What the X-men would never want to see Logan doing

10: Walking out of the mansion in a tuxedo and top hat, and a little umbrella. Turn on the sprinklers, and start dancing and singing "I'm singing in the rain"

9: Rolling into the dining room in a cloud of flying fur growling and roaring, while fighting a stray cat. and losing.

8: During an alert, Deciding that Bobby's idea of using water balloons to annoy Pyro will definitely save the day.

7: During an alert, Challenging Kurt to paper/rock/scissors to see who fights Sabretooth

6: Knitting

5: Growling and slashing at anyone who tries to get him away from a ball of yarn.

4: Pouring beer on Xavier's head while singing "Whiskey for my friends, and beer for my horses" in a drunken stupor.

3: Deciding to join the brotherhood

2: Mimicking Toad, hopping around the mansion yard.

And of course number 1: Coming in with his arm slung over Sabertooths's shoulder saying "This is my son"