Disclaimer: Did I tell you that my fish ate my snail? I swear! It's crazy!! Now the only thing I own is my 10 cent fish.

Authors Note: Yeah... how long has it been since the last update? Let's see, I last updated on 6-1-04, so it's been about a month. Well, seems like a long time, but considering I updated all my other fics too, it's not that bad. Anyway, I went back and revised all of my other chapters, and stuff, so check that out if you'd like. I feel like I've been writing a lot lately, mainly because it helps take my mind off my aunt. She just died a few nights ago from cancer, and I have to go to the funeral tomorrow. So, on a happier note, it probably won't be that long until my next update.

One more thing!! This is the first story that ever reached 6 chapters!! It's a miracle!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Chapter 6:

A little break from secret plans! Get jiggy with it!

"Somehow... I already knew that," Videl said gently, while reaching out to cup Gohan's neck in her hand. She averted her gaze from his eyes, feeling too much pressure and emotion in them. They were so close, and Videl noticed that when she scanned the area. He didn't reply, not able to find the words. She looked back into his eyes after a few long moments, and once again became captivated.

Somehow, she thought silently. What was her real reason for knowing? Or a better question is how she didn't know. She was blinded by something. A certain part of her that contained all of her doubt, had always secretly doubted her feelings toward Gohan. He cared for her, but he also cared for everyone else. That was the only doubt she had in her mind, even now.

He didn't reject her small advances, but he didn't show very much consent to them either. What if he only said that in a friendly way, and she was taking it to a whole different level? It would ruin their friendship, and a new type of bond would form... with any luck.

He was frozen. He couldn't move. She was actually letting her guard down for him. Yet all he could do was stare back at her. He begged himself to react, to close the gap between them, and tell her everything.

Why was that so hard? Why did her have to be so embarrassed? So confused? So scared of rejection? He wanted some of the bold nature his mother carried to be passed into him.

Was it worth a try? Was it worth a shot? Worth changing everything that was so perfect between them? Worth putting their strong and sturdy friendship in the balance?

All these questions that had no true, or definite answer. All the possibilities. All the consequences. All of the chances.


That's it. How much more of an opportunity do you need?! Gohan mentally noted. They were still staring back at each other, both waiting for the other to make a move. Then... the unthinkable happened!

"Hey you two! The food's almost--" Erasa said happily while opening the door. She stopped in her tracts when she say them. Gohan had jumped halfway across the room when he heard her voice, and was now seated on the floor. Videl had watched him as he leaped away, and fell back on the bed. She sighed heavily, both disappointed that she didn't get to make her move, and annoyed that people kept distracting them.

"Hi..." Gohan waved, the signature Son Grin on his face, and his hand scratching the back of his head.

"Did I... like interrupt something?" Erasa asked, her eyes wide.

Videl wanted to say "Only my life!" But decided to be polite. Gohan beat her to it.

"No, no, not really." He gulped under Erasa's quizzical stare, but lucky for him, she let it go.

"I'll just... leave you peeps alone then," she informed, and slowly exited the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Miracles really do happen!" Videl said, only loud enough for her and Gohan to hear. She took in a deep breath, then relaxed her lungs soothingly. It was silent for a little bit, neither of the duo knowing what to say or do. He got up off the floor, unsure of his next action. He turned to look at her when she began to laugh. "Wow... we really are going to be stuck with them aren't we?"

"Yeah... I guess we are," he said slowly, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Hey," Videl whispered. She got up off the bed and treaded over to him. He raised his eyebrows curiously, and she motioned for him to bend down slightly. He complied, and she stood on her tippy-toes to whisper in his ear, "Erasa's standing right outside the door isn't she?"

"Uh-huh," he answered, standing up straight again. She smirked mischievously.

"Let's have a little fun then..." Videl suggested in a quietly, her hands on his shoulders for support as she spoke into his ear. "We could really freak her out."

"How?" Gohan asked softly. Her smile grew massively.

"Oh! Yes, right there!! Gohan!" Videl faked a moan. His eyes got huge in shock.

"What are you doing?!" he demanded in a stern whisper.

"C'mon!!" she whispered back at him. Then she continued to make sexual noises, "Ahh... yessss.... oh!" She had to restrain herself from bursting out in giggles when she heard a gasp from the outside of the door.

"Oooo... ahh?" he said plainly. Videl sighed.

"That was so lame! I think I deserve more than that!" she whispered at him fiercely. She trotted back to the bed and sat on it. She started to bounce, and the bed springs squealed. "Oh yes!" She smiled over at him expectantly. He gulped.

"Oh yeah! Videl!! Ohh..." He walked over to the bed, and sat down next to her. She grinned at him.

"That was better," she encouraged in a near silent voice.

"She's gone," he informed, and sighed in relief.

"Aww... it was just getting good," she whined. Finally, Videl released all her giggles, and laughed hysterically.

"Do you think that..." he started.


"Do you think she'll tell my mom?" Gohan inquired, frightened that his death would come soon.

"No way! She knows better than that!" Videl assured him. "Get a grip!"


"What?! I told you that she won't tell--" she tried to explain, but he cut her off.

"Not that. It's my Saiyaman costume..." he started, noticing that the capsule he kept it in wasn't on his night-stand, where he always left it. "It's not here." He stood up alarmed, and rummaged through everything in his room.

"You're overreacting, it's got to be here somewhere," she said, watching him tear through everything in the room.

"I always, always, ALWAYS leave it there!" He pointed at the night-table. "Uh-oh..." he said again, realizing a new problem. "Where's Goten and Trunks?"

"I dunno..."

"They're not here. Not in the house anyway," he said, searching for their Ki.

"Then where are they?!" Videl demanded, jumping off the bed.

"Uh-oh..." he said once again.

"What this time?!!" she asked, afraid of his answer.

"They're in town... probably making trouble," Gohan told her. He sighed. "I have to go get them."

"No! You mean, we have to go get them," she corrected, a hopeful gleam in her eyes. He smiled.

"Right, let's go." He opened the window, and they both silently slipped out.

Erasa slowly exited the hallway that led to the bedrooms. She couldn't imagine what she had walked in on. She didn't believe her ears, and was going over what she had overheard while she was spying. Oh my goodness... she sighed as she thought about it, I would have never guessed that there would have been THAT much sexual tension between them...

"Hey Erasa," Chichi sounded at the end of the short hallway, breaking Erasa out of her rare mental activity. "Where's Gohan and Videl?" she quired after noticing that Erasa emerged from Gohan's room by her lonesome.

"T-They're --umm... uhh... they..." Erasa scrambled for some excuse of why they weren't going to coming. Erasa had to stiff a laugh when she thought about it. They won't be coming... It sounded oddly familiar with another word, with a completely different meaning... "They're--They're busy right now," she said, saying the only excuse she could think of. Yeah... they're gettin' busy. Once again, she had to hold back the laughter that threatened erupt from her mouth.

"Oh, what are they doing?" Chichi inquired, clueless to what was really going on.

"Umm..." Erasa had to restrain herself from blurting out "Each other"


"Homework," she answered with the first word she thought of. Yeah, teenagers do HOMEWORK all the time... when they're left alone in a room... with a bed, and their boyfriend or girlfriend.

"They're not going to eat?" she asked, a little disappointed that they weren't going to eat the food she prepared.

"No, they uhhh..." Erasa was running out of reasons and couldn't help but answer, "They're eating out right now."

"Like Taco Bell?"

"Something like that..."

"Welcome Great Saiyaman," a clerk at a restaurant greeted a staggering Saiyaman. "Feel free to eat as much as you like, on the house. After saving us from those robbers the other day, it's the least we can do."

"Thank you," a deep, scratchy voice answered from under the helmet of the costume. He walked over to the food stand, and filled as many plates as he could carry. He nearly fell over a few times before reaching the table.

"You're really heavy Trunks," Goten whined from inside the outfit.

"Be quiet," Trunks ordered, and motioned for a worker. Can I have some boxes, I'd like to take this out."

"Of course, right away sir."

Gohan and Videl took flight into the air after jumping out of the window. The sun was welcoming, it's hot rays streaming down from the clouds. They flew toward the city. Videl followed close by Gohan as he followed Goten and Trunks' energy. It gave them both some time to clear their minds and think.

The only thing both of them wanted was to be together. But, for some wild, and crazy reason they couldn't pull it off, no matter how many chances they were handed. Everything... it got to complicated. Why did it have to be so hard to confess your feelings to someone? They got their opportunities, and just a couple minutes ago, they got another.

This whole thing was a mysterious gift. If they couldn't be alone before, or were burdened by distractions, they were not any longer. They could fins Trunks and Goten, but then what?

Hopefully, by the time they get back from the small search and rescue mission, Erasa and Sharpner would be gone. That would mean peace. Ahh... how they missed peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. How they took it for granted.

Why couldn't they just run away together? They could. It was completely possible. The only problem was the doubt that the other felt differently.

Break a friendship, and build an intimate relationship in it's place. The friendship was still there. It was too strong. It had too much might. If it was broken, then maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to create something new.

Neither of them were willing to do that though. So much self-doubt. So little self-confidence. So much they lacked. So much they weren't willing to break.

The idea that your best-friend could become your lover in an instant is incorrect. There must be something that triggers it. Something that takes it to the next level of commitment. The next chapter in your life. Were they able to do this? Were they willing to do this?

They needed to put themselves in check, and see with their eyes open. They weren't seeing the whole picture. The border came too soon, and brought all their unsure ideas with it. They need to swallow all their negative emotions, and open their mind to a new emotion. Something neither had ever experienced.

It was like a roller coaster with them. They couldn't stay on the same elevation long enough to admit anything. Their emotions rolled up, down, left, and right. And they never touched the others'. If they were going to be a carnival ride, then they needed to be bumper cars, something that involved a little more contact.

Was it really necessary to be perfect? Was it possible? They thought that the other wanted perfection, that they expected it. So confused. So frustrated. So fascinated.

"You were wright Twunks," Goten managed to say with a mouth full of food. They had gotten all the food from the restaurant, and were sitting in the back of the mall strip eating.

"I told you it would work," Trunks said in an arrogant tone. Like father like son.

"Affderr we benish eating, we hould go ome," Goten said while taking another bite of a chicken leg.

"No..." Trunks started, and evil smirk on his face. "I have bigger plans."

Yeah... so, please review. I thought of something the other night... if you read and review one of my stories, I should go and read and review at least one of your stories... so that's what I'll be doing from now on.