Title: Black Rose

Part: The Wicked

Author: Cyberpunk2909


Fandom: Sweep Books series

Rating: R

On Going series: Roses of Binding series

Classification(s): Song-fic based chapters (All chptrs)

Warnings: Warnings?!....Warnings?! We don't need no stinkin warnings!!!!! Ur.....yeah.... EXTREME AU!!!!! I mean, of course this fan-fic will remain SOMEWHAT (lookie see, a big emphasis on the somewhat!:)) truthful to the series written by that goddess of an author, Cate Tiernan, but.....it just wouldn't be me to not screw with it in someway....SO.......Be prepare for a lotta angst, a lotta romance, and just all around weirdness, but in a good way....Why should I let YOU have it in a good way?

Pairing(s): Cal/OC, Cal/Every character (with obvious exceptions ppl :p) Cal/Ciaran (Yes! I am a sick and twisted soul!!!!!!!!!

A/N: As you can see in the above information that I have provided (it's all Noire Sensus' fault! Now I can't write anything without that info!) this is going be a slash pairing between two of Sweep's characters. What is slash? If you don't know, my little innocent buttercup, how delightful. It's a male/male relationship (Evil cackle accompanied free of charge). I couldn't help it, so flamers screw off! It's haunted my every waking hour, and it doesn't help that my best friend whispers in my ear nearly all the time: Man Sex! So, I have rewarded her pleas and my muses' constant batterings. ^_^This is a master piece....I think, and if Cate Tiernan reads this she just might condemn me for it. Woo-HA! _

Another Note: It was partially inspired by this online quiz I took at , so poof-poof to the chick who'd made it up. I'm borrowing you stuff. I think the quiz is called: What rose is your soul bound to?

(~ )this tells you it's a song (//) tells you it's a flash back(of thoughts of actions, don't worry just go with the story's flow)

ON WITH THE SHOW! __________________________________________________________________


~It's down to this I've got to make this life make sense Can anyone tell what I've done~

//"I've got to go."//

//"Why? There's no reason for you to." A hard look, desperation running through his veins, flashing like blazing fires in his brown eyes, deep and dark, almost black in the shadows.//

//"She needs me."A calm exterior, but there is a light of sadness, so deep, so profound. This decision was killing him too.//

//"I need you." Desperation fills his voice. "You can't-"//

~I missed the life I missed the colours of the world Can anyone tell where I am~

There was a slight warmth on a patch of skin just beneath his collar. Just a slight twinge, but his gaze was fixed firmly on the dancing flames across from him, burning in the hearth of the fire place. He sat, the bulk of a shadow, in a hard backed chair dragged out from of his study a while ago. How long ago he couldn't remember, enough that it almost seemed as if chair and man were one. And he dare not move from it now. He concentrated on the flames as a glass filled with wine the color of bloody rubies hung precariously from the loose grasp of his fingers of his right hand, drapped over the chair's arm.

~'Cause now again I've found myself So far down, away from the sun That shines into the darkest place I'm so far down, away from the sun again Away from the sun again~

//"She needs me."//

But he needed him, and how in the equation of their fucked up lives did that messsage get lost? Since when-when their goal had been so close to being completed, when their dreams finally would have come true-since when did someone else figure into their lives? Since when was someone else allowed to destroy what little they had been holding onto? His hand clenched convulsively around his wine glass for a moment, as the warmth on his chest flared for a moment, burning like the single concentration of a candle's flame on his breast.

It was the suthainn ceangal. The eternal binding. A small metalwork of twisting coils of pure gold and silver in the shape of a celtic knot. The one thing that was keeping him sane at this moment. Another rush of heat and warmth from that tiny twisting of metal. Something was happening. Miles and miles away....In a little town called Widow's Vale something was happening.

~I'm over this I'm tired of living in the dark Can anyone see me down here The feeling's gone There's nothing left to lift me up Back into the world I've known~

It hadn't been pleasant when he left. Not after he'd allowed those three dangerous words to slip from his mouth-//"She needs me."//-and hang in the air as if that were all the justification there needed to be. As if those words would placate the raging beast inside of him. Desperation had filled him, and anger. And as all beings know, the two emotions never mix well. His brown eyes had blazed with passion, with light, with life. With anger, with murderous, bloody red rage.

//"I need you." Desperation fills his voice. "You can't-"//

//"She's not strong enough against Selene. You know that."//

//"You're not strong enough." The murderous beast was rising.//

//"But I can stop her."Still bloody calm, bloody fucking calm.//

He had rushed at him then, full of hot possessiveness and wrath. How could he throw away something that they'd worked hard for? Something that they wept about? Thought would never be? The goal was at hand, all they had to do was reach out for it...together....And he was willing to cast that all away? For some girl? For some bloody girl who could obviously handle her own? She had a bloody Seeker for a boyfriend for crying out loud.

His eyes had gone wide when he'd rushed at him, the color of tiger's eye and deep amber depths, two liquid drops of eternity. The wide mouth that could give fantastic smiles when he wanted it to had parted then, not in a smile or in lust or pleasure, but in surprise and anger and hurt. And that body, that body of olive skin and perfect, divine curvatures, that body that was so pliable underneath skillful hands when they were making love, that body that owned the beautiful mouth and amber-like eyes, summoned its magick in defiance and equal anger.

~It's down to this I've got to make this life make sense And now I can't do what I've done~

His hands convulsed around his glass again. The red wine sloshed about its edges, spilling onto his hardwood floors, much like the blood that had been spilled those weeks ago, when he and his tiger-eyed lover last saw each other, when he and his olive skinned *leannan* had spoken of the girl so faraway in Widow's Vale, right now facing off with Selene Belltower.

//"You won't go!" Harsh words and one well placed whiplash of witches' fire, blue, electric, potent and alive, cutting across his lover's cheek.//

//"A flash of anger from deep within the depths of those amber eyes. "I HAVE TO!!!!" A retaliation of witches' fire, cutting across his chest. His brown eyes had widened in response.//

So long ago.

It felt as if the ages of man had passed away.

The suthainn ceangal blazed.

~And now again I've found myself So far down, away from the sun That shines the life away from me~

It blazed, hot like the fires of hell, and he had to hiss when the heat became too much. Became more than just heat, became pain. His eyes grew wide and tore away from the flames. He pulled the little amulet from underneath his shirt, fire light glistening over its surface.

There was a flash of something in the silver, and a movement of something in the gold. For a second he thought he was imagining things, that perhaps the wine had muddled his thoughts. But no--one learns in magick that nothing is coincidence, and he watched in dawning horror as a picture, a scene of life was slowly taking shape in the silver and gold surfaces of his suthainn ceangal

~'Cause now again I've found myself So far down, away from the sun That shines into the darkest place I'm so far down, away from the sun~

He saw Cal in the glistening surface--Cal. Beautiful, bright, blazing Cal, a Greek Adonis-- in the darkness of a room, somewhere in far away Widow's Vale, stepping from the shadows of a door way. His mouth parted, and he said something. He saw Selene, saw a brown haired girl and a blonde haired Seeker. He saw Selene release a dark spell, a powerful spell. Aimed at the girl. Saw Cal. Beautiful Cal. He cried out in turmoil. Saw Cal jump in front of the dark spell.

It was as if the wind had been knocked from his body, as suddenly the suthainn ceangal lit up like a thousand suns caught up in the final flare before their death. All shadow fled in its wake and even the fire burning in the fireplace could not match its light.

It felt as if his soul had suddenly been torn from his body, as if his heart had murmured one last resounding thump before stilling all together. His body shuddered convulsively, his vision went dark and his mind flashed with so many memories--he and Cal in Scotland, he and Cal at Yule, he and Cal in the garden, he and Cal making love.

And then the feeling was gone. And the suthainn ceangal went dark and lifeless in his hand.

Cal was dead. He knew with a certainty.

Cal was dead.

~That shines the life away from me To find my way back into the arms That care about the ones like me I'm so far down, away from the sun again~

Ciaran McEwain threw his wine glass across the room and watched it shatter into a thousand pieces.