Get Rel

NOTE:  I don't own Gundam Wing or its characters.

Okay people, once again there will be OCs but no one that will be interfering with gundam wing couples.  Also, thank you all for your support on my other fic, For Rel, much appreciated.

Paris was a dead-end.  Apparently Salimar, or rather Relena, had planned on Heero looking for her in Paris and set up a false story about her being there.  He searched for her under all sorts of names and checked the train station security cameras for anyone that resembled Relena in the least bit.  She obviously wasn't there; it would be far too easy for her.

So, Heero and his two companions flew back to Italy and question her friends, Adam, Sage, Lynn, and Draca again.  They weren't very reluctant in telling him where Relena was, just very vague…

"Where's Relena?" Heero had inquired.

"She's not here anymore," answered Draca.

"We know that, but where did she go?!" demanded Duo, sitting through this "interrogation" along with Heero and Hilde.

"Somewhere else," shrugged Sage before taking a sip of his hot chocolate.  "Ow!  That burns!"

"Where has Relena gone?" Hilde interjected.

"Away," supplied Adam with a grin.  The three preventers were obviously getting very irritated with Relena's group of friends.

"Is there any clue that any of you can give us as to where Relena is?" Heero asked the group.

"Certainly, ask the right question and you'll receive a fair answer," Lynn told them with a wink.

"Is Relena still on the Earth?" questioned Heero.

"Absolutely, there's just so few places to go that has at least two friends to blend with," Adam replied with an accepting nod.  That's right Heero; you're catching on now, thought Adam.

"What country has some friends of Relena's?" Hilde inquired.

"Well there's the former South Korea, England, and the former United States of America…" Lynn listed.

"But you should probably know that she is living in a fairly small town, and that anyone who is a friend of Relena's was an e-mail friend before and from the war," added Draca.

"Thank you for your help," smiled Duo getting up to leave.  "Oh, by the way, could you tell us what city in the United States, or at least what state?"

"Well…it's in the state of Wisconsin and well, let's just say that the population is no more than 10,000 people," winked Sage with a devilish grin on his features while the others hid their silent giggles behind their hands or smiles. 

They knew something that they weren't willing to share with the rest of the Preventers, but that didn't matter to Heero when he had gone off to Japan to check in with Lady Une and Zeches.  That hadn't gone over too well…

"Absolutely not!" yelled Lady Une while meeting with Heero, his fellow preventers, and Zeches in her office.  "There will be no more following Ms. Peacecraft to the ends of the Earth and Colonies!  Heero, you do have other priorities!"

"Lady Une, surely you can see that we're making great improvement now," Duo argued.

"Indeed, that cannot be denied, but I believe that I had ordered you and Ms. Schibecker to drop the Peacecraft case completely, instead you still chased after her with Mr. Yuy here!" Lady Une retorted sharply.  "As for your improvement, any additional information you have on Relena is best to be presented right here and now for Zeches has decided to take charge in finding Ms. Peacecraft."

Hilde and Duo both wanted to protest but didn't, Heero just closed his eyes; he knew that would happen.  Still, he felt that Relena was his responsibility and not Zeches, he didn't care if they were siblings, Relena had been his charge!

"Find your own information or get it out of one of these two, I'm going to find Relena on my own and without this department's help," Heero told his superior as he drew his pistol and his badge then placed down on his former superiors desk.

Lady Une gaped at the former Gundam pilot as he marched out of the room without so much as a glance back.  Nervously she glanced over at the calm Zeches; obviously he didn't expect anything less to happen.

What happened next did surprise the former White Fang commander, Hilde followed Heero's lead and left her pistol and badge on Une's desk then left, but not before whispering something to Duo when he was about to do the same.  It was plain to see that Hilde did not want Duo to follow in Heero and hers tracks.

However, the moment Hilde left the room Duo did the exact same thing, grinning one of his cheesy grins.  "Guess, Zeches is going to have to start from scratch on this one," taunted Duo before dashing out the door, waving bye to Shun-li quickly.

All that had led up to this moment, where they were on a one-way flight to the United States, or more specifically, Mitchell Airport in Wisconsin.  From there Heero had no idea what they were going to do but he wasn't about to set a foot on land without some sort of plan being formed.

 "Hey," Hilde spoke up from her aisle seat, which she got stuck with since Duo beat her to the window seat, "Heero got any idea how we're going to find Relena?"

"Hn," was all Heero said.  He wasn't about to openly admit that he had no plan in mind.

"I was just thinking that perhaps we should go undercover…" suggested Hilde.

"Undercover?!" interrupted Duo.  "Why should we go undercover?  I mean really, it's not like we actually have the Preventer titles anymore so what would Relena have to fear from us?"

"Remember that she doesn't know that we no longer have those titles, besides she isn't about to just pop out and say 'hey guys, here I am!'.  If we approach her or the town as ourselves and not undercover she's just going to blend more with her friends and out of our sights," Hilde explained, hitting Duo's on the forehead.  "We have to beat Relena at her own game if we're to find."

Heero nodded, as much as he hated the idea it made perfect sense to him and it was one way to find Relena without her knowing.

Duo gulped, "Does this mean that I'll have to get my hair cut or something?"

Hilde turned to Duo with an evil glint in her eye, and then she turned towards Heero and whispered something in his ear.  "That may work," agreed Heero.

"What?  What may work?" Duo asked, swallowing hard.

"Well…" began Hilde before leaning towards Duo and whispering her suggestion in his ear, "you could always go undercover as a girl.  You should be able to pass as a tomboy."

"What?!  I'm not doing any crossing-dressing!" yelled Duo, attracting the attention of everyone in the general area of the plane.  Hilde sank in her seat to get out of the sights of the other people while Heero just opened a book and pretended to read.  In the back of his mind Heero was already choosing their new identities, new files, and everything, all he needed was a picture of their new 'looks' and the town that Relena could be living in.

Luckily the book Heero had picked up to pretend to read was a book of Wisconsin information.  Scanning the map he was looking at he glanced over the cities and their populations to date and past populations.  It seemed that most of Wisconsin, except for most of the major cities, had been decreasing in population for the last century.

Heero glanced over the populations, most were in their thirty or twenty thousands or even less than a thousand.  Finally, his choices were narrowed down to five of them and only one of them had a nearly 10,000 population, Sheboygan.

Found you, I hope, thought Heero confidently.  "I think I know where we're going and what college she maybe going to."

"Really?!" Duo cried, leaning over Hilde's lap to look at the book.  "Where?  Where?!"

Shoving Duo off of her Hilde just sighed as she too waited for Heero's answer.

"I believe she's in Sheboygan and that she maybe going to University of Wisconsin Oshkosh," announced Heero.

"Alright then, now all we need to do is get back on the ground, get our files and IDs done, and get our make-overs completed," grinned Hilde.

"I'm not going as a girl," grumbled Duo.