Jack and the Cheese man. Chapter 3: Hairy Moldy Cheese

Disclaimer: Jack, Sam, Daniel, General Hammond, Teal'c, Jannet and the SGC are not mine, however, the doomed cheese-man, the unknown voice and all of the Cheese-arians and their home world are.....Oh, and the hairy, moldy cheese in my fridge.

A/N: soz this took so long I was on holidays, oh and you might have notice that I've spelt "Hammond" - Hammon..... My computer was auto-correcting it!!!! I'll change it one day, maybe.

**** 5hrs later outside Sams lab ****


"SIR!, stop rolling up and down that corridor!!!" Sam yelled from inside her lab

"-eeeeeeeeeee..why?" Jack stoped infront of her,

"Because #sigh# I'm trying to save the world and your distracting me"


"Because it is really hard to concentrate with the noise you making"


"Sir, can you just grow up and act your age"


"Because if you don't I'll call security"


"Because I need to work"


She stormed over to the door and slammed it, then called security.

Jack (outside the door) "you wouldn't.....Would you?.....Carter?...Hey get your filthy mitts off me....Carter....help meeeeeeeeeee"

**** Briefing room some time later ****

"As you can see it's an extremely contagious and effective biological weapon" Sam stated to General Hammond (he being the only one around as the wheels on jacks chair had been taken off so he couldn't move[and no-one was about to move him..they just didn't care] and Daniel & Teal'c were still asleep in Hammonds office.) who was just nodding slowly

**** At some missile base ****

"Well the warhead is loaded with our most powerful weapon that will defiantly destroy the cheese-people" said Sam, not sure of what she was about to do,

"Fire at will" General Hammond commanded with a nod,

**** In the distance ****

Will "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" BOOOM

**** Back at some missile base ****

"Um, General..don't you mean fire at the Cheese-arians?" Sam questioned

"Yes, right, them too." - Hammond

**** On Cheese home world ****

Little cheese boy "Mummy, mummy, look" (points to sky)

Mummy cheese "What is that?" (there is a bright white light on the cheese home world . . . . . . . . . . . .)

**** 6 days later down a corridor at the SGC ****

Jack (now released from the chair) "sooo Carter, you never told us how you defeated the cheese people!!" (stepping ever so closer)

"Yeah, tell us the big ol' secret weapon" Daniel said so fast everyone (including the nurse from Chp 1) stoped a stared.

# Odd slow churning noise as peoples brains try to compute what Daniel just said #

Teal'c (slight shrug) "Indeed Major Carter - you have a story to tell"

A slow grin spread across Sams face "If you bunch of guys buy me dinner, I'm always having to buy you guys lunch and stuff"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes . . . . .STORY" - Daniel

"Well, ok," Sam gave in " It was quite simple really, all I had to do was find a compatible, opposite if you like, creature that was known to eat / destroy the dairy by-product that threatened this earth which reminded me of you refrigerator in your off-.."

"Carter" Jack said making a cutting action across his throat

"-ice...um. We sent them a mold bomb sir." She turned way and walked away from the dumb-struck boys grinning widly.

"What kind of story was that?" Daniel asked

**** On the now moldy cheese planet ****

Anonymous cheese-arian "we're molding. . . . . . . . . .. . ."