Kiss Me Fool

By Fire_Katt

This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh fic so please be kind and review. I don't mind critiscm as long as it's helpful and I'd love to hear you guys like it, though you probably won't... God I sound pathetic, anyways please tell me if you think it's a good start! I think I want to make it an eventual Tea and Seto but I'm open to other pairings too, except Yugi, how an awesome girl like Tea keeps getting paired with somebody who barely comes up to her chest is beyond me....sorry had to let that out ^_^ Anyways feel free to vote for the pairing and if it sucks tell me and I won't bother with it....Oh and I don't own YGO because if I did no one would probably watch it and Yugi would be at least 5'10.....on to the story...

'I'm so glad it's finally Friday, this week has been just terrible.' Tea thought dejectedly to herself. And truthfully it would have been considered a rough week even for the most laid back person. Between her university exams, breaking up with Yami, getting in a fight with her best friends Joey and Yugi because of the break up. The fates must have decided it was pick on Tea week.

Tea was now she was 19 and a second year university student. She still loved dance and she taught it at her old school every weekend. Teaching dance was actually how she figured out what she wanted to do with her life. Dancing was great for a pipe dream and she'd even been accepted to one of Japan's best school's. She'd turned them down however to major in childhood education with a BA in child psychology.

Bottom line was Tea's life had been perfect until exactly six days and thirteen hours ago when Yami had taken her out for a moonlight cruise on the Domino Ferry. Thinking that Yami might have finally come to realize he loved her as much as she loved him she was absolutely heartbroken to hear the words " I think we should stop seeing each other." come out of his mouth.


It was a little chilly but there was hardly anyone on the night ferry through Domino. Tea sighed slightly in her mind as Yami pulled away right after she had snuggled closer to him.

'Just when I think he's beginning to open up to me he puts a bloody wall up between us.'

"Tea we've been together for quite a while haven't we?"

"Well yeah just about three and a half years now" Tea looked up at Yami expectantly, she shoved aside the moment of anxiety she felt when she saw the dark expression on Yami's face, regretting it as soon as he spoke again.

"I think, maybe we should stop seeing each other. You know go our own way. I'm sorry to do this but I just can't keep lying to myself or you. I truly am sorry."

Tea was about to speak but couldn't. She just stared at him in shock feeling her heart shatter as moments of their relationship flitted through her mind. When she finally spoke the words were cold and angry, "It's because I won't sleep with you isn't it. I thought you were okay with that. Or what did you meet someone else? What the hell do you mean by keep lying! What's going on Yami?" she was crying so hard at that point she couldn't speak.

Yami just stared at her blankly before replying in a tone of voice that made her think that all she'd asked was what the weather was supposed to be like for the next few days,"No it's not because you won't sleep with me but I've been lying to both of us in the sense that I let us both believe that I was going to be able to open up to you. Let me ask you this Tea, how much more about me do you know now than you did 3 years ago, outside of the obvious things like my likes and dislikes?

Tea stopped in mid-sob and stared at him realizing that what he said was the absolute truth. She didn't know anything materiel about him. She turned and began walking away with tears streaming down her cheeks. Not turning once, if she had she would have been shocked to see Yami's face reflecting genuine pain, only for a moment before he turned around to peer out at the black mirror of water.

Two days later Yugi came up to Tea and asked her in a quiet tone what she thought she was doing. At the time she had been sitting in the quad studying for her exams. She looked up with a confused look on her face before replying, "Studying, why?"

"That's not what I mean Tea and you know it!" Yugi was almost shouting now and Tea just stared back at him in amazement, not even noticing Joey when he came up beside her, not until he said in a tone as equally loud as Yugi's had been,"Why'd you have to hurt him Tea? I thought you said you loved him!"

"Wait a minute what do you mean I hurt HIM?" Tea asked as tears began filling her eyes

"He came home after your cruise on Saturday completely wasted, mumbled something about the two of you not going out anymore and passed out on the couch. The next day he refused to talk about it and then proceeded to go to the fridge and grab a beer. At 10 in the morning. You of all people Tea know that Yami doesn't drink often, and I've never seen him drunk. So why Tea? Why'd you have to break up with him?"

"You idiots! You guys actually thought I ..."

"Well how do you explain it then Tea?"interrupted Joey

"I don't." said Tea flatly as she gathered up her things and ran to the student parking lot and climbed behind the wheel of her car and allowed the tears she'd kept in for the past two days to fall. Soon after she stopped sobbing she turned the key, put the car into reverse and went home.

***End of Flashback***

Tea was once again behind the wheel of her car this time driving in the direction of the Kaiba mansion. If it hadn't been Mokuba's birthday tonight she probably wouldn't have gone at all, but then again she could use a chance to get her mind off things. Besides she knew that Ishizu was having a dinner party tonight and Yami and Yugi were sure to go to that instead. 'And why wouldn't they?' taunted a little voice at the back of Tea's mind 'She is after all absolutely beautiful' Tea dashed back the tears that had begun to gather behind her eyelids, and once more focused her full attention to the road and turning her thoughts to the party tonight.


What should happen? Should Yami be there and Tea try to make him jealous or should something else happen? Review and vote!!!! I want to get Chapter 2 up by Dec. 28 so make your picks and cast your vote!