Summary: Years ago, Rin ran away from Sesshomaru and he never came after her. Why? Now she walks the line between youkai and human, untouched by either, feared by both. When Rin and Sesshomaru meet again, what will happen? Rather unoriginal I know, but please read anyway.'s the beginning section...just to give a little history on the yea.o and this is gonna be from Rin's POV and maybe Sesshomaru's too, later. Hope u likes! (an me hopes me gets more reviews on this one *pout*)


I had to change this chap a bit so I could write up the second chap better. sorri for all of ya that're waitin for it but writer's block *shrugs and smiles apologetically* I'm sooooooo sorri...expect the next chapter...uh....sometime not too long from now, heh. I'm pathetic.


"Sesshomaru! Look what I made!" I ran through the long, twisting halls holding a wreath of daisies. "Stop, human!" Jaken yelled after me, though I, naturally, ignored him.

I raced my shadow to his room. I won, barely. I stopped in front of his great wooden door, and knocked, waiting patiently for his soft voice to call me in. But instead, a moan came from inside. I knocked again. Was he hurt?

"Sesshomaru-sama?" The room was darkened as I opened the door and gazed inside, though I could still make out shapes. There was Sesshomaru-sama on the bed-and someone else! Two pairs of golden eyes gazed at me.

"Get out." Sesshomaru-sama said tightly, glaring at me. Pale, I did as he ordered, like I always did. Closing the door I stared unseeing at it. "Sesshomaru-sama....may you be happy." I whispered.

I fled, blushing furiously, though this should have come as no surprise to me. After all, he had been pressured to take a mate since Kami knows when. And why would the great Lord of the Western Lands want someone like me? More importantly, a Human like me.

I almost flew out the door to his castle. Run, my mind whispered, run. So I did. Sobbing, as if my heart was broken, which it was, I ran from my Sesshomaru-sama.

I thought, surely he'd come after me. He always had before, whether I was kidnapped or just running to pick flowers. But he didn't.

I ran for what seemed like forever, through the forest, out the meadows, until I at last stopped in a clearing, where I collapsed, unable to take another step. I lay there, for minutes, minutes that seemed to stretch into hours.

"Why are you crying?" a voice asked. I sprang up, and looked around frantically. A man stepped into view, unkempt and obviously drunk. "Just me, my dear. Don't be scared."

I stepped back. "Get away from me." He laughed, and lunged at me. I tried to run away but even drunk, he was still faster than me.

He grabbed me, pushed me on the ground. He tore my kimono almost off and gazed at me lecherously, his hot, putrid breath breathing in my face.

Sick to my stomach, I kicked and punched at him, all the while screaming for Sesshomaru, screaming for him to come and save me. But he never came.

A dull anger welled up in me, as my attacker laughed. "Your Sesshomaru- sama," he snickered the name mockingly, "isn't coming, precious. So just lie still and it'll all be over before you know it."

I sobbed breathlessly thinking I was done for. Then I noticed his sword, hanging by his side, unsheathed. I grabbed it, faster than I ever believed possible and stabbed him.

He collapsed, blood spilling out of his mouth and wound, on me. I pushed him off and retched to the side. Stumbling up, I gazed at the man, the man I just killed. Blood was everywhere. On me, on him, everywhere I looked. Red, dripping off the tree branches and the moon-man grinning at me, even until the blood covered him totally.

"No. No." I whispered looking around frantically until finally, "NOOO! Sesshomaru-samaaa!" I screamed. I don't remember anything after that but that was the day my life changed forever.

I was a demon hunter now, walking the line between human and youkai, neither yet both. How, I became so, I wasn't sure, but it didn't make much difference to me anymore. Immortal I was, strong and fast as a youkai, but truly belonging to a race that had only one other occupant that I knew of, Sesshomaru's brother - Inuyasha.

~To the Present (Rin's POV)~

I walked into the village, alone, as I always was. I caressed my staff lovingly, it always gave me comfort. "It's her." A voice said darkly. One glance in her direction and the woman paled and scampered away, like the pathetic human she was. It was hard to believe that these were the same people, who ten years ago, shyly but cheerfully led the Lord of the Western Land's little human girl around.

It was hard to believe that I was that little girl. I vaguely remember happiness and flowers. Smiles that I tried so hard to keep. But that wasn't me anymore. I walked around, looking at the various trading stations, ignoring the fearful silence that I had gotten used to.

I stopped in front of a jewelry stall. The merchant turned white and smiled weakly. "Good day, milady." He said. I picked up a pair of red dangly earrings, twin to the one Sesshomaru had given me all those years ago.

Sesshomaru. The very memory of the name made my face darken and the merchant to try to hide behind his puny little counter. The price wasn't bad for this type of quality. I inclined my head at the merchant. "An honest merchant at last." I said. My voice was husky from disuse, I had no one to talk to usually.

The merchant almost wet his pants in relief. Smiling scornfully, I took out a gold coin and placed it in his hand. "Youkai gold," he murmured, awed. "Thank you lady." He bowed deeply.

Then I left, taking the earrings and trying not to hear the sighs of relief all around, the mothers soothing their sons and daughters with 'it's alright, she's leaving.' and the whispers of 'Hanyou, a filthy hanyou.' which I ignored, having gotten used to them.

Walking to a hill I looked back and smiled sadly. How I wished that I could be like them again, happy, with a family. A strange family to be sure though, I remembered. Beating up Jaken, him trying to torch me, and Sesshomaru, always there, always watching.

I miss him still. I was happy then. I walk along the forest, his forest. I stop in front of a great fortress, what used to be my home. I gazed up at it. No matter how far I walked, I always ended up here.

A tear crept down my cheek. I wiped it away furiously. I turned my back on his home that was no longer mine, and walked away. To the same clearing where I was nearly raped, so long ago, or the place where I made my first kill.

I sat there, staff by my side, watching the trees and the ground. I picked a flower, stared at it, then crushed it between my fingers, though I instantly regretted it. Life was precious, even to such a small thing.

Sesshomaru. The name echoed through my mind. I had never heard of his mating with another, though I asked around many places. Maybe, it was all a mistake. Maybe I was the one who was at fault here. But then, who was in his room then?

I smiled sadly. It was over anyway. A tear trickled down, despite my best efforts, and then another, then another until I was sobbing. If only the people could see me now, the great youkai hunter, crying over none other than the most notorious youkai himself, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands!

Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. If I was as I used to be, I wouldn't have heard it but now, with my extra-sensitive senses, it was as loud as a dropping acorn in a silent forest.

I got up stealthily and leaned on my staff, ready to say the words that would set it off. "Who are you? What do you want?" A figure stepped out and I gazed at a pair of golden eyes that I thought I'd never see again.

"Sesshomaru..." it is, corny I second fanfic and a sessrin one at that.I'll hopefully put up the next Chappie right after this. And don't forget I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! SO REVIEW! REVIEW! *waving a knife frantically and flipping through the phonebook* MUAHAHAHA!! *still laughing maniacally as the men in lovely white coats bundle me up and send me away* I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! REVIEW! Lol...jk please! Or else...*holds up a knife and starts laughing again*

In the next chapter: What is Sesshomaru doing there? What will Rin do? What will happen? (actually I have no idea myself) and more! But only if you review!