Title: Maybe Angels - Prologue - Maybe Angels

Author: Makoto Sagara

Archive: www.angelfire.com/anime3/makotosagara/frames/fanfiction.html, www.fanfiction.ws, www.wufeiduo.net, www.afallenangel.net/fandom/, www.sailorsandco.crosswinds.net/gundamwing/fanfiction/fanfiction.html

Category: Supernatural, angst

Pairing(s): 2+5, 13x5, 1+2, 3+1, 4+3, 4+2, 6+9, R+OC, S+C, eventual 2x5x2

Rating: PG-13 (might change later)

Warnings: Shonen ai, AU, OOC, language, skewed views of a few different religions

Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing. No matter how good of a girl I am during the year, Santa never gives it to me. *sniffs* So, I just have to settle for borrowing the characters for a while. I make no money, and the money I *do* have is used to buy more anime. ^_^;;;

Author's Notes: This is what happens when you watch 'Gundam Wing' and then 'Dogma' right after. The mention of Grigori as "Watcher Angels" led to very *interesting* thoughts. I had to do some research on the actual categories of angels. Let's see, the Natal and Personal Angels are the lowest form of angels there are of the third choir, and the Grigori fall somewhere between the Cherubim and Thrones in the first choir of angels. For more information about the choirs of angels, please see this site: http://www.healinghandsoflight.homestead.com/The_Hierarchy_Of_Angels.html

Also, I am taking my perspective of God from my own beliefs and that of the movie 'Dogma'. If you aren't easily offended and like comedies, then you should *really* see it.

Dedication: To my many angels: Vanessa, Jennifer, Jennifer (yes there are two of them), Sara, Tara, Joanna, Anastasia, Jessie, and Lee.

Special Dedication: To Allie-cat, for being a good pet, friend, and over all terrific person. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIRLIE!!!!!!!!

Symbols: *~*~* change in POV, scene, or time

*~~~* minor change of scene or flashback


I swear they're out there,

I swear, I swear they're out there,

I swear, I swear they're out there,

I swear, maybe angels, maybe angels

Oh what a mystery

Oh, I believe, I believe, I could leave

~ Maybe Angels, Sheryl Crow


Maybe Angels

Do you know how hard it is to be someone's Personal Angel? I should know. I did that gig up until a few years ago. I started when the world was formed and humans started populating the Earth like nobody's business.

At first, we (the other angels and I, and there are about three times as many angels as there are humans, if you can believe that) were very curious about humans and how they worked, but Our Lord God only talked to them through Metatron. He held the most coveted spot in all of Heaven. Yes, even angels can be envious.

Finally, after God decided that humans were indeed a good thing, She started assigning us lower angels to them. Our job was to watch them, help them out when they were low, and to keep them from the Fallen One's hands and his consorts. It was fairly easy with Adam and Eve, but that Cain guy was a handful. Poor Noin had to deal with him. Her first charge and he already was off killing his brother.

Of course, the names in here that I am going to be using for the angels aren't the ones that Our Lord gave us, but rather, familiar nicknames that we used amongst our group of nine. Heero, Trowa, and Sally were actually in the highest choir of angels, while Quatre, Noin, Zechs, Hilde, Cathy, and I were in the lowest of the low as far as angels went. We were the lackeys of God.

Not that I'm complaining. Far from it. I *loved* my job. I got to help out my charges when they needed me, and sometimes, when they were feeling low and thinking that they were all alone, God would let me go down in a human form and talk to them. That was the best part. I got to interact with humans face-to-face. There is nothing like having a solid form. So many sensations, emotions, and new things all around you.

Humans really do take living for granted. Well, now that I have a permanent human form, one that I will only lose when I die, I refuse to take *anything* for granted. I cherish every time I touch my lover. I cherish every second I breathe, feel, smell, or just do mundane things. The only thing I miss are my friends. They are still in Paradise, and I am here on Earth. I don't know who is luckier, them or me.

Ah, my gorgeous lover is coming in. No, the one who is the luckiest is me. He says that I saved his life, but he gave me mine. Maybe I should start at how I became a human, and how I became the luckiest human on Earth.


Well, like I said, I started off as a Personal Angel in Heaven. For those of you who don't know how these things work, I'll explain for you. When you are born, God gives you three angels. Generous, isn't it? Anyhoo (I just love this common language - it's so easy and relaxed), when you are born there is one angel that is the most important, known as your Natal Angel.

Your Natal Angel is assigned to watch you while you live from the nano-second you are born until the day you turn thirteen. They are supposed to prevent any major accidents that God doesn't want to happen to you. Yes, people, sometimes God makes something bad happen to you as a learning experience, and not always just for your own benefit. Then the day you turn thirteen, your Personal Angel takes over.

That's what I was, a Personal Angel. Now, your PA (as we jokingly called ourselves) is actually what you humans call Guardian Angels. We watch over you, whisper in your ear to keep you on the right track, and sometimes, when you feel like you have been abandoned by the world, we come and visit you for a while. Ever had a really bad day, and then out of the blue, a beautiful stranger strikes up a conversation that leaves you all warm and fuzzy on the inside? That's us.

I've had some interesting charges in the past. Let's see, there was this guy from Corsica with a big head but a little body, Napoleon, and he was probably the worst charge I've had, ever. Then, there was this Native American, of the Chippewa tribe, I believe, who liked to call me Brother Eagle. I thought it was funny, so I would appear to him as an eagle. Yes, and I've handled Mahatma Gandhi. Oh, so now you think I'm cool? I happened to think I was *before* I started mentioning names, but hey, maybe that's just me.

Oh, yes, I got a bit side-tracked. *He* scolds me sometimes about that. I can't help but smile as I think of him. I love how his smiles make me feel so loved, needed, wanted, and very important. Everything about him makes me feel so alive, even his pain, thought that hurts me more than it does him. Like when his twin sister died; but I'm getting ahead of myself, and even more side-tracked.

Ok, the last Angel a person has is their Grigori, or Watcher Angel, who has the job of writing down every single thing that you do, say, or have done to you. Odd, isn't it? Makes you want to behave now, doesn't it? Well, don't worry - they don't judge you. That's what God does, though Our Lord is a lot less judgmental than some humans seem to think. She has a sense of humor, like everyone else. Just look at the platypus. Funniest looking creature in the universe, but complex all the same.

Oh, you didn't know that God was a woman? Well, I suppose I am just a fountain of information now, eh? Actually, God doesn't have a real gender, but She does like to take the body of a woman when She goes out. Which She does fairly often, unnoticed by anyone but us Angels. The Fallen One and his minions may notice, but they have behaved themselves so far.

Well, ok, you want to know my story, and *finally* I will indulge you. I'm sorry if this is going to seem boring or drags on in parts, but I don't want to lose the whole tale, because, well, it's not your average romance or just any kind of story.