Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. I don't make any money. That's all you need to know.
Fine Line Between Love and Hate
Chapter Twenty Two
Ali wasn't nervous until it came time to go to Leigh's and get ready for the wedding. Leigh, Trish, Amy and a couple of her cousins were helping her get ready.
She had little butterflies floating around in her stomach by the time she arrived. She had to take a deep breath before entering the house.
"Calm down," Amy told her friend. "He loves you; you love him."
"I know I'm just nervous, not scared. I'm nervous that things aren't going to go as planned," Ali said. She knew she was going to be obsessive compulsive about this wedding.
"Ali as much as I love you, you can't control everything. You and Randy are going to get married that's the important thing," Leigh told her friend.
"Thanks Leigh. Let's get this show on the road," Ali told her friends. She was going to keep herself busy so she didn't end up driving herself crazy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was ten minutes before the wedding was going to start. Ali was still locked in the bride room. She and the girls were putting the finishing touches their appearance. Leigh was he maid of honor, her cousins Kara and Jenna along with Amy and Trish were her bridesmaids and Lizzie was the flower girl.
"Okay," Leigh said. "You've got something old right?"
"Yeah, your grandma's ring," Ali said.
"Something new?" Amy asked.
"Yeah," Ali said gesturing to her dress and veil.
"Something borrowed?" Trish asked.
"Oh my God, I don't have anything borrowed," Ali said frantically.
"Chill, I thought you would forget something. This has been in the family forever. It's mine, but everyone who gets married has worn it. You can borrow it," Kara said holding a braclet. She put it on her cousin's wrist.
"Thank you. You saved me," Ali said maybe a touch melodramtically.
"What about something blue?" Jenna asked.
"The ribbon on my garter," Ali said.
There was a knock on the door. "Are you girls ready?" Bob asked.
"Yeah Dad, you can come in," Leigh said still playing slightly with Ali's hair.
Bob walked into the room and was breath taken. When Randy and Leigh were children he saw Ali as much as he saw them. She was always over at the house. She had beocome like a second daughter to him. He was honored that she asked him to walk her down the aisle.
" Thank you again Bob," Ali said hugging the man that had become like another father to her.
"Sweetie, I couldn't have said no. It hink you have a nervous groom to make breathless. He's going to be amazed when he sees you," Bob said. "Lets get this show going."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Randy stood at the front of the church nervously. He'd been okay until about five mintues ago. Now that his wedding was moments away from beginning he was sure he was going to go crazy if it didn't start soon.
Shortly the organ began to play and the bridesmaids began to come out. The moment was nearing.
When Randy saw Ali his breath caught in his throat. He knew she was gorgous, but he'd never seen her this beautiful. He hadn't seen anyone who looked as stunning as she did at the moment.
The ceremony was pretty standard. (Ali had to hold her breath when the lines speak now or forever hold your peace were spoknen.) The couple had decided to say a few words about each other before their vows.
Randy said, "We met in preschool. Well techically Leigh met you first,but I poured sand all over both your heads. You grabbed a hand full of sand and threw it back at me. That's when our friendship was born.
'We've seen each other through good and bad. We've hurt each other, but somewhere in our hearts we've always loved each other. It just took my parents interfereance to help us see that.
"I love you more than anything. I can't imagine the rest of my life without you in it."
Ali had to take a breath before she began. "It seems like ever since we were little you knew me better than I knew myself usually. You can always tell when to back away and when to keep pushing. It's annoying at times but it's also always made me feel safe.
"We've had our fair share of ups and downs. At times more downs than ups, but somehow we've found our way back to each other. Being here with you feels more right than anything in my life has. Being with you has made me feel complete."
They exhanged the traditional vows and were announced husband and wife.
"You look beautiful," Randy said while the photographer was setting up.
"You don't clean up so bad yourself," Ali joked giving him a kiss.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Randy and Ali's reception was absolutely crazy before the wedding party arrived. They knew there was more to come. They'd wanted a fun reception and it didn't look like their friends were going to let them down. After all they were only twenty four.
"I hope you know what you got us into," Randy told her.
"Your friends are weirder than mine," Ali reminded him.
The evening was a whirlwind. There was so much going on it was more like a party than a wedding reception. It was pretty cool.
There was a point in the evening that Ali and Randy were afraid that they were going to have to kick their guests out. It didn't come to that though it was pretty late when they left.
"You'll never know how much I love you," Randy said on the way home.
"Something says I will soon,"Ali told him giving him a kiss.
"I intend on showing you every way I can think of," Randy said before resuming the kiss.
There you go. It's all done. Randy and Ali made it through all the turmoil. Thank you all so much, especially my conistant reviewers. It kept me going and writing and posting. Hopefully there will be more from me soon.
Fine Line Between Love and Hate
Chapter Twenty Two
Ali wasn't nervous until it came time to go to Leigh's and get ready for the wedding. Leigh, Trish, Amy and a couple of her cousins were helping her get ready.
She had little butterflies floating around in her stomach by the time she arrived. She had to take a deep breath before entering the house.
"Calm down," Amy told her friend. "He loves you; you love him."
"I know I'm just nervous, not scared. I'm nervous that things aren't going to go as planned," Ali said. She knew she was going to be obsessive compulsive about this wedding.
"Ali as much as I love you, you can't control everything. You and Randy are going to get married that's the important thing," Leigh told her friend.
"Thanks Leigh. Let's get this show on the road," Ali told her friends. She was going to keep herself busy so she didn't end up driving herself crazy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was ten minutes before the wedding was going to start. Ali was still locked in the bride room. She and the girls were putting the finishing touches their appearance. Leigh was he maid of honor, her cousins Kara and Jenna along with Amy and Trish were her bridesmaids and Lizzie was the flower girl.
"Okay," Leigh said. "You've got something old right?"
"Yeah, your grandma's ring," Ali said.
"Something new?" Amy asked.
"Yeah," Ali said gesturing to her dress and veil.
"Something borrowed?" Trish asked.
"Oh my God, I don't have anything borrowed," Ali said frantically.
"Chill, I thought you would forget something. This has been in the family forever. It's mine, but everyone who gets married has worn it. You can borrow it," Kara said holding a braclet. She put it on her cousin's wrist.
"Thank you. You saved me," Ali said maybe a touch melodramtically.
"What about something blue?" Jenna asked.
"The ribbon on my garter," Ali said.
There was a knock on the door. "Are you girls ready?" Bob asked.
"Yeah Dad, you can come in," Leigh said still playing slightly with Ali's hair.
Bob walked into the room and was breath taken. When Randy and Leigh were children he saw Ali as much as he saw them. She was always over at the house. She had beocome like a second daughter to him. He was honored that she asked him to walk her down the aisle.
" Thank you again Bob," Ali said hugging the man that had become like another father to her.
"Sweetie, I couldn't have said no. It hink you have a nervous groom to make breathless. He's going to be amazed when he sees you," Bob said. "Lets get this show going."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Randy stood at the front of the church nervously. He'd been okay until about five mintues ago. Now that his wedding was moments away from beginning he was sure he was going to go crazy if it didn't start soon.
Shortly the organ began to play and the bridesmaids began to come out. The moment was nearing.
When Randy saw Ali his breath caught in his throat. He knew she was gorgous, but he'd never seen her this beautiful. He hadn't seen anyone who looked as stunning as she did at the moment.
The ceremony was pretty standard. (Ali had to hold her breath when the lines speak now or forever hold your peace were spoknen.) The couple had decided to say a few words about each other before their vows.
Randy said, "We met in preschool. Well techically Leigh met you first,but I poured sand all over both your heads. You grabbed a hand full of sand and threw it back at me. That's when our friendship was born.
'We've seen each other through good and bad. We've hurt each other, but somewhere in our hearts we've always loved each other. It just took my parents interfereance to help us see that.
"I love you more than anything. I can't imagine the rest of my life without you in it."
Ali had to take a breath before she began. "It seems like ever since we were little you knew me better than I knew myself usually. You can always tell when to back away and when to keep pushing. It's annoying at times but it's also always made me feel safe.
"We've had our fair share of ups and downs. At times more downs than ups, but somehow we've found our way back to each other. Being here with you feels more right than anything in my life has. Being with you has made me feel complete."
They exhanged the traditional vows and were announced husband and wife.
"You look beautiful," Randy said while the photographer was setting up.
"You don't clean up so bad yourself," Ali joked giving him a kiss.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Randy and Ali's reception was absolutely crazy before the wedding party arrived. They knew there was more to come. They'd wanted a fun reception and it didn't look like their friends were going to let them down. After all they were only twenty four.
"I hope you know what you got us into," Randy told her.
"Your friends are weirder than mine," Ali reminded him.
The evening was a whirlwind. There was so much going on it was more like a party than a wedding reception. It was pretty cool.
There was a point in the evening that Ali and Randy were afraid that they were going to have to kick their guests out. It didn't come to that though it was pretty late when they left.
"You'll never know how much I love you," Randy said on the way home.
"Something says I will soon,"Ali told him giving him a kiss.
"I intend on showing you every way I can think of," Randy said before resuming the kiss.
There you go. It's all done. Randy and Ali made it through all the turmoil. Thank you all so much, especially my conistant reviewers. It kept me going and writing and posting. Hopefully there will be more from me soon.