Title: Harry Potter and the New Alliance (Subject to change at later date)

Author: Snuffles

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Spoliers for HP books 1-5, and all the LotR books and movies.

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters or places. Never will. :sigh:
Authors Notes: I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide...wait...that's not right....x_X;; Er...anyway...

I know, you all probably hate me currently. I haven't updated for months...and here I am with a new story. I am really sorry about the lack of updates...I wasn't sure after some RL issues (School, my father disowning me, finals, Sirius dieing) if I was going to ever write again. But, the plot bunnies hid inside my bed and attacked me while I slept. Thank them and get me some gause before I bleed to death. Darn sharp teeth... x_x;;
The Good News: Right after I post this I'm going to be writing a new chapter to both Embarrassing Aragorn and The Gold Book. So don't kill me! Please! I hope you enjoy this story as much as you enjoy the other ones. Personally, I think it's a lot better.

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It was a last ditch effort, in reality. Even the brainless imbeciles that cowered at his feet could see that. It was based on the babbling of some crazed old man with enough strength in his bones and enough spare time on his hands to go digging through thousands of years of history to find a few vague sentences written by some other crazed old man who had been just as bored and had the same amount of spare time to spend chasing geese. However, there still was a chance, no matter how slim, that their tall tales held the key to what he desired most.

He snarled in disgust at the weeping creature that was wailing into its arms, curled in a tight, shuddering ball. He kicked the cage it huddled in, letting his thin lips purse together in grim satisfaction as the wails and terrified screams became louder. Why, of all the creatures that populated this world, both foul and fair, did his greatest desire lie in this desolate creature, whose only reason to live was to serve its wizard master? Was this how Fate amused herself? He could feel the faceless mouth grin, mocking him where he stood, looming like a statue over the writhing, pitiful creature whose disfigured body would soon become his own.
How he hated that grin.
Raising himself to his full height, he sent the silent call that would have his most trusted scrambling to him; it was time.