at Kai's chest. "You'll meet you dear mother soon" he hissed. Kai gave him his most powerful death glare as an answer he wasn't going to show any weakness now, he couldn't. "Dranzer!" Kai mouthed, he'd forgotten his blade! It would be lost in the woods!
The finger clenched the trigger, back, back Kai yelled and rolled under the man's legs, grabbing one of them and knocking him off balance. He held the man's wrist in a tight grip upwards. They struggled on the ground. Kai could hear the rush of water. The waterfall was close. Here's my chance he thought.
The rider was too powerful, more experienced and bigger. He grabbed Kai round the waist earning himself a kick in the stomach. Kai gripped him and flipped the man, his arm screaming in agony. The water rushing over the edge. Kai threw the man into the water but he was weakened from using al his strength and before the water swept the rider away, he grabbed Kai's scarf and they both tumbled into the water.
As they rushed over the edge, Kai spitting out blood into the water the rider pulled out a pistol. Kai's crimson eyes just glared.
The Bladebreakers heard the gunshot and turning around saw a sight that made their hearts almost stop. The bullet pierced Kai's chest, breaking 3 ribs. Kai didn't say anything, didn't even utter a sound. They were falling, the water rushed up to meet them, the water blood red.
"You didn't have to do that" whispered Kai. The rider was gasping for air as water foamed into his mouth. The mask fell off; Kai studied the rider then shut his eyes. Down Down Down Down The water closed over them, the rider's body smashed lifeless against the rock.
A screech sounded through the forest. A firebird flew sharply down the waterfall, tail streaming fire, eyes alight, wings curved, plunged into the water and retrieved Kai. His hair was limp around his face and blood dripped off his body.
A/N Don't you just love Kai's bike! That would my dream bike. It'd look so cool especially with what he's wearing! I'm going to attempt to draw it. The guns I got out of an Alex Rider book. I wonder why its always Kai that gets tortured but that means I get to rescue him. Hope you liked the chappie. I'll update soon!
Authors note: All the characters have different outfits, Max and Ray are wearing their V Force outfit, Kai, Kenny and Tyson are wearing their G Rev outfits. This story takes place after the first Beyblade series.
Disclaimer: Beyblade doesn't belong to me. I'm not rich enough. (lol ^_^)
"Yummy!" yelled Tyson, "you can sure cook Ray! Must come in the family" He gobbled up the fried noodles, spareribs and vegetables. Kai felt sick just looking at him. 'How can he eat that much?' he thought. He kept his distance and slowly picked at his helping, not really tasting anything.
"The ribena's run out!" cried Max "where's the ribena! I'm mega thirsty after all of Kai's training".
"Uh oh" said Kenny "he's getting sugar-high!" Max was sometimes a little too happy-go-lucky which made him hyper but he was a nice kid.
"Ketchup!" said Tyson. "Here's some water Max" said Ray handing him a glass.
"Not water! Water tastes icky" complained Max.
Ray glanced at Kai. He hadn't eaten anything, he looked pale too. "Kai?" he asked gingerly "you alright?"
"Hmph" was all he got. Kai shoved back his chair and walked out. Looking back he said "we start training in 15 minutes" and left.
Tyson choked on his food "more training! We've already done 3 full hours!"
"I need more drink" said Max. "You must train though" said Chief, tapping away on his laptop as usual. "Dizzi has calculated your improvement in strength if you do at least 4 hours a day and it's gone up by almost 70 percent! This way you'll be able to channel more strength into your blades and fight better".
"Cor" said Tyson "Kai is such a stranger. He doesn't talk to us, doesn't even act like a team mate, goes over to the bad side a couple of times and makes us train 4 hours a day! Not everybody's like him. He's so inhuman, normal people can't do 40 press ups in 1 minute!"
"Don't be tight" said Ray "He only wants to give us the best training so we can win the next world cup".
"Give us the best! How do we even know which side he's working on I mean we're all Kai's friends and everything but he doesn't show anything that means that we're his friends" said Tyson.
Unknown to them Kai was standing in his usual pose against the wall in the hallway. It hurt him to hear that. 'How can i show you? I don't know how? I don't know anything about life, only death' he thought.
"Max's turn to wash up" announced Ray.
"Hey that's no fair. I vote Kenny does it."
"I really need to get this data uploaded, I vote Tyson"
"But I haven't finished eating yet, I vote Ray does it"
"Me? I cooked lunch in the first place"
"Exactly" said Tyson grinning.
"I'll do it" said Kai. The others just stared as he piled up the dishes and filled the sink. "Sure Kai!" said Tyson "go ahead!"
Kai scrubbed at the dishes, flecks of bubbles settling in his blue-grey bangs. Ray glared at Tyson. "Huh?" was all Tyson said. Kai stacked the plates up neatly to dry and without a word went to put on his gloves.
The Bladebreakers gathered down in the training hut that the BBA had acquired for them near the local park.
Kai stood eyes closed by the wall. When they entered he gave them the instructions. "First we're going to run 30 laps of the west side of the park. Then 50 sit ups in a maximum time of 3 minutes. Then we're going cross country bike riding for an hour." *silence* "What" said Tyson.
Kai ignored him and set off at a run. The others followed. Tyson at the rear, Kenny didn't have to train. Max was the first to get thirsty, his tongue almost lolling out like a dog every time they passed the Snack Shop.
Kai overlapped them 7 times "come on!" he yelled "stop slacking Tyson! Max you can have a drink afterwards. Ray your headband's coming off. 8 more laps left!"
Tyson was behind by 6 laps. Eventually they finished and collapsed onto the ground. Tyson followed suit until Kai told him to do the 5 laps he'd missed out.
Kai easily managed the 50 sit ups in 80 seconds. Tyson complained "oh heartless and cold captain take pity on a tired kid please?" he begged, the puppy eye look did not work.
"Kai?" asked Ray "where do we get the bikes from?"
"The BBA" said Kai as steadily as he could. The bikes were clearly personalized. The bright blue one with the white slashes on would have to be Tyson's, the green one with suspensions and an orange light instead of red was definitely Max's, and the swirl of red , black and white with claw marks on the handle bars was Ray's, even Kenny's was yellow and had a special holder attached to his handlebars that could clip onto his laptop and Kai's was---- ---stunning. The frames were black with yellow, orange and red coloured flames up the sides. There was a red back light and yellow front light with 18 gears. The spokes on the wheels were a shocking red and white. The handlebars had a grip pattern in the shape of Dranzer. "What's with Kai's bike?" said Max. They were all rather awed by it. "I paid extra" was the blunt answer. Tyson raised an eyebrow. Kai led them off the road and into the woods. It was just after 3 o'clock now. The woods were creepy and it suddenly started going dark. Kai pushed on ahead wondering if he should ease up the training a bit but he knew if they came up against the Demolition Boys they'd need all the training they could get. But the thing that bothered him was his memory. He badly wanted to discover his past but did he want to know what happened? What Biovault had done and put people through? The bits of memory he did have were not particularly nice but there was something.. He suddenly swerved to the side, narrowly missing a tree. A stabbing pain in his right chest as if someone had stuck a knife right through him. "KAI!?" "What's the matter buddy?" asked ray anxiously. "Good job you missed the tree" said Max. "What were you doing?" said Tyson "you went totally off." Kai didn't say anything. Ray sighed, he was more sensitive to people's feelings than the rest of the Bladebreakers and felt rather annoyed by Tyson's rough words.
They cycled for ages and Kenny became a little concerned as he didn't know whereabouts they were. Then they heard the sound of rushing water and the ground became extra bumpy and crisscrossed with roots. Max had no problemo with his suspensions but Tyson's backside was aching. 'Argh. Can't I just get that stupid scene out of my head!' Kai thought, he saw a cylinder tank filled with bubbling green liquid and a face inside, leering horribly at him, 'what on earth-no, no! NO!' Blood. 'crack!' Walls. 'crack!' A bottomless hole. 'Crack!' A skull. 'Crack!' "Guys!" screamed Max. Pistol shots rang through the forest. "Argh!" yelled Tyson. Kai skidded over "you hit? You okay?" Tyson just stared ahead. "Kai?" cried Ray, they all looked terrified. "It sounds like they're aiming for us". The rush of water suddenly sounded much louder. "Err-help!" said max, "it's a waterfall!" Kai swore and flicking his head around took everything in then yelled "follow me! Max just get going if you wanna live! Do exactly as I do!" He pedalled hard to the edge of the waterfall and a sharp right onto a wide ledge of rock that led down into the valley below. "What is this place?" asked Max looking terrified. Kai growled and set off along the ledge. The waterfall thundered away 300 metres below them, crashing onto the rocks and disguising any sound of a gunshot. The path was scattered with stones and whenever they rode over one the bike swayed to one side. "Did I ever tell you I was afraid of heights?" said Max unsteadily.
Thoughts dashed through Kai's head, his brains canning them until he found the right one, why did he have to a team captain? He was expected to look after the team, care for them and they all relied on him now. Nice to know that someone trusted him though.
The path ahead took a winding road around the waterfall going up and down. The cliff on one side shook. Gunshots ran out and as if in slow motion they saw a bullet hit the opposite side of the valley, blasting a hole in a tree, splinters flying everywhere.
The Bladebreakers panted. The shooters would be most behind them now. "Get over that ridge and take cover in the woods, but keep on going the way the ledge goes they can't shoot you as easily if you're moving the other way" yelled Kai.
"Bang!" "My cap!" yelled Tyson. Everyone apt from Kai gasped and looked at the fine hole in Tyson's cap. Kenny looked like he was going to faint.
They heard bullets smashing into the cliff; rocks tumbled down into the valley. Kai's blue-grey bangs hung down over his forehead, he narrowed his eyes, trying to ride and look at the same time. That bullet formation...The bullets that had smashed into the cliff had formed an arrow head with 2 bullets in the middle, deep score lines pointing to the edges of the shape.
Something wasn't right, Kai thought, I know that sound I know that thing!
"I'm going back" he yelled to the others and abruptly swerves his bike around and pedalled back as fast as possible. "KAI!" screamed Tyson and Ray. "Just get out of here! I'll take care of it!" "He thinks he can do everything" said Tyson. 'He has a fiery look in his eyes' though Ray. "What are we doing talking? HELLO!!!!!! We're gonna be dead meat!" screamed Tyson.
Kai felt as if he was on fire, his heart was jumping around inside him, his muscles tense, eyes alert, sensing danger. He was ready for action. 6 quad bikes reared up, bouncing over the rocks and boulders, they blocked his path. Kai was giving them a test.
The riders looked dark, unforgiving, their fingers curled around the triggers of Beretta sub-compact pistols , a machine gun strapped to the quad bike.
The lunged at him, the screech of brakes as they found the oath too narrow, one of them was thrown out of his seat into the water. But these guys played dirty, metal blades scratched at Kai's tyres. Kai made a sudden dart at the riders and pulling up the front of his bike rode up over the quad bikes and crashed down, a bullet rang out, clattering against the spokes of his wheels. The riders immediately followed him.
"Hmph" said Kai to himself "that shows they're after me."
He led them back up the ledge into the woods the way they'd come. Weaving between trees and swerving.
The machine guns chattered bullets at him and he leaped up into the air bullets harmlessly shooting under him he twirled his bike around bashing the head of the front rider, making him hesitate. Kai got out Dranzer and let it rip. Dranzer's fire arrow pierced the engine of the quad bike, spilling petrol and forming a wall of fire between them.
Bullets like miniature fireballs lit up the trees, setting the undergrowth ablaze.
"Oh no" said kai. He could see the shadow of 4 riders behind the fire. Then he did something he had never dared do before. He reared up on his bike, bounced on the tyre and shot right through the fire.
He expected the flames to burn him, scorch him to the skin until he turned into charcoal but they didn't do anything. "Phoenix" Kai murmured. The 4 riders were still after him though, his legs were aching. The quad bikes were gaining on him, he spotted a group of close growing trees and sped through them, thorns and branches whipping and scratching him. His t-shirt was slashed diagonally across the back. The quad bikes followed him but the gap was too narrow and they crashed.
1 left. The rider had bright green eyes, glinting evilly at him. The chain came off the bike and kai fell hard on his back. The rider charged towards him, Kai curled into a ball and rolled but he wasn't fast enough. The wheels ran over his left arm, tearing the flesh. Blood, glistening red poured over his arm, staining the ground. He willed himself not to scream.
The rider stepped off the bike; he towered over Kai at least 4 heads taller than him a machine gun pointed at Kai's chest. "You'll meet you dear mother soon" he hissed. Kai gave him his most powerful death glare as an answer he wasn't going to show any weakness now, he couldn't. "Dranzer!" Kai mouthed, he'd forgotten his blade! It would be lost in the woods!
The finger clenched the trigger, back, back Kai yelled and rolled under the man's legs, grabbing one of them and knocking him off balance. He held the man's wrist in a tight grip upwards. They struggled on the ground. Kai could hear the rush of water. The waterfall was close. Here's my chance he thought.
The rider was too powerful, more experienced and bigger. He grabbed Kai round the waist earning himself a kick in the stomach. Kai gripped him and flipped the man, his arm screaming in agony. The water rushing over the edge. Kai threw the man into the water but he was weakened from using al his strength and before the water swept the rider away, he grabbed Kai's scarf and they both tumbled into the water.
As they rushed over the edge, Kai spitting out blood into the water the rider pulled out a pistol. Kai's crimson eyes just glared.
The Bladebreakers heard the gunshot and turning around saw a sight that made their hearts almost stop. The bullet pierced Kai's chest, breaking 3 ribs. Kai didn't say anything, didn't even utter a sound. They were falling, the water rushed up to meet them, the water blood red.
"You didn't have to do that" whispered Kai. The rider was gasping for air as water foamed into his mouth. The mask fell off; Kai studied the rider then shut his eyes. Down Down Down Down The water closed over them, the rider's body smashed lifeless against the rock.
A screech sounded through the forest. A firebird flew sharply down the waterfall, tail streaming fire, eyes alight, wings curved, plunged into the water and retrieved Kai. His hair was limp around his face and blood dripped off his body.
A/N Don't you just love Kai's bike! That would my dream bike. It'd look so cool especially with what he's wearing! I'm going to attempt to draw it. The guns I got out of an Alex Rider book. I wonder why its always Kai that gets tortured but that means I get to rescue him. Hope you liked the chappie. I'll update soon!