Harry Potter and the Titanic
Chapter 1
The Journey to Southampton Pier
Harry Potter was awakened by Ron Weasley poking him hard in the side. "Hurry up, Harry, we're going to be late!" Ron said, rather loud Harry thought.
"Yeah, I am coming," Harry said, sitting up.
"Well, hurry up! Hermione, Fred, and George are almost ready," Ron said as he walked out of their room. Harry pulled himself out of bed, put on jeans and a t-shirt, combed his messy hair, and put on his glasses. He looked around for his wand, but didn't see it. Thinking he left it downstairs, Harry left the room to get it.
Fred was standing over the stove saying, "How the heck do you work this Muggle thing they call a stove?"
"Ask Harry or Hermione," George suggested.
Fred turned, saw Harry, and said, "Harry, how do you turn this thing on?"
"No idea, one of those buttons, I suppose," Harry said, still looking for his wand.
"Hermione, how do you work this thing?" Fred asked.
"I don't know, try to turn it on," she replied. Harry found his wand at last; it was on the table in front of George.
"That's the problem!" Fred said, loudly.
"George, please hand me my wand," Harry said, "here." He waved it and the table filled with bacon, eggs, toast, and fried potatoes.
"Ron, have you ever been to America?" Hermione asked. Ron didn't answer because at that moment, Harry's owl, Hedwig came through the open kitchen window. She dropped a letter on Harry's head and landed on his shoulder. He handed her some of his bacon and she flew back outside. Harry opened his letter from his godfather, and read aloud:
Harry, I need to ask you something, can you come to the cave at six tonight? Bring Ron and Hermione.
Harry looked at Ron and Hermione. "We can't go, we're leaving at eleven, remember?" said Ron.
"Yeah." Harry turned the note over and wrote: Sorry, we've got a boat to catch. Try us again about a week before school. We should be able to meet you then. Harry.
"Use Pig, I think Hedwig needs a rest," Harry said, handing Ron the letter. Ron went upstairs to send his owl to Sirius. When he came back they were getting ready to leave for the pier at Southampton.
"Come on Ron," Hermione said.
"Coming," Ron called.
"Everyone's gone, we're the only ones left, lets go," she said. She grabbed a handful of powder and threw it into the fire. The flames turned green, Hermione picked up her luggage, stepped into the fire and said "Southampton pier." Then she disappeared.
Ron did the same. He stepped out of a fireplace inside a building he has never been in before. He looked around at the others sitting at a table in the middle of the huge room. "Where are we?" he asked, dusting ash off his jeans.
"I think this is an inn," Hermione said, looking around. Harry went over to the window and looked into the street below.
"Look, it's just over there," he said.
"Well, we'd better go, is it there, Harry?" George asked.
"We better get going," said Fred, getting up. Harry went to the door and opened it. The others followed him outside. They walked to the pier where the Titanic was docked, and showed their tickets to the guard at the entrance to the ship.