I am Daytime1105am and I speak of stories.  Oh dear…The voices in my head are yelling at me to start the story…I guess I should…Here goes.

Things I own and love (not the only things I love).597-A, 597-B, Zurc DeAlba, 379, and the various letters of the Spanish alphabet. 

One quick note,*blah, blah* this means thought. "blah, blah" this means speech 

Now a final note before you read the story……..  Read the next line.

Please, sit back, relax, read, review, and enjoy the tenth chapter of…………………………………………Trust and Love.


Yesterday, before Speck saw Stitch, something familiar was happening to some familiar people.

"I can not believe my rodent retinas.  I do not see any experiment in my paws. Why is that you lame excuse of an offspring of a fish?!"  Yelled a gerbil-like…er…hamster-like creature.

            A very large and gray shark alien opened his mouth to speak in his defense but it was no use.  His name was Gantu and Dr. Hämsterviel was giving him his daily serving of verbal abuse.  It really wasn't his fault he couldn't catch an experiment.  Gantu was the former captain of the Galactic Alliance, but for some reason he was no match for Lilo and Stitch, who were experts at catching experiments by now.  Gantu apologized many times and tried to explain, but as usual it didn't work. 

At that moment, a chubby yellow experiment walked into the room with a bag of groceries.

"Hey Fish-face, you will not belief what I saw in the way back from the deli."  He said.

"Do you mind, 625?  I'm in a meeting."  Barked Gantu.

"Shut your fishy face and let him speak you incompetent minion."  Dr. Hämsterviel said a bit intrigued.  "As of late, he has been better at not getting me angry than you have."

"Thanks Doc.  I've been trying for the longest time to show him how better I am at stuff."  625 said. 

            Gantu rolled his eyes.

*That's pathetic.  He's never done anything in his life and he has the nerve to say that.* Gantu thought.

"Anyway,"625 continued.  "As I was saying-"

            He was cut off by an entrance of another experiment.  She was pink, had long slender antennas and very beautiful.

"Is 625 back yet?  I'm hungry."  She said her beautiful voice slightly reverberating off the ship walls.

"Right here, cutie-patookie."  625 said tossing her a bag of popcorn he bought.

            She opened the bag and glared at him.  "I told you never to call me that."

"Please 625, my time is very valuable.  SO, STOP WASTING IT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU SAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Dr. H yelled out.

"Oops, sorry fur ball. So, as I was saying, I saw a green plasma cruiser out side my cousin's and the little girl's house."

"Green Plasma cruiser?"  The Doc was thinking.  "What was the identification number?"

"11-Phi-Beta-Kappa-05."  625 responded.

"Aha!  That ship…I remember it.  It belongs to Dr. Zurc DeAlba.  Jumba's little girl friend."

"Hey, didn't she take an experiment?"  624 asked.

"Yea a real cutie too.  She might give you a run for your money, 624."  625 said, tauntingly.

"Oh, please…Like I care."  She took her bag of popcorn and left the room.

"625, please explain to me why you did nothing to get the experiment that YOU SAW!!"

Dr. H yelled. 

Gantu grinned.  *Finally, he's getting the tongue lashing and not me.*

"Hey, I had to get the groceries into the frig quickly.  How was I going to do that and try to catch one of my cousins?  I can't do that and I won't do that…  No thank you!"

            Dr. Hämsterviel grunted in frustration.  "Is there no one who can be a decent minion and catch this experiment?"

"Sir, if I may say something in my defense, I would have caught that abomination, but the computer must be broken.   I've been waiting and I was not told that an experiment was activated."


            The screen that showed the rat's face shut down.  Gantu had his new assignment and he went to one of the other levels of his ship to get supplies.  Meanwhile, 625 went to go find 624.  He had to ask her who ate all the potato salad because he went to the frig and found the tub empty.

            He finally found her lounging in one of the rooms.

"Hey 4, I have to ask you something…"

            She put her hand up.  "Wait, I have to ask you something?  What else did you see when you saw the new experiment."

"What?  Are you trying to ask me if I saw Stitch acting differently?"  He said, trying to hint at something.  "In that case, yes I did.  He was all googley eyed.  Yep, he's really over you."

"Oh….Oh well, I didn't really like him anyway."  She said, indifferently.

"Oh yea, back in the lab you had a crush on another guy, right?  Oh what was his number?...973…739…"

"5, you idiot…  If there are only 626 of us, then why would you guess those numbers?"

"I know his number had a 9, a 3 and a 7 in it.  What was his number?"

"I'm not telling you.  I wanted to keep it a secret.  I still have no idea how you found out."

"I read your diary.  Good juicy stuff, man."

            That earned him punch in the face and a kick in the butt.

"Hey!  That hurt!"  He said after receiving his punishment.

"Oh are you going to tell me you didn't deserve that?  Go on.  Tell me you didn't deserve that.  See, what that gets you."

"Jeez temper, temper."

            624 sat down on her chair and leaned back.

"So, which on was it?  The scaredy cat or the wannabe?"

"The scaredy cat…The wannabe is still dehydrated."

"Oh, little 597-A.  I remember you well."  She thought out loud.

"Man, I remember too.  Her sister was so mean to her."

"Yea, but I think she changed.  I'm not sure though."  624 said, pensively.

"Well, old fish face looks like he's going to go in an experiment hunt.  This should be entertaining…Wanna come with?" 625 said, a bit excitedly.

"Nah, I'm tired and I'm in the mood to just relax."  She said, laying down on a nearby bed.

"Suit yourself."

            625 left the room and began to follow Gantu.  *Wow, sometimes, she's even lazier than me.*


Sorry end of the chapter.  More soon.  I love ya.

VOID99- Wow, I can't believe you actually read this whole thing at once.  I would have ripped my eyes out or something.  Anyway, yes Equis is supposed to be kind of a jerk.  You should see what happens when he comes back into the story.  Yes she is scared of everything.  She's led a sheltered life.  What can I say?  Don't worry more soon.

DanMat6288 and Demon-girl-627- Here you go… Thanks for reminding me…I kind of forgot about them for a sec.

WoLfAmArOg- I have a question.  Has this been your penname or did you change it recently?  Thankx for the review and I'm glad you like my story.

Next chapter…stuff…stuff…and more stuff..  Bye bye…SYL!!!!