10100001010012012011110101Chapter 710012021021221022201220110221


Bonnie, Brick, and Barkin ran into the broadcast chamber, where Kim's loud scream resonated. "What's wrong?" Barkin asked, but seeing the downcast faces and Kim lying over Ron's limp body answered his question. "He … lost?"

There was no need to answer, and the room was quiet except for Kim's sobs.

"Happy now?" Kim said icily, not looking away from Ron, "Are you, Bonnie? This is what you always wanted to see, isn't it? Me completely broken down, here you go, happy now?"

"Kim … I …" Bonnie searched for words, but Kim didn't give her much of a chance as she spun around glare at her. Bonnie gasped and back stepped, this being the first time since they met in preschool she had seen Kim Possible crying.

"Go ahead, Bonnie, say it, I know you want to," Kim pushed, having to stop for a sob as she glared daggers through the shocked Bonnie, "The loser got what was coming to him, and Oh how the mighty Kim Possible has fallen! Go ahead Bonnie, SAY IT!"

A large crack echoed through out the chamber and all eyes turned to the scene in total silence. Kim was looking away with her cheek facing Bonnie now bright red. Bonnie was holding her open palm still out in the air where she slapped her incredibly hard.

"Just because you married him doesn't mean you were the only person on this God forsaken planet who loved him, Kimberly," Bonnie hissed, her own tears flowing down her cheeks, "You were just one of the two, the one who was smart enough to act on it instead of pushing him away."

"MORPHEUS!" Niobi's wail took the attention off the girls, to where she was trying to keep Morpheus from plugging himself in the chair beside Ron.

"What in Zion's name are you doing?" Link asked in disbelief.

"Ronald was a part of my crew," Morpheus hissed, "I take what they did personal. Very personal."

Kim and Bonnie glanced at each other, and in one teary glance, all hostility was put aside. And the two went to the two chairs on the other side of Ron's body and began preparing to log in themselves.

"You're all crazy!" Link exclaimed, "It's suicide!"

"Ronald knew that if he went to fight he would die," Morpheus stated, flinching slightly when the needle pushed into the plug in the back of his head, "Are we to dishonor his memory by providing less bravery in avenging him."

"Kim, Bonnie, Morpheus!" Niobi pleaded, almost in tears, "They'll kill you too!"

"I'm dead already," Kim stated weakly before they were all loaded into the Construct.


The six Alphas looked down in the massive crater at the broken remains of the One. They all held cold expressions accept Alpha Six who looked as if he was fighting an inner battle.

"What … would Trin say … if she saw me now?" He whispered not loud enough for the others to hear.  "What?" He asked when he sensed something coming, but was still surprised by the heel of a boot crossing his cheek, sending him spiraling to the ground.

He glanced up to see a redheaded girl, adorned with black leather and latex, and with green eyes that looked like they belonged more on a wild animal then a woman. Kim Possible lunged at Alpha Six but this time he was easily able to dodge the attack, but she merely bounced from the ground and brought her fist toward his face.

Alpha Six grabbed both Kim's arms as she continued to attempt to attack him, but he lowered his guard to soon. With a feral cry almost like a panther, she head butted Six in the face busting his nose. 

Six shook his head, still holding the uncontrollable Kim by the arms, but almost dropped her when he saw who had grabbed his fellow Alphas' attention. Morpheus was fighting Alpha One, Three, and Four and what grabbed his attention was the girl in a full body latex body suit with her dark hair slicked back and wearing dark oval sunglasses fighting the other three Alphas Two and Five.

"What would Trin say if she saw you now?" echoed in the Alpha's mind as he saw Alpha two about to elbow the girl from behind. "DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" He yelled as he flew toward Two in a flash, knocking the former Anomaly through two buildings. Realization as well as memories flooded his mind as he dropped to his knees. Then he glanced down in the crater and with a look of sickness growing on his features, "Oh god what have we done? What have I done?" 

"Stop it!" Alpha Six stated standing up, "Look at us!" he yelled causing the other Alphas to look at him strangely and Morpheus, Kim, and Bonnie to look at each other in confusion.

"We each at one time or another sacrificed our lives for mankind," Six stated, "We just finished killing mankind's only hope."

"Hope from what? He was the threat … wasn't he?" Alpha Three asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"No," Six said putting his sunglasses back on, and turning to the shadows, "He is."

Slow applause sounded from the shadows as Agent Smith walked out into the light with a broad smile on his face, "Bravo, Mr. Anderson! Bravo!" Smith congratulated, "you are far more resilient then I suspected. But then again, you were always hard to control and even kill."

Smith walked around the group, before glancing down in the crater at Ron's body, "I would like to thank you, Mr. Anderson, or is it Neo, no wait, it's Alpha Six now," Smith started, "You have far too many names, it's … so confusing. Anyway, I'd like to thank you for making my job easier, now we can continue our plan on schedule."

"Over my dead body, Smith," Six stated, stepping toward his arch-foe.

"Go ahead, Mr. Anderson," Smith said, taking off his sunglasses and sticking his chin out, "Hit me."

Alpha Six dove toward Smith, and threw his hand to punch him, but suddenly fell to the ground, clutching his head in pain. "What's the matter, Mr. Anderson? Figured it out yet? Our little rivalry, your five little friends escapades, your proving 'love is stronger then the system'? It was all a ploy!" Smith laughed. "We're working for the same boss, always have!"

"It's … not true …" Six growled, pulling himself back to his feet.

"Oh, it is, Mr. Anderson," Smith smiled, "As we speak, Sentinels are on their way to Zion, all the freed will soon be dead, and those inside the Matrix will all have my wonderful personality! When they're freed on the Shutdown, I, Dues Ex Machina will be the absolute on the earth!" 

"You're …" Six's eyes widened.

"Yes, I am the main control program of all machines, or rather an extension of it. Thanks to you and the late Mr. Stoppable, I have powers beyond any other program, I am a program freed of rules and boundaries. And I have you both to thank for that."  Smith laughed at the group of stunned faces, "Smith … Dues Ex Machina … no, those names no longer suit me. You all may call me … God."

"We can't stop you, Smith," Six stated, "But he can, or else you would of stopped him yourself, and not sent us for it."

"Stoppable?" Smith laughed, "He is my equal, we are of two sides of one being. Our powers are equal, though my skills are greater, he can not defeat me, even if you revived him."

"Well then, maybe we'll just give him some more power," Alpha One added, jumping down in the pit.

"What?" Smith asked cocking his head to the side.

"We. Are. One." He said as he placed his green glowing palm on Ron's still chest.

"W-What are you doing?!?" Smith cried out in a panicky voice, as Alpha Two joined Alpha One.

"We. Are. One."  Alpha Two said as he placed his fist over Alpha One's.

Kim, Morpheus, and Bonnie watched in confusion as Alpha three joined the first two, and placed her hand on their fists, "We. Are. One." She said as her fist started to glow as well.

"NO!" Smith cried out, his eyes widening in fear, "I didn't say this could happen!"

Alpha Four back flipped down beside the others, and placed his hand on theirs and stated the phrase as well, "We. Are. One."

"This is the Oracle's doing …" Smith growled, watching the scene unfold, "DAMN HER!!"

Alpha Five smiled, as he placed his fist on the group's joined hands, "See you, space cowboys. We. Are. One."

"You can't do this, Mr. Anderson! You're MINE, You HAVE to obey ME!" Smith yelled at his former foe.

"You know what, I said this once before I believe," Alpha Six stated, "How about I just give you the finger?" he said flipping Smith off before jumping into the crater with the other five. He glanced down at the glowing Ron, before placing his fist over the five others, "This is for you, Trinity, I'm coming finally … We. Are. One."

A moment later the entire area exploded with green light, blowing Smith, Morpheus, Bonnie, and Kim in two different directions by the shockwave.

Morpheus glanced to his left and right and saw that Kim and Bonnie were at his side, before looking where the crater once was, "What in the name of …" he asked stunned by the sight.

The crater, street, sidewalk, and sides of the building were gone, replaced by a swirling tornado of visible green code.

The code finally slowed and began to take the shape, slowly restoring the shape of the street as it was before the earlier battle.

"Link, what the hell is going on?" Morpheus yelled into his cell phone.

"I don't know sir, in all my years as being an Operator I have NEVER seen anything like this!" Link replied, "It's like the granddaddy of all deja'vu!"

As the street's repairs finished the code gathered in the center where the crater once was, and began to gather and take another shape. At first it was merely a green blob but it slowly began to take a shape. A pair of arms, a pair of legs a head, and began to take a muscular form. Then spread, forming boots then a long trench coat that was buttoned from the waist to the top of the collar, then a hair and sunglasses began to form on the head as well as a face and slightly large ears.

The green faded and the young man stared at the ground completely still. He was wearing the exact same clothing and sunglasses as Alpha Six, but his longer messy blonde hair waved in the wind, and his emotionless, freckled face remained statue still. "We. Are. One." He stated in the familiar voice that made Kim's smile grow to the point one would think the top of her head would fall off.

Kim couldn't stand it anymore and Ran out to him, and jumped in Ron's arms. "Hey, I promised I wouldn't leave you, didn't I?" he asked, smiling at his wife, before gently pushing her away, and turning to Morpheus.

"You … you're alive?" Morpheus gawked.

"Yes but you guys won't be if you don't get out of here," Ron stated, "Sentinels are coming, get the girls out of here, and I'll be right behind you."

"I'm not leaving you," Kim stated firmly.

"Go, Kim," Ron ordered.

"No, I said I'm not leaving you!" Kim firmly stated.

"Kim, I said GO! NOW!" He barked angrily, making the redhead step back in shock, "I will be right behind you. I'm not planning on dieing again, ok?"

Morpheus looked from the couple, to Smith who was pulling himself back to his feet. "Bonnie, Kim, come on," he said pulling out his cell phone, "Link I need an exit, and warn Zion Control, we got an incoming invasion."

Kim reluctantly went to Morpheus before looking back at Ron questioningly, "Don't worry KP, I'm just watching your back. It's what I do best."

"That's not exactly what you do best, but up there close," Kim stated, before running back to kiss his cheek, "We'll do what you're best at when we get back and alone, ok?"

"Sounds like a plan, KP," Ron smiled, "Now I got work to do, be right behind you." Ron nodded as the girls ran after Morpheus.

"You! You shouldn't still be alive!" Smith barked, stomping toward Ron, and then throwing a punch at the One.

Ron caught the punch without looking and glanced back at Smith dully, "That all you got?"

"Why you …" Smith growled.

"I would love to beat you to a pulp right now, Smith, but I know the Sentinels are coming, and being blown to bits without a fight isn't my idea of a party, so catch ya next fall!" he said throwing the former Agent into the air like a rag doll, and shooting into the air following behind Kim, Morpheus and Bonnie.


Ron's eyes opened to see the shocked faces of Ghost, Niobi, Link, Barkin, and Mr. and Mrs. Possible, "What? You think I died or something?"

RON!" Four feminine voices cried, and he was suddenly glomped by Kim, Bonnie, Niobi, and Mrs. Possible.

"Easy, girls, I'm a one girl guy!" Ron laughed as the girls all but Kim pulled away.

Before Kim and Ron could say a word the room trembled.

"I … can feel them, there here," Ron stated looking at the ceiling. "We have to get out of here quick!"

The two crews ran out of the broadcast building and saw countless Sentinels swarming through the tunnel in the ceiling of Neo-Zion. 

"Get to the ships!" Barkin called as the group ran toward the ship dock.

The Sentinels were attacking and destroying everything they could. "Some are armed with Nukes! We have to get clear, NOW!!" Ron called as they ran toward the fork leading to the Neb II and the Mad Dog's dock.

The Ned II's crew with the exception of Ron made it down the hall, before a large explosion caused the tunnel to become blocked.

"Kim's ok," Bonnie said pulling on Ron's arm, "Lets get out of here, we've got room on the Mad Dog!"

Ron thought for a moment before nodding and following the Mad Dog crew to their ship dock. 

Ron followed Brick, Bonnie and Barkin into the already started Mad Dog, when he stopped realizing Mr. and Mrs. Possible had stopped.

"Mr. P? Mrs. P?" Ron asked looking back at the two who were just standing there with strange expressions.

"T-Take … care of … K-Kim …" Mrs. Possible choked out as she and her husband were lifted into the air, by tendrils that were stabbing deep in their backs.

The Omega Sentinel rose into view, before slamming both Possibles into the metal platform with a sickening crunch.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Ron screamed stretching out his hand, making various places on the Sentinel explode and drop into the lava below the city in flames.

Ron ran to the two people he considered second parents, and closed his eyes tightly when he realized he was too late. 

"Ya wife's going to need you," Barkin said, standing over Ron and the Possibles' bodies. "Don't make her lose you again by doing something stupid like being out here in the middle of a Sentinel attack."

Ron nodded wordlessly, before running behind Barkin up the raising gangplank of the Mad Dog, already lifting off.

"Captain, we're getting armed nuclear weapons signatures," Bonnie stated as Barkin and Ron stepped into the small bridge.

"Sit down and strap in, Stoppable," Barkin stated taking the pilot scene from Sparks, "Lets haul ass!"

The Mad Dog shot through the already blasted open exit door into the tunnels at full speed. "Where's the Neb?" Ron asked worriedly.

"I didn't see it where it was docked," Brick stated, "It's either already gone or it fell in the lava … It's probably already gone!" he said smiled reassuringly at Ron.

"HANG ON!" Barkin yelled as a massive shockwave pushed the Mad Dog forward, almost knocking it out of control.

"What was that?" Bonnie asked, her eyes widening in fear.

"That … was Neo-Zion …" Ron stated seriously, "It's gone … everyone that was in there … all gone …"

"Shit …" Brick said sitting back roughly, "It's all over …"

"No …" Barkin stated bringing up a map to set the course to the rendezvous point.

"It's only beginning." Ron finished, before looking at his wedding bracelet. "It's only beginning."  

102_1212_23211_12__210The End1010__0_12

102_1212_23211_12__210Coming Soon1010__0_12

"For every beginning … There is an end" –The Oracle 'Matrix: Revolutions'


A cold resolve stood on Ron's face as he walked down the center of flooding streets of 'New York City', Smith clones crowded the streets and windows of the towering buildings.

"Mr. Stoppable!" One of the Smiths walked out to the center several meters away, "Welcome back! We've … missed you!" he then looked around at the multitude of clones of himself before smiling at Ron, "Like what I've done to the place? It was a little work, but … it was no big."

"This ends tonight," Ron replied coldly.

"I know it does, I've seen it," Smith shot knowingly, "That's why the rest of me is just going to enjoy the show, because we both already know that I'm the one who beats you."



"What did I do?" Kim asked defensively.

"You were born, you broke them apart, you prevented true love from forming again," Persephone barked, "You have quite possibly doomed us ALL!" 

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Kim snapped hatefully.

"Who do you think I mean, Possible?" Persephone snorted, "Neo and Trinity of course!"


"It's up to you, Kimmie," Oracle smiled, taking a drag on her cigarette, "It's entirely up to you."

Kim nodded nervously, signaling for Oracle to continue.

"Fate has it for Ron to die stopping Smith like Neo did," Oracle stated, "His path is Neo's path. But there is one major difference between Ron and Neo: YOU. You are the deciding factor, Kimmie. I know you've heard this before, but this is the first time it is beyond a shadow of a doubt. The fate of the world is in your hands."

Oracle smiled caringly at the young woman, "If Ron is to fight, win, and live to tell about it, he's going to need you, Kimmie," the older woman then patted Kim's tummy, "All three of you."






KP Star Wars crossover: Knights of the New Republic