Hey everybody! I'm back...sorri it took me so long to update..didn't get a good idea for the next chappie til now..um..tons of thanx to:

vegita-dias, blaz, neptunegoddess062, watermelon (cute penname), Vampireninja, Chelsea, vy ngo, monkey girl, BabyTil14, New Fan, rin~sesshou, Glass Thorn, spirit element, FALLEN ANGEL 666 fallen angel 666 (lol), sakura-kero227, asemo, FANFICLUNATIC, KitKat07, Andraste, sweet- genie-16 (lol), marnika, Iden's Garden, and to people I felt I had to answer:

SessRin2003: Thanx! U always review my stories..i feel so special :)

Yuna: lol..i LUV that quote!

SoulAvenger: hah! thatz funni.yes....the evil men in white must be defeated...MUAHAHAHAHA!!

MirokuMinded: hey..she was SEVENTEEN when she left and it's been ten years, k?

Giggling lil elf: hey u always review my stories too! (of course) Sankies gle.

Disclaimer: Don't own it. If I owned it, I'd sell it. If I sold it, I'd buy it again. Then, the whole cycle starts aaall over again. Get the picture?

IMPORTANT A/N: THIS CHAP HAS BEEN SERIOUSLY, AND I MEAN SERIOUSLY REVISED. WE REALIZE THIS IS UNORTHODOX AND ALL THAT, BUT WE FINALLY CAME UP WITH A PLOT IDEA! AND THIS IS IT! SO THERE! SORRY FOR BORING YOU! and please don't hurt me O_O *dodges as various dirt clods, meat balls, and other assorted pieces of trash fly toward her*

To the people who reviewed my other 2nd chap, thax tons, but, hey, sorri.

giggling lil elf: *sigh* u r sooooooo weird gg...and ur one to complain, seein as u USE those reviews to "advertise" *sigh* lol

YamiSakura989: thanx ^_^, I think I'm blushin...sorri, but that chap had to go. Don't hurt me...

Lady Youkai: hey, u changed ur penname. nice! NOOOOO not the chipmunks!!!! (lol)

SoulAvenger: yea, lol ^_^

Maylia Intusha: yea, thatz y they're my fave ^_^, besides kurama/hiei of course...

BabyTil14: well, does this count as an update?

neptunegoddess062: does this count either? ur making me feel guilty ^^

~ Sesshomaru's POV ~

"Sesshomaru..." She whispered, reaching out to me, her eyes pleading. Pleading for what?

Oh, Kami, Rin...


"Sesshomaru-sama!" A voice interrupted my-dream? Yes, I suppose you could call it that, though I rarely sleep and when I do, it is almost never deep enough to actually dream.

It was a very peculiar dream though.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Foolish toad. He must know that I would be up already by now.

I walk to the door and open it. "What is it?"

"My lord! The whelp-Inuyasha! He has been seen on our grounds!"

Ah, yes. My filthy hanyou brother. I wonder what he is doing here. He never treaded so near my fortress so impudently before.

I toss on Toukijin and walk out the door, carelessly stepping over Jaken. He follows, like he always has, like she always used too...

I have grown soft, thinking of her so often now. I never used to have such weakness. Though truly...

~ Rin's POV ~

The figure falls to dust right in front of me and floats away in the breeze. Almost, I hear laughter, childish, mocking giggles. It must have been my imagination, thinking of Sesshomaru so.

Frowning, I turn away, determined to stop my foolish thoughts. Always of him. Why can't I forget?

I walk slowly, confident in the knowledge that no youkai but Sesshomaru himself could possibly defeat me. Though, if one would, I do not think that I would truly mind so much. Better a full death, than this half-life I now lead, filled with deaths of others, but not me.

I pass a few trees and turn sharply, and run straight into-

"Inuyasha!?" What is he doing here?

"Obviously, fool. Who are you?" Inuyasha looked at me, the same old hanyou, though with a new danger gleaming in his golden eyes. Really, he and his brother are not so very different, though I am certain both would try to kill, and/or injure and maim me deeply if I ever mentioned that thought to their face.

He frowned, trying to place me. "You look familiar. Hmm...you're Sesshomaru's human girl! What was your name again?"

I tried not to visibly flinch, hearing that. I shook my head, indicating denial. "My name is Rin." I said, carefully sidestepping the mention of Sesshomaru.

He nodded curtly. "Fine. Then show me where my *brother* is."

I ask, curious. "Why?"

He scowled. "Just take me to him!"

I sigh. "I really have no idea where Sesshomaru is. I suspect he's at his home."

Inuyasha eyed me suspiciously. "Why are you telling me this? I thought you were totally loyal to him?"

"Why is it so important that you need to see him?" I countered.

He scowled, pain visible in his eyes. "Kagome's ill. I-I don't know what to do. The healers have all tried, but-but...Damnit! I know she's not going to make it! I need-I need Sesshomaru's help." He trailed off, biting his lip.

"Really?" A smooth, and oh-so-familiar voice interrupted. "How very touching, brother-of-mine."

Sesshomaru! Was he real this time? I carefully schooled my face to be emotionless and kept my head facing the other direction, so that Sesshomaru wouldn't recognize me.

"I thought you would have made your wish to be full youkai, *brother,*" the last word was filled to the brim with acid.

"You thought wrong." Inuyasha said, fury in his eyes. But I knew he wouldn't do anything rash. Kagome's life depended on it, and I knew, even just from my memories of watching from afar, that he would do *anything* for her.

If only Sesshomaru could have been like that, too...But it's in the past now. And all I have to do is remember that.

"So, who's the new hanyou?" Another voice, which I remembered with cautious affection snipped. Jaken, my sometimes teacher, toy, punching bag, and once, friend.

"This? Don't you recognize her?" Now it was Inuyasha's turn to be mocking.

"It's your little human girl. *Remember?*" He smiled coldly.

Even from here, I could hear Sesshomaru's breath hiss.

"Do not play games with me, brother. Rin is dead. And has been so for ten years."

Dead? Do you mean all this time I-I just-ooooh! I couldn't help myself, I turned around. "Dead, you say?" I said, voice shaking. "Do I look dead to you? Do I?"

I never thought Sesshomaru could go paler, but he did. And for that matter, so did Jaken. And trust me, you have not seen ugly til you've seen an already ugly green blob try to turn white. It looks like mold growing on old, swampy dough. Yuck.

"Rin?" Sesshomaru said, gazing at me, in what? Awe?

"Rin..." Jaken said, smiling dazedly before collapsing in an awkward heap, still twitching at various intervals.

If I said time stopped for that split second, you would think it'd be corny. But stop time it did.

Sesshomaru looked the same as he did, of course. Still as painfully beautiful as he always was. I wonder how I looked like to him.

A dusty, dirty hanyou? Lower than him, even lower than Jaken? Kami, I hoped not.

He looked me full in the face. I have never seen him so furious. His eyes glinted with rage, and his mouth was twisted into a cruel scowl.

"So, Rin," he said calmly enough, though I could tell it was just a façade. "How *have* you been, these *past ten years?*"

I smile nervously. "Uh, Sesshomaru...?" This was not going at all the way I thought it would if I ever met up with *him* again! In fact, I was hoping, well not hoping of course, but planning, never to see him again!

"Later, Rin. We will talk later." It is a command, like he always used to give me. And I listen, because I do not wish to conduct a reunion in front of Inuyasha, who is eyeing us both with, amusement perhaps, confused, yes.

"What?" Inuyasha demanded. "I thought..."

"Yes. It is obvious what you *thought.*" It was almost gratifying to see that Sesshomaru's attitude toward Inuyasha hadn't changed a bit. It's one of those things that you always expect, such as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

"I need Tenseiga." Inuyasha said suddenly.

"Oh? Not satisfied with Tetseiga, you also want my Tenseiga too?"

"As if you ever used it," Inuyasha scoffed.

I fought to hide a sad smirk. Oh, but he did. For me. Me.

"Don't talk so to Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken again. He was always defending Sesshomaru from any given insult, most of which never existed.

Sesshomaru eyed Inuyasha for a bit, though his eyes occasionally flicked over to me.

"Very well. Come along, Rin, Inuyasha." He turned and walked away. Not very much like the old Sesshomaru I knew, but we all change. Some more than others. It had been ten years, after all.

Inuyasha scowled, and his hand fell to Tetseiga. He glared at Sesshomaru and if glares were Tetseigas, Sesshomaru'd be deader than Jaken after a bout with Toukijin.

He shook his head, defeated and followed. I stayed behind, a thoughtful frown on my face. This was, strange, at best.

"Rin." I almost smiled, fighting the urge to run up and grab Sesshomaru's arm, like I always used to do. Used to, used to.

But I followed, because...I don't know. I missed him. And still do.

~~~~~~~~ So, how'd u like? Okay, better? We hopes it's better anyways. if not, u have our deepest apologies...again...But I can't kno unless u review! So please do. ^^

A./N: BTW: I think I spelled the sword names wrong, but I'm not sure...If u kno 'em, tell me k? Later, ^_^